Lake is now calling herself the "duly elected Governor of Arizona. "

Sure you are. When we press you for EVIDENCE of that Kari lake is the 'duly elected governor of arizona', you start talking about BELIEF and offering accusations as evidence.

Accusations aren't evidence. Your belief isn't evidence. And Kari Lake failed utterly to factually establish that she was the rightful winner of an election she demonstrably lost.

Wallow in failure.
She said she is duly elected. Where is the post where I say it? The election in Maricopa was run like shit. She deserves another election. Fraud or not.
Yeah, all those judges are liars. Including those appointed by Trump.

So are Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas.

They're all liars, and you know The Truth.

I do believe that you believe that.
The CISA guy is definitely a liar.

Definitely, unquestionably, no doubt about it.

And if he is, there's no reason others can't be too.

But that's not the issue. You don't understand how the courts work. They can't (and won't) hear statistical evidence, which so far is the only thing the righties have brought to court

However this guy Alldredge in Wisconsin is a whole different barrel of monkeys. If anyone finds a Wisconsin ballot with his name on it THAT would be actionable in court, and they wouldn't be able to throw out the case.
If you remember, there hasn't been a shred of evidence showing that election was stolen.
Yes there has. TONS of it. University professor type mathematical experts have examined it and concluded there were unexplainable statistical anomalies. Your refusal to acknowledge them makes you a willfully ignorant leftard lemming.
Seeing serious fraud is not a mental problem. It is an every election occurrence from here on.
You need to be in the same building with her, because neither one of you has found any fraud. Both of you are liars.
Lake is an opportunist. She's making a calculated, rational choice to forward lies and conspiracy because it benefits her personally.

Her followers are rubes that she uses for her attempts at power. Their addiction to conspiracy is both sad and it doesn't benefit them in any way. And you can't use reason or evidence to convince people that have no use for either.
Yes there has. TONS of it. University professor type mathematical experts have examined it and concluded there were unexplainable statistical anomalies. Your refusal to acknowledge them makes you a willfully ignorant leftard lemming.

And they've been contradicted by other mathematical experts who shred the analysis of the first, pointing out numerous fatal flaws and a stunning lack of evidence to back it.

Trump lost because he was an unpopular president in the midst of a struggling economy. No ridiculously complicated and exotic batshit crazy conspiracy necessary.

Just plain, old, boring reality.

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