Laugh Of The Day


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Too funny.

"I know that the president-elect has indicated that he deserves credit for -- for that announcement, and I guess what I would observe is that if he is successful in doing that 804 more times, then he will meet the record of manufacturing jobs that were created in the United States while President Obama was in office. There were 805,000 manufacturing jobs that weren't just protected or saved, but actually created while President Obama was in office.
- Josh Earnest

Yeah, Josh, 805,000 jobs manufacturing Big Macs, and all going to illegals.

WH: Trump May Have Saved 1,000 Manufacturing Jobs, But Obama Created 805,000 of Them
No wonder no one can get that shit-eating grin off of James Earl Carter's face these days.
Too funny.

"I know that the president-elect has indicated that he deserves credit for -- for that announcement, and I guess what I would observe is that if he is successful in doing that 804 more times, then he will meet the record of manufacturing jobs that were created in the United States while President Obama was in office. There were 805,000 manufacturing jobs that weren't just protected or saved, but actually created while President Obama was in office.
- Josh Earnest

Yeah, Josh, 805,000 jobs manufacturing Big Macs, and all going to illegals.

WH: Trump May Have Saved 1,000 Manufacturing Jobs, But Obama Created 805,000 of Them
yeah billy all to illegals ,,,you still bsing here ?
Obama has claimed credit for everything positive and has blamed everyone for his failures.

It was proven Barry tried to claim he saved more jobs with his failed Stimulus bill than actually EXISTED at several companies. :p

Barry, the globalist, has no problem with American businesses / jobs leaving the country. That's why I don't mind Trump trying to grt them to stay.
Too funny.

"I know that the president-elect has indicated that he deserves credit for -- for that announcement, and I guess what I would observe is that if he is successful in doing that 804 more times, then he will meet the record of manufacturing jobs that were created in the United States while President Obama was in office. There were 805,000 manufacturing jobs that weren't just protected or saved, but actually created while President Obama was in office.
- Josh Earnest

Yeah, Josh, 805,000 jobs manufacturing Big Macs, and all going to illegals.

WH: Trump May Have Saved 1,000 Manufacturing Jobs, But Obama Created 805,000 of Them
yeah billy all to illegals ,,,you still bsing here ?

Link is a couple of years old but there are newer ones. Dig away ed. :itsok:

Economist: Immigrants have taken all new jobs created since 2000

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