Larry Elder - Need more?

You got me there. He didn't do just fine. He ended up being the best President since Reagan.
Well, that's not saying much. But no, he didn't even come close. A President's job is to lead the nation. Trump led Trumpsters, and delighted in offending everyone else. He was a troll, a media whore and an idiot. Glad he's gone.
Hop in Larry.

Loser car.jpg
Well, that's not saying much. But no, he didn't even come close. A President's job is to lead the nation. Trump led Trumpsters, and delighted in offending everyone else. He was a troll, a media whore and an idiot. Glad he's gone.

Of course you are. Now you're paying a buck more per gallon for gasoline, Biden created the most well armed fundamentalist terrorist group in the world with your tax dollars, our border is a complete mess with people coming here from over 100 different countries spreading God knows what new variant of Covid, besides the border being in the worst shape it's been in 20 years, inflation is also the worst it's been in that time as well, we have severe labor shortage with an unemployment rate well over 5%, but at least you don't have to read meanie Tweets anymore.

Then people wonder why our founders seriously considered not allowing all citizens to vote.
For the most part? Yes. I'm probably more fiscally conservative than Newsom but his social views are my own.
Newsom was a very successful businessman on top of years of practical experience in governing.
Larry? - a RW squawk radio kook.
Well, I was asking White6. Your leanings are clear.
Financial investment company, and at least 11 other various companies including a wines store that got him interested in politics, as he was fighting city hall and the health department. At least one of his businesses grew to 700 employees. He sold his interests in his San Francisco businesses when he ran for and was elected mayor. He campaigned for Willie Brown in 95 and took a seat on the Parking and Traffic commission and was later elected president of the commission. Got appointed as the youngest member of San Francisco's Board of Supervisors. I have no idea what effect he had there between then and 2003, but it is a liberal city, and they thought he was pretty and elected him Mayor. He had experience. My view from the outside is he lacks judgement and that is how he got himself into this recall thing. His fault, in my opinion from 2000 plus miles away.
I am aware of his resume...I am also aware that his constituants elected him...But that fails to answer my question.
It appears that we can expect this for a while. They lose, it must have been rigged. They win, everything was peachy.

I wonder how long voters will put up with this.

Hey it's want to stop being accused of rigging elections? then stop doing shady shit to win....
Any rightwingers want to bet on tomorrow's vote? The price is the membership on the site.

Any takers?

I'll bet the Dems cheated.

Prove me wrong - likely by parroting the words "false" and "baseless" endlessly while opposing any and all attempts to AUDIT or INVESTIGATE
Cool - need more of Stephen Miller too? COVID incompetence?? How about not accepting the results of tomorrow’s recall vote??? All here - Njoy! :rolleyes-41:

Always said goofy Gavin had nothing to worry about fruit and nut land CA is way off the deep end. But its nice to see left wing whackos go nuts about Elder.
How are we ever going to change this country when we elect the same kind of people over and over again; professional politicians. When the ship is sinking, try any solution that has the possibility of working because you have nothing to lose. Trump had no political background, and neither did Arnold. Yet they were both able to do the job just fine. Our founders never required any "experience" to be President because they did indeed want average people to take the job.
The ship isn't sinking. You hear this every generation, going back in every country to the beginning of time and here we are in this country 250 year later and we ain't out of history yet either. I don;t know about Arnold in California, but I thought Trump in Washington sucked, so I vote against him, like most people did. You can hire jacklegs to work on stuff around your house or on the car, but that does not mean it's a good idea. If they want to work on cars, with no training or experience you will flat screw up your business hiring him to be your head mechanic. I have use prior training and experience as important criteria in every hiring decision I ever made and worked out well for me and the organizations I worked for. On paper, I'm a pretty smart guy, but I didn't start out as a plant manager. I tended toward people with training, of good character and even temperament as they would be working in groups. I look at politicians, much the same way. I could hire anybody I wanted, but knew I was going to be held somewhat responsible for whatever they did. Your experience really much different?
I am aware of his resume...I am also aware that his constituants elected him...But that fails to answer my question.
Those were his qualifications. They thought they were enough and of course,
I don't know who he was running against. I don't think he got in on star power charism.
The ship isn't sinking. You hear this every generation, going back in every country to the beginning of time and here we are in this country 250 year later and we ain't out of history yet either. I don;t know about Arnold in California, but I thought Trump in Washington sucked, so I vote against him, like most people did. You can hire jacklegs to work on stuff around your house or on the car, but that does not mean it's a good idea. If they want to work on cars, with no training or experience you will flat screw up your business hiring him to be your head mechanic. I have use prior training and experience as important criteria in every hiring decision I ever made and worked out well for me and the organizations I worked for. On paper, I'm a pretty smart guy, but I didn't start out as a plant manager. I tended toward people with training, of good character and even temperament as they would be working in groups. I look at politicians, much the same way. I could hire anybody I wanted, but knew I was going to be held somewhat responsible for whatever they did. Your experience really much different?

If you ran a company the way you elect politicians I'd be surprised if the place stayed open for a year. Successful businesses don't hire people based on personality unless it's a sales job. They hire people based on their history and abilities.

Look at the mess we are in today. Our border a crisis, 13 unnecessary deaths of our military, gasoline up 30%, a labor shortage amid an over 5% unemployment rate, inflation we haven't seen in 20 years, Biden created the strongest military of any terrorist fundamentalist group in the world, and all they talk about is going in debt for more Democrat pork. And guess what? It's only been 8 fucken months.
If you ran a company the way you elect politicians I'd be surprised if the place stayed open for a year. Successful businesses don't hire people based on personality unless it's a sales job. They hire people based on their history and abilities.

Look at the mess we are in today. Our border a crisis, 13 unnecessary deaths of our military, gasoline up 30%, a labor shortage amid an over 5% unemployment rate, inflation we haven't seen in 20 years, Biden created the strongest military of any terrorist fundamentalist group in the world, and all they talk about is going in debt for more Democrat pork. And guess what? It's only been 8 fucken months.
"I tended toward people with training, of good character and even temperament as they would be working in groups." It lasted a lot longer than 20 years and, the company is still there, even if our branch isn't, but it certainly didn't go away because we were in the top ROI branches in the company.
You are off the deep end Ray. Nobody has been impressed with the border situation for 40 years.

There is no rationalization of 13 dead Marines, but it wasn't because of the President, it was because they were Marines doing their duty, carrying out their assignments for their country with a terrorist bomber in their vicinity. It is a dangerous damn job, but at the same time, they were part of a group that moved out 110,000 to 120,000 civilians (ours and foreign) and maybe 6,000 troops in 2 or 3 weeks, and now we will not lose any more troops in that country, as we are out of there. It needed to be done and it was done.

Strongest military out of terrorist fundamentalist, is a big overstatement, too. True they got thousands of weapons, mostly from the Afganis Army, only fired in training and only dropped once, as they headed for the borders, literally thousands at a time. If you want to blame Presidents, blame Bush for letting the mission creep from getting Bin Laden to nation building (something we show "zero" talent for, and Obama for not moving the troops out of the country when the original mission was accomplished, way back when he was President. I can tell you, it would have been messy back then and for any time in the future.

I think he came into office knowing and promising it would be done and knowing it would be no better near the end of his term, than the beginning, yet not as fresh at election time, than if he had waited for year 3 or 4 of his administration. I am glad we are out. Would you vote for somebody to take us back?
"I tended toward people with training, of good character and even temperament as they would be working in groups." It lasted a lot longer than 20 years and, the company is still there, even if our branch isn't, but it certainly didn't go away because we were in the top ROI branches in the company.
You are off the deep end Ray. Nobody has been impressed with the border situation for 40 years.

There is no rationalization of 13 dead Marines, but it wasn't because of the President, it was because they were Marines doing their duty, carrying out their assignments for their country with a terrorist bomber in their vicinity. It is a dangerous damn job, but at the same time, they were part of a group that moved out 110,000 to 120,000 civilians (ours and foreign) and maybe 6,000 troops in 2 or 3 weeks, and now we will not lose any more troops in that country, as we are out of there. It needed to be done and it was done.

Strongest military out of terrorist fundamentalist, is a big overstatement, too. True they got thousands of weapons, mostly from the Afganis Army, only fired in training and only dropped once, as they headed for the borders, literally thousands at a time. If you want to blame Presidents, blame Bush for letting the mission creep from getting Bin Laden to nation building (something we show "zero" talent for, and Obama for not moving the troops out of the country when the original mission was accomplished, way back when he was President. I can tell you, it would have been messy back then and for any time in the future.

I think he came into office knowing and promising it would be done and knowing it would be no better near the end of his term, than the beginning, yet not as fresh at election time, than if he had waited for year 3 or 4 of his administration. I am glad we are out. Would you vote for somebody to take us back?

It has nothing to do with taking us back. Under the last 18 months of President Trump, not one military person was injured or killed. He told the Taliban if they didn't want holy hell to reign down on them, they better make sure they do everything they can to assure no American injuries or deaths. It only took Dementia 7 months to have 13 killed.

Quit trying to share the blame among Bush, DumBama or Trump. We're talking about the disaster this moron created now. Trying to credit Dementia with the removal of Americans is like trying to credit the arsonist for putting out a fire he started. In fact it's now ex-military men and women who are evacuating the Americans this moron carelessly left behind.

Yes, Dementia created the strongest military terrorist group in the world. Who is stronger now when they have 83 billion dollars of our military equipment?

Trump's plan: Remove all American civilians before doing anything. Remove all Afghan aids that helped us out these last 20 years. Remove or destroy all US military equipment after the Afghan military fled. Finally last but not least, remove our military personnel.
Elder is just another deranged NaziCon! Go Newsom!

It's a win for us ether way. If Newsom stays in, the state will continue to spiral down the shithole. If Elder gets in, improvements and attempted improvements will be made demonstrating the vast difference between Democrat and Republican leadership.
It has nothing to do with taking us back. Under the last 18 months of President Trump, not one military person was injured or killed. He told the Taliban if they didn't want holy hell to reign down on them, they better make sure they do everything they can to assure no American injuries or deaths. It only took Dementia 7 months to have 13 killed.

Quit trying to share the blame among Bush, DumBama or Trump. We're talking about the disaster this moron created now. Trying to credit Dementia with the removal of Americans is like trying to credit the arsonist for putting out a fire he started. In fact it's now ex-military men and women who are evacuating the Americans this moron carelessly left behind.

Yes, Dementia created the strongest military terrorist group in the world. Who is stronger now when they have 83 billion dollars of our military equipment?

Trump's plan: Remove all American civilians before doing anything. Remove all Afghan aids that helped us out these last 20 years. Remove or destroy all US military equipment after the Afghan military fled. Finally last but not least, remove our military personnel.
When you are on the way out, all bets are off. It also looks like your numbers are off. Here are the number of US military casualties in Afghanistan 2017 to now.

Would you have preferred we had 60 troops die there during the Biden years, as in the Trump years?
I am not blaming trump. He was a political tool. He talked about pulling them out, but never in his wildest dreams acted on it, just as I never expected he would. For the military industrial types it was worth about a $100 Billion Dollar$ a year to keep those casualty numbers up with no end in sight. Good business is where you find it, at anybody's expense.

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