Law Suit By Sandy Hook Parents Against Remington Arms Dismissed

Frivolous lawsuits by ignorant people, ends up costing everyone. .......
Maybe. But nothing is ever accomplished without that first step. Your complaint is about 'cost in dollars'. Others are more concerned about 'cost in lives', mostly innocent ones. SOMETHING should be done about gun violence, don't you think?

Yes. How about incarcerating the violent offenders forever instead of letting them out like you progressives always do? That would stop 60 percent of the violent crime right there.
knives kill more people every year than these rifles do......ban knives.

Same sophomoric argument from low-intelligence gun nuts.........

Knives have a myriad of functional purposes.......Military-style weapons are manufactured simply to KILL other human beings (sure, use those weapons for target practice??? use those weapons to kill a deer because you want instant chopped deer meat?).................and the STUPID assertion that you need those weapons to "defend" yourself you'll always have to face the question: FROM WHOM????............and morons will respond with the "I have to defend myself from the US armed forces coming to take away my TV remote.
knives kill more people every year than these rifles do......ban knives.

Same sophomoric argument from low-intelligence gun nuts.........

Knives have a myriad of functional purposes.......Military-style weapons are manufactured simply to KILL other human beings (sure, use those weapons for target practice??? use those weapons to kill a deer because you want instant chopped deer meat?).................and the STUPID assertion that you need those weapons to "defend" yourself you'll always have to face the question: FROM WHOM????............and morons will respond with the "I have to defend myself from the US armed forces coming to take away my TV remote.

So do guns you infantile twerp. And, more to the point, the Founders realized that morons like you would be sceeered of these nasty guns and try to get rid of them. Sucks to be you don't it.
So do guns you infantile twerp

True....mostly guns are used to firm up right wingers' spines.......LOL

Maybe. How do you spineless jellyfish type things move about? More to the point how does allowing manufacturers to be sued for the criminal misuse of their products help anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

The country has much bigger fish to fry, firearm violence is basically a non-issue compared to other issues.
Criminal control not gun control, most all firearms used in violent crimes are stolen and are done by repeat offenders.... fact

They are not stolen. They are sold on the black market and then later our claim to be stolen. Why is it that the NRA's against a gun registration?
Wrong, The reason why the NRA and any other self respecting American is against gun registration is because the federal government can never be trusted with this type of information. Career politicians own the federal government and puppet masters own career politicians. Any attempt to register firearms in a national registry is it evil act and should be thought of so...

That's tinfoil hat bullshit. Gun owners Ihave to be licensed anyways so the government already knows who the gun owners are.
No they don't, that's what I do I sell guns and ammo and there is no paperwork required to be kept. As it should be, it's none of the federal government business on how many, what type of firearms person has - and for that matter should be no one else's business either

Not our business!? How Many people are killed / injured by "illegal" guns every year?
You're talking out of your ass…
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Just heard on the news, this illegal law suit has been dismissed. Parents say they will appeal, such a waste of money, their gonna lose. Remington made a legal product and is not responsible for damages. Firearms manufactures are protected by law against these unjust suits.

Because if insane people can't shoot preschoolers with military grade weapons, are any of us truly free?

He stole the gun.....and went to a gun free zone.....instead of the middle school and high school that had armed guys created the gun free let him kill at will with no one to stop him....that's on you....
Why is it you think that doing something to address the problem involves harming the innocent?
Excuse me?
Gun control harms the innocent citizen who has caused no harm to anyone. Gun control punishes the law abiding.

That any clearer to you?

This is too broad. Limiting the gun rights of prisoners in SuperMax prisons is both sensible and does not impact your right to own a gun.

By claiming that gun regulations are by definition dangerous to innocent civilians, you are being intellectually lazy. This is your party's way of preventing any debate from happening. It is an old Soviet strategy and it involves attacking the character/motives of the political opposition so as to keep issues from reaching the light and being fully discussed.

Why not give free citizens the right to discuss it, become informed and use democratic channels to elect officials who then create legislation?

How do you figure we aren't doing that....? You have yet to tell us what legislation you think isn't being enacted that would actually do something...
[N]ever in the history of the world has a gun made someone violent.

True. Cars don't make people kill other people, but we have traffic lights and stop signs. Nuclear weapons don't make people kill people, but we have policies against their proliferation, especially for terrorist nations. Guns don't make prisoners in SuperMax prisons violent, but we have rules against possession in this instance.

Fucking control freaks like yourself know the real reason for gun-control it's for control - is has nothing to do with preventing any type of violent crime.

By pathologizing the opposition, you're clogging the debate with irrelevant speculative garbage that cannot be proven or disproven.

The sentence "2 + 2 = 4" is true even if the person uttering it is a control freak. The veracity of a sentence or proposed regulation should be considered apart from the unknown psychological state of the speaker. I happen to believe that most opposition to gun regulation is driven by a deep paranoia, but this fact has no bearing on the evidence/arguments I would consider when determining whether to limit the rights of prisoners or suspected terrorists.

Stop clogging the debate with vague generalizations and make some intelligible arguments for why a particular proposal would or would not work.
Millions of people just like me own firearms and have never committed a violent act against another person, very few violent crimes are committed by Ar15.
Enforce current laws and leave it at that, more gun control laws are frivolous and wrongheaded.

I agree with you to a bigger extent than you realize, but it doesn't follow from your point that we can't seriously consider and intelligently discuss (say) limiting the gun rights of American citizens on the terrorist watch list.

But, yes, I too am afraid of giving government too much power.

When the Bush administration used the threat of terror to create a whole new infrastructure of federal surveillance over American citizens (Patriot Act/Homeland Security), I didn't think these well-intentioned things were going to make us safer. My worry was that we were giving incompetent bureaucrats too much power over our rights to privacy. I saw whole new opportunities for Federal abuse, like when the Bush administration used provisions in the Patriot Act to bring down political enemies like Eliot Spitzer, who merely wrote an unfavorable op-ed about Bush's complicity in the housing meltdown. This is exactly what happened in the old Soviet Union where the government used national security laws to protect itself from the people.

Which is to say, I think you are right to worry about unintended consequences and incrementalism. However, none of these problems make me lose faith in the ability of free Democratic citizens to discuss these issues and solve problems if some kind of consensus can be found. If we thought that all government action and legislation was hopeless, Hitler would never have been stopped and we would have never put a man on the moon - and great Republican Presidents like Eisenhower would never have been able to get the Interstate built so that suppliers/consumers could see an exponential increase in profits/convenience.

Simply throwing up your hands and saying that everything is impossible and everyone is corrupt leaves the hard work to other people.

The terrorist watch list is a secret list, with secret qualifiers and almost no way to get off the list if you are put on there by mistake....we have due process in this country....we protect the Rights of citizens until they break the law...if someone is considered dangerous then the law enforcement agencies need to deal with them.....not by having some nameless, faceless burueacrat or politician create a secret list....much like the IRS targeting conservative groups and denying them 501 3 status ......
They don't ...and I will go there. The mass shooters in this country...either passed background checks or stole their guns....the shooters who murdered 9,616 people in 2015......90% of them could not legally buy, own or carry a gun.....but still got them...and they were not sold to them buy gun makers.......

NO ONE is banning gun ownership....that's a moronic straw man used by gun you.......

HOWEVER, the manufacturing of military style guns and selling them to the public supposedly....well, because gun nuts love bigger and more powerful guns to shoot Bambi........THAT should be banned because these weapons ONLY true purpose is to kill and kill as many people in the shortest number of minutes......
You have no idea of the difference between a military grade weapons and a sporting rifle which the Ar15 is, just a sporting rifle. God fucking educate yourself you fucking moron. LOL

Yes . If you consider killing people a sport !
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

The country has much bigger fish to fry, firearm violence is basically a non-issue compared to other issues.
Criminal control not gun control, most all firearms used in violent crimes are stolen and are done by repeat offenders.... fact

They are not stolen. They are sold on the black market and then later our claim to be stolen. Why is it that the NRA's against a gun registration?

Gun registration was used in Germany, Britain and Australia to confiscate guns......the registration happened first and the confiscation didn't come till the case of Germany about 10 years later and Britain and Australia decades later...but they eventually used the lists to ban and confiscate actually happened.....and that is just recent history......
You have no idea of the difference between a military grade weapons and a sporting rifle which the Ar15 is, just a sporting rifle. God fucking educate yourself you fucking moron. LOL

Yes . If you consider killing people a sport !
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

The country has much bigger fish to fry, firearm violence is basically a non-issue compared to other issues.
Criminal control not gun control, most all firearms used in violent crimes are stolen and are done by repeat offenders.... fact

They are not stolen. They are sold on the black market and then later our claim to be stolen. Why is it that the NRA's against a gun registration?
Wrong, The reason why the NRA and any other self respecting American is against gun registration is because the federal government can never be trusted with this type of information. Career politicians own the federal government and puppet masters own career politicians. Any attempt to register firearms in a national registry is it evil act and should be thought of so...

That's tinfoil hat bullshit. Gun owners Ihave to be licensed anyways so the government already knows who the gun owners are.

No...gun owners do not have to be cannot explain how licensing normal, law abiding gun owners stops criminals or mass shooters.....since criminals can't get a gun license and mass shooters can easily get a gun please...explain exactly what licensing would do....
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

The country has much bigger fish to fry, firearm violence is basically a non-issue compared to other issues.
Criminal control not gun control, most all firearms used in violent crimes are stolen and are done by repeat offenders.... fact

They are not stolen. They are sold on the black market and then later our claim to be stolen. Why is it that the NRA's against a gun registration?
Wrong, The reason why the NRA and any other self respecting American is against gun registration is because the federal government can never be trusted with this type of information. Career politicians own the federal government and puppet masters own career politicians. Any attempt to register firearms in a national registry is it evil act and should be thought of so...

That's tinfoil hat bullshit. Gun owners Ihave to be licensed anyways so the government already knows who the gun owners are.
No they don't, that's what I do I sell guns and ammo and there is no paperwork required to be kept. As it should be, it's none of the federal government business on how many, what type of firearms person has - and for that matter should be no one else's business either

Not our business!? How Many people are killed / injured by "illegal" guns every year?

less than 9,616 in 2015...

At the same time 1,500,000 times each year Americans use guns to stop people from getting killed and injured by illegal guns.....

Can you tell which number is bigger?
Suing Remington because someone shot somebody using a Remington gun, is no different from suing Ford because someone ran over somebody using one of their cars.

Well, there is one difference. The right to own and carry one of Remington's guns is constitutionally protected, no govt can make a law against it. The right to own and drive a Ford is not.
What if the Ford was wielded as a weapon of purpose .... taken aim and pulled accelerator.

So what. Ford didn't say "hey lets make a car that some idiot is going to use to commit murder...yeah that's the ticket!" What you are advocating would be the end of every company on the planet. No one would be able to make ANYTHING lest some dipshit, like you, try to sue them when some other dipshit uses it to commit a crime.

The Sandy Hook shooter drove to the school.....can the parent's sue the company that made the car or the dealership that sold his mother the car? That is what they want...right?
More to the point how does allowing manufacturers to be sued for the criminal misuse of their products help anyone

Manufacturers should take the less of revenue and make LESS of easily available WMDs to slaughter children...with guns that basically cuts these children's bodies into 4 or 5 parts.
knives kill more people every year than these rifles do......ban knives.

Same sophomoric argument from low-intelligence gun nuts.........

Knives have a myriad of functional purposes.......Military-style weapons are manufactured simply to KILL other human beings (sure, use those weapons for target practice??? use those weapons to kill a deer because you want instant chopped deer meat?).................and the STUPID assertion that you need those weapons to "defend" yourself you'll always have to face the question: FROM WHOM????............and morons will respond with the "I have to defend myself from the US armed forces coming to take away my TV remote.

Wrong and wrong again......rifles with magazines are used for self keep the owner alive....each year these rifles are used several times to stop home invaders and they have been used to stop democrat party looters and rioters in inner cities...they stopped black lies matter from burning down some of the stores in Ferguson.....the stores that didn't have longer exist...
More to the point how does allowing manufacturers to be sued for the criminal misuse of their products help anyone

Manufacturers should take the less of revenue and make LESS of easily available WMDs to slaughter children...with guns that basically cuts these children's bodies into 4 or 5 parts.

again....34 years.....162 times rifles with magazines were used to murder people in mass shootings...

knives....1,500 people murdered each and every single year.........

knives are deadlier than these rifles....
The Sandy Hook shooter drove to the school.....can the parent's sue the company that made the car or the dealership that sold his mother the car? That is what they want...right?

The car was NOT sold to kill people.....The gun that Lanza used certainly was sold to do that....You call that weapon a "protection" tool, and I call it a weapon solely manufactured for wanton assault on other human beings.
The Sandy Hook shooter drove to the school.....can the parent's sue the company that made the car or the dealership that sold his mother the car? That is what they want...right?

The car was NOT sold to kill people.....The gun that Lanza used certainly was sold to do that....You call that weapon a "protection" tool, and I call it a weapon solely manufactured for wanton assault on other human beings.

Nope......the gun was legally used for years...then it was stolen and taken to a gun free zone and used illegally to commit murder.....

That rifle was created to save the life of the user.....the Sandy Hook shooter used it illegally, taking it by committing murder...

Those rifles killed 162 people in 34 years..........

knives kill 1,500 people every single year...

can you tell which number is bigger? It is kind of important to this argument....

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