Laura Ingraham speaks the truth and the left goes bonkers

Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.

You should know it’s rooted in racism when her loudest supporter is David Duke.

And yet when the US Communist party supported your last three presidential contenders (plus Bernie Sanders) no warning bells or sirens.
Think of America like a club you belong to, lets say Mar-a-Lago, lol. The club has every right to discriminate against anyone entering. They can make and change requisite requirements as they deem fit; & they can place a moratorium on membership at whim for any reason (waiting for the geezers to die off, lol). Start thinking about America like you would as a member of an exclusive club... cus that's what it is. Members of Mar-a-Lago aren't intrinsically "better" than non members, they are just advantageously positioned and privileged.

Btw, what happens to Mar-a-Lago if some entity forces them to accept any and all, irregardless of the old standards and requirements... They don't have to pay their $dues either... get my drift? It turns to sheite in very short order!
I get your point Ray, homogeneity & all, where Societal values are somewhat uniform and the country knows who's there, etc. etc. That's all changing now, not sure about Norway but the rest have gone to shit... even worse than the US in the cities such as London, Hamburg, Munich etc.

Never been there or studied their politics, but from what I've heard, what you say is totally true.

I have to laugh when the left tells me that minorities vote Democrat because it serves their best self-interest. Yet when Republicans do the same, it's racist.

I'm not afraid to say I would like to see whites keep the majority in the US for obvious reasons. After all, just look at crime statistics and anybody could see why.

More than that, is there any other country in the world outside of surrender-first white countries that would welcome being made a minority in their own country? And if you object to it, it's considered racist?

And for the left, ask yourself why people always try to move into white areas be they neighborhoods or countries? Because we just happen to have better land than other places, or is it the people that are so desirable to live among?
As she spoke, film on the screen behind her depicted people scaling what appeared to be a giant border wall or slipping under a fence.

Shortly after, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke tweeted a link to what she said, calling it "one of the most important (truthful) monologues in the history of MSM." He later deleted the tweet.
Instead of race, she said she was talking about "a shared sense of keeping American safe and her citizens safe and prosperous.

"I want to make it really clear," she said. "My concern will remain with the families who have suffered from the tragic results of illegal immigration."

Sure Laura...that is what you meant
Whites from where? Britain? Norway? Denmark? Germany? Why would anyone feel compelled to leave those places to immigrate here? There's no political strife, no war, no famine, no violence. Why would you want to uproot your family, leave friends and businesses behind, your treasured culture to come here?

And why are these places few would want to leave? Think about that for a few days.
I laid out why few people would want to leave Western Europe. The government's there are stable, the economies there are both good and stable, people have friends, families and businesses there. They have universal healthcare and a great standard of living. They enjoy freedom and liberty.

You just can't say the same about Central America, Africa and the better part of Asia.
Whites from where? Britain? Norway? Denmark? Germany? Why would anyone feel compelled to leave those places to immigrate here? There's no political strife, no war, no famine, no violence. Why would you want to uproot your family, leave friends and businesses behind, your treasured culture to come here?

And why are these places few would want to leave? Think about that for a few days.
I laid out why few people would want to leave Western Europe. The government's there are stable, the economies there are both good and stable, people have friends, families and businesses there. They have universal healthcare and a great standard of living. They enjoy freedom and liberty.

You just can't say the same about Central America, Africa and the better part of Asia.

Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Whites from where? Britain? Norway? Denmark? Germany? Why would anyone feel compelled to leave those places to immigrate here? There's no political strife, no war, no famine, no violence. Why would you want to uproot your family, leave friends and businesses behind, your treasured culture to come here?

And why are these places few would want to leave? Think about that for a few days.
I laid out why few people would want to leave Western Europe. The government's there are stable, the economies there are both good and stable, people have friends, families and businesses there. They have universal healthcare and a great standard of living. They enjoy freedom and liberty.

You just can't say the same about Central America, Africa and the better part of Asia.

Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.
Faun said:

You should know it’s rooted in racism when her loudest supporter is David Duke.
It's The Whole Point Of The Immigration And Naturalization Act Of 1965

Which I Have Posted Before
Reagan is rolling in his grave.....



Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Medal of Freedom
January 19, 1989

"""I think it's fitting to leave one final thought, an observation about a country which I love. It was stated best in a letter I received not long ago. A man wrote me and said: "You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk, or a Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American.""""

FUCK LAURA INGRAHAM and her obvious Trump ass-kissing.

No U.S. President in our history fucked good Americans over like Reagan did...he was a sucker, a nutless bipartisan BITCH. His signing of the 1986 Amnesty Bill should go down as the single worst event EVER by an American President. FUCK REAGAN!

Reagan is a top 10 President while Trump is a bottom 10 President. Reagan united the country while Trump divides it. He was a true patriot as he would never use the flag for cheap partisan politics.
She talks about criminals........OMFG..........poor snowflakes............

She calls out the young Pure Socialist............nutbag.....poor snowflakes.......

She calls out changing Demographics from the illegal invasion..........poor snowflakes......

Got news for you retarded snowflakes..........they are changing our Demographics.......The 11 million number that your side keeps's utter Horse Hockey...........As Ingram pointed out in that video...........600,000 overstayed their visa's in 2017 alone.............and most reports show over a million come here and don't go home every single year...............This is been going on for decades...............So take that 11 million number to the FICTION dept. of the book store.......

Good video melted the ALWAYS OUTRAGED SNOW FLAKES.........poor wittle things.
More than half of California drivers' licenses went to undocumented immigrants, NumbersUSA says

California is home to more undocumented immigrants than any other state, over 3 million, so any policy shift it makes is bound to catch attention.

NumbersUSA, a group that favors reduced immigration, noticed a trend with driver’s licenses in the Golden State and posted a meme with this message on its Facebook page.

"More than half of all drivers' licenses issued in California this year have gone to illegal aliens," the meme says.

The group is on solid ground with its numbers, although it omits why this has happened.

According to the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles, about 397,000 undocumented immigrants received a driver’s license since January.

"This figure represents more than half of the total 759,000 original driver licenses that have distributed during the first half of 2015," the department said in a press release.

Behind these numbers is a 2013 law called the Safe and Responsible Driver Act. The measure reversed a 20-year-old law that blocked people without legal status from applying for a license. A large coalition of immigrant advocacy organizations argued that in the state that epitomizes American car culture, that ban made it difficult for people to get to work, drive their kids to school and run simple errands. The result, the advocates argued, was thousands of people on the road without licenses and without any way to make sure they knew how to drive.

Reminder: You May Need a Passport to Fly Now If You Live in These States

Want to fly the friendly skies...........Well your California license will not be good enough soon........a passport or a Real I.D. will be needed sorry
Whites from where? Britain? Norway? Denmark? Germany? Why would anyone feel compelled to leave those places to immigrate here? There's no political strife, no war, no famine, no violence. Why would you want to uproot your family, leave friends and businesses behind, your treasured culture to come here?

And why are these places few would want to leave? Think about that for a few days.
I laid out why few people would want to leave Western Europe. The government's there are stable, the economies there are both good and stable, people have friends, families and businesses there. They have universal healthcare and a great standard of living. They enjoy freedom and liberty.

You just can't say the same about Central America, Africa and the better part of Asia.

Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
How about China, Japan, S Korea?

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