Latest left wing loon buzz word: Food Insecurity

Do you guys remember the old company store concept? where you worked for the company and bought all of your needs at the company store. if you didn't have the money, no problem, they sold to you on credit. you became dependent on them and in their debt so now you couldn't leave. they controlled you. what the democrats are attempting to drive the nation to is the old company store concept. only this time, the company is the government
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

Because the workers would find ways to waste the extra money and be food insecure in a week or two.

Cash to the poor: Pennies from heaven | The Economist
[ame=]Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube[/ame]
So you contridict yourself like always. Way to stay consistent yo

I'm agreeing with you. It's 15 minutes later and Im hungrier than ever. When is that fried chicken order going to get here, yo?

You used to be clever, now you're just lame

Did you jack my chicken, motherfucker?

You're an idiot. Like it needs saying for the 100th time. The problem is obesity, not hunger. There are way too many government programs focused on "hunger". Some of them overlap. SOme of them arent effective. All of them distort the market economics for food.
Eliminate all of it. People who truly cannot fend for themselves get some kind of subsistence package--maybe including a packet of rice and beans every week. Then drop taxes and where there is severe need people's neighbors, churches, etc etc will pitch in for them.
Do you guys remember the old company store concept? where you worked for the company and bought all of your needs at the company store. if you didn't have the money, no problem, they sold to you on credit. you became dependent on them and in their debt so now you couldn't leave. they controlled you. what the democrats are attempting to drive the nation to is the old company store concept. only this time, the company is the government
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

And why can't workers do more or bring more to make themselves in demand and earn more???

Nobody needs government assistance, unless you are a ward of the state, relinquishing your freedoms granted... Everybody needs the responsibility to provide for themselves, or seek the assistance VOLUNTARILY OFFERED (not forcibly confiscated) of those who do help thru charity
Now you don't have to be actually hungry any more, you just have to have insecurity as to when and where your next meal is coming from. If you are worried, vote democrat and the government will take care of you.

Let me know when they get to nookie insecurity and I'll jump on board. :ssex:
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Do you guys remember the old company store concept? where you worked for the company and bought all of your needs at the company store. if you didn't have the money, no problem, they sold to you on credit. you became dependent on them and in their debt so now you couldn't leave. they controlled you. what the democrats are attempting to drive the nation to is the old company store concept. only this time, the company is the government
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

And why can't workers do more or bring more to make themselves in demand and earn more???

Nobody needs government assistance, unless you are a ward of the state, relinquishing your freedoms granted... Everybody needs the responsibility to provide for themselves, or seek the assistance VOLUNTARILY OFFERED (not forcibly confiscated) of those who do help thru charity
Maybe you missed all of the links in cyberspace which explain that private charities are struggling because many of the middle class people who used to donate to those charities are now standing in line for assistance.

Here they are again:

There are more, but just start with those.
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

And why can't workers do more or bring more to make themselves in demand and earn more???

Nobody needs government assistance, unless you are a ward of the state, relinquishing your freedoms granted... Everybody needs the responsibility to provide for themselves, or seek the assistance VOLUNTARILY OFFERED (not forcibly confiscated) of those who do help thru charity
Maybe you missed all of the links in cyberspace which explain that private charities are struggling because many of the middle class people who used to donate to those charities are now standing in line for assistance.

Here they are again:

There are more, but just start with those.

That stimulus is sure to kick in and start working any day now!
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

And why can't workers do more or bring more to make themselves in demand and earn more???

Nobody needs government assistance, unless you are a ward of the state, relinquishing your freedoms granted... Everybody needs the responsibility to provide for themselves, or seek the assistance VOLUNTARILY OFFERED (not forcibly confiscated) of those who do help thru charity
Maybe you missed all of the links in cyberspace which explain that private charities are struggling because many of the middle class people who used to donate to those charities are now standing in line for assistance.

Here they are again:

There are more, but just start with those.

Like FDR, Obama is doing all he can to crush the life out of private charities. He thinks that government is the one and only source of everything good in life
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

And why can't workers do more or bring more to make themselves in demand and earn more???

Nobody needs government assistance, unless you are a ward of the state, relinquishing your freedoms granted... Everybody needs the responsibility to provide for themselves, or seek the assistance VOLUNTARILY OFFERED (not forcibly confiscated) of those who do help thru charity
Maybe you missed all of the links in cyberspace which explain that private charities are struggling because many of the middle class people who used to donate to those charities are now standing in line for assistance.

Here they are again:

There are more, but just start with those.

Because they are fucking taxed more for these stupid and inefficient government handout and entitlement programs...

And again, you communist moron, the only one responsible for your upkeep and that includes FOOD, is YOU... you can ask those willing to give for assistance, but by NO MEANS are they REQUIRED to provide for you
I'm agreeing with you. It's 15 minutes later and Im hungrier than ever. When is that fried chicken order going to get here, yo?

You used to be clever, now you're just lame

Did you jack my chicken, motherfucker?

You're an idiot. Like it needs saying for the 100th time. The problem is obesity, not hunger. There are way too many government programs focused on "hunger". Some of them overlap. SOme of them arent effective. All of them distort the market economics for food.
Eliminate all of it. People who truly cannot fend for themselves get some kind of subsistence package--maybe including a packet of rice and beans every week. Then drop taxes and where there is severe need people's neighbors, churches, etc etc will pitch in for them.

Heres the thing: You dont get to say what problem is more important than another.

Hunger is a problem. Such a problem you cant seem to explain why it is not a problem. Saying fat people exist doesnt explain why food insecurity isnt real.

Your solution isnt the only one guy. As soon as you realize you cant change reality then easier life will be
The government is owned by large corporations and wealthy individuals who fund elections and pour trillions into congress through our steroidal lobbying system.

Those same corporations fund the Rightwing media bullhorn to distract people like you with food stamp abuses while they abscond with trillions in subsidies, bailouts and regulatory favors.

Turn off FOX News and take your brain back. If you want to see what is wrong with government, start focusing on the wealthy corporate puppet masters.

(Pss: you've been lied to)

The rightwing echo chamber is fed red meat by buffoons like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and "fox "news: and other people who are just not terribly bright themselves, and they are talking to even stupider people. That’s where all this is coming from, and it’s becoming circular, it’s becoming a joke. No Critical thinking just moronic talking points, attacking facts, all while they are being screw by the corporations that are laughing at them as they play divide and Conquer, convincing the old white christians that everyone not like them is their enemy while laughing all the way to the bank . Willing dupes

The only one screwing me is Obama. No corporation is interfering with how I conduct my business. Fox News, Beck & Rush also have 0 impact in my life.

You on the other had do appear to be under the influence of corporations. More specifically the tinfoil industry. Nut

Yep Obama obama obama obama . :cuckoo:
Has anyone even said why this is a looney thing i.e. Food Insecurity?

Or has the right determined that the way to deal with things is to just laugh and hope no one notices they have nothing more than that?
And why can't workers do more or bring more to make themselves in demand and earn more???

Nobody needs government assistance, unless you are a ward of the state, relinquishing your freedoms granted... Everybody needs the responsibility to provide for themselves, or seek the assistance VOLUNTARILY OFFERED (not forcibly confiscated) of those who do help thru charity
Maybe you missed all of the links in cyberspace which explain that private charities are struggling because many of the middle class people who used to donate to those charities are now standing in line for assistance.

Here they are again:

There are more, but just start with those.

Because they are fucking taxed more for these stupid and inefficient government handout and entitlement programs...

And again, you communist moron, the only one responsible for your upkeep and that includes FOOD, is YOU... you can ask those willing to give for assistance, but by NO MEANS are they REQUIRED to provide for you

DD, we're taxed at a lower marginal rate than at any time in the last 40 or so years... maybe longer. should we let children starve.

and while some may take issue with talking about hunger, and object to the term "food insecurity", but my feeling on that subject is too bad... we need to address these things. of course, we can pretend the issue doesn't exist. but perhaps your ire should be more at wages being stagnant and not keeping up with rising costs... and your ire could be at corporations hiding their money offshore... or it could be at people vilifying collective bargaining because it keeps workers from having a voice... either way, the fact is:

The report, based on 2012 federal survey data on 44,000 households, says 49 million Americans are "food insecure" — people who sometimes eat less, go hungry or eat less nutritious meals because they can't afford to eat better. Almost a third of them are children.

The report, called "Map the Meal Gap," found:

• In 324 counties, mostly in the South, one in five residents are food insecure. Nationally, the figure is one in seven people. Those rates haven't changed since Feeding America began issuing the annual report in 2011, when 318 counties had high food insecurity rates.

• Families say they needed on average an additional $15.82 per person per week in 2012 to buy enough groceries, up from $14.35 in 2011.

• More counties with a high number of people who are food insecure are seeing food costs go up. The report says 23 counties with high rates of people at risk of hunger also had high food costs. In those counties, the average meal costs $3 or more, higher than the national average of $2.74. In 2011, just eight counties had high food insecurity rates and high meal costs.

more at link:

Hunger is a 'silent crisis' in the USA

I could find you more links on the subject but they largely come from organizations which exist to keep people from being hungry... so I figured you'd discount them.
Now you don't have to be actually hungry any more, you just have to have insecurity as to when and where your next meal is coming from. If you are worried, vote democrat and the government will take care of you.

The government is owned by large corporations and wealthy individuals who fund elections and pour trillions into congress through our steroidal lobbying system.

Those same corporations fund the Rightwing media bullhorn to distract people like you with food stamp abuses while they abscond with trillions in subsidies, bailouts and regulatory favors.

Turn off FOX News and take your brain back. If you want to see what is wrong with government, start focusing on the wealthy corporate puppet masters.

(Pss: you've been lied to)

The rightwing echo chamber is fed red meat by buffoons like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and fox "news" and other people who are just not too terribly bright themselves, and they are talking to even stupider people. That’s where all this is coming from, and it’s becoming circular, it’s becoming a joke. No Critical thinking just moronic talking points, attacking facts, all while they are being screw by the corporations that are laughing at them as they play divide and Conquer, convincing the old white christians that everyone not like them is their enemy while laughing all the way to the bank . Willing dupes

But somehow your above it all??And you and your type aren't in fact doing just what your blubbering about??
Has anyone even said why this is a looney thing i.e. Food Insecurity?

Or has the right determined that the way to deal with things is to just laugh and hope no one notices they have nothing more than that?

That was my initial thought. What was the genesis of the thread, and just as pertinent, WHY is this styled a "liberal" issue.

I can't find an answer to the first question. Often times googling reveals the RW nutcase topic de jour in the usual suspects websites. But I found nothing recent. So, giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, I think the genesis AND the "liberal" spin are sort of libertarian notions that the govt should not have the power to tax in order to prevent, or ease, hunger.
Maybe you missed all of the links in cyberspace which explain that private charities are struggling because many of the middle class people who used to donate to those charities are now standing in line for assistance.

Here they are again:

There are more, but just start with those.

Because they are fucking taxed more for these stupid and inefficient government handout and entitlement programs...

And again, you communist moron, the only one responsible for your upkeep and that includes FOOD, is YOU... you can ask those willing to give for assistance, but by NO MEANS are they REQUIRED to provide for you

DD, we're taxed at a lower marginal rate than at any time in the last 40 or so years... maybe longer. should we let children starve.

and while some may take issue with talking about hunger, and object to the term "food insecurity", but my feeling on that subject is too bad... we need to address these things. of course, we can pretend the issue doesn't exist. but perhaps your ire should be more at wages being stagnant and not keeping up with rising costs... and your ire could be at corporations hiding their money offshore... or it could be at people vilifying collective bargaining because it keeps workers from having a voice... either way, the fact is:

The report, based on 2012 federal survey data on 44,000 households, says 49 million Americans are "food insecure" — people who sometimes eat less, go hungry or eat less nutritious meals because they can't afford to eat better. Almost a third of them are children.

The report, called "Map the Meal Gap," found:

• In 324 counties, mostly in the South, one in five residents are food insecure. Nationally, the figure is one in seven people. Those rates haven't changed since Feeding America began issuing the annual report in 2011, when 318 counties had high food insecurity rates.

• Families say they needed on average an additional $15.82 per person per week in 2012 to buy enough groceries, up from $14.35 in 2011.

• More counties with a high number of people who are food insecure are seeing food costs go up. The report says 23 counties with high rates of people at risk of hunger also had high food costs. In those counties, the average meal costs $3 or more, higher than the national average of $2.74. In 2011, just eight counties had high food insecurity rates and high meal costs.

more at link:

Hunger is a 'silent crisis' in the USA

I could find you more links on the subject but they largely come from organizations which exist to keep people from being hungry... so I figured you'd discount them.

No.. we are not.. my tax burden is higher than previous year by a lot, with only a minimal increase in income

And less you forget that the number of taxes has increased... I was actually going to do the challenge of documenting ALL taxes we pay in a month, but so many are so deeply hidden, you cannot get an accurate number as to what the hell you are paying...

I fucking grew up POOR... so poor my grandmother and I walked and collected bottles and cans for meat money.. we tilled the ENTIRE back yard for veggies and canned the living shit out of them... but we did what we had to do.. from the time I was mowing laws and delivering papers, I as a CHILD contributed to make things better

You don't see people doing shit like that now.. you see people expecting others to do the mandatory giving so they don't have to work the extra job or maybe just not do anything for their handout
Because they are fucking taxed more for these stupid and inefficient government handout and entitlement programs...

And again, you communist moron, the only one responsible for your upkeep and that includes FOOD, is YOU... you can ask those willing to give for assistance, but by NO MEANS are they REQUIRED to provide for you

DD, we're taxed at a lower marginal rate than at any time in the last 40 or so years... maybe longer. should we let children starve.

and while some may take issue with talking about hunger, and object to the term "food insecurity", but my feeling on that subject is too bad... we need to address these things. of course, we can pretend the issue doesn't exist. but perhaps your ire should be more at wages being stagnant and not keeping up with rising costs... and your ire could be at corporations hiding their money offshore... or it could be at people vilifying collective bargaining because it keeps workers from having a voice... either way, the fact is:

The report, based on 2012 federal survey data on 44,000 households, says 49 million Americans are "food insecure" — people who sometimes eat less, go hungry or eat less nutritious meals because they can't afford to eat better. Almost a third of them are children.

The report, called "Map the Meal Gap," found:

• In 324 counties, mostly in the South, one in five residents are food insecure. Nationally, the figure is one in seven people. Those rates haven't changed since Feeding America began issuing the annual report in 2011, when 318 counties had high food insecurity rates.

• Families say they needed on average an additional $15.82 per person per week in 2012 to buy enough groceries, up from $14.35 in 2011.

• More counties with a high number of people who are food insecure are seeing food costs go up. The report says 23 counties with high rates of people at risk of hunger also had high food costs. In those counties, the average meal costs $3 or more, higher than the national average of $2.74. In 2011, just eight counties had high food insecurity rates and high meal costs.

more at link:

Hunger is a 'silent crisis' in the USA

I could find you more links on the subject but they largely come from organizations which exist to keep people from being hungry... so I figured you'd discount them.

No.. we are not.. my tax burden is higher than previous year by a lot, with only a minimal increase in income

And less you forget that the number of taxes has increased... I was actually going to do the challenge of documenting ALL taxes we pay in a month, but so many are so deeply hidden, you cannot get an accurate number as to what the hell you are paying...

I fucking grew up POOR... so poor my grandmother and I walked and collected bottles and cans for meat money.. we tilled the ENTIRE back yard for veggies and canned the living shit out of them... but we did what we had to do.. from the time I was mowing laws and delivering papers, I as a CHILD contributed to make things better

You don't see people doing shit like that now.. you see people expecting others to do the mandatory giving so they don't have to work the extra job or maybe just not do anything for their handout

if your tax burden is higher, either you are making more or your state raised taxes. the federal marginal rate is lower than at any time. in the past 40 years.

•Today's income tax rates are strikingly low relative to the rates of the past century, especially for rich people. For most of the century, including some boom times, top-bracket income tax rates were much higher than they are today.

Read more: THE TRUTH ABOUT TAXES: High Rates On Rich People Do Not Hurt The Economy - Business Insider
The beauty of food insecurity is you don't have to be hungry or lack food. A person can be food insecure with a bulging pantry and fridge. All they have to do is be concerned that someday, at some point in the future, they won't have chips and dip.

This isn't new. It's why grand parents and great grandparents who lived through the depression were so frugal. They had food insecurity as well as not much food at all. What they did not have was a government to grant their every wish.
That was incredibly stupid. Like the government is granting everyone's wish now, right?

White-Collar Workers Join Crowd Straining Food Banks - Bloomberg
Charitable Services Strained : Jobless 'New Poor' Flock Into San Joaquin Valley - Page 2 - Los Angeles Times
Food charities struggle to cover meals lost from food stamp reduction | The Rundown | PBS NewsHour
Thanksgiving: Food stamp cuts leave pantries struggling to meet rising need - NBC News

What is really stupid is that you now think that "food insecurity" is the same as hunger. Now that is some epic stupidity right there.
Has anyone even said why this is a looney thing i.e. Food Insecurity?

Or has the right determined that the way to deal with things is to just laugh and hope no one notices they have nothing more than that?

That was my initial thought. What was the genesis of the thread, and just as pertinent, WHY is this styled a "liberal" issue.

I can't find an answer to the first question. Often times googling reveals the RW nutcase topic de jour in the usual suspects websites. But I found nothing recent. So, giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, I think the genesis AND the "liberal" spin are sort of libertarian notions that the govt should not have the power to tax in order to prevent, or ease, hunger.

I dont know they just pick a topic, call it liberal and then all the repubs start frothing at the mouth about it but never explain what they are mad about or why?

Just put a sign that says liberal and they'll attack it...Change the sign and they are for it. Never any reasoning behind either one.

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