Law school grads can’t get jobs, and now some are suing over it

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Why are kids so dumb? anyone hear of picking a field where their is tons of jobs and good money and now they are suing over it because they are FUCKING IGNORANT and STUPID..........


In recent years, whispers have flittered through the legal community that some law schools may be exaggerating their post-graduation job-placement statistics to lure in new enrollees. Never have those allegations been given any real weight, though—until now.
Thomas Jefferson School of Law, a San Diego school that claims a 60% post-graduation employment rate while also reporting a bar passage rate of only 46%, was hit with a class-action lawsuit in 2011 led by 2008 graduate Anna Alaburda. According to Alaburda and several other graduates, the school committed fraud, negligence, and multiple violations of state statutes by manipulating data and intentionally counting some graduates as “employed” when they were not. Late last month, San Diego Superior Court judge Joel Pressman overruled the school’s counterarguments and set the case for trial in March.
While more than a dozen class-action lawsuits have been raised against law schools on the same issue in the last several years, this one is the first to be taken to trial.
The US market for traditional law firm associates has been gradually contracting for the last decade, leaving many of the country’s newest lawyers jobless every year. But despite dimming job prospects, law schools are still attracting thousands of new students a year. (While the increased employment rate for graduating law students in 2014 appears to have ended a six-year decline, that boost is actually due to the class having 3,000 fewer graduates than the one before it.)
Why are kids so dumb? anyone hear of picking a field where their is tons of jobs and good money and now they are suing over it because they are FUCKING IGNORANT and STUPID..........


In recent years, whispers have flittered through the legal community that some law schools may be exaggerating their post-graduation job-placement statistics to lure in new enrollees. Never have those allegations been given any real weight, though—until now.
Thomas Jefferson School of Law, a San Diego school that claims a 60% post-graduation employment rate while also reporting a bar passage rate of only 46%, was hit with a class-action lawsuit in 2011 led by 2008 graduate Anna Alaburda. According to Alaburda and several other graduates, the school committed fraud, negligence, and multiple violations of state statutes by manipulating data and intentionally counting some graduates as “employed” when they were not. Late last month, San Diego Superior Court judge Joel Pressman overruled the school’s counterarguments and set the case for trial in March.
While more than a dozen class-action lawsuits have been raised against law schools on the same issue in the last several years, this one is the first to be taken to trial.
The US market for traditional law firm associates has been gradually contracting for the last decade, leaving many of the country’s newest lawyers jobless every year. But despite dimming job prospects, law schools are still attracting thousands of new students a year. (While the increased employment rate for graduating law students in 2014 appears to have ended a six-year decline, that boost is actually due to the class having 3,000 fewer graduates than the one before it.)
No, They're suing because they're LAWYERS! There have been more graduating lawyers than jobs for decades now. That's why there are so many ambulance chasers. Generally speaking, I like the lawyers I've known, and I've worked for, with and against quite a few of them in various jobs over the years. But one thing you can say for them, a little thing like common sense won't get in their way.
Those fraudulent scam-artist collages deserve to be sued just like Volkswagen. These collages stole tax payer money & their graduates won't be able to pay back the government backed student loans.
They could always go to some small town where the competition is less. But no, they all think they can go to work for a top tier law firm. Someone that graduated from the Thomas Jefferson law school is never going to get a job with a top law firm.

All the grads from these little law schools are not going to be working for major firns, they will not be deputy district attorneys, nor will they be public defenders. They are entitled to scratch.
Like anything if you have a special talent and work hard , you will find a future in any field.

Trying to get out on your own is harder than ever, the big law firms pay big money to be #1 in the search engines.
I just did a website about a year ago for a attorney who just fired a scam company charging $2000.00 a month to be on Findlaw and still your name doesn't come up like the big firms.
Why are kids so dumb? anyone hear of picking a field where their is tons of jobs and good money and now they are suing over it because they are FUCKING IGNORANT and STUPID..........


In recent years, whispers have flittered through the legal community that some law schools may be exaggerating their post-graduation job-placement statistics to lure in new enrollees. Never have those allegations been given any real weight, though—until now.
Thomas Jefferson School of Law, a San Diego school that claims a 60% post-graduation employment rate while also reporting a bar passage rate of only 46%, was hit with a class-action lawsuit in 2011 led by 2008 graduate Anna Alaburda. According to Alaburda and several other graduates, the school committed fraud, negligence, and multiple violations of state statutes by manipulating data and intentionally counting some graduates as “employed” when they were not. Late last month, San Diego Superior Court judge Joel Pressman overruled the school’s counterarguments and set the case for trial in March.
While more than a dozen class-action lawsuits have been raised against law schools on the same issue in the last several years, this one is the first to be taken to trial.
The US market for traditional law firm associates has been gradually contracting for the last decade, leaving many of the country’s newest lawyers jobless every year. But despite dimming job prospects, law schools are still attracting thousands of new students a year. (While the increased employment rate for graduating law students in 2014 appears to have ended a six-year decline, that boost is actually due to the class having 3,000 fewer graduates than the one before it.)
No, They're suing because they're LAWYERS! There have been more graduating lawyers than jobs for decades now. That's why there are so many ambulance chasers. Generally speaking, I like the lawyers I've known, and I've worked for, with and against quite a few of them in various jobs over the years. But one thing you can say for them, a little thing like common sense won't get in their way.
yep this is old news. Blame the students for not doing their research. There has been a glut of attorneys for some time now
Why are kids so dumb? anyone hear of picking a field where their is tons of jobs and good money and now they are suing over it because they are FUCKING IGNORANT and STUPID..........


In recent years, whispers have flittered through the legal community that some law schools may be exaggerating their post-graduation job-placement statistics to lure in new enrollees. Never have those allegations been given any real weight, though—until now.
Thomas Jefferson School of Law, a San Diego school that claims a 60% post-graduation employment rate while also reporting a bar passage rate of only 46%, was hit with a class-action lawsuit in 2011 led by 2008 graduate Anna Alaburda. According to Alaburda and several other graduates, the school committed fraud, negligence, and multiple violations of state statutes by manipulating data and intentionally counting some graduates as “employed” when they were not. Late last month, San Diego Superior Court judge Joel Pressman overruled the school’s counterarguments and set the case for trial in March.
While more than a dozen class-action lawsuits have been raised against law schools on the same issue in the last several years, this one is the first to be taken to trial.
The US market for traditional law firm associates has been gradually contracting for the last decade, leaving many of the country’s newest lawyers jobless every year. But despite dimming job prospects, law schools are still attracting thousands of new students a year. (While the increased employment rate for graduating law students in 2014 appears to have ended a six-year decline, that boost is actually due to the class having 3,000 fewer graduates than the one before it.)

Now the little darlings are learning that the real world doesn't give "Thank you for participating" trophies.

I subscribed to this thread since my daughter is getting ready to graduate from the #8 law school in the country and will be sitting the bar in July.

Either way she already has a job.

Ambulance chasing lawyers are the scum of the Earth and have ruined so much of what was once good about society. Lawyers and journalists....once noble professions....are now the filth because of the ambulance chasers and "click bait" journalism.
Thomas Jefferson School of Law, a San Diego school that claims a 60% post-graduation employment rate while also reporting a bar passage rate of only 46%,

Ranking The Worst ABA-Accredited Law Schools

If you want to pass the bar exam and get a job, Thomas Jefferson is one of the worst law school.

Most people who go to bottom rank law schools because their grades and LSAT scores are too low to go to a better law school.

Also, the economy is tough for lawyers these days even for people who went to good schools.

But every lawyer has the option of starting a practice on their own, and that's what I did when I couldn't get a job in Los Angeles.

I subscribed to this thread since my daughter is getting ready to graduate from the #8 law school in the country and will be sitting the bar in July.

Either way she already has a job.
Tending bar?

2nd LT United States Air Force

JAG is a good opportunity for kids who have just graduated.

Thank's but my (our) fingers are still crossed.

She's already a 2nd LT as she did ROTC during her undergraduate years. She applied for an got accepted to an Ed-Delay Program that allowed her to go to law school on her own dime. She now has to apply a 2nd time now that she's finishing up law school to actually be accepted in the JAG. The board meets in February. If she get's accepted she'll take the bar in July and go on active duty probably late fall. If she doesn't get accepted then she will go on active duty as a regular line officer (non-JAG). She is already commissioned, has done well in school, and has some really strong letters of recommendation from both the JAG Commanding Officer and Commonwealth Attorneys office where she as interned.

It's all over but the pray'n now.


I subscribed to this thread since my daughter is getting ready to graduate from the #8 law school in the country and will be sitting the bar in July.

Either way she already has a job.
Tending bar?

2nd LT United States Air Force

JAG is a good opportunity for kids who have just graduated.

Thank's but my (our) fingers are still crossed.

She's already a 2nd LT as she did ROTC during her undergraduate years. She applied for an got accepted to an Ed-Delay Program that allowed her to go to law school on her own dime. She now has to apply a 2nd time now that she's finishing up law school to actually be accepted in the JAG. The board meets in February. If she get's accepted she'll take the bar in July and go on active duty probably late fall. If she doesn't get accepted then she will go on active duty as a regular line officer (non-JAG). She is already commissioned, has done well in school, and has some really strong letters of recommendation from both the JAG Commanding Officer and Commonwealth Attorneys office where she as interned.

It's all over but the pray'n now.

You have nothing to worry about, she sounds like a real go-getter.

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