Latest left wing loon buzz word: Food Insecurity

Do you guys remember the old company store concept? where you worked for the company and bought all of your needs at the company store. if you didn't have the money, no problem, they sold to you on credit. you became dependent on them and in their debt so now you couldn't leave. they controlled you. what the democrats are attempting to drive the nation to is the old company store concept. only this time, the company is the government
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

Why can't the workers be responsible for their own lives? How in the fuck is it the company's responsibility?
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

start your own company and pay workers what you consider a living wage. see how long you stay in business.

think about this. most corporations are headquartered in blue states. most CEO's of corporations live in blue states. According to liberals, liberals are better educated and have more money than conservatives. Sems to me the problem is the rich liberals, not the conservatives.
No, scrote, billionaires are the problem. The billionaires who own both Democrats and Republicans in government. The billionaires who finance the system.

Why is this so difficult for your kind to understand?

That is the statement of choice for the lazy mind. That's probably your answer to everything isn't it dumbass?
Yeah, I think their plan involves pointing and laughing

That's certainly going to be my strategy with leftists like you on this thread. It's too easy. We have a major problem with obesity. So the hunger thing just doesnt do it. Of course there probably a dozen federal programs that deal with hunger and who knows how many state ones. So it has to be food insecurity. Whatevewr that is.
It's like global warming. When temps just didnt bear out the dire predictions suddenly it became "climate change"--like the climate hasnt been changing for millenia. But somehow this time its the fault of America and especially the Koch Bros.

America is fat so their is no hunger. Uhh ok :lol:

Hey nit wit. Food Insecyrity isn't the same as hunger. How friggin thick headed are you anyway?
Now basic business 101 says the more you pay out to workers the less profits you have.
And there you have it, Teabagger. This is why many employees are on food stamps. Rich people have to maintain their obscene profits. Nothing more. Corporations like Wal-Mart, the country's largest private employer, CAN afford to raise wages and pay better benefits, but that would cut into rich *****' profits.

So you have 1 out of every 6 Americans struggling to afford their next meals while private charities are straining to meet increased demand.

And do you know how to solve the problem?


Yes, get a job, get two jobs, stop having kids you can't afford. It is not the company's responsibility to take care of you period.
That's certainly going to be my strategy with leftists like you on this thread. It's too easy. We have a major problem with obesity. So the hunger thing just doesnt do it. Of course there probably a dozen federal programs that deal with hunger and who knows how many state ones. So it has to be food insecurity. Whatevewr that is.
It's like global warming. When temps just didnt bear out the dire predictions suddenly it became "climate change"--like the climate hasnt been changing for millenia. But somehow this time its the fault of America and especially the Koch Bros.

America is fat so their is no hunger. Uhh ok :lol:

Hey nit wit. Food Insecyrity isn't the same as hunger. How friggin thick headed are you anyway?

I know! Tell that to Rabbi!
Has anyone even said why this is a looney thing i.e. Food Insecurity?

Or has the right determined that the way to deal with things is to just laugh and hope no one notices they have nothing more than that?

That was my initial thought. What was the genesis of the thread, and just as pertinent, WHY is this styled a "liberal" issue.

I can't find an answer to the first question. Often times googling reveals the RW nutcase topic de jour in the usual suspects websites. But I found nothing recent. So, giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, I think the genesis AND the "liberal" spin are sort of libertarian notions that the govt should not have the power to tax in order to prevent, or ease, hunger.

I dont know they just pick a topic, call it liberal and then all the repubs start frothing at the mouth about it but never explain what they are mad about or why?

Just put a sign that says liberal and they'll attack it...Change the sign and they are for it. Never any reasoning behind either one.

Hunger, or not knowing where tomorrows food will come from, is obviously neither a "liberal" or "conservative" issue. I'd give posters the benefit of the doubt on being sincere in a belief that the govt has no proper role in addressing the issue of a lack of food for some folks, but in order to not see the impracticality of this belief, any thinking person has to suspend rationality.

For example. Kids who arrive at school when there wasn't food at home for breakfast. Schools are failing a lot of kids, but if kids are hungry, no school will succeed. Charity,
Churches? Oh sure, they can do the job if they just try to do a better job with what they have .... not.

So, if these so called conservatives wanted to rationally address the issue, it'd be about how do we get food to kids and people who lack the ability to get it themselves, while giving as little succor as possible to the malingerers who will mooch off the truly needy. But, of course, they are not actually conservatives. They simply want to take a pass on the issue and not even contemplate the actual effects of what would occur if their policies were followed.
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And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

And why can't workers do more or bring more to make themselves in demand and earn more???

Nobody needs government assistance, unless you are a ward of the state, relinquishing your freedoms granted... Everybody needs the responsibility to provide for themselves, or seek the assistance VOLUNTARILY OFFERED (not forcibly confiscated) of those who do help thru charity
Maybe you missed all of the links in cyberspace which explain that private charities are struggling because many of the middle class people who used to donate to those charities are now standing in line for assistance.

Here they are again:

There are more, but just start with those.

Blah blah blah, it still is nobody's responsibility but the hungry person. Get a job, get two jobs, buy food.
And why can't multibillion-dollar corporations afford to raise their workers' wages so that fewer people need government assistance?

And why can't workers do more or bring more to make themselves in demand and earn more???

Nobody needs government assistance, unless you are a ward of the state, relinquishing your freedoms granted... Everybody needs the responsibility to provide for themselves, or seek the assistance VOLUNTARILY OFFERED (not forcibly confiscated) of those who do help thru charity
Maybe you missed all of the links in cyberspace which explain that private charities are struggling because many of the middle class people who used to donate to those charities are now standing in line for assistance.

Here they are again:

There are more, but just start with those.

Has anyone even said why this is a looney thing i.e. Food Insecurity?

Or has the right determined that the way to deal with things is to just laugh and hope no one notices they have nothing more than that?

Yes, I said it in the OP, are you unable to read?
The beauty of food insecurity is you don't have to be hungry or lack food. A person can be food insecure with a bulging pantry and fridge. All they have to do is be concerned that someday, at some point in the future, they won't have chips and dip.

This isn't new. It's why grand parents and great grandparents who lived through the depression were so frugal. They had food insecurity as well as not much food at all. What they did not have was a government to grant their every wish.
That was incredibly stupid. Like the government is granting everyone's wish now, right?

White-Collar Workers Join Crowd Straining Food Banks - Bloomberg
Charitable Services Strained : Jobless 'New Poor' Flock Into San Joaquin Valley - Page 2 - Los Angeles Times
Food charities struggle to cover meals lost from food stamp reduction | The Rundown | PBS NewsHour
Thanksgiving: Food stamp cuts leave pantries struggling to meet rising need - NBC News

What is really stupid is that you now think that "food insecurity" is the same as hunger. Now that is some epic stupidity right there.

Do you know why there is so much food insecurity in the richest nation in history in the first place? Of course you Teabaggers don't read any of the links to the liberal internet because it's all UN-approved Marxist propaganda, but here's some information that might help you understand the answer.
Now basic business 101 says the more you pay out to workers the less profits you have.
And there you have it, Teabagger. This is why many employees are on food stamps. Rich people have to maintain their obscene profits. Nothing more. Corporations like Wal-Mart, the country's largest private employer, CAN afford to raise wages and pay better benefits, but that would cut into rich *****' profits.

So you have 1 out of every 6 Americans struggling to afford their next meals while private charities are straining to meet increased demand.

And do you know how to solve the problem?


Yes, get a job, get two jobs, stop having kids you can't afford. It is not the company's responsibility to take care of you period.

Teabagger my ass, that is some catch phrase your faggot ass made up because the truth hurts ....

To solve the problem, you will need to genetically recode the black race so that work has some meaning to them.

Instead of trying to take what others have worked hard for, your pathetic cock sucking ass would have to be able to understand that pay is actually based on ones skill set, if you fucking morons had spent more time in school instead of chasing pussy and slinging drugs, then you would not have these problems.

Instead your faggot ass wants to take what you have no right to, hell you even want to set others pay scales for them. Whats next, want to come tell me how big my next shit will be??
Has anyone even said why this is a looney thing i.e. Food Insecurity?

Or has the right determined that the way to deal with things is to just laugh and hope no one notices they have nothing more than that?

That was my initial thought. What was the genesis of the thread, and just as pertinent, WHY is this styled a "liberal" issue.

I can't find an answer to the first question. Often times googling reveals the RW nutcase topic de jour in the usual suspects websites. But I found nothing recent. So, giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, I think the genesis AND the "liberal" spin are sort of libertarian notions that the govt should not have the power to tax in order to prevent, or ease, hunger.

The reason you found nothing is because I don't get my info from right wing blogs, or right wing talking heads. I read, I listen, I learn. You must have at least seen the talking heads faking concern over the problem of "Food Insecurity" somewhere on the Internet right?

Did you read my OP at all? The point is that it's no longer enough for the left to tell us that hunger is our problem, now it has to include people who are insecure about their food supply and/or their next meal. And it doesn't even have to be a rational insecurity.

I guarantee you that the words "Food Insecurity" come our of obama's mouth soon.

Food insecurity is a fabricated word describing a fabricated situation. You are marching right in the goose step chorus line aren't you?
One in five Texans still food-insecure
One in five Texans still food-insecure


April 23, 2014
By Ken Camp / Managing Editor

AUSTIN—Despite some signs of economic recovery, about one in five Texans in 2012 had limited or uncertain access to enough food to support a healthy lifestyle, new research revealed.

A study released by the Texas Food Bank Network showed 18.3 percent of Texans lived in food-insecure homes in 2012, including 1.9 million children.

ferrell foster130Ferrell Foster“One percent would be too high, but 18 percent is grievous,” said Ferrell Foster, director of ethics and justice with the Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission. “These are our neighbors, friends and family. We like to brag about the greatness of Texas, but this is not a sign of greatness.”

Research conducted by Feeding America showed more than 4.77 million Texans experienced food insecurity in 2012, a marginal improvement over the 4.81 million food-insecure people the previous year.

Food insecurity means lack of money or other resources at some times during the year limits consistent access to adequate food, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In food-insecure households, family members often cut back on groceries—or buy cheaper, unhealthy food—to pay for lodging, utilities or medicine.

The data revealed pervasive food insecurity throughout the state, with the highest concentration in Southeast Texas near Houston and Beaumont.

jeremy everett130Jeremy EverettJeremy Everett, director of the Texas Hunger Initiative, a collaborative project developed in the Baylor University School of Social Work in cooperation with the Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission, noted the Feeding America research appeared consistent with what his organization had observed.

“It is more than unfortunate that we have not incorporated low-income families into the ‘Texas Miracle’ or the recent economic success we have been experiencing as a state,” Everett said. “Texans touting the ‘Texas Miracle’ will continually be seen as hypocritical when we flaunt the success of our economic model when record numbers of Texans are falling into poverty. We have to do a better job of creating economic opportunities for all of our brothers and sisters living in impoverished conditions.”

Nationally, Feeding America reports 48.9 million Americans—16 million of them children—experience food insecurity. In a county-by-county comparison, Harris County, home to Houston, ranks fourth nationally, with 765,970 food-insecure residents, and Dallas County ranks sixth, with 476,540 food-insecure residents.

Texas ranks ninth for child food insecurity at 27.4 percent. In Zavala County, 41 percent of children are food-insecure—the highest rate in the nation.

texas foodbank logo148The Howard G. Buffett Foundation, ConAgra Foods Foundation and Nielsen provided support for the research. Findings, including an interactive map, are posted at Map the Meal Gap | Food Insecurity in your County.

“Studies like these underline how hunger can persist even when the economy seems to be getting better,” said Celia Cole, chief executive officer of the Texas Food Bank Network. “Texas leads the nation in many ways, but we can’t be proud of ourselves as a state until this problem has been solved by our leaders and our local communities. Hunger does not belong here.”

The prevalence of food insecurity underscores the need for Christians to be involved both in advocacy for more just public policy and in giving generously to ministries that help hungry people, added Foster, coordinator of the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering.

“Texas Baptists have a special opportunity on Mother’s Day to give money for the hungry as a means of honoring our moms,” he said.

Funny the things people say on the internet, I entered the terms "Food Insecurity" into my browser and got back 27 million results ...
To solve the problem, you will need to genetically recode the black race so that work has some meaning to them.
Have you ever heard of "slavery", Teabagger?

Would you care to argue that owning slaves was hard work, white-trash Republican Teabagger?

Do you want to try to claim that your fellow lazy worthless Southern inbred white-trash redneck Dixiecrat Republican slave-owning ancestors were proud, hard-working slave-owners, stupid inbred white trash Republican Teabagger?

Why do you try to never learn?
Has anyone even said why this is a looney thing i.e. Food Insecurity?

Or has the right determined that the way to deal with things is to just laugh and hope no one notices they have nothing more than that?

That was my initial thought. What was the genesis of the thread, and just as pertinent, WHY is this styled a "liberal" issue.

I can't find an answer to the first question. Often times googling reveals the RW nutcase topic de jour in the usual suspects websites. But I found nothing recent. So, giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, I think the genesis AND the "liberal" spin are sort of libertarian notions that the govt should not have the power to tax in order to prevent, or ease, hunger.

The reason you found nothing is because I don't get my info from right wing blogs, or right wing talking heads. I read, I listen, I learn. You must have at least seen the talking heads faking concern over the problem of "Food Insecurity" somewhere on the Internet right?

Did you read my OP at all? The point is that it's no longer enough for the left to tell us that hunger is our problem, now it has to include people who are insecure about their food supply and/or their next meal. And it doesn't even have to be a rational insecurity.

I guarantee you that the words "Food Insecurity" come our of obama's mouth soon.

I said I gave you, and your initial post, the benefit of the doubt in terms of sincerity. However, sincerity doesn't preclude you from being a loon. I thought perhaps a libertarian who simply ignored the reality of private charities being incapable of addressing the situation of, for example, hungry kids at school.

But, perhaps that was giving you too much credit. You continue to push "liberal" and "left," when in fact the AMA, DOD, the USDA have all considered "food insecurity" prior to Obama ever entering office. The issue not political.
What is really stupid is that you now think that "food insecurity" is the same as hunger. Now that is some epic stupidity right there.

Do you know why there is so much food insecurity in the richest nation in history in the first place? Of course you Teabaggers don't read any of the links to the liberal internet because it's all UN-approved Marxist propaganda, but here's some information that might help you understand the answer.

Food insecurity is a fabricated word describing a fabricated situation. You are marching right in the goose step chorus line aren't you?
Please read these:
Now you don't have to be actually hungry any more, you just have to have insecurity as to when and where your next meal is coming from. If you are worried, vote democrat and the government will take care of you.

The government is owned by large corporations and wealthy individuals who fund elections and pour trillions into congress through our steroidal lobbying system.

Those same corporations fund the Rightwing media bullhorn to distract people like you with food stamp abuses while they abscond with trillions in subsidies, bailouts and regulatory favors.

Turn off FOX News and take your brain back. If you want to see what is wrong with government, start focusing on the wealthy corporate puppet masters.

(Pss: you've been lied to)

You are the one who has been lied to.
It was a Lefty Progressive in the 1940's policies (New Deal) that caused the large corporations and wealthy individuals who fund elections and pour trillions into congress through our lobbying system.
One of the foundations of gun rights is to hunt. And people saying that if they MUST have food, and don't know how else to get it, they must hunt; And thus, need a firearm.

I agree.

So the right wingers need to stop bashing the idea of "food insecurity". It is real, and it is a part of one of the foundational arguments for gun rights.
But folks in Brooklyn or South Central LA don't have many fish or deer nearby to hunt. And with gas prices what they are....kinda hard for them to go hunt food.
Has anyone even said why this is a looney thing i.e. Food Insecurity?

Or has the right determined that the way to deal with things is to just laugh and hope no one notices they have nothing more than that?

That was my initial thought. What was the genesis of the thread, and just as pertinent, WHY is this styled a "liberal" issue.

I can't find an answer to the first question. Often times googling reveals the RW nutcase topic de jour in the usual suspects websites. But I found nothing recent. So, giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, I think the genesis AND the "liberal" spin are sort of libertarian notions that the govt should not have the power to tax in order to prevent, or ease, hunger.

The reason you found nothing is because I don't get my info from right wing blogs, or right wing talking heads. I read, I listen, I learn. You must have at least seen the talking heads faking concern over the problem of "Food Insecurity" somewhere on the Internet right?

Did you read my OP at all? The point is that it's no longer enough for the left to tell us that hunger is our problem, now it has to include people who are insecure about their food supply and/or their next meal. And it doesn't even have to be a rational insecurity.

I guarantee you that the words "Food Insecurity" come our of obama's mouth soon.

And the problem with that is what again?

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