Laura Ingraham speaks the truth and the left goes bonkers

Just because the fomentation of the left / MSM would lead one to believe that YOU are a bigoted individual for wanting to maintain a more homogeneous Society ... Doesn't make "Bigotry" so. I am ancestrally from the 'middle east', (lets just say Mesopotamia to be vague). This Nation, the 'U S of A' was not founded by ambiguous ideology or haphazard truisms! Read your F'n Bible and connect the dots to the tenets of our founding documents! I am thankful every day that I wake up that I am a US born citizen! I take immense satisfaction in paying increasingly more taxes to the various states I hold property in and VT that I now claim residence in. Somewhat begrudgingly though, to the Feds where I'm in the 30%...Every tax season.. 2018 it went slightly down btw... lol. (tks. Mr. T)

Isn't that the goal here.. enrich one's self while fortifying the Nation with the excess of one's earnings...?
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Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.
I have never valued talent in that manner. I appreciate and hire people that get the job done. My hiring process is rigorous. Multiple layers and a personal department that examines the details. Your post bugs me for several reasons.
Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.

You should know it’s rooted in racism when her loudest supporter is David Duke.

If you think Ingraham is racist you are clearly more stupid than I thought you were.

You are the stupid one. Ingraham is a racist. That is what Trump Derangement Syndrome does.
America is not white enough for Laura Ingraham
America is TOO White for leftists who HATE White people and its not brown and black enough it never will be brown and black enough until the last white person is destroyed.
No...America is what it is

Whoever comes becomes a new America

We had the same thing with Irish, Italians, Catholics, Puerto Rican’s,
All were looked at as destroying our country

They used to be called Know Nothings
Now they are called Laura Ingraham
And ALL of those except Puerto Rican's is what the founders intended America to be for. Why was America's immigration laws not good enough BEFORE 1965? OBVIOUSLY America was too white for the leftists who want a BROWN America..why? You have that much white hatred for your own race? America was BUILT by white men FOR white men FOR their WHITE progeny.
That dumb racist bleach blond was clearly stating out loud she wants to make America WHITE again. There’s no other way to spin it.
She said out loud what you cult members have whispered about. You heard Trump’s dog whistle of MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN 2 years ago and you’ve been love with him ever since because you found a racist kindred spirit.

And you Anti White racist SCUM want ALL whites to be erased from America. I will die trying to stop you.

You are a crazy asshole. You are the PONDSCUM RACIST here.
Just because the fomentation of the left / MSM would lead one to believe that YOU are a bigoted individual for wanting to maintain a more homogeneous, stable Society... Doesn't make it so. I am ancestrally from the 'middle east', btw. This Nation was not founded by ambiguous ideology! Read your F'n Bible and connect the dots to the tenets of our founding documents! I am thankful every day that I wake up that I am a US born citizen! I take some sort of satisfaction in paying increasingly more taxes to the various states I hold property in and VT that I now claim residence in... O, yes, even the Feds... lol, every tax season. 2018 it went down btw... lol.

Isn't that the goal here.. enrich one's self while fortifying the Nation with the excess of one's earnings...?

This is not a theocracy. The fact is that we do not want a homogeneous society. This argument has been used against every group that has come to this country.
Just because the fomentation of the left / MSM would lead one to believe that YOU are a bigoted individual for wanting to maintain a more homogeneous, stable Society... Doesn't make it so. I am ancestrally from the 'middle east', btw. This Nation was not founded by ambiguous ideology! Read your F'n Bible and connect the dots to the tenets of our founding documents! I am thankful every day that I wake up that I am a US born citizen! I take some sort of satisfaction in paying increasingly more taxes to the various states I hold property in and VT that I now claim residence in... O, yes, even the Feds... lol, every tax season. 2018 it went down btw... lol.

Isn't that the goal here.. enrich one's self while fortifying the Nation with the excess of one's earnings...?

This is not a theocracy. The fact is that we do not want a homogeneous society. This argument has been used against every group that has come to this country.
Control the 'melting pot' or place a moratorium on it until you can. (period)
Laura Ingraham is a hate peddler.
As far as I can tell she hates freeloaders, and X-pats that want to consign US sovereignty to a more 'Obama-esque' one world / geopolitical utopia of unified governance by... Yes (the elites)... hee, hee, how fun!

U Fucking Deplorable!
Laura Ingraham is a hate peddler.
As far as I can tell she hates freeloaders, and X-pats that want to consign US sovereignty to a more 'Obama-esque' one world / geopolitical utopia of unified governance by... Yes (the elites)... hee, hee, how fun!

U Fucking Deplorable!

She's just another vile whitey afraid of becoming a minority - which is coming...
Laura Ingraham is a hate peddler.
As far as I can tell she hates freeloaders, and X-pats that want to consign US sovereignty to a more 'Obama-esque' one world / geopolitical utopia of unified governance by... Yes (the elites)... hee, hee, how fun!

U Fucking Deplorable!

She's just another vile whitey afraid of becoming a minority - which is coming...
I'm pretty sure that I'm already a minority here... I'll save my vitriolic response to you "Lakhota" for a later date, with a greater audience, where I will pluck your ideological bones from you... one at a time. lol :)
Laura has built a career of working on the fringe of racism to give raw meat to deplorables

When challenged....she draws back and says
Who me?

Is anyone buying her backpedaling this time?

No. You said EXPLICITLY that even legal immigrants were why America is unrecognizable. You don’t get take backsies.
S.E. Cupp on Twitter
I imagine sometime around 1970 or so, some male chauvinist penned a similar piece about women taking their jobs, becoming ministers, running for office, etc…

The snowflakes on the right are uncomfortable. That is a sure sign that the nation is moving in the right direction.
Laura Ingraham is a hate peddler.
As far as I can tell she hates freeloaders, and X-pats that want to consign US sovereignty to a more 'Obama-esque' one world / geopolitical utopia of unified governance by... Yes (the elites)... hee, hee, how fun!

U Fucking Deplorable!

She's just another vile whitey afraid of becoming a minority - which is coming...
I'm pretty sure that I'm already a minority here... I'll save my vitriolic response to you "Lakhota" for a later date, with a greater audience, where I will pluck your ideological bones from you... one at a time. lol :)

too damn funny.
The Dukester LOVED it .. smack dab out of the white supremacist playbook!

Laura Ingraham’s Anti-Immigrant Rant Is So Racist It Was Endorsed by Ex-KKK Leader David Duke


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