Last nights unobtained victories all point in one direction.

Abortion didn't help. I can't help but to say I told them so. They didn't believe women would show up and vote for choice.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Abortion didn't have a damn thing with the election.

Every poll had other things as much higher proprieties for Americans.

No filthy ass Feminazi dyke that is bat shit crazy pro killing children for the purpose of birth control was ever not going to vote Democrat.
Yep. There are a plethora of good choices on the Republican side for 2024..if only the voters would reject their savior. :)
I hope Gov Sununu (NH) runs. I think he would be a more moderate choice than DeSantis.
As moderate as what Prog Democrat? Pedophile promotion, Bestiality and Euthanasia is now going to be on the docket. The real ghouls of Social Security reforms are Progs. And changes must occur.
It looks like Kari Lake won the Governors race in Arizona. There WILL be investigations into the election rigging in Maricopa.

Now I said weeks ago that Masters was in trouble, so I'm not saying that cheating changed the outcome - still the democrats DID cheat in a BIG way.

Pennsylvania though - ZERO probability that Fetterman won that race legitimately - ZERO.
Absentee isn't "mail in"

Learn the difference.

I voted in person - in California.
Absentee and mail in, are one and the same.

In my state, there is absentee ballot available to everyone registered who requests one, without an excuse....

Maine calls that, Mail in voting, not absentee voting, though one and the same.

Florida who has no excuse absentee voting for any registered voter requesting one... also calls it the mail in vote, or the vote by mail.
Us Democrats gambled and we supported the nuts Trump endorsed knowing they'd be easier to beat. And it worked. Look at Hershel Walker. If Republicans put a normal person up for that seat, they would have won. Instead the nominated a joke
Look at AOC. She was sitting down spreading her legs in a pole dance way while some citizens were complaining to her at a townhall meating. We are done.
It looks like Kari Lake won the Governors race in Arizona. There WILL be investigations into the election rigging in Maricopa.

Now I said weeks ago that Masters was in trouble, so I'm not saying that cheating changed the outcome - still the democrats DID cheat in a BIG way.

Pennsylvania though - ZERO probability that Fetterman won that race legitimately - ZERO.
I agree with Fetterman. But screw Pennsylvania. This election crap is so obvious with stealing. Who the hell votes for having their childrens genitals chopped off to change sexes.
And all those places that stayed "blue" OBVIOUSLY didn't learn anything from the puppetmasters installing Biden the Brainless into office.

I can't wait to see how long it takes for Fetterman to be "relieved from office" for his incompetence.
Maybe both him and Biden will go out on a play date one day and get carted off by the "ice cream man".

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he will resign and his wife will take charge OR his wife will run the show through him as long as he is mobile.
Oh shut up. I think what most of us who were on the fence realized is that Republicans are corrupt and extreme. The election deniers took over your party. Thank god moderates and independents didn't go along.

If inflation were the only issue your side would have won. But your side is horrible. Hershel Walker? Really? And NO EXCEPTIONS for abortion? Yea, some of you said that in public. Even in the case of the mothers life, no exceptions. Thank you! You guys thought with inflation, you'd be able to get away with these very unpopular positions.

No more Republicans until the Supreme Court is blue.
You were on the fence? Lol!
A Country Buffet of comments:

"The obsession over 2020's outcome doomed the party Enough of this sideshow. DESANTIS 2024."
Desantis' big victory was portentous for Trumpism.
Governor D is a smarter, better disciplined Trump.
Trump in a more electable package.

"Abortion didn't help. I can't help but to say I told them so."
I quite agree. Big government telling women what they can do with their uteruses is a bridge too far. The choices for a woman and her uterus are between her and her physician and her family. Leave Big Brother and the religious extremists out of it. IMHO
"Spoiled shrews."
As my lady-like bride of many many years will inform poster '22lcidw': "If you don't have a uterus...shut the f*ck up!"

"And NO EXCEPTIONS for abortion? Yea, some of you said that in public. Even in the case of the mothers life,"
Yeah, that 'no exception'-thingy. That didn't help push the anti-abortion contingent at all.
As if the potential life of a fist-size group of cells is of more importance than an educated, well-raised, productive woman....., but now a pregnant 24yr old rape victim. Society has invested in that 24yr old victim. Society is benefitting by her productivity. It has no investment in that knot of cells.

And then, I gotta remark on a nutsocrazo assertion made on this social media site recently. Some RWNJ whose avatar-handle I forget, commented that any woman who had an abortion should be executed.

See? So much for 'pro-life'. Nutters will be nutty. Will be jackasses.

It is the extremism of the fringie nutters that scares normal people.
People could vote 'for' abortion because they are fearful of the nutters gaining control over all women's uteruses.

Absentee and mail in, are one and the same.
That's a lie - as you know.

In my state, there is absentee ballot available to everyone registered who requests one, without an excuse....

And there is a big difference, absentee must be requested by a living person. Mail In are sent in bulk to anyone on the voter rolls - including millions of dead and those who have moved.

Maine calls that, Mail in voting, not absentee voting, though one and the same.

Florida who has no excuse absentee voting for any registered voter requesting one... also calls it the mail in vote, or the vote by mail.

Your lie about absentee voting is exposed.
He won because Pennsylvanians trusted a Pennsylvanian would have their backs better than an elite Jersey guy.....

And they are also not unchristian like schmucks.... and are willing to give him some time to heal from his stroke.

pennsylvanians were not given much of a choice. America is not the shining light on the hill..we are joining the rest of the world.... Europe R Us. We are headed into MORE DIVIDED than EVER.
He won because Pennsylvanians trusted a Pennsylvanian would have their backs better than an elite Jersey guy.....

And they are also not unchristian like schmucks.... and are willing to give him some time to heal from his stroke.

He "won" because of corrupt mail in voting that let the fascists AGAIN stuff the ballot boxes.

The obsession over 2020's outcome doomed the party

Enough of this sideshow.

Did Trump withhold funding from close races that could have been won?

McDaniel, McCarthy and McTurtle run the GOP, not Trump....They deliberately kneecapped all candidates who wouldn't be subservient to them.
A Country Buffet of comments:

Desantis' big victory was portentous for Trumpism.
Governor D is a smarter, better disciplined Trump.
Trump in a more electable package.


I quite agree. Big government telling women what they can do with their uteruses is a bridge too far. The choices for a woman and her uterus are between her and her physician and her family. Leave Big Brother and the religious extremists out of it. IMHO

As my lady-like bride of many many years will inform poster '22lcidw': "If you don't have a uterus...shut the f*ck up!"

Yeah, that 'no exception'-thingy. That didn't help push the anti-abortion contingent at all.
As if the potential life of a fist-size group of cells is of more importance than an educated, well-raised, productive woman....., but now a pregnant 24yr old rape victim. Society has invested in that 24yr old victim. Society is benefitting by her productivity. It has no investment in that knot of cells.

And then, I gotta remark on a nutsocrazo assertion made on this social media site recently. Some RWNJ whose avatar-handle I forget, commented that any woman who had an abortion should be executed.

See? So much for 'pro-life'. Nutters will be nutty. Will be jackasses.

It is the extremism of the fringie nutters that scares normal people.
People could vote 'for' abortion because they are fearful of the nutters gaining control over all women's uteruses.

You as a prog took a couple of words as you always do. You know. I at times add words to see the responses. Whitmer will suck and phuk as many men in a train to survive if an economic distress occurred. Understand what I am saying! One million abortions a year is slutism. We will get poorer. And the vendgeance will happen between sexes. As you see in the ghettos.

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