Lay Aside Political Lies And Take A Good Look At The Debt

If your landlord promised he would lower your rent, and then proceeded to increase your rent every few months, you'd get pretty pissed at him.

"Raising my rent is one thing, but then LYING to me about it!?!"

But the Republican party has been promising for decades to reduce the debt, and breaks that promise on a regular basis, but the rubes keep lining up for refills of their piss cups!

every time the try to reduce spending, the dems act like little babies and threaten to shut down government if they don't get their way.

It has been the white christian party who actually did shut down the government jethro
nope, it was the socialist welfare group every time.
every time the try to reduce spending, the dems act like little babies and threaten to shut down government if they don't get their way.

you mean cut the social safety net?
no I mean cut back on the fraud.
cell phones are not a requirement, either is housing in a good neighborhood, or top dollar food. Whole lot could be saved if the freebies weren't so attractive.
The unintended consequences of your simple solutions

Defense Waste & Fraud Camouflaged As Reinventing Government
could also get rid of foreign aid, privatize public transportation so it becomes self sufficient, move all of those on welfare to a milder climate location to save us on heat and cooling.

getting rid of foreign aid is a silly notion.
every time the try to reduce spending, the dems act like little babies and threaten to shut down government if they don't get their way.

you mean cut the social safety net?
no I mean cut back on the fraud.
cell phones are not a requirement, either is housing in a good neighborhood, or top dollar food. Whole lot could be saved if the freebies weren't so attractive.
The unintended consequences of your simple solutions

Defense Waste & Fraud Camouflaged As Reinventing Government
could also get rid of foreign aid, privatize public transportation so it becomes self sufficient, move all of those on welfare to a milder climate location to save us on heat and cooling.

getting rid of foreign aid is a silly notion.
is it? think about this.
lets say you and I are standing next to each other. Neither one of us has a dollar, but you need a dollar.
So, I go borrow a dollar with interest and just give it to you without interest or any requirement to pay it back.
Would that not make me an idiot for borrowing that dollar instead of sending you to borrow it for yourself?
If your landlord promised he would lower your rent, and then proceeded to increase your rent every few months, you'd get pretty pissed at him.

"Raising my rent is one thing, but then LYING to me about it!?!"

But the Republican party has been promising for decades to reduce the debt, and breaks that promise on a regular basis, but the rubes keep lining up for refills of their piss cups!

every time the try to reduce spending, the dems act like little babies and threaten to shut down government if they don't get their way.

It has been the white christian party who actually did shut down the government jethro
nope, it was the socialist welfare group every time.
Were you sleeping the last few years

The tensions that would ultimately produce the 2013 shutdown began to take shape after Republicans, strengthened by the emergence of the Tea Party, won back a majority of the seats in the House of Representatives from the Democrats in 2010.[20][21][22][23]Even at that time, some conservative activists and Tea Party-affiliated politicians were already calling on congressional Republicans to be willing to shut down the government in order to force congressional Democrats and the President to agree to deep cuts in spending and to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which had been signed into law only a few months earlier. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a Republican who had presided over Congress during the last government shutdowns 15 years earlier, said in April 2010 that if Republicans won back control of Congress in the 2010 election, they should remove any funding for the Affordable Care Act in any appropriations bills they passed. Gingrich said Republicans needed to "be ready to stand on principle" and should refuse to fund the new healthcare law even if their refusal would result in a shutdown of the government

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Will Republicans Shut Down the Government Again?

Will Republicans Shut Down the Government Again?
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What's funny is the reality that Bush got the republicans to vote on a 700 billion dollar tax cut + bail-out for big banks and corporations in Oct 2008. But yet investment into America is somehow evil and wrong the republicans will scream.

Fuck republicans. Cock suckers.

What's funny is the reality that Bush got the republicans to vote on a 700 billion dollar tax cut + bail-out for big banks and corporations in Oct 2008.

What's funny is the bank bailout was repaid at a huge profit to the Treasury.
Barack Obama, then the Democratic presidential candidate, said that any bailout must include plans to recover the money, and protect working families and big financial institutions and be crafted to prevent such a crisis from happening again
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
OK because the money given to Fannie/Freddie has not been paid back, nor will it.


F/F $187B

Fannie and Freddie
The total amount invested in Fannie and Freddie so far is $187B.

The Treasury has been earning a return on its investments, which has resulted in a profit. So far the companies have paid $231B in dividends to the Treasury.

Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica


Matthew isn't a liar.

Matthew is stupid, gut wrenchingly stupid. He honestly believes that if Obama shits in his hand, he will have riches and health for all time.

You wonder how people could be so fucking stupid as to follow Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. - I give you Matthew, stupidity incarnate.
If your landlord promised he would lower your rent, and then proceeded to increase your rent every few months, you'd get pretty pissed at him.

"Raising my rent is one thing, but then LYING to me about it!?!"

But the Republican party has been promising for decades to reduce the debt, and breaks that promise on a regular basis, but the rubes keep lining up for refills of their piss cups!

every time the try to reduce spending, the dems act like little babies and threaten to shut down government if they don't get their way.

It has been the white christian party who actually did shut down the government jethro
nope, it was the socialist welfare group every time.
Were you sleeping the last few years

The tensions that would ultimately produce the 2013 shutdown began to take shape after Republicans, strengthened by the emergence of the Tea Party, won back a majority of the seats in the House of Representatives from the Democrats in 2010.[20][21][22][23]Even at that time, some conservative activists and Tea Party-affiliated politicians were already calling on congressional Republicans to be willing to shut down the government in order to force congressional Democrats and the President to agree to deep cuts in spending and to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which had been signed into law only a few months earlier. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a Republican who had presided over Congress during the last government shutdowns 15 years earlier, said in April 2010 that if Republicans won back control of Congress in the 2010 election, they should remove any funding for the Affordable Care Act in any appropriations bills they passed. Gingrich said Republicans needed to "be ready to stand on principle" and should refuse to fund the new healthcare law even if their refusal would result in a shutdown of the government

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thanks for proving my point.
republicans wanted to cut spending, democrats refused and instead vetoed a budget bill causing a shutdown.
seems like the democrats wanted the shutdown even more.
that one is on them.
He lost $11.4 billion on GM. That doesn't suck?
For the Auto Industry and all the affiliated industries that rely upon it, they'd say it was a good deal.

What were the other options? How would that have helped or hurt the economy and millions of Americans?

Bush and Obama each did the right thing during the worst of circumstances. How those circumstances came about gets masked by people like you

For the Auto Industry and all the affiliated industries that rely upon it, they'd say it was a good deal.

No kidding. LOL!
It's funny that people whine about the "Free money" given to the banks, while the banks paid back $30 billion more than they were lent.
GM is the one that got the free money.

What did the auto industry do to cause the financial crisis?

Now, what did the banks do to cause the financial crisis?

Were mid sized banks who held little toxic debt positioned to step in if too-big-to-fail banks went under?

Dante initially supported the bank bailouts because like the war in Iraq we were given only part of the information. "Free money?" Dante hasn't said that and neither do most people who seriously debate the bank bailouts.

Your wild attacks are ideological and lead you into areas of hysterical nonsense.

What did the auto industry do to cause the financial crisis?

What did they do to deserve a $11.4 billion gift?

Were mid sized banks who held little toxic debt positioned to step in if too-big-to-fail banks went under?

Mid-sized banks lost lots of money of regular, plain vanilla home mortgages.

"Free money?" Dante hasn't said that and neither do most people who seriously debate the bank bailouts.

I hear plenty of people say "the banks got billions in taxpayer money and gave themselves big bonuses", never mentioning that the money was paid back.

Your wild attacks

Wild attacks? LOL!
What was my comment that you replied to in the first place?
Wild attacks? Hilarious!

What attack, where?
If your landlord promised he would lower your rent, and then proceeded to increase your rent every few months, you'd get pretty pissed at him.

"Raising my rent is one thing, but then LYING to me about it!?!"

But the Republican party has been promising for decades to reduce the debt, and breaks that promise on a regular basis, but the rubes keep lining up for refills of their piss cups!

every time the try to reduce spending, the dems act like little babies and threaten to shut down government if they don't get their way.

It has been the white christian party who actually did shut down the government jethro
nope, it was the socialist welfare group every time.
Were you sleeping the last few years

The tensions that would ultimately produce the 2013 shutdown began to take shape after Republicans, strengthened by the emergence of the Tea Party, won back a majority of the seats in the House of Representatives from the Democrats in 2010.[20][21][22][23]Even at that time, some conservative activists and Tea Party-affiliated politicians were already calling on congressional Republicans to be willing to shut down the government in order to force congressional Democrats and the President to agree to deep cuts in spending and to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which had been signed into law only a few months earlier. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a Republican who had presided over Congress during the last government shutdowns 15 years earlier, said in April 2010 that if Republicans won back control of Congress in the 2010 election, they should remove any funding for the Affordable Care Act in any appropriations bills they passed. Gingrich said Republicans needed to "be ready to stand on principle" and should refuse to fund the new healthcare law even if their refusal would result in a shutdown of the government

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thanks for proving my point.
republicans wanted to cut spending, democrats refused and instead vetoed a budget bill causing a shutdown.
seems like the democrats wanted the shutdown even more.
that one is on them.
That's like saying someone takes someone hostage and if the family doesn't pay the ransom you kill the hostage and claim they made you do it because they didn't pay the ransom. What f/u "Logik" you have there

The teabaggers didn't get their way so they shut down the government you Low IQ moron
Take a look at these numbers from the link I gave above:


The first number is the deficit for FY2009. FY2009 is October 1, 2008 to September 20, 2009.

That's Bush's deficit. 1,412.7 billion dollars.

You can see Obama has hacked away at that deficit ever since. But because his starting line was so unbelievably high thanks to Bush, the debt was going to keep climbing at an alarming rate until we get our deficits back to "normal".

This is why Republicans keep voting to raise the debt ceiling, but make a lot of noise about it for the rubes.

That's Bush's deficit. 1,412.7 billion dollars.

When did Bush sign that budget?
Don't forget to subtract out the TARP money paid back in later years.
And the Obama stimulus money spent in 2009.
I hear plenty of people say "the banks got billions in taxpayer money and gave themselves big bonuses", never mentioning that the money was paid back.

Give me a billion dollars for one year, I'll pay every last dime of it back - and live like a king for the rest of my life.

That the banks paid it back is irrelevant, they should have never gotten the money to start with. Chase is probably the most corrupt organization in the nation, even Apple looks honest by comparison.
I hear plenty of people say "the banks got billions in taxpayer money and gave themselves big bonuses", never mentioning that the money was paid back.

Give me a billion dollars for one year, I'll pay every last dime of it back - and live like a king for the rest of my life.

That the banks paid it back is irrelevant, they should have never gotten the money to start with. Chase is probably the most corrupt organization in the nation, even Apple looks honest by comparison.

Give me a billion dollars for one year, I'll pay every last dime of it back

And the 5% interest and the warrants.

That the banks paid it back is irrelevant

$275 billion is not irrelevant.
What did they do to deserve a $11.4 billion gift?

Mid-sized banks lost lots of money of regular, plain vanilla home mortgages.

I hear plenty of people say "the banks got billions in taxpayer money and gave themselves big bonuses", never mentioning that the money was paid back.

What attack, where?
yet Mid-sized banks did not lose money on sub prime mortgages and have to be bailed out while HIDING the extent of toxic assets

I hear plenty of people call you a dumb twat. Doesn't make it so, your posts do.

Over a million Jobs?

News of the government's sale of all remaining shares of General Motors followed the release earlier today of a report from a respected industry researcher that the federal bailout and bankruptcy restructuring of GM saved 1.2 million jobs and preserved $34.9 billion in tax revenue.

STORY: Government sells last shares, exits GM ownership

That bailout involved about $51 billion in taxpayer funds overall -- with $49.5 billion going into GM directly for what was originally a 60.8% equity stake in the company. The Treasury Department said late today that it recouped $39 billion from the sale of that stake, for a loss of $10 billion.

Here is an analysis by 24/7 Wall St. of the report on bailout benefits in jobs and taxes: Report: GM bailout saved 1.2 million jobs
your ideological attacks
I hear plenty of people say "the banks got billions in taxpayer money and gave themselves big bonuses", never mentioning that the money was paid back.

Give me a billion dollars for one year, I'll pay every last dime of it back - and live like a king for the rest of my life.

That the banks paid it back is irrelevant, they should have never gotten the money to start with. Chase is probably the most corrupt organization in the nation, even Apple looks honest by comparison.

Give me a billion dollars for one year, I'll pay every last dime of it back

And the 5% interest and the warrants.

That the banks paid it back is irrelevant

$275 billion is not irrelevant.
yet another silly ideological attack
They Just Don't Like His Tan:


It's a textbook catch-22: if you don't increase the debt limit each time we default and the global economy crashes.

You don't get it......if Reagan and the Bushes hadn't cut tax rates for wealthy folks in the early 80's and again in the early 2000's there wouldn't even be a debt. Obama's spending has set record lows but he has had to pay the interest on the existing debt. It's the tax rates.......since there's never been a cut in spending it's Republican tax cuts for their wealthy buds that has created the whole problem.

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