Laughing While Black

Looks like its the new thing to be crude and loud without regard to other PAYING passengers, use the race card, get more free stuff from cowardly business owners afraid of being called racist.

I hope the other passengers ask for the same free stuff since they had to put up with the crap, and future PAYING passengers will have to as well.

We don't know how crude and loud they were being. It is possible that only one rich racist complained. The article is too incomplete to draw conclusions such as yours.
Yo, sounds like they had to much! I wonder if the one White woman will get anything out of a Lawsuit?

Wine train issues apology to black women booted from train


Aug. 25, 2015 9:26 PM EDT

Five members of the Sistahs on the Reading Edge book club, all of Antioch, from left, Katherine... Read more

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The Napa Valley Wine Train issued an apology Tuesday to a book club that includes mostly black women who said they were booted from a tasting tour because of their race.

The company also promised additional training for employees on cultural diversity and sensitivity, and they offered the group free passes for 50 people for a future trip.

"The Napa Valley Wine Train was 100 percent wrong in its handling of this issue," CEO Anthony "Tony" Giaccio said in a statement. "We accept full responsibility for our failures and for the chain of events that led to this regrettable treatment of our guests."

Wine train issues apology to black women booted from train

This "Fruitcake"is from the same town!
View attachment 48278
Yo, sounds like those sisters laid down a big ol' stick of whup ass on those clowns! I bet they get a free ride next time!


Yo, read the article you would know fool! You need to change your name to new school, Obama School, School of the Socialist Party, another words, School of Dumb-Asses!!!

View attachment 48287
Yo, take that cock out of your ass and get a job!

Napa Wine Train is cool. Uppity, but nice.
Used to live there once upon a time. But it gets HOT there. They said "no air conditioning necessary". LIARS. Napa is like Bakersfield, but with hills.

They tried that, "We don't need AC in WA" BS with me. You may only need AC for 6 weeks, but you DO need it for that 6 weeks. Two window units at Costco for $250 total got me through 5 years. What a bargain! NEED!

What a bunch of pansies!
Looks like its the new thing to be crude and loud without regard to other PAYING passengers, use the race card, get more free stuff from cowardly business owners afraid of being called racist.

I hope the other passengers ask for the same free stuff since they had to put up with the crap, and future PAYING passengers will have to as well.

We don't know how crude and loud they were being. It is possible that only one rich racist complained. The article is too incomplete to draw conclusions such as yours.

Yo, you are talking about BLACK WOMEN? And, drinking wine?

Napa Wine Train is cool. Uppity, but nice.
Used to live there once upon a time. But it gets HOT there. They said "no air conditioning necessary". LIARS. Napa is like Bakersfield, but with hills.

They tried that, "We don't need AC in WA" BS with me. You may only need AC for 6 weeks, but you DO need it for that 6 weeks. Two window units at Costco for $250 total got me through 5 years. What a bargain! NEED!

What a bunch of pansies!

Like a fine wine, as a woman ages, she hotflashes ... OK, so not really like a fine wine at all.
Looks like its the new thing to be crude and loud without regard to other PAYING passengers, use the race card, get more free stuff from cowardly business owners afraid of being called racist.

I hope the other passengers ask for the same free stuff since they had to put up with the crap, and future PAYING passengers will have to as well.

We don't know how crude and loud they were being. It is possible that only one rich racist complained. The article is too incomplete to draw conclusions such as yours.
Yo. Ever been around women in some sort of club while drinking wine? LOL.
Whoa, they played the race card? Who would have expected that? Nice move ladies, nice move. Go get your free stuff now.
Looks like its the new thing to be crude and loud without regard to other PAYING passengers, use the race card, get more free stuff from cowardly business owners afraid of being called racist.

I hope the other passengers ask for the same free stuff since they had to put up with the crap, and future PAYING passengers will have to as well.

We don't know how crude and loud they were being. It is possible that only one rich racist complained. The article is too incomplete to draw conclusions such as yours.

Yo, you are talking about BLACK WOMEN? And, drinking wine?

Looks like its the new thing to be crude and loud without regard to other PAYING passengers, use the race card, get more free stuff from cowardly business owners afraid of being called racist.

I hope the other passengers ask for the same free stuff since they had to put up with the crap, and future PAYING passengers will have to as well.

We don't know how crude and loud they were being. It is possible that only one rich racist complained. The article is too incomplete to draw conclusions such as yours.
Yo. Ever been around women in some sort of club while drinking wine? LOL.
It's a shame that this train didn't have cameras installed. This would have been a non-story if we could have seen what happened. People don't get thrown out for being black. In fact the opposite happens. People are so afraid of the race card that they let black people get away with more than other people would. To top it off, now these trouble makers get free shit.
Looks like its the new thing to be crude and loud without regard to other PAYING passengers, use the race card, get more free stuff from cowardly business owners afraid of being called racist.

I hope the other passengers ask for the same free stuff since they had to put up with the crap, and future PAYING passengers will have to as well.

Why did you keep saying paying in caps like they snuck on the train? Plus 2 whole people complained and instead of relocating 2 people, they threw out 12.

The thread title is grating on my nerves something fierce. Spelling and grammar... they can be your friend, they can be your enema. :slap:

I do not think it is a grammar issue. I think he is just being frugal with o. As far as punctuation and capitalization is concerned, that is going to be the cause of next world war because there is so much discord on those two topics.
Nice lead up statement there. I guess all blacks are the same as the worst ones you know and they deserved it. Typical
Many blacks are very vocal in public settings and do so as a reflection of their evangelical traditions. Unfortunately, not all public settings are appropriate for such displays. But no one dare challenge that because they will be accused of racism. Apparently, neosegregationism trumps courtesy.
Evangelical tradition dictates that you be loud and obnoxious in public?

Who knew. I must have missed that Sunday.
I guess you haven't witnessed a black church service. They take the church traditions with them out of the church. Except for when they partake of the out-of-wedlock begetting.
So they don't have the sense to know that shouting isn't appropriate in all situations? Sorry I don't buy it.
Nice lead up statement there. I guess all blacks are the same as the worst ones you know and they deserved it. Typical
Many blacks are very vocal in public settings and do so as a reflection of their evangelical traditions. Unfortunately, not all public settings are appropriate for such displays. But no one dare challenge that because they will be accused of racism. Apparently, neosegregationism trumps courtesy.
Evangelical tradition dictates that you be loud and obnoxious in public?

Who knew. I must have missed that Sunday.
Oh honey, you just got to let the Spirit move you and you won't be able to contain the joy of the Lord!
On a wine train????

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