Larry Elder - Need more?

We've had many, snowflake. Can't get 'em elected though because you racists on the left won't vote for black man.

When has a black candidate for president made it through the conservative Republican primaries? You had one guy and Trump helped end him for good.
Looks like the recall lost in a land slide. It's not even anywhere near close and another big loss by a state political party that has been inept for a decade. What Newsom will most likely do is treat this like a mandate as though he won reelection. Considering how lopsided the recall was this could end up saving his political career.
Those were his qualifications. They thought they were enough and of course,
I don't know who he was running against. I don't think he got in on star power charism.
Still failing to answer my question.
When has a black candidate for president made it through the conservative Republican primaries? You had one guy and Trump helped end him for good.
WTF? In 2012 we had Herman Cain and in 2016 we had Dr. Ben Carson.

One can always count on the uneducated left for misinformation.
Me! I’ll bet you that ultra-liberal California will once again show their true racist stripes by not electing Larry Elder simply because of his skin color.

Remember…you have to leave the site. You set the bet asshat.
Uh buh-bye MarcATL! You set the bet. Don’t come back.

Ultra left-wing California once again showed their true racist stripes.
Considering how lopsided the recall was this could end up saving his political career.
Happy-Joy just accidentally admitted that Gavin Newsom is a fucking disaster. If he wasn’t, there would be nothing to “save”.
Looks like the recall lost in a land slide. It's not even anywhere near close and another big loss by a state political party that has been inept for a decade. What Newsom will most likely do is treat this like a mandate as though he won reelection. Considering how lopsided the recall was this could end up saving his political career.

Only a leftist could walk in front of a moving bus to see what it feels like to get hit by one, get out of the hospital, and walk in front of another moving bus.
How does this recall not work in Newsom's favor?

It worked out great for him--bad for the citizens of that state. It will continue it's decline and perhaps get much worse. When you see your state with such major problems led by a clown in the Governors mansion, and vote to keep him, it's like my comparison of the guy that walks in front of the moving bus. You voted for failure and misery. Not very bright, is it?
Still failing to answer my question.
Just because you do not recognize qualifications on a resume, does mean they don't exist.
California is a mess and has been for a long time, not just Newsom's time, probably or at least arguably no worse than before he came into office. It is California, they like what they like. I don't live there, so don't really care, regarding the state as a curiosity and possible vacation destination to visit.
For all it's strange largely liberal population and ideas of what they think it should be like living in America, they are still the 6th or 5th largest economy on the whole planet. That is a really big, friggin business. You don't hire some right-wing, 33 year radio talk show host as CEO who has never run a large organization or been elected to anything serving the public to do that, with the primary being the current CEO throws a birthday party for invited guests in the middle of a pandemic, although the double standard reeks to high heaven.
Conservatives stockholders would never hire that person to come in off the street and run their major corporation. The whole idea was more stupid than the nuttiest liberal idea Californians ever came up with. Why not just get a bagger from Kroger? It would make as much sense. You simply chose the wrong guy, again, and invested your hopes and dreams, without regard to reality.
It worked out great for him--bad for the citizens of that state. It will continue it's decline and perhaps get much worse. When you see your state with such major problems led by a clown in the Governors mansion, and vote to keep him, it's like my comparison of the guy that walks in front of the moving bus. You voted for failure and misery. Not very bright, is it?
California has a very tough future. Drought and water shortages as the result of overpopulation and even more climate change for which this country is doing absolutely next to nothing about. However the state has managed the COVID crisis pretty well given the size of the population. The coast's real estate is beyond expensive due to a lot of wealthy Californian's buying up property that their real estate market only has one direction to go. People often migrate from populated states, it's a natural occurrence and I wouldn't expect anything different for California. Thankfully they don't have to work with a new governor who doesn't appear to understand any of this and would turn California's COVID response into something akin to Florida and Texas who are both worse off per capita.

Not an easy state to govern and it has nothing to do with liberal politics.
Trump shouldn't have held maskless super spreaders, certainly not before the vaccines came out.

Yes, it's so anti-American to allow people to make their own decisions. I don't know of one Trump event where masks were forbidden. It was Cain's choice whether he wanted to wear a mask or not just like it is every single American. I know the left thinks otherwise, but we are all responsible for our own actions.
California has a very tough future. Drought and water shortages as the result of overpopulation and even more climate change for which this country is doing absolutely next to nothing about. However the state has managed the COVID crisis pretty well given the size of the population. The coast's real estate is beyond expensive due to a lot of wealthy Californian's buying up property that their real estate market only has one direction to go. People often migrate from populated states, it's a natural occurrence and I wouldn't expect anything different for California. Thankfully they don't have to work with a new governor who doesn't appear to understand any of this and would turn California's COVID response into something akin to Florida and Texas who are both worse off per capita.

Not an easy state to govern and it has nothing to do with liberal politics.

The state is losing more people than moving in. Same with businesses. Population has nothing to do with water shortages.

We aren't doing anything about climate change? Funny, I'm 61 years old and I remember us doing things since I was a child. We've dumped trillions of dollars into this farce global warming since, and you people are more pissed of today than you were 55 years ago.

I have to laugh when I talk to you people, because I picture a classroom of kids in about 150 years or so from now. The teacher tells the children back in the early 2000's, man thought they could control the climate, and the class bust out in laughter the way we did when our teacher told us man at one time thought earth was flat, and if you walk too far, you will fall off the edge.
Yes, it's so anti-American to allow people to make their own decisions. I don't know of one Trump event where masks were forbidden. It was Cain's choice whether he wanted to wear a mask or not just like it is every single American. I know the left thinks otherwise, but we are all responsible for our own actions.

So how did Cain's choice work out for him?

Though in most cases Americans should make their own choices, supporting Trump is clear evidence of psychological disorders. It's questionable whether trump supporters are competent to make their own decisions.

After all, the questions of wearing masks and getting vaccinated isn't really a choice, it's more of an I.Q. test!
Yes, it's so anti-American to allow people to make their own decisions. I don't know of one Trump event where masks were forbidden. It was Cain's choice whether he wanted to wear a mask or not just like it is every single American. I know the left thinks otherwise, but we are all responsible for our own actions.
He's dead. Because of a Trump super spreader.
The state is losing more people than moving in.

Yes, I mentioned something about this in my post. duh.

Same with businesses. Population has nothing to do with water shortages.

Populations have a lot to do with water shortages. California has to share water with Nevada and Arizona, both of those states also have water shortages (among others) and growing populations make the problem worse. Climate change of course is another huge problem.

We aren't doing anything about climate change? Funny, I'm 61 years old and I remember us doing things since I was a child. We've dumped trillions of dollars into this farce global warming since, and you people are more pissed of today than you were 55 years ago.

I said were doing 'next to nothing' which translates to very little/not enough. Please don't add or remove words that you claim I have said.

How much money was dumped into fighting climate change in the 60s and 70s? You made a claim, I'm curious what that dollar figure is.

I have to laugh when I talk to you people, because I picture a classroom of kids in about 150 years or so from now. The teacher tells the children back in the early 2000's, man thought they could control the climate, and the class bust out in laughter the way we did when our teacher told us man at one time thought earth was flat, and if you walk too far, you will fall off the edge.

We already know we have. Throw a lot of carbon dioxide in the air this world hasn't scene in 500 million years? What do you think will happen?

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