Leadership and Human Nature


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. Pearlstin writes in the WaPo (WashingtonPost):

"Welcome to this week’s exciting episode of “Failures in Leadership.”

Leadership is difficult to define but easy to notice when it’s gone missing. Surely any definition of leadership includes the instinct for seeing the big picture, the ability to get people to acknowledge unpleasant reality, and the willingness to take the personal risks necessary to secure the common good. By that definition, the world would appear to be suffering from a profound leadership deficit.

In hindsight, it seems perfectly obvious what should have been done in each of these instances. Everyone knows it’s crazy to play Russian roulette with the nation’s economy or a company, university or industry. Except that they did.


“At the time, it seemed like we didn’t have a choice,” says the Demi Moore character in “Margin Call,” a new movie about the recent financial crisis, as she recalled her firm’s fateful decision to disregard warnings about a mortgage market crash.

“It always does,” replies the Stanley Tucci character.

I’m guessing that’s how it seemed at the time to the political leaders of Greece and Italy, who couldn’t imagine a world where public employees couldn’t retire at 55. Or the top brass at Olympus, who couldn’t imagine the shame of reporting huge trading losses. Or coach Joe Paterno, who couldn’t imagine allowing a moral stain on his stellar record. Or Jon Corzine, who couldn’t imagine clients would mind his using their money for just a short while to keep the firm afloat. They each had a choice, and they made the wrong one."

2. While both parties will find parts of his essay to agree with, and to disagree with, for my self, the lead above is a huge flashing neon sign, and arrow pointing to FDR's replacing America, the land of opportunity and equality before the law, to America, utopia right here on earth, with homes, jobs, happiness and fulfillment for all- no matter what.

3. "The Second Bill of Rights was a list of rights proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the then President of the United States, during his State of the Union Address on January 11, 1944. [1] In his address Roosevelt suggested that the nation had come to recognize, and should now implement, a second "bill of rights". Roosevelt's argument was that the "political rights" guaranteed by the constitution and the Bill of Rights had "proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness." Roosevelt's remedy was to declare an "economic bill of rights"..."
Second Bill of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. For every individual who agrees with Pearlstein, "...how it seemed at the time to the political leaders of Greece and Italy, who couldn’t imagine a world where public employees couldn’t retire at 55," how is the FDR-Progressive view any different?

FDR was the right man for the job in prosecuting a world war....but his view of actualizing the economy is what put us into this mess.

When he cowed the Supreme Court into allowing the federal government more than the enumerated powers of Article I, section 8, he sowed the seeds of destruction.

We need to return to the Founders' view.

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