Laura Ingraham speaks the truth and the left goes bonkers

Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.
You went over 14 words there, Adolph.
You can’t be for BLM and at the same time insist that the 14 words are some terrible thing, Farrakhan.
I am very much for all lives mattering...INCLUDING black lives, brown lives, white lives, young lives, old lives, etc. Can you say the same?


PTBFAL - Proud to be for all lives
Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.

White immigrants aren’t desperate or filthy enough to vote Mexicrat and or drop litters of anchor babies in the laps of good Americans. The Left has no use for decent people.
Um....Made in Russia, born in America: birth tourism booming in Miami
Just because the fomentation of the left / MSM would lead one to believe that YOU are a bigoted individual for wanting to maintain a more homogeneous, stable Society... Doesn't make it so. I am ancestrally from the 'middle east', btw. This Nation was not founded by ambiguous ideology! Read your F'n Bible and connect the dots to the tenets of our founding documents! I am thankful every day that I wake up that I am a US born citizen! I take some sort of satisfaction in paying increasingly more taxes to the various states I hold property in and VT that I now claim residence in... O, yes, even the Feds... lol, every tax season. 2018 it went down btw... lol.

Isn't that the goal here.. enrich one's self while fortifying the Nation with the excess of one's earnings...?

This is not a theocracy. The fact is that we do not want a homogeneous society. This argument has been used against every group that has come to this country.
The Alt-Right is just the neo Know Nothings.
Laura has built a career of working on the fringe of racism to give raw meat to deplorables

When challenged....she draws back and says
Who me?

Is anyone buying her backpedaling this time?

No. You said EXPLICITLY that even legal immigrants were why America is unrecognizable. You don’t get take backsies.
S.E. Cupp on Twitter

SE Cupp is a cool chick. There are a lot of reasonable conservative women.
Plus, her hot librarian look and legs are killer :)


The once mighty, compassionate and poetic Republican Party has gone off into a very deep ditch.

Sad :(

We must not forget what we're up against, but we all must never forget what we're for. A poet once wrote: "I have fallen in love with American names," and Americans love no name better than the name of freedom. Well, in this campaign, and so many others, I've heard America singing, and its song is freedom. You can hear it in the shipyards near here, as men and women go to work. You can hear it in offices, factories, schools, and stores all over our land. You can hear it when a young man or woman dreams of striking out alone and becoming part of the great boom in entrepreneurship that has created virtually all of the new jobs in America in recent years: 84—or 80.4 million new jobs in these several years. You can hear it in the prayers from every church, synagogue, temple, and mosque in our land. Yes, "one nation, under God, indivisible"—all in the name of glorious freedom.

You know, some years ago two friends of mine were talking with a Cuban refugee who had escaped from Castro. In the midst of the tale of horrible experiences, one friend turned to the other and said, "We don't know how lucky we are." And the Cuban stopped and said, "How lucky you are? I had someplace to escape to." Well, let's keep it that way.

How sacred is our trust—we to whom God has given the custody of the name and the song of freedom. America represents something universal in the human spirit. I received a letter not long ago from a man who said: "You can go to Japan to live, but you cannot become Japanese. You can go to France, and you'd live and not become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey, and you won't become a German or a Turk." But then he added: "Anybody from any corner of the world can come to America to live and become an American."

-Ronald Wilson Reagan
In seeing the clip she was not being racist just pointing out the change. Newsflash for her and everybody else....things always change. They never stay the same. Just go with it.
In seeing the clip she was not being racist just pointing out the change. Newsflash for her and everybody else....things always change. They never stay the same. Just go with it.
"Just pointing out the change"...she doesn't express any regret over the change? She doesn't indicate that she considers the change to be bad?d
The country hasn't changed. The culture hasn't changed. The demographics are very slowly changing....maybe. nothing to worry about though.
I imagine sometime around 1970 or so, some male chauvinist penned a similar piece about women taking their jobs, becoming ministers, running for office, etc…

The snowflakes on the right are uncomfortable. That is a sure sign that the nation is moving in the right direction.

Hell yeah, makes perfect sense in that backwards world of LibTardia...all first world, civilized nations should get “moving in the right direction” by importing tens of millions of uncivilized thirdworlders. Funny shit
Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.

Ronald Reagan: Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Medal of Freedom

This, I believe, is one of the most important sources of America's greatness. We lead the world because, unique among nations, we draw our people—our strength-from every country and every corner of the world. And by doing so we continuously renew and enrich our nation. While other countries cling to the stale past, here in America we breathe life into dreams. We create the future, and the world follows us into tomorrow. Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we're a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier. This quality is vital to our future as a nation. If we ever closed the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost.


Even Reagan got it.
I imagine sometime around 1970 or so, some male chauvinist penned a similar piece about women taking their jobs, becoming ministers, running for office, etc…

The snowflakes on the right are uncomfortable. That is a sure sign that the nation is moving in the right direction.

When a nation is “moving in the right direction” ALL statistical data charts should look like this.
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Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.

Laura sees honestly. It's pretty obvious what is wrong with America:

The promises of Progressiveness were all a pack of lies.

View attachment 209436

Bustles are hot.

Great-great-granny got back.
I imagine sometime around 1970 or so, some male chauvinist penned a similar piece about women taking their jobs, becoming ministers, running for office, etc…

The snowflakes on the right are uncomfortable. That is a sure sign that the nation is moving in the right direction.

When a nation is “moving in the right direction” ALL statistical data charts should look like this.

Who made that graph up? Rush Limbaugh? Breitbart? You have no reference for verifying it.
If you are a minority, but you want to be a good conservative and support America -- wouldn't deporting yourself to another country be the patriotic thing to do?

I mean, you want to make sure that this country remains over 90% white at least, with all of the legal and illegal immigration of lesser people coming here, the honorable thing to do would be to leave and take as many other minorities with you --- for the cause

it must be a sad existence for a minority conservative to both reconcile his need to be accepted by white supremacists while also being told why his kind is inferior --- I guess getting that pat on the head and being told "you are one of the good ones, I am talking about the others who look like you" -- is enough for them to sleep at night.....
Ooops. She's done it again.
I hope this time Fox pulls the plug on this fucking bitch.

People are threatening once again to boycott advertisers on Laura Ingraham's show after she blamed immigrants for the end of the 'America we know and love.' Here are the companies they're urging to stop advertising on her show.

Mitsubishi USA
Flonase Allergy Relief
Jewelry Exchange
Spectrum Enterprise

Operation Finale - MGM
Empire Today
Ageless Male Max
Relaxium Sleep
AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Pacific Premier Bank
National Car Rental
Sandals Resorts
Reagan is rolling in his grave.....



Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Medal of Freedom
January 19, 1989

"""I think it's fitting to leave one final thought, an observation about a country which I love. It was stated best in a letter I received not long ago. A man wrote me and said: "You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk, or a Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American.""""

FUCK LAURA INGRAHAM and her obvious Trump ass-kissing.

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