Latest left wing loon buzz word: Food Insecurity

We have a growing problem of "paper insecurity" in this country. Toilet paper is getting expensive. All those fast food meals produce some epic bowel movements and families may not have enough paper on hand. I saw that 48M households are considered "paper poor" in not having enough spare bumwad around.
What is the Democrat solution to this grievous problem facing our nation's poor? Where are the solutions, libs??
Do you guys remember the old company store concept? where you worked for the company and bought all of your needs at the company store. if you didn't have the money, no problem, they sold to you on credit. you became dependent on them and in their debt so now you couldn't leave. they controlled you. what the democrats are attempting to drive the nation to is the old company store concept. only this time, the company is the government
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

Um, because they dont have the money for it?
You know, If I were a worthless piece of shit, who had to rely on society to take care of my needs, then I could see where it might not be a far reach to wonder how many more there were like me and when all of is would find ourselves without that next meal ... thank God, I have a job and some self respect!!

I sleep very well at night knowing that I have food stockpiled, am resourceful and will not see days of hunger for a very long time ...

Insecurity whether it be food or one's self in life is a reflection of the person, the ability to take care of one's self comes from within.

When we provide food and shelter for creatures we usually see them as pets, not other members of society ...
Do you guys remember the old company store concept? where you worked for the company and bought all of your needs at the company store. if you didn't have the money, no problem, they sold to you on credit. you became dependent on them and in their debt so now you couldn't leave. they controlled you. what the democrats are attempting to drive the nation to is the old company store concept. only this time, the company is the government
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

start your own company and pay workers what you consider a living wage. see how long you stay in business.

think about this. most corporations are headquartered in blue states. most CEO's of corporations live in blue states. According to liberals, liberals are better educated and have more money than conservatives. Sems to me the problem is the rich liberals, not the conservatives.
Perhaps is they didnt spend all their money on smart phones that cost more than a months food bill or new video games or million dollar rims for their 1992 caddy.....

Just a thought
So.... Conservatives don't have any solutions for getting affordable food to 49 million Americans who can't afford food each week?

What a surprise.

yea, pay attention is school, get an education, get a job like the rest of us did who can afford food
The majority of people on food stamps have jobs, and student loan debt outweighs credit card debt. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Can you people just grasp the simple concept that billionaires sucked up all the money to themselves and left everyone else to scrape by?

Food stamp participation since 1980 has grown the fastest among workers with some college training, a sign that the safety net has stretched further to cover America's former middle class, according to an analysis of government data for The Associated Press by economists at the University of Kentucky. Formally called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance, or SNAP, the program now covers 1 in 7 Americans.

The findings coincide with the latest economic data showing workers' wages and salaries growing at the lowest rate relative to corporate profits in U.S. history.
The new face of food stamps: working-age Americans | Fox News
Do you guys remember the old company store concept? where you worked for the company and bought all of your needs at the company store. if you didn't have the money, no problem, they sold to you on credit. you became dependent on them and in their debt so now you couldn't leave. they controlled you. what the democrats are attempting to drive the nation to is the old company store concept. only this time, the company is the government
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

start your own company and pay workers what you consider a living wage. see how long you stay in business.

think about this. most corporations are headquartered in blue states. most CEO's of corporations live in blue states. According to liberals, liberals are better educated and have more money than conservatives. Sems to me the problem is the rich liberals, not the conservatives.
No, scrote, billionaires are the problem. The billionaires who own both Democrats and Republicans in government. The billionaires who finance the system.

Why is this so difficult for your kind to understand?
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

start your own company and pay workers what you consider a living wage. see how long you stay in business.

think about this. most corporations are headquartered in blue states. most CEO's of corporations live in blue states. According to liberals, liberals are better educated and have more money than conservatives. Sems to me the problem is the rich liberals, not the conservatives.
No, scrote, billionaires are the problem. The billionaires who own both Democrats and Republicans in government. The billionaires who finance the system.

Why is this so difficult for your kind to understand?

Because it's wrong, ignorant and downright stupid?

What is your plan to deal with Toilet Paper Deficiency? Aren't you concerned for all those poor families, you unfeeling moron?
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

start your own company and pay workers what you consider a living wage. see how long you stay in business.

think about this. most corporations are headquartered in blue states. most CEO's of corporations live in blue states. According to liberals, liberals are better educated and have more money than conservatives. Sems to me the problem is the rich liberals, not the conservatives.
No, scrote, billionaires are the problem. The billionaires who own both Democrats and Republicans in government. The billionaires who finance the system.

Why is this so difficult for your kind to understand?

Copout bullshit.

Billionaires are not preventing me from making a good living.
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

start your own company and pay workers what you consider a living wage. see how long you stay in business.

think about this. most corporations are headquartered in blue states. most CEO's of corporations live in blue states. According to liberals, liberals are better educated and have more money than conservatives. Sems to me the problem is the rich liberals, not the conservatives.
No, scrote, billionaires are the problem. The billionaires who own both Democrats and Republicans in government. The billionaires who finance the system.

Why is this so difficult for your kind to understand?

Because we don't speak Moron and you're not making a lick of sense. You speak and all we hear is Marxist jibberish
49 million people are in "food insecure" households in the richest nation in the history of humanity, so obviously something is very wrong with our system.

Do any Conservatives have a solution for people going hungry in a country that has way more than enough food?

Yeah, I think their plan involves pointing and laughing

Yeah, at clueless nabobs who use stupid terms like "food insecurity" and my personal favorite "income inequality"... that one's the dumbest of them all.

You forgot to include the reasoning behind that
49 million people are in "food insecure" households in the richest nation in the history of humanity, so obviously something is very wrong with our system.

Do any Conservatives have a solution for people going hungry in a country that has way more than enough food?

Yeah, I think their plan involves pointing and laughing

That's certainly going to be my strategy with leftists like you on this thread. It's too easy. We have a major problem with obesity. So the hunger thing just doesnt do it. Of course there probably a dozen federal programs that deal with hunger and who knows how many state ones. So it has to be food insecurity. Whatevewr that is.
It's like global warming. When temps just didnt bear out the dire predictions suddenly it became "climate change"--like the climate hasnt been changing for millenia. But somehow this time its the fault of America and especially the Koch Bros.

America is fat so their is no hunger. Uhh ok :lol:
Yeah, I think their plan involves pointing and laughing

That's certainly going to be my strategy with leftists like you on this thread. It's too easy. We have a major problem with obesity. So the hunger thing just doesnt do it. Of course there probably a dozen federal programs that deal with hunger and who knows how many state ones. So it has to be food insecurity. Whatevewr that is.
It's like global warming. When temps just didnt bear out the dire predictions suddenly it became "climate change"--like the climate hasnt been changing for millenia. But somehow this time its the fault of America and especially the Koch Bros.

America is fat so their is no hunger. Uhh ok :lol:

Of course there's hunger. It's getting towards lunch time right now. Where my gummint check at for lunch, yo?
Here is a solution, give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, he feeds himself for life. I'll tell you what ludley, if one of these hungry people come to my house and bring their 70" flat screen. I'll trade them my 42" flat screen, and i'll even buy them a weeks worth of groceries.
start your own company and pay workers what you consider a living wage. see how long you stay in business.

think about this. most corporations are headquartered in blue states. most CEO's of corporations live in blue states. According to liberals, liberals are better educated and have more money than conservatives. Sems to me the problem is the rich liberals, not the conservatives.
No, scrote, billionaires are the problem. The billionaires who own both Democrats and Republicans in government. The billionaires who finance the system.

Why is this so difficult for your kind to understand?
Because it's wrong, ignorant and downright stupid?

What is your plan to deal with Toilet Paper Deficiency? Aren't you concerned for all those poor families, you unfeeling moron?
"Ignorant and downright stupid" from the homophobe who loves a transvestite. Good job, putz.

But since you asked what my plan is for dealing with any paper deficiencies, here you go:


Drive through any poverty ridden area of just about any city. Look at the expensive shit they have parked in front of their homes. LISTEN to the thousands they sink into audio equipment in their cars. Notice the rims on many cars are worth more than the fucking car.

Then tell me why their fucking food bill is my responsibility.

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