Laura Ingraham speaks the truth and the left goes bonkers

She said it's not about ethnicity.....then what was it about? As a white person I don't see what she is talking about.
Left going bonkers............that's kinda normal these days..........when aren't they.......

There is no issue out there for us white Americans. It's all fear tactics. Ythe white race is holding its own just fine. Birth rates ensure it. Next thing you know some crazy wacko will call for more white babies born.....there is no problem here.
It’s not demographics. It’s the culture. We want to be a free people, but we can’t be free if we subject ourselves to evil.

We are a society that rejects the truth that’s the truth that makes us free. But half this of society denies that truth even exists. How can we be free when we deny it and the natural law?

Liberty won’t come because all people look alike. It comes when all people follow God and love virtue
The half that claims to be followers of God cherry pic the bible to fit their sins. They surely don't conduct themselves as the Christians they say they are. Jesus was all about helping the less fortunate. He as my savior was not about the wealthy.
She said it's not about ethnicity.....then what was it about? As a white person I don't see what she is talking about.
She talked about changing demographics

But it did not seem to be about more old or more educated people
Demographics as to what? This country hasn't changed much at all since I was a kid.
Demographics as to what? This country hasn't changed much at all since I was a kid.
We have more Hispanics

What Republicans like to call brown people
So if a white man has a we call him brown.............all these rules by people are good at confusing people...............all the terminology..........perhaps you could hand over your talking points memos so we can figure it all out.....................
Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.[x/QUOTE]
What white, non-Jewish immigrants are to being left out? Moreover, what does religion have to do with it? Jew? Christian, Islamic, Sikh, Hindu, or anyone else. Do explain.
So, is this the part where Laura Ingraham cries because all her sponsors dump her?
Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.

Leftist coming into contact with truth:


We have taken in so many low IQ Mexicas who want to change the country and don't contribute. Why? Because they vote democrat.
Poor Laura

She is not having one of her better years
Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.
Whites from where? Britain? Norway? Denmark? Germany? Why would anyone feel compelled to leave those places to immigrate here? There's no political strife, no war, no famine, no violence. Why would you want to uproot your family, leave friends and businesses behind, your treasured culture to come here? Why would they leave universal healthcare, freedom and Capitalism healthily mixed with social justice to come to a place that opposes that mixture of economic policy?

Do you know why the whites immigrated here in the 19th and 20th century? Because things weren't so stable, fair and peaceful in the old country.

And that's why there are more Asian, African, Latino, Jewish, and Islamic immigrants. When you look back at the various cultures immigrants brought to America, you have to be amazed and in awe of the result. The astounding diversity these immigrants contributed to our American culture melded to become the world's dominate culture. The West won, bigly.

There are rectangular flags, military uniforms in the western style, and a command and control structure in every formidable military organization on earth from China to South Africa to Peru. English is spoken between pilots and air traffic controllers from Singapore to Athens to Quebec. Fashion and entertainment is remarkably Western across the globe.

There is certainly influences on our own culture brought by immigrants and it has always been so. You wouldn't go out for pizza and beer if the immigrant influence of Italians and Germans weren't brought here. You would never hear jazz music (one of the three greatest contributions America has made to the world along with the constitution and baseball) had it not been for Haitians and Africans and the French and Spanish when they established New. Orleans.

An all white society would be as exciting, innovative and dynamic as a trip to EPCOT.
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Well documented ? Its not even written in any comprehendable manner...

From your link:

“In some parts of the country, it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore,” Ingraham said on her Fox News program, “The Ingraham Angle,” in a not-at-all-veiled dig at people of color later endorsed by ex-KKK leader David Duke. While Ingraham added that “it’s not about race or ethnicity,” the thrust of her comments was unmistakable.
Let’s see is she is the next to get yanked

And then there were none.
My little town I grew up in doesn’t exist anymore. It’s a big city. Libs would call that racism.

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