Latest left wing loon buzz word: Food Insecurity

Now basic business 101 says the more you pay out to workers the less profits you have.
And there you have it, Teabagger. This is why many employees are on food stamps. Rich people have to maintain their obscene profits. Nothing more. Corporations like Wal-Mart, the country's largest private employer, CAN afford to raise wages and pay better benefits, but that would cut into rich *****' profits.

So you have 1 out of every 6 Americans struggling to afford their next meals while private charities are straining to meet increased demand.

And do you know how to solve the problem?


So have you written Bammy and asked him to start Nationalizing Corporations?
Now you don't have to be actually hungry any more, you just have to have insecurity as to when and where your next meal is coming from. If you are worried, vote democrat and the government will take care of you.

Or you can vote repug and be out on the street and actually be hungry.

If you're an evolutionist then you believe that on the "fittest" survive. Right? this deserves a rep. Right between the eyes
Nancy Pelosi tonight said this nation needs to pass a Trillion dollar plan to
deal with food insecurity.Democrats will call for an emergency session of congress.

It is rumored that Obama asked the Sushi restaurant he was eating at to wrap up a few takeout
orders to be loaded up on Air Force one for him to take back home when his trip wraps up.
Why does a multibillion-dollar corporation have to cut workers' hours?
you failed business 101 didn't you?
No, that's why I know that private multibillion-dollar corporations can afford to pay their employees more and still make massive profits. Corporations would actually make more money because more people would have more money with which to buy their products.

As for business 101, how many trillions of our tax dollars did fiscal conservatives spend on blowing up Iraq over proven lies?

about half as many as Obama did pretending to fix the economy
Now you don't have to be actually hungry any more, you just have to have insecurity as to when and where your next meal is coming from. If you are worried, vote democrat and the government will take care of you.

im really just tired of you people...
49 million people are in "food insecure" households in the richest nation in the history of humanity, so obviously something is very wrong with our system.

Do any Conservatives have a solution for people going hungry in a country that has way more than enough food?

Naw, they are too busy trying to fight against universal health care. You see, when you spend more than any other country on health care, and one out of four Americans have either inadequate Health Insurance or no health insurance, Conservatives are fine with this, because "I got mine and fuck you".

They just don't understand why people find that message unappealling.
Food insecurity will end once the workers control the means of production! Then we will all get our weekly ration of bread!!
Food insecurity will end once the workers control the means of production! Then we will all get our weekly ration of bread!!

Um, guy, the Department of Agriculture spends 155 billion a year either propping up farmers or paying people so they can afford food.

If there is a case of "Socialism" in this country, it's the corporate welfare that is our food production system.

I'm sure you pine for farm failures and food riots, though. It's what Ayn Rand would want.

49 million people are in "food insecure" households in the richest nation in the history of humanity, so obviously something is very wrong with our system.

Do any Conservatives have a solution for people going hungry in a country that has way more than enough food?

Naw, they are too busy trying to fight against universal health care. You see, when you spend more than any other country on health care, and one out of four Americans have either inadequate Health Insurance or no health insurance, Conservatives are fine with this, because "I got mine and fuck you".

They just don't understand why people find that message unappealling.

You literally live in a fantasy world!

Only a few people drive Bentleys or live in big houses. Does that mean that everyone has a "right" to?

When a group of men run a foot race there will be a winner and there will be a loser. Should we change the rules so that there is a group tie every time a race takes place? Should the Super Bowl ring be awarded to all the teams that played football in a given season?

In the REAL world you have to fight for what you get. It happens daily in the animal kingdom and it's been happened in man's world since the beginnings of man's history. If you want a better life then YOU are responsible to make it happen. There are plenty of people who will help you along the way but the primary responsibility is on your shoulders. If you don't have what it takes then you remain at the bottom of the heap. That's the facts of life!!!

I'm not rich but I'm not angry at them who are. I'm just not smart enough to earn a PhD so I do what I can with my high school diploma. I live a lower-middle-class existence and make the best of it. I basically work check to check and have just a little to put into savings for a rainy day. I give what I can to the charities of my choice (Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity). I get really pissed when people like you and Pelosi and Obama come along and tell me that I need to give more of what I got so that the pothead, lazy ass dude across the street from me can live a more "secure" life.

You literally live in a fantasy world!

Only a few people drive Bentleys or live in big houses. Does that mean that everyone has a "right" to?

When a group of men run a foot race there will be a winner and there will be a loser. Should we change the rules so that there is a group tie every time a race takes place? Should the Super Bowl ring be awarded to all the teams that played football in a given season?

In the REAL world you have to fight for what you get. It happens daily in the animal kingdom and it's been happened in man's world since the beginnings of man's history. If you want a better life then YOU are responsible to make it happen. There are plenty of people who will help you along the way but the primary responsibility is on your shoulders. If you don't have what it takes then you remain at the bottom of the heap. That's the facts of life!!!

I'm not rich but I'm not angry at them who are. I'm just not smart enough to earn a PhD so I do what I can with my high school diploma. I live a lower-middle-class existence and make the best of it. I basically work check to check and have just a little to put into savings for a rainy day. I give what I can to the charities of my choice (Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity). I get really pissed when people like you and Pelosi and Obama come along and tell me that I need to give more of what I got so that the pothead, lazy ass dude across the street from me can live a more "secure" life.

YOu are comparing a child having enough to eat to owning a Bentley? Really?

dude, I'm working three jobs right now because even though my last job had me paying for a Gold Plan insurance policy, the minute I got sick, they were trying to find ways to get me off hte payroll. So I don't want to hear any SHIT about how we need to "Fight" for what we want when we have a 1% that is fighting so hard to take what little the rest of us have from us.

And I get a little tired of this Darwinist/Randian shit that you guys spew about fighting for your existance. If you are living a "lower middle class" lifestyle, it isn't because the Pothead across the street is screwing you, it's because the 1%er who signs your paycheck declare themselves winners when they were born on third base and thought they hit a triple.

You literally live in a fantasy world!

Only a few people drive Bentleys or live in big houses. Does that mean that everyone has a "right" to?

When a group of men run a foot race there will be a winner and there will be a loser. Should we change the rules so that there is a group tie every time a race takes place? Should the Super Bowl ring be awarded to all the teams that played football in a given season?

In the REAL world you have to fight for what you get. It happens daily in the animal kingdom and it's been happened in man's world since the beginnings of man's history. If you want a better life then YOU are responsible to make it happen. There are plenty of people who will help you along the way but the primary responsibility is on your shoulders. If you don't have what it takes then you remain at the bottom of the heap. That's the facts of life!!!

I'm not rich but I'm not angry at them who are. I'm just not smart enough to earn a PhD so I do what I can with my high school diploma. I live a lower-middle-class existence and make the best of it. I basically work check to check and have just a little to put into savings for a rainy day. I give what I can to the charities of my choice (Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity). I get really pissed when people like you and Pelosi and Obama come along and tell me that I need to give more of what I got so that the pothead, lazy ass dude across the street from me can live a more "secure" life.

YOu are comparing a child having enough to eat to owning a Bentley? Really?

dude, I'm working three jobs right now because even though my last job had me paying for a Gold Plan insurance policy, the minute I got sick, they were trying to find ways to get me off hte payroll. So I don't want to hear any SHIT about how we need to "Fight" for what we want when we have a 1% that is fighting so hard to take what little the rest of us have from us.

And I get a little tired of this Darwinist/Randian shit that you guys spew about fighting for your existance. If you are living a "lower middle class" lifestyle, it isn't because the Pothead across the street is screwing you, it's because the 1%er who signs your paycheck declare themselves winners when they were born on third base and thought they hit a triple.

It's because of hungry children that I willingly give to charities that I KNOW for a fact will help them the most. Paying higher taxes to a corrupt government isn't going to help anyone but the Senators who vote themselves a raise next year.

But you miss my point. I'm already giving between a 1/3 and a 1/2 of my paycheck in taxes and am already barely squeezing by. I can't just keep giving and giving and giving more every time the Democrats come up with a new SCHEME called "food insecurity" or some other nonsensical buzz phrase. I live with rent insecurity, food insecurity, utility insecurity, gasoline insecurity, (so on and so forth), every day. I have been since I left the nest at 18 years old. Life is a struggle.

If two adults are willing to bed down together and have a baby then they are responsible for feeding that baby. If they're having trouble providing then they go to their local charity and get help. There are plenty of food banks available to help. I don't need Pelosi raising my taxes so she can line her pockets.
The politicizing of the fabricated idea of food insecurity to garner votes and increase government power and influence.

No one has politicized this but you.

How is this a Fabricated idea? Its not real? And you evidence its not is what?

People who are hungry will vote for this idea that you say isnt real. How is that possible? To get votes from people on something that doesnt exist but is important at the same time?

You seem really light on facts and rely more on emotions

Really? REALLY??? They wont vote for something that doesnt exist?? where have you been? Unlike you liberals with your limited mental capacity, not only have I been paying attention to this, and I'm smart enough to know where it's going.

So more nothing then. Point is no one has politicized this but you. I believe both Dems and Repubs have stomachs so...
If only that 1% paid their "fair share" in taxes, liberals could be more secure. Yep, depending upon some govt agency and mindless bureaucrats to improve your life is the avenue to take. Because somebody else owes you a living...gee, life is unfair who f---ing knew ? Lol
And the problem with that is what again?

The politicizing of the fabricated idea of food insecurity to garner votes and increase government power and influence.

No one has politicized this but you.

How is this a Fabricated idea? Its not real? And you evidence its not is what?

People who are hungry will vote for this idea that you say isnt real. How is that possible? To get votes from people on something that doesnt exist but is important at the same time?

You seem really light on facts and rely more on emotions

Seems like Hitler told the masses there would be "chicken in every pot"

It was President Herbert Hoover who in 1929 promised each American household the chicken and the car and it was Adolf Hitler who in the early 1930s promised all of Germany a KdF-Wagen [Volkswagen] for every family. And it worked. Hoover was elected President and thereby had the honor of escorting the American people into the great depression and Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor and promptly lead his country into the hell of the holocaust and into total war.
Doctor Law's Legal Scalpel: A Chicken In Every Pot, A [Volkswagon] In Every Garage

Hot damn, I always wanted to own a Volkswagen ...
The politicizing of the fabricated idea of food insecurity to garner votes and increase government power and influence.

No one has politicized this but you.

How is this a Fabricated idea? Its not real? And you evidence its not is what?

People who are hungry will vote for this idea that you say isnt real. How is that possible? To get votes from people on something that doesnt exist but is important at the same time?

You seem really light on facts and rely more on emotions

Seems like Hitler told the masses there would be "chicken in every pot"

It was President Herbert Hoover who in 1929 promised each American household the chicken and the car and it was Adolf Hitler who in the early 1930s promised all of Germany a KdF-Wagen [Volkswagen] for every family. And it worked. Hoover was elected President and thereby had the honor of escorting the American people into the great depression and Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor and promptly lead his country into the hell of the holocaust and into total war.
Doctor Law's Legal Scalpel: A Chicken In Every Pot, A [Volkswagon] In Every Garage

Hot damn, I always wanted to own a Volkswagen ...

And Damon Waynes said Homey dont play that...both mean nothing
No one has politicized this but you.

How is this a Fabricated idea? Its not real? And you evidence its not is what?

People who are hungry will vote for this idea that you say isnt real. How is that possible? To get votes from people on something that doesnt exist but is important at the same time?

You seem really light on facts and rely more on emotions

Seems like Hitler told the masses there would be "chicken in every pot"

It was President Herbert Hoover who in 1929 promised each American household the chicken and the car and it was Adolf Hitler who in the early 1930s promised all of Germany a KdF-Wagen [Volkswagen] for every family. And it worked. Hoover was elected President and thereby had the honor of escorting the American people into the great depression and Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor and promptly lead his country into the hell of the holocaust and into total war.
Doctor Law's Legal Scalpel: A Chicken In Every Pot, A [Volkswagon] In Every Garage

Hot damn, I always wanted to own a Volkswagen ...

And Damon Waynes said Homey dont play that...both mean nothing

Why yes, to some one not intelligent enough to make the connection it means noting ....

ROFLMFAO, Homey ain't real bright ....

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