Latest AGW Guess


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
From Science Daily, comes this piece that -almost- accepts the facts that the experts still don't know what's causing all this extreme weather.

Weather extremes in the summer -- such as the record heat wave in the United States that hit corn farmers and worsened wildfires in 2012 -- have reached an exceptional number in the last ten years. Human-made global warming can explain a gradual increase in periods of severe heat, but the observed change in the magnitude and duration of some events is not so easily explained.

Read more @ Trapped atmospheric waves triggering more weather extremes: Trend expected to continue -- ScienceDaily
Trapped Atmos Waves sounds an awful lot like the "Stadium waves" work at Georgia Tech. The transport and equalization of climate warming is a slower process than GW science has pictured it. And a LOT of the variability in the weather is caused by oscillating instabilities that Climate Science is just beginning to investigate. Biggest factor is thermal transport mechanisms from tropics to poles and back again. And things like ice coverage and jet stream act to prolong or shorten the times to for these atmos waves to propagate. Not just atmos waves -- the ability of the sea surface to source or sink heat is another "wave" that isn't fully understood..
The political initiative to REVIVE AGW funding and hysteria has failed. And the science part is getting better and less emotional... It's all good.. And the forum can get back to SERIOUS enviro issues.
From Science Daily, comes this piece that -almost- accepts the facts that the experts still don't know what's causing all this extreme weather.

Weather extremes in the summer -- such as the record heat wave in the United States that hit corn farmers and worsened wildfires in 2012 -- have reached an exceptional number in the last ten years. Human-made global warming can explain a gradual increase in periods of severe heat, but the observed change in the magnitude and duration of some events is not so easily explained.

Read more @ Trapped atmospheric waves triggering more weather extremes: Trend expected to continue -- ScienceDaily

LOLOLOLOL....."guess"???.....the anti-science and scientifically ignorant deniers are sooooo desperate....

Here's the actual article.....with the title the deniers want to omit....

Trapped atmospheric waves triggering more weather extremes: Trend expected to continue
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
August 11, 2014
Weather extremes in the summer -- such as the record heat wave in the United States that hit corn farmers and worsened wildfires in 2012 -- have reached an exceptional number in the last ten years. Human-made global warming can explain a gradual increase in periods of severe heat, but the observed change in the magnitude and duration of some events is not so easily explained. It has been linked to a recently discovered mechanism: the trapping of giant waves in the atmosphere. A new data analysis now shows that such wave-trapping events are indeed on the rise. "The large number of recent high-impact extreme weather events has struck and puzzled us," says Dim Coumou, lead author of the study conducted by a team of scientists from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). "Of course we are warming our atmosphere by emitting CO2 from fossil fuels, but the increase in devastating heat waves in regions like Europe or the US seems disproportionate." One reason could be changes in circulation patterns in the atmosphere. By analysing large sets of global weather data, the researchers found an intriguing connection. An important part of the global air motion in the mid-latitudes normally takes the form of waves wandering around the globe, called Rossby Waves. When they swing north, they suck warm air from the tropics to Europe, Russia, or the US; and when they swing south, they do the same thing with cold air from the Arctic. However, the study shows that in periods with extreme weather, some of these waves become virtually stalled and greatly amplified. While a few warm days have little impact, effects on people and ecosystems can be severe when these periods are prolonged.

"Behind this, there is a subtle resonance mechanism that traps waves in the mid-latitudes and amplifies them strongly," says Stefan Rahmstorf, co-author of the study to be published in the Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Using advanced data analysis, the new study shows that when certain resonance conditions are fulfilled, the atmosphere tends to develop anomalously slowly propagating waves with large amplitudes, typically associated with extreme weather on the ground. An important finding is that this phenomenon is occurring more often: After the year 2000, it has been almost twice as frequent as before. "Evidence for actual changes in planetary wave activity was so far not clear. But by knowing what patterns to look for, we have now found strong evidence for an increase in these resonance events." Why would these events be on the rise? Both theory and the new data suggest a link to processes in the Arctic. Since the year 2000, the Arctic is warming about twice as fast as the rest of the globe. One reason for this is that because the white sea ice is rapidly shrinking, less sunlight gets reflected back into space, while the open ocean is dark and hence warms more. "This melting of ice and snow is actually due to our lifestyle of churning out unprecedented amounts of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels," says Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, co-author of the study and director of PIK. As the Arctic warms more rapidly, the temperature difference to other regions decreases. Yet temperature differences are a major driver of the atmospheric circulation patterns that in turn rule our weather. "The planetary waves topic illustrates how delicately interlinked components in the Earth system are." Schellnhuber concludes: "And it shows how disproportionately the system might react to our perturbations."
The political initiative to REVIVE AGW funding and hysteria has failed. And the science part is getting better and less emotional... It's all good.. And the forum can get back to SERIOUS enviro issues.

Tell that to the EPA before they put millions out of work and bankrupt us all with skyrocketing utility rates.
What "extreme" weather. Is there any weather happening today that hasn't already happened back when CO2 levels were "safe"?
From Science Daily, comes this piece that -almost- accepts the facts that the experts still don't know what's causing all this extreme weather.

Weather extremes in the summer -- such as the record heat wave in the United States that hit corn farmers and worsened wildfires in 2012 -- have reached an exceptional number in the last ten years. Human-made global warming can explain a gradual increase in periods of severe heat, but the observed change in the magnitude and duration of some events is not so easily explained.

Read more @ Trapped atmospheric waves triggering more weather extremes: Trend expected to continue -- ScienceDaily

LOLOLOLOL....."guess"???.....the anti-science and scientifically ignorant deniers are sooooo desperate....

Here's the actual article.....with the title the deniers want to omit....

Trapped atmospheric waves triggering more weather extremes: Trend expected to continue
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
August 11, 2014
Weather extremes in the summer -- such as the record heat wave in the United States that hit corn farmers and worsened wildfires in 2012 -- have reached an exceptional number in the last ten years. Human-made global warming can explain a gradual increase in periods of severe heat, but the observed change in the magnitude and duration of some events is not so easily explained. It has been linked to a recently discovered mechanism: the trapping of giant waves in the atmosphere. A new data analysis now shows that such wave-trapping events are indeed on the rise. "The large number of recent high-impact extreme weather events has struck and puzzled us," says Dim Coumou, lead author of the study conducted by a team of scientists from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). "Of course we are warming our atmosphere by emitting CO2 from fossil fuels, but the increase in devastating heat waves in regions like Europe or the US seems disproportionate." One reason could be changes in circulation patterns in the atmosphere. By analysing large sets of global weather data, the researchers found an intriguing connection. An important part of the global air motion in the mid-latitudes normally takes the form of waves wandering around the globe, called Rossby Waves. When they swing north, they suck warm air from the tropics to Europe, Russia, or the US; and when they swing south, they do the same thing with cold air from the Arctic. However, the study shows that in periods with extreme weather, some of these waves become virtually stalled and greatly amplified. While a few warm days have little impact, effects on people and ecosystems can be severe when these periods are prolonged.

"Behind this, there is a subtle resonance mechanism that traps waves in the mid-latitudes and amplifies them strongly," says Stefan Rahmstorf, co-author of the study to be published in the Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Using advanced data analysis, the new study shows that when certain resonance conditions are fulfilled, the atmosphere tends to develop anomalously slowly propagating waves with large amplitudes, typically associated with extreme weather on the ground. An important finding is that this phenomenon is occurring more often: After the year 2000, it has been almost twice as frequent as before. "Evidence for actual changes in planetary wave activity was so far not clear. But by knowing what patterns to look for, we have now found strong evidence for an increase in these resonance events." Why would these events be on the rise? Both theory and the new data suggest a link to processes in the Arctic. Since the year 2000, the Arctic is warming about twice as fast as the rest of the globe. One reason for this is that because the white sea ice is rapidly shrinking, less sunlight gets reflected back into space, while the open ocean is dark and hence warms more. "This melting of ice and snow is actually due to our lifestyle of churning out unprecedented amounts of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels," says Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, co-author of the study and director of PIK. As the Arctic warms more rapidly, the temperature difference to other regions decreases. Yet temperature differences are a major driver of the atmospheric circulation patterns that in turn rule our weather. "The planetary waves topic illustrates how delicately interlinked components in the Earth system are." Schellnhuber concludes: "And it shows how disproportionately the system might react to our perturbations."

Weather extremes in the summer

LOL! You warmers are hilarious.
It was never warm, cold, dry, wet or windy before we started using fossil fuels.
STFU! You're killing me.
The crazy lady video that Goldyrocks posts every week is about rossby waves. I waded thru 40 mminutes or so of that to discover that she found about a 0.1degLattitude increase in amplitude per decade. Whats that ? About 8 miles of earth surface per decade?? Ohhwwweee. I am seriously ready to panic about that..... 10 years from now, south chicago might get the same polar express treatment that they now get in north chicago......
The crazy lady video that Goldyrocks posts every week is about rossby waves. I waded thru 40 mminutes or so of that to discover that she found about a 0.1degLattitude increase in amplitude per decade. Whats that ? About 8 miles of earth surface per decade?? Ohhwwweee. I am seriously ready to panic about that..... 10 years from now, south chicago might get the same polar express treatment that they now get in north chicago......

I know. The level of hysteria is comical...... well it would be if they weren't trying to bankrupt the world with their fraud.
The increase in amplitude has apparently been sufficient to put Rossby wave cold fronts into the southern and central continental US this last year.
The crazy lady video that Goldyrocks posts every week is about rossby waves. I waded thru 40 mminutes or so of that to discover that she found about a 0.1degLattitude increase in amplitude per decade. Whats that ? About 8 miles of earth surface per decade?? Ohhwwweee. I am seriously ready to panic about that..... 10 years from now, south chicago might get the same polar express treatment that they now get in north chicago......

Well, dumb fuck, she called it right on the money for the polar vortex getting stuck in the Midwest and East Coast. That you are an idiot with the attention span of a 13 year old is reflected in all your posts.
That's pretty close to the norm around here. There are a limited number of players here and we've been at loggerheads for months. When evidence, logic and reason didn't work, we all fell back on insults. I'm getting a lot of practice.
If someone asked for a list of people on this board failing to connect with reality, you'd be at the top of the list.


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Quantum Mechanics
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The increase in amplitude has apparently been sufficient to put Rossby wave cold fronts into the southern and central continental US this last year.
It's colder....because of AGW, just as predicted by our models.

Go ahead.

Try it.

Input any conditions and the model will conclusively say "because of manmade global cooling warming climate change disruption"
I have to admit, the beauty of the climate change hoax is that they can explain away anything.......ANYTHING.......and introduce.......ANYTHING!! Its errorless learning for the stoopid of society!! Almost invariably, irrelevant the latest strategy the AGW k00ks deploy while American families are scratching their heads this summer as we all sit through spring weather for the WHOLE FUCKING SUMMER!!!

What is their response?

They talk about record heat records being broken in terms of the world "averages", ready for this........

:itsok:1/20th of one degree!!!!:itsok:

Patently bogus?

You decide!!!:2up:

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