Last gun shop in San Francisco to close

California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.
Violent crime in CA, as well as gun-related violent crime in CA are both significantly above the national average.
Compared to states that have NO gun control laws, such as Vermont, CA crime rates are astronomical.
Why is that?
Still looking for an answer....
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?
California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.
Violent crime in CA, as well as gun-related violent crime in CA are both significantly above the national average.
Compared to states that have NO gun control laws, such as Vermont, CA crime rates are astronomical.
Why is that?
Still looking for an answer....
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?

WC's post is very amusing.

If we apply her logic to the Social Democrat programs that the Progs try to foist upon our huge diverse country:

Norway are highly homogeous tiny countries which are now stressed by uncontrolled immigration. Their generous social welfare programs are breaking.

Perhaps we should RETHINK ours.
One gun shop is the sole bulwark against gun crime in a city of 840,000?
They must have been doing a hell of a job!
The other idiotic claim is that one gun shop is causing all the gun crime in the city by selling guns to criminals.

It's a message, it's symbolic of the ethos of many other people in this country and in other civilized nations. Not withstanding the talking point of those who profit from the sale of guns, guns do kill people.
And silverware makes you fat... right.
Stupid analogy that does not work.
I see you weren't able to dispute it either, dumbass.
There is nothing to dispute because it is stupidity, not a correct analogy.
Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!
The murder rate in 2015 is spiraling. Arming citizens is not helping a bit.

I'm not sure what your point is, but here are some facts:

Bay Area cities’ homicide rates show striking drop
My point is that more people are arming themselves and the murder rate increased.

Actually, you are wrong. As more Americans have bought and carry guns, the murder rate, per the CDC and the FBI has gone down, not up.
The murder rate has spiraled alarmingly, and you gun nuts try to justify more guns.
Knowing what I know about Oakland, I'd wanna close their gun stores too. Bad guys would be breaking into the place all night long..Ain't know way you can stop em.

Oakland is one of the 25 most violent cities in the United States….

I"m not surprised. Why didn't you post the other 24?

Here you go…from 2013…..the list stays pretty constant over time…..

24 out of these 25 cities have democrats in charge, and they have been in charge for decades……

Most Dangerous Cities In America - Business Insider

Thank you. One can see from a cursory look that violent cities exist in nearly every region of the US, and usually in very large cities. That should not surprise anyone. Missing however, were NYC, LA, Dallas and Phoenix, cities which one might assume are the ying and yang of gun ownership.

The one thing they all have in common is Democrat controlled city governments. There may be an outlier or two, but the Prog Agenda has destroyed the lives of underclass in the cities they control.

Is that your opinion formed by thought, or rote by listening to the conservative propaganda and echoing it?

Consider that rhetorical, it's obvious the latter.

You presented no evidence, and as I reminded another correlation does not prove cause, there are to many other variables.
California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.
Violent crime in CA, as well as gun-related violent crime in CA are both significantly above the national average.
Compared to states that have NO gun control laws, such as Vermont, CA crime rates are astronomical.
Why is that?
Still looking for an answer....
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?

WC's post is very amusing.

If we apply her logic to the Social Democrat programs that the Progs try to foist upon our huge diverse country:

Norway are highly homogeous tiny countries which are now stressed by uncontrolled immigration. Their generous social welfare programs are breaking.

Perhaps we should RETHINK ours.

I doubt your side of the aisle can, emotion and bias always gets in the way of critical thinking.

BTW, which "generous" social programs do you believe provide generous benefits?
California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.
Violent crime in CA, as well as gun-related violent crime in CA are both significantly above the national average.
Compared to states that have NO gun control laws, such as Vermont, CA crime rates are astronomical.
Why is that?
Still looking for an answer....
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?

WC's post is very amusing.

If we apply her logic to the Social Democrat programs that the Progs try to foist upon our huge diverse country:

Norway are highly homogeous tiny countries which are now stressed by uncontrolled immigration. Their generous social welfare programs are breaking.

Perhaps we should RETHINK ours.

I doubt your side of the aisle can, emotion and bias always gets in the way of critical thinking.

BTW, which "generous" social programs do you believe provide generous benefits?

What percent of federal spending comprises entitlements?
Violent crime in CA, as well as gun-related violent crime in CA are both significantly above the national average.
Compared to states that have NO gun control laws, such as Vermont, CA crime rates are astronomical.
Why is that?
Still looking for an answer....
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?

WC's post is very amusing.

If we apply her logic to the Social Democrat programs that the Progs try to foist upon our huge diverse country:

Norway are highly homogeous tiny countries which are now stressed by uncontrolled immigration. Their generous social welfare programs are breaking.

Perhaps we should RETHINK ours.

I doubt your side of the aisle can, emotion and bias always gets in the way of critical thinking.

BTW, which "generous" social programs do you believe provide generous benefits?
What percent of federal spending comprises entitlements?
Mandatory spending takes up more than 60% of federal outlays.
Violent crime in CA, as well as gun-related violent crime in CA are both significantly above the national average.
Compared to states that have NO gun control laws, such as Vermont, CA crime rates are astronomical.
Why is that?
Still looking for an answer....
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?

WC's post is very amusing.

If we apply her logic to the Social Democrat programs that the Progs try to foist upon our huge diverse country:

Norway are highly homogeous tiny countries which are now stressed by uncontrolled immigration. Their generous social welfare programs are breaking.

Perhaps we should RETHINK ours.

I doubt your side of the aisle can, emotion and bias always gets in the way of critical thinking.

BTW, which "generous" social programs do you believe provide generous benefits?

What percent of federal spending comprises entitlements?

Don't answer a question with a question. You made a claim, I asked a question. Answer it!
California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.
Violent crime in CA, as well as gun-related violent crime in CA are both significantly above the national average.
Compared to states that have NO gun control laws, such as Vermont, CA crime rates are astronomical.
Why is that?
Still looking for an answer....
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?

My conclusion has been posted. Actually I've come to several about the OP, about gun control and about you and the other three stooges.
California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.
Violent crime in CA, as well as gun-related violent crime in CA are both significantly above the national average.
Compared to states that have NO gun control laws, such as Vermont, CA crime rates are astronomical.
Why is that?
Still looking for an answer....
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?
My conclusion has been posted.
This is a lie.
All you did was note various differences between CA and VT; mo conclusion derived from these differences was offered.
So... your conclusion?
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?

WC's post is very amusing.

If we apply her logic to the Social Democrat programs that the Progs try to foist upon our huge diverse country:

Norway are highly homogeous tiny countries which are now stressed by uncontrolled immigration. Their generous social welfare programs are breaking.

Perhaps we should RETHINK ours.

I doubt your side of the aisle can, emotion and bias always gets in the way of critical thinking.

BTW, which "generous" social programs do you believe provide generous benefits?

What percent of federal spending comprises entitlements?

Don't answer a question with a question. You made a claim, I asked a question. Answer it!

We spend an INORDINATE amount of money on entitlements. Period. You can spin it anyway your little peabrain wishes, but the result is mediocre economic growth, higher unemployment and underemployment, and growing government dependency.

When Dem-Prog leaders call Unemployment Insurance an economic stimulus, any rational person knows we're doomed.

California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.
Violent crime in CA, as well as gun-related violent crime in CA are both significantly above the national average.
Compared to states that have NO gun control laws, such as Vermont, CA crime rates are astronomical.
Why is that?
Still looking for an answer....
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?
My conclusion has been posted.
This is a lie.
All you did was note various differences between CA and VT; mo conclusion derived from these differences was offered.
So... your conclusion?

Gee, you always surprise me. It's kind of obvious, just for you I'll explain.

Elephants and Ermens [if you still can't understand think big and small].
Violent crime in CA, as well as gun-related violent crime in CA are both significantly above the national average.
Compared to states that have NO gun control laws, such as Vermont, CA crime rates are astronomical.
Why is that?
Still looking for an answer....
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?
My conclusion has been posted.
This is a lie.
All you did was note various differences between CA and VT; mo conclusion derived from these differences was offered.
So... your conclusion?
Gee, you always surprise me. It's kind of obvious, just for you I'll explain.
In other words... you understand that information you laid out is a meaningless response to what I posted,
Thank you.
Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!
The murder rate in 2015 is spiraling. Arming citizens is not helping a bit.

I'm not sure what your point is, but here are some facts:

Bay Area cities’ homicide rates show striking drop
My point is that more people are arming themselves and the murder rate increased.

Actually, you are wrong. As more Americans have bought and carry guns, the murder rate, per the CDC and the FBI has gone down, not up.
The murder rate has spiraled alarmingly, and you gun nuts try to justify more guns.

No, it hasn't. According to the FBI and the CDC the violent crime rate, the gun murder rate and the accidental gun death rate are all going down….and the gun suicide rate is down 5% as well.
California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.
Violent crime in CA, as well as gun-related violent crime in CA are both significantly above the national average.
Compared to states that have NO gun control laws, such as Vermont, CA crime rates are astronomical.
Why is that?
Still looking for an answer....
Let's examine your post:
CA has 37,000,000 million people
VT has 625,000

CA is diverse
VT's population of 625,000 includes 596,000 whites and less than 1% of minorities

The vast majority in CA live in big cities
VT's population lives in small town and rural communites
Still waiting for your conclusion....?

WC's post is very amusing.

If we apply her logic to the Social Democrat programs that the Progs try to foist upon our huge diverse country:

Norway are highly homogeous tiny countries which are now stressed by uncontrolled immigration. Their generous social welfare programs are breaking.

Perhaps we should RETHINK ours.

I doubt your side of the aisle can, emotion and bias always gets in the way of critical thinking.

BTW, which "generous" social programs do you believe provide generous benefits?

Generous benefits…..none….that is the problem with government…they give just enough to make you have to vote for the political party promising to give you more……and it is always just enough to keep you hooked.
Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!
The murder rate in 2015 is spiraling. Arming citizens is not helping a bit.

I'm not sure what your point is, but here are some facts:

Bay Area cities’ homicide rates show striking drop
My point is that more people are arming themselves and the murder rate increased.

Actually, you are wrong. As more Americans have bought and carry guns, the murder rate, per the CDC and the FBI has gone down, not up.
The murder rate has spiraled alarmingly, and you gun nuts try to justify more guns.

How do you figure that law abiding citizens carrying guns increases the crime rate…..they don't commit crimes. The small percent of the population that is violent, needs to be locked up.
Still waiting for your conclusion....?

WC's post is very amusing.

If we apply her logic to the Social Democrat programs that the Progs try to foist upon our huge diverse country:

Norway are highly homogeous tiny countries which are now stressed by uncontrolled immigration. Their generous social welfare programs are breaking.

Perhaps we should RETHINK ours.

I doubt your side of the aisle can, emotion and bias always gets in the way of critical thinking.

BTW, which "generous" social programs do you believe provide generous benefits?

What percent of federal spending comprises entitlements?

Don't answer a question with a question. You made a claim, I asked a question. Answer it!

We spend an INORDINATE amount of money on entitlements. Period. You can spin it anyway your little peabrain wishes, but the result is mediocre economic growth, higher unemployment and underemployment, and growing government dependency.

When Dem-Prog leaders call Unemployment Insurance an economic stimulus, any rational person knows we're doomed.


That we spend an inordinate amount of money is true, what you claim, however, marks the difference between a patriot (me) and a callous conservative (you).

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