Large Group of African Women Beat 17 Year Old Chili's Hostess

Where did you get that the group that attacked her, were black????

Don't interrupt racists when they're having a circle jerk!
Ya... your RRRAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYCIIIIST crap has totally run out of steam, dumbass. I guarantee you, no one here gives a flyin' FUCK who you call RRRAAAAAAAYYYYYYCIIIIST. You've BURNT THAT WORD OUT, idiot.

If the foo shits.

You people are scum.
Ya, whatever, buckwheat, you're all stupid, violent animals.

Black piss ants with no pants
Future brain surgeons unless police tragically intervene

Every single one of them, was going to go to college, get a good job to support their multiple babies and baby mamas, before whitey held them back.

Whitey also made them wear their pants belted at the knees, I suppose.
I wonder what would've happened if the hostess had not pushed the girl who decided to make the first physical move.

God bless you and the hostess always!!!


P.S. The write up says that the hostess doesn't plan on staying with that job. I can't blame her, but at the end of the day, what she is trying to run from may be something that no one can hide from, may she have better luck at her next job any may her medical bill be paid for by the company that she no longer works for if the perpetrators are never found to foot the bill instead.
WTF??? Does this even make fucking sense?
Blacks are a very agressive race of people. Violently agressive. Which is why I am considered a racist.....I avoid them at all costs now. Going back many years, there was no problem. Nowadays? They have let loose their wildness and hatred. So no thanks.
Why do certain people get in a frenzy when a crime is committed by a minority but are strangely silent about crimes committed by white people. What race was Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dalmer, the Las Vegas mass shooter, the El Paso mass shooter..well you get the idea.
Oklahoma city bombers too! :eek:
Why do certain people get in a frenzy when a crime is committed by a minority but are strangely silent about crimes committed by white people. What race was Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dalmer, the Las Vegas mass shooter, the El Paso mass shooter..well you get the idea.
And what happened to those white killers? White people killed them off and there were no white people rioting because the poor little criminals were beaten up and then killed off. Did anyone whine that the Las Vegas mass shooter died while the police were in the vicinity? See any riots over criminals rights then? Hear any calls about the cops needing to be investigated for the "mysterious" death of the white criminals?
Why do certain people get in a frenzy when a crime is committed by a minority but are strangely silent about crimes committed by white people. What race was Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dalmer, the Las Vegas mass shooter, the El Paso mass shooter..well you get the idea.
Sure ok white people kill. What would you expect when a group of people makes up 65% of the population
But I would expect a lower percentage of murders coming from a racial group that makes up around 20% of a nation's population. But that just isn't the case.
Ummmm, because the media didn't immediately declare a hate crime had occurred.

if a group of white women had beaten the girl up skon color would have been part of the headline and all over the lib news media
Why do certain people get in a frenzy when a crime is committed by a minority but are strangely silent about crimes committed by white people. What race was Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dalmer, the Las Vegas mass shooter, the El Paso mass shooter..well you get the idea.
Oklahoma city bombers too! :eek:
And he died too -- MANY YEARS AGO. Why do you bring this up in CURRENT events? Did whites ignore that crime somewhere, or was it all over the news for YEARS?

More DISTRACTION by the left
Due to covid restrictions no more than 6 could sit together. The water buffalo were outraged and beat the girl senseless.

The hostess is also black. Black on black crime.

So was she hospitalized due to covid?

Do they sell chicken?
I think we need to put a banned on chicken sales. It is the main cause of Black on Black crimes.

Tell me these buffoons are INTELLIGENT people... they act like violent cave people.

Send them back to the freakin' jungle. They're not suitable for modern, peaceful society.
Is this a great country or what? Donations for the 17-year-old victim who was working for funds to pay her college expenses will enable her to attend college with little financial worry if any. She may even have enough for a new car.
Is this a great country or what? Donations for the 17-year-old victim who was working for funds to pay her college expenses will enable her to attend college with little financial worry if any. She may even have enough for a new car.
Holy crap, I just checked. Over $69,000 raised so far.
Is this a great country or what? Donations for the 17-year-old victim who was working for funds to pay her college expenses will enable her to attend college with little financial worry if any. She may even have enough for a new car.
Holy crap, I just checked. Over $69,000 raised so far.

So how much bling did Saint Trayvon's parents get as a reward for raising a violent thug? Reckon Floyd's family will get big bucks? $65K is nothing, plus she will need to hire security to protect here from hood rat nation and your BLM heroes.

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