Law Suit By Sandy Hook Parents Against Remington Arms Dismissed

The Sandy Hook shooter drove to the school.....can the parent's sue the company that made the car or the dealership that sold his mother the car? That is what they want...right?

The car was NOT sold to kill people.....The gun that Lanza used certainly was sold to do that....You call that weapon a "protection" tool, and I call it a weapon solely manufactured for wanton assault on other human beings.

No it wasn't you 'tard. The gun was sold as a sporting arm. It has many uses other than killing someone. Grow up.
Liberals constantly encourage people to act according to their emotions rather than logic and law. We see it in the way they try to garner sympathy for people like Sandra Fluke, who want their birth control paid for even though there is no basis in law for making such a demand. What is right and legal takes a back seat as they want everyone to focus on people's feelings.

I believe that your ilk of conservatives were cheering when Obama's veto was overturned so that 9-11 families could sue the Saudi government..........Emotions vs. logic and law????? Hardly
No it wasn't you 'tard. The gun was sold as a sporting arm. It has many uses other than killing someone. stiffen your spine, mostly and, obviously, the MORE lethal the better.....
Why is it you think that doing something to address the problem involves harming the innocent?
Excuse me?
Gun control harms the innocent citizen who has caused no harm to anyone. Gun control punishes the law abiding.

That any clearer to you?

This is too broad. Limiting the gun rights of prisoners in SuperMax prisons is both sensible and does not impact your right to own a gun.

By claiming that gun regulations are by definition dangerous to innocent civilians, you are being intellectually lazy. This is your party's way of preventing any debate from happening. It is an old Soviet strategy and it involves attacking the character/motives of the political opposition so as to keep issues from reaching the light and being fully discussed.

Why not give free citizens the right to discuss it, become informed and use democratic channels to elect officials who then create legislation?
Oh look at who is being intellectually lazy...

Can you detail the difference between prisoners in a SuperMax, regularMax, and county prison from those who have not been imprisoned at all? Tell Me what nagging little detail separates the innocent civilian going about his daily business with the prisoner who was convicted of a crime?

I'll bet you can't....
Frivolous lawsuits by ignorant people, ends up costing everyone. .......
Maybe. But nothing is ever accomplished without that first step. Your complaint is about 'cost in dollars'. Others are more concerned about 'cost in lives', mostly innocent ones. SOMETHING should be done about gun violence, don't you think?
So stop shooting people. Problem solved.
Grammatically incorrect.
Frivolous lawsuits by ignorant people, ends up costing everyone. .......
Maybe. But nothing is ever accomplished without that first step. Your complaint is about 'cost in dollars'. Others are more concerned about 'cost in lives', mostly innocent ones. SOMETHING should be done about gun violence, don't you think?
So stop shooting people. Problem solved.
Grammatically incorrect.
Have you liberals stop shooting people would be a great first step....
..... the soviet strategy was to take guns away and murder citizens that disagreed.
You are very short-sighted. Long before guns were taken away, they had everyone drinking milk. THAT must be at least equally detrimental as the absence of guns in the home.

Have you liberals stop shooting people would be a great first step....
Who, did you say?
How about incarcerating the violent offenders forever instead of letting them out like you progressives always do? That would stop 60 percent of the violent crime right there.
That would only encourage you to advance from the petty criminal and whining under-achiever that you are today, to becoming a violent offender. Yeah, I'm OK with that.
How about incarcerating the violent offenders forever instead of letting them out like you progressives always do? That would stop 60 percent of the violent crime right there.
That would only encourage you to advance from the petty criminal and whining under-achiever that you are today, to becoming a violent offender. Yeah, I'm OK with that.

What the heck are you smoking dude.
The only problem is that there is a law that exists that says they cannot sue.
Franz Kafka comes to America.

Yes, and you see him every time you look in the mirror. Only the truly braindead, such as yourself, would think that criminalizing manufacturers for their products is a good idea. Use a car to commit that crime? Good I now own the car company. Of course, I won't be able to keep it for long because the next braindead 'tard will sue me. So, tens of thousands out of work in a heart beat. How about the MILLIONS of workers engaged in the production of whatever else some asshole can use to commit a crime. That's the problem with stupid people. You can only think to the end of your nose and then you get lost somewhere around your chin.
..... the soviet strategy was to take guns away and murder citizens that disagreed.
You are very short-sighted. Long before guns were taken away, they had everyone drinking milk. THAT must be at least equally detrimental as the absence of guns in the home.

Have you liberals stop shooting people would be a great first step....
Who, did you say?

Yeah, right. 60 million people drank themselves to death with milk. Are you capable of wiping your own ass or do you need help with that too?
No, we dislike your crony capitalism.... .

I don't understand your question. Whose capitalism?

You go to public school?
I don't go to school any longer. I'm 70 years old.

Yeah, right. ............
I have to say that I don't think you've made any reply this week that wasn't born of an absurd conclusion on your part. There isn't a window of logic in your barrage of stupidity to even begin a discussion with you. It would be like me trying to explain algebra to someone who can't add and subtract. You are way over your head, sonny.
No, we dislike your crony capitalism.... .

I don't understand your question. Whose capitalism?

You go to public school?
I don't go to school any longer. I'm 70 years old.

Yeah, right. ............
I have to say that I don't think you've made any reply this week that wasn't born of an absurd conclusion on your part. There isn't a window of logic in your barrage of stupidity to even begin a discussion with you. It would be like me trying to explain algebra to someone who can't add and subtract. You are way over your head, sonny.
No, we dislike your crony capitalism.... .

I don't understand your question. Whose capitalism?

You go to public school?
I don't go to school any longer. I'm 70 years old.

Yeah, right. ............
I have to say that I don't think you've made any reply this week that wasn't born of an absurd conclusion on your part. There isn't a window of logic in your barrage of stupidity to even begin a discussion with you. It would be like me trying to explain algebra to someone who can't add and subtract. You are way over your head, sonny.
What the heck are you smoking dude?
No, we dislike your crony capitalism.... .

I don't understand your question. Whose capitalism?

You go to public school?
I don't go to school any longer. I'm 70 years old.

Yeah, right. ............
I have to say that I don't think you've made any reply this week that wasn't born of an absurd conclusion on your part. There isn't a window of logic in your barrage of stupidity to even begin a discussion with you. It would be like me trying to explain algebra to someone who can't add and subtract. You are way over your head, sonny.
What the heck are you smoking dude?
RIF child....

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