Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

Are they? China’s economy has been mired in a housing crisis for years and their manufacturing sector has been hurt by ongoing trade disputes with the US and EU.

Do you ever know WTF you’re talking about or do you just post shit that you want to be true?
I didn't say that the Chinese people are doing well. I said their leadership is doing well. Maybe you should take a course in understanding English dipshit
I didn't say that the Chinese people are doing well. I said their leadership is doing well. Maybe you should take a course in understanding English dipshit
How is the leadership doing well if their country isn’t?

You guys never say anything with any clarity. We constantly just have to guess at the vague handwaving nonsense you post.
It’s a fishing trip to find something wrong with the “method” of payment because it’s fully legal to pay for non disclosure
Lib loons still lying about That

Imbecile, if it was legal, Michael Cohen, an attorney wouldn't have gone to jail for it.
How is the leadership doing well if their country isn’t?

You guys never say anything with any clarity. We constantly just have to guess at the vague handwaving nonsense you post.
You really are a stupid as a bag of dirt aren't you?
What acts specifically?
Just detailed in seven or eught posts above and you all constantly asking for what has been provided is a ruse that thinkers see thru. The ruse is”more info is needed” when in fact you always dismiss whatever was provided
That misdemeanor was well beyond the statute of limitations.

Nope. Trump wasn't charged with a misdemeanor and the statute of limitations in NY is tolled while the accused is out of state.

Just chalk this up to more conservative ignorance.
Nope. Trump wasn't charged with a misdemeanor and the statute of limitations in NY is tolled while the accused is out of state.

Just chalk this up to more conservative ignorance.
Propaganda for the gullible to quote and serve their dishonest interests. A perfect example. Stalin would be proud
Just detailed in seven or eught posts above and you all constantly asking for what has been provided is a ruse that thinkers see thru. The ruse is”more info is needed” when in fact you always dismiss whatever was provided
Which post was that?
Homework assignment declined boy
Do your own research and provide countering evidence and Stop asking for more help to you
It’s your claim. I can’t do research to find out what you’re thinking.

The fact you’re too afraid to say anything speaks to the fact that you don’t have anything.
Many crimes
Of receiving money for acts favorable to those giving him the money to receive favorable acts from Joe
Those the facts. Dotting every I and crossing every T is lib loon deflection
This is a one timer for the half dozen trolls who keep asking for examples of what Biden did wrong
It’s your claim. I can’t do research to find out what you’re thinking.

The fact you’re too afraid to say anything speaks to the fact that you don’t have anything.
When a claim is made the ball is in your dumb ass court to disprove it. Asking instead for more of the same info again is deflection from one who cannot formulate a counter response
Your tantrum demands are denied
When a claim is made the ball is in your dumb ass court to disprove it
Claims lacking specificity cannot be disproven. That’s why you guys never say anything specific.

Also, the person making the claim has the responsibility of proving it.

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