Laura Ingraham speaks the truth and the left goes bonkers

I imagine sometime around 1970 or so, some male chauvinist penned a similar piece about women taking their jobs, becoming ministers, running for office, etc…

The snowflakes on the right are uncomfortable. That is a sure sign that the nation is moving in the right direction.

When a nation is “moving in the right direction” ALL statistical data charts should look like this.

Who made that graph up? Rush Limbaugh? Breitbart? You have no reference for verifying it.
Reagan is rolling in his grave.....



Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Medal of Freedom
January 19, 1989

"""I think it's fitting to leave one final thought, an observation about a country which I love. It was stated best in a letter I received not long ago. A man wrote me and said: "You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk, or a Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American.""""

FUCK LAURA INGRAHAM and her obvious Trump ass-kissing.

No U.S. President in our history fucked good Americans over like Reagan did...he was a sucker, a nutless bipartisan BITCH. His signing of the 1986 Amnesty Bill should go down as the single worst event EVER by an American President. FUCK REAGAN!
Reagan is rolling in his grave.....



Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Medal of Freedom
January 19, 1989

"""I think it's fitting to leave one final thought, an observation about a country which I love. It was stated best in a letter I received not long ago. A man wrote me and said: "You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk, or a Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American.""""

FUCK LAURA INGRAHAM and her obvious Trump ass-kissing.

No U.S. President in our history fucked good Americans over like Reagan did...he was a sucker, a nutless bipartisan BITCH. His signing of the 1986 Amnesty Bill should go down as the single worst event EVER by an American President. FUCK REAGAN!
I suspect your kind saw getting rid of Jim Crowe laws was a terrible mistake.
"Immigrants are free to come here legally and to go through the process as prescribed by law" <-------YOU DAMN RACIST.

You people are idiots.
Yawn. More “we don’t like her opinion so she must be nixed from society!” bullshit from the left.

What else is new?
Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.
Her racist comment would fit right here with you other trump whore racists.
She’s getting clobbered big time from both sides and deservedly so.
Low hanging fruit like you have no idea of what proper morals and behavior is.
Look who you support. The most vile full of hate politician we’ve ever had in this country.

Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.
You went over 14 words there, Adolph.
You can’t be for BLM and at the same time insist that the 14 words are some terrible thing, Farrakhan.
I am very much for all lives mattering...INCLUDING black lives, brown lives, white lives, young lives, old lives, etc. Can you say the same?


PTBFAL - Proud to be for all lives
If you really meant that then you wouldn't be against the 14 words.
Laura has built a career of working on the fringe of racism to give raw meat to deplorables

When challenged....she draws back and says
Who me?

Is anyone buying her backpedaling this time?

No. You said EXPLICITLY that even legal immigrants were why America is unrecognizable. You don’t get take backsies.
S.E. Cupp on Twitter

SE Cupp is a cool chick. There are a lot of reasonable conservative women.
Plus, her hot librarian look and legs are killer :)


She is another Libertarian moron.
Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.

White immigrants aren’t desperate or filthy enough to vote Mexicrat and or drop litters of anchor babies in the laps of good Americans. The Left has no use for decent people.
Um....Made in Russia, born in America: birth tourism booming in Miami
Mexico dominates immigration in all states.

Including Florida.
Laura Ingraham is a hate peddler.
As far as I can tell she hates freeloaders, and X-pats that want to consign US sovereignty to a more 'Obama-esque' one world / geopolitical utopia of unified governance by... Yes (the elites)... hee, hee, how fun!

U Fucking Deplorable!

She's just another vile whitey afraid of becoming a minority - which is coming...
If she were afraid of that she would have had more white children instead of adopting non-white children.
There is no issue out there for us white Americans. It's all fear tactics. Ythe white race is holding its own just fine. Birth rates ensure it. Next thing you know some crazy wacko will call for more white babies born.....there is no problem here.

Been there done that :rolleyes-41:
GOP lawmaker David Stringer criticized for saying "there aren't enough white kids to go around"
And you assholes wonder why there was a rally in Charlottesville.....
I imagine sometime around 1970 or so, some male chauvinist penned a similar piece about women taking their jobs, becoming ministers, running for office, etc…

The snowflakes on the right are uncomfortable. That is a sure sign that the nation is moving in the right direction.

It sure is. Why if anybody questions it, just take a look at the areas overrun by these people. That's what the left wants to change the entire country to.
Whites from where? Britain? Norway? Denmark? Germany? Why would anyone feel compelled to leave those places to immigrate here? There's no political strife, no war, no famine, no violence. Why would you want to uproot your family, leave friends and businesses behind, your treasured culture to come here?

And why are these places few would want to leave? Think about that for a few days.
I get your point Ray, homogeneity & all, where Societal values are somewhat uniform and the country knows who's there, etc. etc. That's all changing now, not sure about Norway but the rest have gone to shit... even worse than the US in the cities such as London, Hamburg, Munich etc.
That dumb racist bleach blond was clearly stating out loud she wants to make America WHITE again. There’s no other way to spin it.
She said out loud what you cult members have whispered about. You heard Trump’s dog whistle of MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN 2 years ago and you’ve been love with him ever since because you found a racist kindred spirit.
There is no other way to interpret it

Too many brown people to join our blacks makes a demographic that offends her

I didn't see the clip, only read the OP. Where did she say she was offended?

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