Larry Hogan said Sunday that there is "no question" there are signs of authoritarianism in the Republican Party.

Stalin was an authoritarian not a socialist. Trump would have loved him. Like he loves the Korean guy.

He was an authoritarian socialists. Trump is a populist capitalist.

The two could not be more different and only a liar or a fool would claim otherwise.
Stalin was an authoritarian not a socialist. Trump would have loved him. Like he loves the Korean guy.
No....Democrats admire people like Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin, and Fidel Castro.

I know what your game is.
You always say stupid shit to trigger people.
That's called Trolling.

We just consider the source and basically whatever you say loses it's meaning entirely.
No....Democrats admire people like Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, and Fidel Castro.

I know what your game is.
You always say stupid shit to trigger people.
That's called Trolling.

We just consider the source and basically whatever you say loses it's meaning entirely.
The source is a Republican Governer. He is calling out the GOP. That must be tough to take in an authoritarian party.
The source is a Republican Governer. He is calling out the GOP. That must be tough to take in an authoritarian party.
I don't give a flying-fuck who the guy is....because if you haven't been paying attention....we have a massive scandal going on at Epstein's Island that involved hundreds of world leaders. Many of them are being blackmailed into saying some ridiculous shit. Much of it has turned out to be false.

So whenever some obscure dipshit literally out of nowhere.....and he or she starts mouthing off to MSNBC or CNN, I tend to question their honesty.
It seems that discussion and debate has departed the GOP.
Discussion and debate have in fact departed the GOP; the very nature of authoritarianism is to blindly adhere to sanctioned conservative doctrine and dogma.

Authoritarian Republicans will not tolerate dissent – anyone who dissents is attacked and vilified.
While Biden issues an illegal executive order, has the FBI raid his primary political opponent, has his son's laptop evidence suppressed, and continues to approximate the gulag experience for peaceful protesters.
Hogan represents a slower death for Republican voters. Preferred over Progs if elected who are much more in lockstep with each other. We have seen near the same way of governing by all Prog politicians across the nation. Repub politicians have varying ways of governing. To me, we lucked out in Florida.
Lucked out in FL?

Like you want authoritarianism as long as your guy is doing it.
While Biden issues an illegal executive order, has the FBI raid his primary political opponent, has his son's laptop evidence suppressed, and continues to approximate the gulag experience for peaceful protesters.
1. What illegal EO?

2. The DOJ presented evidence and a judge signed the warrant to retrieve classified material from the resort of the former 1-term president.

3. Hunter is not an elected official.

4. Those Insurrectionist's will be held accountable for their actions.
Authoritarianism is Another MadeUp Pearl clutch from libs.
It simply means someone is in charge and getting thing done. Libs don’t feel that’s fair, they need safe space virtue signaling to replace it.
Authoritarianism is Another MadeUp Pearl clutch from libs.
It simply means someone is in charge and getting thing done. Libs don’t feel that’s fair, they need safe space virtue signaling to replace it.
President Biden has gotten things done, so you must then back him.

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