Larry Elder - Need more?

Yes, I mentioned something about this in my post. duh.

No, you said California has a water shortage because of their growing population. duh!
Populations have a lot to do with water shortages. California has to share water with Nevada and Arizona, both of those states also have water shortages (among others) and growing populations make the problem worse. Climate change of course is another huge problem.

You didn't say that. Those other states are actually growing in population.

I said were doing 'next to nothing' which translates to very little/not enough. Please don't add or remove words that you claim I have said.

How much money was dumped into fighting climate change in the 60s and 70s? You made a claim, I'm curious what that dollar figure is.

Who knows what the dollar figure is since all climate change costs are intrinsic in everything we buy. For instance I'm a retired truck driver. During the Bush years, they inflicted billions of dollars of climate change crap on the industry. The cost of trucks alone went up 10K because of all the pollution bullshit they had to put on trucks. They forced them to use DEF (Diesel Emission Fluid) and that came with a host of problems. They forced fuel companies into making lower sulfur diesel fuel. Before that, diesel was a buck less or so a gallon than gasoline. After the regulation went in place, it was a dollar more than gasoline and still is higher than gasoline today.

Then comes the cost to maintain and repair all this shit. Years ago you bought a truck and outside of routine maintenance, you didn't need a mechanic until over 75,000 miles. With the new trucks, they break down constantly, and nine times out of ten it has to do with some pollution gadget gone haywire.

You see, billions of dollars of unnecessary costs that we and other companies had to pass on to our customers who make the products you and I buy in the store every time we go shopping. There is no way to calculate those costs of DEF, price increase in trucks, renting a tractor while yours is in repair, repair costs, extra fuel costs (my tractor got on average 6.5 mpg) and all the other costs. That's just one sector.

In the early 70's they made us get rid of our incinerators. That means the garbage we used to burn had to be thrown out in the garbage which cost you extra via your city tax. We had to get rid of freon and replace that with something else. Fluorocarbons to save the ozone. We had to get rid of antifreeze and replace that with something more environmentally friendly. How many thousands of additional dollars do you have to pay for a new car because of CAFE standards that kept getting more and more strict?

We already know we have. Throw a lot of carbon dioxide in the air this world hasn't scene in 500 million years? What do you think will happen?

Did you ever stop to think that God made this planet for man who would emit Co2? We need Co2 don't we? It makes things grow. It's a very natural gas.

Global warming is a bottomlesds money pit. All the money in the the world could never fill it up. So when do we stop? Tell us what the goal is that would shut you people up. Tell us the metric you wish to use, and how much it would cost us to get there. You nor your cohorts can ever answer that question because even you know it's endless. It will never stop.
He's dead. Because of a Trump super spreader.

He's dead because he caught a virus that killed hundreds of thousands of others. No evidence a mask would have helped as most all experts agree a mask will not stop you from catching covid. The theory is if you already have it, it may stop you from giving it to somebody else.

The biggest super spreader event is hosted by Joe Biden. It's called the southern border where people are coming in from over 100 different countries with God knows what new variant of covid. He's busing or flying them all across our country coast to coast, and guess what? No vaccine mandate either.
So how did Cain's choice work out for him?

Though in most cases Americans should make their own choices, supporting Trump is clear evidence of psychological disorders. It's questionable whether trump supporters are competent to make their own decisions.

After all, the questions of wearing masks and getting vaccinated isn't really a choice, it's more of an I.Q. test!

Trump supporters are not competent? Well look at our country today. It's a complete mess because Trump isn't our President today. Inflation, the border mess, the Afghanistan mess, 13 dead service men and women, gasoline up 30%. Under Trump we were energy independent. Now this dementia patient is begging OPEC to increase their supply. I just passed my local gas station today. $3.15 per gallon. I haven't seen prices that high in over five years.

The people who are not competent to vote are the ones that pulled the lever for a dementia patient to run the country.

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