Latest left wing loon buzz word: Food Insecurity

The rightwing echo chamber is fed red meat by buffoons like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and "fox "news: and other people who are just not terribly bright themselves, and they are talking to even stupider people. That’s where all this is coming from, and it’s becoming circular, it’s becoming a joke. No Critical thinking just moronic talking points, attacking facts, all while they are being screw by the corporations that are laughing at them as they play divide and Conquer, convincing the old white christians that everyone not like them is their enemy while laughing all the way to the bank . Willing dupes

The only one screwing me is Obama. No corporation is interfering with how I conduct my business. Fox News, Beck & Rush also have 0 impact in my life.

You on the other had do appear to be under the influence of corporations. More specifically the tinfoil industry. Nut

Yep Obama obama obama obama . :cuckoo:

Are you part of this group?

[ame=]Militant BLACK Obama Youth Group: Let's SCARE the SHIT out of WHITE Grandma? - YouTube[/ame]
=KNB;8981145]49 million people are in "food insecure" households in the richest nation in the history of humanity, so obviously something is very wrong with our system.

Who's fault is that? Mine? The working stiff who "hunts and gathers" his own food? Perhaps if the "food insecure households" would use their money for cash instead of crack or weed they wouldn't be quite as "insecure."

Do any Conservatives have a solution for people going hungry in a country that has way more than enough food?

Yes. Go to work and stop relying on the taxpayer to bail them out of the messes of their own making. Secondly, stop relying on Obama and Friends to bail them out of the messes of their own making. Thirdly, stop buying cells phones, crack, heroin, weed, gold chains, Cadillacs, and Nikes and start buying food.

The real joke is what passes for a "christian" these days.

I love leftwingers who talk about christanity, its even funier than when they talk tough
It's like talking to children. How old are you people? Honestly. This forum is ridiculous.

Have a nice day.

omg ive used tha one on yoh so many times with you avoiding debate, changing subjects, ect.

you use the logic of a 5 year old, so dont cast any stones
One of the foundations of gun rights is to hunt. And people saying that if they MUST have food, and don't know how else to get it, they must hunt; And thus, need a firearm.

I agree.

So the right wingers need to stop bashing the idea of "food insecurity". It is real, and it is a part of one of the foundational arguments for gun rights.

I certainly hope you warmed up before stretching that far. You could easily pull something otherwise.
And the problem with that is what again?

The politicizing of the fabricated idea of food insecurity to garner votes and increase government power and influence.

No one has politicized this but you.

How is this a Fabricated idea? Its not real? And you evidence its not is what?

People who are hungry will vote for this idea that you say isnt real. How is that possible? To get votes from people on something that doesnt exist but is important at the same time?

You seem really light on facts and rely more on emotions

Really? REALLY??? They wont vote for something that doesnt exist?? where have you been? Unlike you liberals with your limited mental capacity, not only have I been paying attention to this, and I'm smart enough to know where it's going.
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Food insecurity is not the same as hunger. And if you are trying to tell me that this isn't a left wing idea, I'll tell you that you have rocks in your head.

At least I have something beyond air in my head.

that "retort" is nearly as lame as your thread. Food insecurity is a term that's been around for decades

USDA ERS - Food Security in the U.S.: History & Background

I realize that to you any measure of hunger and the fear of hunger in, and on, society is "liberal" to you. But your reality is rather unique.

Your link does nothing to dispute my "retort". Did you even read it yourself?
=KNB;8981145]49 million people are in "food insecure" households in the richest nation in the history of humanity, so obviously something is very wrong with our system.

Who's fault is that? Mine? The working stiff who "hunts and gathers" his own food? Perhaps if the "food insecure households" would use their money for cash instead of crack or weed they wouldn't be quite as "insecure."

Do any Conservatives have a solution for people going hungry in a country that has way more than enough food?

Yes. Go to work and stop relying on the taxpayer to bail them out of the messes of their own making. Secondly, stop relying on Obama and Friends to bail them out of the messes of their own making. Thirdly, stop buying cells phones, crack, heroin, weed, gold chains, Cadillacs, and Nikes and start buying food.

The real joke is what passes for a "christian" these days.

How would you know considering the fact that you aren't one and don't even believe in Christ? I give to charity every paycheck. I just don't believe in "legislated" charity. If it's not from the heart then it's not charity.
Who's fault is that? Mine? The working stiff who "hunts and gathers" his own food? Perhaps if the "food insecure households" would use their money for cash instead of crack or weed they wouldn't be quite as "insecure."

Yes. Go to work and stop relying on the taxpayer to bail them out of the messes of their own making. Secondly, stop relying on Obama and Friends to bail them out of the messes of their own making. Thirdly, stop buying cells phones, crack, heroin, weed, gold chains, Cadillacs, and Nikes and start buying food.

The real joke is what passes for a "christian" these days.

I love leftwingers who talk about christanity, its even funier than when they talk tough

They hate Christians with they act like Christians and they hate Christians when they don't. All the while they have no clue what a Christian is.
Why does a multibillion-dollar corporation have to cut workers' hours?
you failed business 101 didn't you?
No, that's why I know that private multibillion-dollar corporations can afford to pay their employees more and still make massive profits. Corporations would actually make more money because more people would have more money with which to buy their products.

As for business 101, how many trillions of our tax dollars did fiscal conservatives spend on blowing up Iraq over proven lies?

I see you failed economics and history. You know nothing about economics, and bush didn't lie about iraq.
Now you don't have to be actually hungry any more, you just have to have insecurity as to when and where your next meal is coming from. If you are worried, vote democrat and the government will take care of you.

there is always a GOP dumpster to dive...
The word "insecurity" :
plural noun: insecurities

uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.
"she had a deep sense of insecurity"
synonyms: lack of confidence, self-doubt, diffidence, unassertiveness, timidity, uncertainty, nervousness, inhibition;

Perhaps we need to look at the root cause, has to deal with one's own perspective of themselves. Once again a job and a pay check gives one that sense of self worth from earning wages for work ...
so why don't they get a higher paying job? one that pays benefits?
Because if corporations hire more people with better benefits then corporations would profit less. Did you fail Business 101?

wow, this is an example of your 5 year old logic. While true, its completely stupid.

for example, why do the yankees drive up salaries by trying to get the best baseball players? They could dump all of their names and suck. But they want to win and winning along with big names gets people to buy their stuff and watch their games and voila, both business and employee make money.

So,what is the drawback? Us, when employees make more money it costs us more to use them or in this case watch a yankees game.

Thats why business like people from harvard and not high school graduates. High school graduates are certainly cheaper than harvard grads, but not as good ( in most cases )
Now you don't have to be actually hungry any more, you just have to have insecurity as to when and where your next meal is coming from. If you are worried, vote democrat and the government will take care of you.

Or you can vote repug and be out on the street and actually be hungry.

If you're an evolutionist then you believe that on the "fittest" survive. Right?
The word "insecurity" :
plural noun: insecurities

uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.
"she had a deep sense of insecurity"
synonyms: lack of confidence, self-doubt, diffidence, unassertiveness, timidity, uncertainty, nervousness, inhibition;

Perhaps we need to look at the root cause, has to deal with one's own perspective of themselves. Once again a job and a pay check gives one that sense of self worth from earning wages for work ...

Sure and corporations, companies and individuals that run a business, never discriminate on age or medical conditions for employment..
Now you don't have to be actually hungry any more, you just have to have insecurity as to when and where your next meal is coming from. If you are worried, vote democrat and the government will take care of you.

Or you can vote repug and be out on the street and actually be hungry.

If you're an evolutionist then you believe that on the "fittest" survive. Right?

Unless you inherit a fortune...
49 million people are in "food insecure" households in the richest nation in the history of humanity, so obviously something is very wrong with our system.

Do any Conservatives have a solution for people going hungry in a country that has way more than enough food?

And yet, some rw's say they care about children, vets, disabled, elderly.

They don't.

Read this thread. For some, hunger is a joke.

"Compassionate conservatives" my ass.

HOw much EXTRA in Taxes did you send in Dudley Neveright?

HOW much?

Not one fucking penny you hypocrite.

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