LEARN TO CODE JOE......what a buffoon lol

98 percent of America was involved in agriculture at the ratification of the Constitution.

Today, less than two percent are in agriculture, yet they are producing more food than ever.

If some stupid fat lying fuck promised to "bring back all those lost agriculture jobs", how profoundly stupid would you have to be to bleev him?

That is EXACTLY what is going on with mining jobs. Trump is lying to them. He's depending on them to be stupid enough to bleev him.

At least Biden and the Democrats are being honest with them. And all you dumb gullible fucks can chortle about is the delivery of that message.

Jesus Christ, you so deserve to be lied to by Trump. I swear to god. You totally deserve it.

An interesting argument. Does anyone know about how many people it takes to produce the same amount of coal? I think the demand for coal will always be high, because it can be used for just about anything. I live in an agricultural area, and the populations of small towns actually went down as super corporate farms took over. Rural America contracted. Many small towns lost schools and traditions such as town festivals, and drugs swept in. However, many of these towns adapted through industry. Some small town got bird food factories, packaging factories, ect. It is obvious that the more useful skills you have the better, but opportunity goes a long way helping the small towns. Becoming a service only economy, and cheering about it, is not a logical solution.
The Democrats should run an ad in the coal mining states:

"Donald Trump believes coal miners are genetically inferior beings who don't have what it takes to thrive."

And then quote directly from the Playboy interview.
And again the trolling.
He didn't spit on anyone, or infer any inferiority on anyone.
His point was about himself, and other people who became successful, that in order to rise above everybody you have to stop doing what everybody else is doing. He used coal mining communities as an example, and that other people have to leave their "mines" of dead endness and go do something else.
In the 90's I realized that in order for my business to thrive I was going to have to move to a bigger market and offer more services that at the time I had little experience in.
So I moved from a town of under 200k population to a metropolitan area of over 2 million. I went from only having a couple employees and struggling to stay afloat to having multiple crews and making well into 6 figures.
That major change in my family's life did not require advice from any politician or anyone else for that matter.
There was no guarantee that the move would be successful and it posed many risks for our family if it wasn't successful.

Apparently Biden and many on the left think miners are not smart enough to look out for their own best interests.
The democrat dream economy. Everyone works 30 hour shifts at Wal Mart or Wendy's. If their little charts say it is ok, they are golden. Bumping up the minimum wage, reducing the work hours, and forcing everyone to compete with illegals for service jobs, prog utopia.

No, that's your wingnut paranoid delusion.

Strawman much?

Obamacare killed people's work hours, both parties did high fives when good jobs left in mass, and the prog solution is forcing an artificial wage rate. Where the heck is the fallacy?
And yet, the actual numbers simply don't support your claims...

(Seas) Employment Level - Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries​
Sort of like I mocked you for not knowing that people can learn to code on the internet.

You only mock yourself, my daughter goes to coding camps at Stanford, she is 13 and knows far more about it than I ever will. But I do know this...they bring coding teachers in from all over the country for those camps.

Seems like it is you who doesn't understand the difficulty of learning to code.

Software is one of the easiest industries to break into. The skills required can be learned by anyone with internet access, basic intelligence and the desire to do so. And if you have the skills, most tech companies don't care whether you have a degree or not.

Joe's a douchebag, but he's right on this one issue.
The average coder produces at least 6 times more lines of code than required and the code is rarely written to be reusable.
That’s why Windows is such a shit show.
Sort of like I mocked you for not knowing that people can learn to code on the internet.

You only mock yourself, my daughter goes to coding camps at Stanford, she is 13 and knows far more about it than I ever will. But I do know this...they bring coding teachers in from all over the country for those camps.

Seems like it is you who doesn't understand the difficulty of learning to code.

Software is one of the easiest industries to break into. The skills required can be learned by anyone with internet access, basic intelligence and the desire to do so. And if you have the skills, most tech companies don't care whether you have a degree or not.

Joe's a douchebag, but he's right on this one issue.
The average coder produces at least 6 times more lines of code than required and the code is rarely written to be reusable.
That’s why Windows is such a shit show.

Yep. Not sure how that's relevant, but I agree.
You only mock yourself, my daughter goes to coding camps at Stanford, she is 13 and knows far more about it than I ever will. But I do know this...they bring coding teachers in from all over the country for those camps.

Seems like it is you who doesn't understand the difficulty of learning to code.

Software is one of the easiest industries to break into. The skills required can be learned by anyone with internet access, basic intelligence and the desire to do so. And if you have the skills, most tech companies don't care whether you have a degree or not.

Joe's a douchebag, but he's right on this one issue.
And you obviously don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about.
Uh, yeah. I actually do. I don't like injecting personal anecdotes into online debates, but I'll make an exception here. I've been living this for the last fifteen years. I've done it myself, and I've personally watched dozens of others do the same.

Tech abilities are no different than any other abilities, if you are an average person, with an average intelligence - at best - you will be average at that skill.

Yep. And guess what? Most working programmers are average.

The tech field is one of the hardest to excel in. And one that has some of the highest level of required dedication and basically... you have to live for the job to get beyond mediocrity.

We're not talking about "excelling", we're talking about making a living. Tech companies are desperate for people who can code, even those who are mediocre.
They have many, many to choose from in India and other developing countries.
And by their own statistics, less than 5% can do any tasks other than what they are specifically trained for.
Basic coding is the LAST field I would consider getting into. It has already be overtaken by low paid outsourcing. It IS the new textile industry.
Basic coding pays nothing, and highly likely to be replaced by both cheap labor as well as developing technology in computer programs that can do their own coding.
Software development is where it is at, and even that is being taken over by cheap outsourcing.

You're talking out of your ass. I know better. Nearly everything you say here is 180° wrong.

Glassdoor is one of the biggest sham sites.
I bet you live in a region far away from, let’s say NY.
Sort of like I mocked you for not knowing that people can learn to code on the internet.

You only mock yourself, my daughter goes to coding camps at Stanford, she is 13 and knows far more about it than I ever will. But I do know this...they bring coding teachers in from all over the country for those camps.

Seems like it is you who doesn't understand the difficulty of learning to code.

Software is one of the easiest industries to break into. The skills required can be learned by anyone with internet access, basic intelligence and the desire to do so. And if you have the skills, most tech companies don't care whether you have a degree or not.

Joe's a douchebag, but he's right on this one issue.
The average coder produces at least 6 times more lines of code than required and the code is rarely written to be reusable.
That’s why Windows is such a shit show.

Yep. Not sure how that's relevant, but I agree.
Never tell a 50 year old miner to learn how to code.
The fact is, coal mining is dead, dead, dead.

The days of growing up to work in the same factory or mine as your daddy are long gone.

We need to be training our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

The longer the rube herd listens to lying fat fucks from New York about creating jobs that are never coming back, the more harm we are doing to our children and their children.

I've learned 3 different skills/professions and lived in 4 different States. I've worked for more than 10 different employers.

Somehow I have little compassion for the 'my grand daddy was a miner, my daddy was a miner, and I'll always be a miner' crowd.

Clinton was right. What West Virginians need is new job skills and a willingness to relocate.

Not a bunch of lies from a New York Real Estate tycoon that never held a job in his life!

Never held a job in his life? Why is that, because he never went into the street with a jackhammer?

Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career. I would say he's very familiar with work.
Software is one of the easiest industries to break into. The skills required can be learned by anyone with internet access, basic intelligence and the desire to do so. And if you have the skills, most tech companies don't care whether you have a degree or not.

Joe's a douchebag, but he's right on this one issue.
And you obviously don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about.
Uh, yeah. I actually do. I don't like injecting personal anecdotes into online debates, but I'll make an exception here. I've been living this for the last fifteen years. I've done it myself, and I've personally watched dozens of others do the same.

Tech abilities are no different than any other abilities, if you are an average person, with an average intelligence - at best - you will be average at that skill.

Yep. And guess what? Most working programmers are average.

The tech field is one of the hardest to excel in. And one that has some of the highest level of required dedication and basically... you have to live for the job to get beyond mediocrity.

We're not talking about "excelling", we're talking about making a living. Tech companies are desperate for people who can code, even those who are mediocre.
They have many, many to choose from in India and other developing countries.
And by their own statistics, less than 5% can do any tasks other than what they are specifically trained for.
Basic coding is the LAST field I would consider getting into. It has already be overtaken by low paid outsourcing. It IS the new textile industry.
Basic coding pays nothing, and highly likely to be replaced by both cheap labor as well as developing technology in computer programs that can do their own coding.
Software development is where it is at, and even that is being taken over by cheap outsourcing.

You're talking out of your ass. I know better. Nearly everything you say here is 180° wrong.

Glassdoor is one of the biggest sham sites.
I bet you live in a region far away from, let’s say NY.

Mkay. I was responding to the hilariously wrong comment "Basic coding pays nothing". That's not true. It pays quite well.
Sort of like I mocked you for not knowing that people can learn to code on the internet.

You only mock yourself, my daughter goes to coding camps at Stanford, she is 13 and knows far more about it than I ever will. But I do know this...they bring coding teachers in from all over the country for those camps.

Seems like it is you who doesn't understand the difficulty of learning to code.

Software is one of the easiest industries to break into. The skills required can be learned by anyone with internet access, basic intelligence and the desire to do so. And if you have the skills, most tech companies don't care whether you have a degree or not.

Joe's a douchebag, but he's right on this one issue.
The average coder produces at least 6 times more lines of code than required and the code is rarely written to be reusable.
That’s why Windows is such a shit show.

Yep. Not sure how that's relevant, but I agree.
Never tell a 50 year old miner to learn how to code.

And? Are you trying to make some kind of point related to the discussion?
Sort of like I mocked you for not knowing that people can learn to code on the internet.

You only mock yourself, my daughter goes to coding camps at Stanford, she is 13 and knows far more about it than I ever will. But I do know this...they bring coding teachers in from all over the country for those camps.

Seems like it is you who doesn't understand the difficulty of learning to code.

Software is one of the easiest industries to break into. The skills required can be learned by anyone with internet access, basic intelligence and the desire to do so. And if you have the skills, most tech companies don't care whether you have a degree or not.

Joe's a douchebag, but he's right on this one issue.
The average coder produces at least 6 times more lines of code than required and the code is rarely written to be reusable.
That’s why Windows is such a shit show.
And coding is also a low wage dead end for all but a few exceptionals.
Indeed many coal miners make more than coders. The average entry is high $20k with average wage $30k - $45k depending on where.
dblack trie dto show where coders make great money, but his graph showed Software Engineers, which is not an entry level coder.
And coding is also a low wage dead end for all but a few exceptionals.
Indeed many coal miners make more than coders. The average entry is high $20k with average wage $30k - $45k depending on where.
dblack trie dto show where coders make great money, but his graph showed Software Engineers, which is not an entry level coder.

Yes. That's the job title for an entry level coding position. Listen, I can't fault you for ignorance on this topic if it's not what you do. But you are ignorant. As far as return on investment, both in terms of time and money, software is one of the best gigs going - especially for a career changer who can't afford a college degree.
Trump's Playboy interview:

PLAYBOY: What satisfaction, exactly, do you get out of doing a deal?

TRUMP: I love the creative process. I do what I do out of pure enjoyment. Hopefully, nobody does it better. There’s a beauty to making a great deal. It’s my canvas. And I like painting it.

I like the challenge and tell the story of the coal miner’s son. The coal miner gets black-lung disease, his son gets it, then his son . If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have “it.”

PLAYBOY: Which is?

TRUMP: “It” is an ability to become an entrepreneur, a great athlete, a great writer. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Ability can be honed, perfected or neglected. The day Jack Nicklaus came into this world, he had more innate ability to play golf than anybody else.

Trump spit right in the faces of coal miners in that interview. Trump considered coal miners to be too stupid to get another career. Trump said they don't have "it". He said they are genetic losers.

These dumb backward rubes still have not caught on they've been hoaxed by a New York limousine liberal.

He continues to hoax them because they don't have "it" and he knows he can lie through his teeth to them.

There are people who are geared towards certain things. You're not going to make a carpenter into a lawyer, and you're not going to make a scientist into a football player.

People have different abilities and talents. It's just something you have to accept.

I learned this years ago when I was teaching music. When a new student entered the studio and started ranting off about sports, dressed in sports attire, I knew from those first few minutes this kid stood no chance at ever becoming a musician. Don't get me wrong, it's not because they didn't try. In fact, they probably tried the hardest. But people heavily interested in sports just don't have musical talents, I don't know why.

Most of the relatives on my fathers side were all in construction. My father got me into the union as a bricklayers apprentice when I was 18. Not only did I hate it, but I had no talent for it either. My father was an artist. He loved that kind of work and did it until he retired. We always laughed and said that if Dad ever hit the lottery, he'd go back to bricklaying tomorrow.

To the point, Joe is out of touch with the average person, especially in this technology era. He spent his life in politics and has no idea what it would take to totally change careers. It's hard enough switching places to work yet alone professions.

Many talented musicians are also talented athletes:

Rod Stewart - Wikipedia

The fact is, coal mining is dead, dead, dead.

The days of growing up to work in the same factory or mine as your daddy are long gone.

We need to be training our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

The longer the rube herd listens to lying fat fucks from New York about creating jobs that are never coming back, the more harm we are doing to our children and their children.

I've learned 3 different skills/professions and lived in 4 different States. I've worked for more than 10 different employers.

Somehow I have little compassion for the 'my grand daddy was a miner, my daddy was a miner, and I'll always be a miner' crowd.

Clinton was right. What West Virginians need is new job skills and a willingness to relocate.

Not a bunch of lies from a New York Real Estate tycoon that never held a job in his life!

Never held a job in his life? Why is that, because he never went into the street with a jackhammer?

Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career. I would say he's very familiar with work.

Yes, he's familiar with everyone else doing the work.
It's about more than learning to code. It's about learning any job that will be around tomorrow.

THAT is the message.

It's about time someone told these people the TRUTH and the FACTS. Coal mining is a dead end. Time to start looking for your living in another field. Now. Immediately.

For the sake of yourselves and the future of your children.

Or you can choose to bleev the fat lying fuck from New York and suffer the consequences of your stupidity.

If your argument is correct, and tech efficiency is reducing work force, it still does not help for a major political party to vow to destroy your industry. There will always be high demand for coal. It would be awesome for miners to be skillful and adaptive, but at least Trump is not further destroying those communities in a crusade against them. Also, a better economy could very well add some mining jobs through increased demand. Even though there is a reduction in mining opportunities, it is a bit puzzling to say the mining industry is dead? As far as I know, mining is as important as it ever was.
Many talented musicians are also talented athletes:

Rod Stewart - Wikipedia

No, not many, and Stewart is just a singer. He sings songs other people wrote.

So according to you, orchestral violinists aren't musicians because they play music that other people wrote?

Do you know that difference between a composer, a song writer and a musician?

Singers are musicians.
Yes, he's familiar with everyone else doing the work.

Right, because unless you're under the hot son pushing a wheelbarrow around, you're not working.

Business owners hire people to do the work - if they can afford it.
Many talented musicians are also talented athletes:

Rod Stewart - Wikipedia

No, not many, and Stewart is just a singer. He sings songs other people wrote.

So according to you, orchestral violinists aren't musicians because they play music that other people wrote?

Do you know that difference between a composer, a song writer and a musician?

Singers are musicians.

It doesn't matter Ray's basic claim isn't true. Stewart was a prolific songwriter as well as a performer.
Yes, he's familiar with everyone else doing the work.

Just like every large business owner in America. Welcome to capitalism

Out of all the things I do, sitting behind a desk, sorting receipts out, calculating numbers is the worst of it all. I wait until I have a stack of paperwork three inches high before I get to it because I avoid it so much.

People think being a CEO, being a business owner, sitting behind a desk is not real work. After all, that's what they show in the movies!!!!

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