Lawsuits against the companies that make assault rifles.

So are swords and clubs.

Maybe we can let everyone just walk around with a sword. Then they can protect their homes without making it easy to go on a rampage at a local school.

Problem solved.
You prove yourself dumber with each post.
Apparently, the phrase “shall not be infringed” is beyond your severely limited mental grasp.
That doesn't mean that the anti gun people won't continue to try to disarm Americans by bankrupting America gun and ammunition makers with frivolous lawsuits.

Again, you have lame arguments...
We have autopsy photographs of what a 5.56mm round from an AR-15 does when it hits a preschooler.

We win.
When @JoeB131 speaks of “the mentally ill and criminals”, what he means is sane, law-abiding human beings.

Almost everything that @JoeB131 ever says makes perfect sense, only when you realize that he is on the side of criminals, crazies, perverts, and other dregs of subhumanity, and against the side of actual human beings.

Most gun deaths are suicides and domestic violence.
Sane law abiding citizens can have a bad day, and a bad day and a gun can equal a tragedy.

I know of three people who died by gun violence. Two suicides and one murder. They were normal as you can get really.
Well regulated militia- which is how the courts interpreted it for 200 years.
Try to keep up with Constitutional law as determined by our SCOTUS.

Until you do, you only show your ignorance.
We have autopsy photographs of what a 5.56mm round from an AR-15 does when it hits a preschooler.

Right. Those 5.56mm/.223 caliber rounds are just so dangerous, aren't they?

We should only allow people to have rifles that take rounds suitable for hunting deer, such as the classic 30-06. That'd solve that concern, right?

Sane law abiding citizens can have a bad day, and a bad day and a gun can equal a tragedy.
I know of three people who died by gun violence. Two suicides and one murder. They were normal as you can get really.

Anyone who uses a gun to kill himself, or someone else in an unjustifiable manner was not sane nor law-abiding nor normal.

For every dumbass who has a bad day, and ends up killing someone, there are surely hundreds, likely thousands of dumbasses who have days at least as bad, who never do any such thing. Those who snap in the manner that you describe already had something very, very wrong with them to begin with.

That you see the propensity to snap in such a manner as being any kind of “normal” is just one more reason, among many, why we should all seriously doubt your own soundness of mind.
When JoeB131 speaks of “the mentally ill and criminals”, what he means is sane, law-abiding human beings.

Almost everything that JoeB131 ever says makes perfect sense, only when you realize that he is on the side of criminals, crazies, perverts, and other dregs of subhumanity, and against the side of actual human beings.

If you try to make any sense of any of what he says, from the point of view of being on the side of human beings, then he makes no sense at all.

I hope you'll understand if I don't discuss other individuals but try to stick to the topic at hand.

It's just my opinion that there are some driven individuals who dislike firearms and don't want any private citizen to own one.

I happen to resent individuals who are so free and easy in surrendering rights that are important to others but I would never hinder them from expressing their sentiments .

Most anti 2 A individuals are either naive, live in gated communities and / or have well armed personal security details.
I say "Most" because because there are exceptions to every rule and some people just don't like guns like some people don't like snakes, heights, crowds and other situations that don't bother most people.

Again, you have lame arguments...
We have autopsy photographs of what a 5.56mm round from an AR-15 does when it hits a preschooler.

We win.

Why a "preschooler" unless you're relying on melodrama to score emotional points.

The same " what about the little children" line is popular among gun banners because it relies on emotion rather than rational thought.

It is relying on facts, not feelings that will help reduce violence

Since I was stationed in Laos during the Vietnam War, I am intimately familiar with what modern munitions, napalm, explosives etc do to human tissue.
If you have ever spent time on the burn unit at any of the larger V.A. Hospitals you might argue that death by fire is worse than gunshot.

I have already posted incidents in which determined killers have made and used crude but deadly WMDs that killed more people than any any "assault weapon".

The solution to America's violence problem is in upgrading America's mental health system so that it is at least as good as those "developed" countries that we hear so much about.

Try to keep up with Constitutional law as determined by our SCOTUS.

Until you do, you only show your ignorance.

Replace two knuckle draggers on SCOTUS. The Second is about Militias again.
You guys have already declared that rulings don't mean anything, with Dobbs.

I hope you'll understand if I don't discuss other individuals but try to stick to the topic at hand.

It's just my opinion that there are some driven individuals who dislike firearms and don't want any private citizen to own one.

I happen to resent individuals who are so free and easy in surrendering rights that are important to others but I would never hinder them from expressing their sentiments .

Most anti 2 A individuals are either naive, live in gated communities and / or have well armed personal security details.
I say "Most" because because there are exceptions to every rule and some people just don't like guns like some people don't like snakes, heights, crowds and other situations that don't bother most people.

I was in the Army - Active duty and reserve - for a total of 11 years. I don't have an issue with guns. I have a HUGE issue with the fact that someone like Adam Lanza or Joker Holmes can get military-grade weapons (and yes, an AR-15 is military-grade, even if it can't fire full auto.) and fire them into a crowd of preschoolers or movie goers.

I would have no problem with gun ownership if it was strictly monitored and licensed. That's not what we have.

Why a "preschooler" unless you're relying on melodrama to score emotional points.

The same " what about the little children" line is popular among gun banners because it relies on emotion rather than rational thought.

It is relying on facts, not feelings that will help reduce violence

Oh, quite the contrary, I wish they would have broadcast Sandy Hook Crime Scene photos on national TV. I wish that every time Wayne LaPeirre gets on TV, they show those crime scene photos right next to him while he's babbling about the "Second Amendment".
Anyone who uses a gun to kill himself, or someone else in an unjustifiable manner was not sane nor law-abiding nor normal.

For every dumbass who has a bad day, and ends up killing someone, there are surely hundreds, likely thousands of dumbasses who have days at least as bad, who never do any such thing. Those who snap in the manner that you describe already had something very, very wrong with them to begin with.

That you see the propensity to snap in such a manner as being any kind of “normal” is just one more reason, among many, why we should all seriously doubt your own soundness of mind.

Bob, reading your stream of crazy, I'm surprised you haven't snapped yet. Especially given the long list of people you'd "like" to kill.
Bob, reading your stream of crazy, I'm surprised you haven't snapped yet. Especially given the long list of people you'd "like" to kill.
JoeyBitch: that ^ post made even less sense than most of your bullshit. And that’s saying something.
The same " what about the little children" line is popular among gun banners because it relies on emotion rather than rational thought.

It is notable that most of those who use this line, to argue against the rights to keep and bear arm, also support the right to murder innocent children in cold blood via abortion; which results in at least an order or two of magnitude more innocent children dying than can be attributed to any causes that involve guns.

Anyone who defends abortion completely forfeits any and all credibility in claiming any concern at all for human life, especially for the lives of children.

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