Learning the wrong lesson. Gun Control.

But why are you dodging the question I asked you about Project Exile?
Dodging? I'm ignoring it and will continue to do so. If you want to post some facts, feel free. Till then, I take it you agree handguns are a problem and require banning?
So do you believe all people should have military weapons, like the AR 15. You talk about the Constitution, so people in schools and churches can be fearful of their life is Constitutional , and do you believe in freedom of the press as well.

There needs to be some changes to the constitution, you are talking 2.5 centuries here.

Keep the bible out of it, we have Separation of Church and State AKA the Age of Enlightenment.
The AR-15 is not a military weapon you loon its functionally no different than a semi-automatic .227 hunting rifle. Its like arguing with a brick with you people. You will not educate yourself on firearms and continuously make the same stupid ass comments.
And it's proven to be capable of killing 50+ people really quickly. It is a mass killing weapon, should not be legal.
YEs we should ban everything capable of killing 50 or more people at a time

2016 Nice truck attack - Wikipedia
Trucks can easily be defended against with barriers. Heck I'm sitting on the second floor of this building here and have no worries about trucks. AR15s however are impossible to defend against.

You wont get shot sitting on the second floor unless you let the shooter in your home
But why are you dodging the question I asked you about Project Exile?
Dodging? I'm ignoring it and will continue to do so. If you want to post some facts, feel free.

Those are facts and taken right from the US Attorney's Office

So now answer the question

Project Exile, U.S. Attorney's Office -- Eastern District of Virginia

Project Exile, U.S. Attorney's Office -- Eastern District of Virginia

Program Type or Federal Program Source:
Collaborative initiative of the U.S. Attorney's Office; Richmond Commonwealth Attorney's Office; Richmond Police Department; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; Federal Bureau of Investigation; and Virginia State Police.

Program Goal:
To reduce Richmond's homicide rate by detaining dangerous armed felons prior to trial and prosecuting them in Federal court.

Specific Groups Targeted by the Strategy:
Previously convicted felons who possess guns and/or armed persons involved in drug or violent crimes.

Geographical Area Targeted by the Strategy:
Richmond, VA, metropolitan area, including the City of Richmond and Chesterfield and Henrico Counties.

Profile No. 38

Project Exile, U.S. Attorney's Office -- Eastern District of Virginia

Program Type or Federal Program Source:
Collaborative initiative of the U.S. Attorney's Office; Richmond Commonwealth Attorney's Office; Richmond Police Department; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; Federal Bureau of Investigation; and Virginia State Police.

Program Goal:
To reduce Richmond's homicide rate by detaining dangerous armed felons prior to trial and prosecuting them in Federal court.

Specific Groups Targeted by the Strategy:
Previously convicted felons who possess guns and/or armed persons involved in drug or violent crimes.

Geographical Area Targeted by the Strategy:
Richmond, VA, metropolitan area, including the City of Richmond and Chesterfield and Henrico Counties.

Evaluated by:
No formal evaluation is being conducted.

Contact Information:
David Schiller
Assistant U.S. Attorney
U.S. Attorney's Office
600 East Main Street, Suite 1800
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: 8047712186

Years of Operation:

Project Exile is a coordinated approach to gun violence in the Richmond metropolitan area led by the Richmond U.S. Attorney's Office in coordination with the Richmond Commonwealth's Attorney; Richmond Police Department; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF); Federal Bureau of Investigation; and Virginia State Police.

During the 1990's, Richmond's homicide rate -- which is driven primarily by gun violence -- has been among the highest in the Nation for cities with populations exceeding 100,000. In the past few years, Virginia has enacted new State laws (one-gun-a-month and truth-in-sentencing), while implementing several Federal, State, and local law enforcement initiatives to address violent crime in Richmond. Project Exile specifically targets previously convicted felons carrying guns and armed persons involved in drug or violent crimes. Approximately 85 percent of Richmond's homicides in 1997 were committed with guns, more than 40 percent were drug-related, and more than 60 percent involved offenders with prior criminal records. During the first 10 months of 1998, compared with the same period of the previous year, the total number of homicides committed in Richmond was down 36 percent and the number of firearm homicides was down 41 percent.

As of November 1998, Project Exile had achieved the following results:

  • 372 persons indicted for Federal gun violations.
  • 440 guns seized.
  • 300 persons arrested or held in State custody.
  • 222 arrestees (more than 74 percent) held without bond.
  • 247 persons convicted.
  • 196 persons sentenced to an average of 55months of imprisonment.
I could misapply the famous Ben Franklin quote here, but why? Let’s get to dealing with truth.

There were several reasons why the Second Amendment was passed. People tend to fixate on one, or another, of the reasons. But as I said above, we are dealing with truth. The Truth is that the Founders wanted to insure that this nation could never be invaded by a foreign power. They had just won a war where the Militia, that is to say the citizens who took up personal arms to fight the enemy, had played a major part. So yes, the idea that an armed population would be difficult to defeat was a part of the calculation.

But there is more. The Founders also knew that man was capable of a lot of things, good and bad. They knew that the Kings of Europe got power by subjugation of the population. An armed population would insure that the American Government would never be able to subjugate the citizens.

Yes, there is even more. The Founders also realized that there would be dangers in the frontiers, where threats to survival existed, in two legged, and four legged form.

I could type for a hour giving you all the various reasons that the Second Amendment was proposed, approved, and ratified. But here is another truth. None of those reasons matter to the anti gun people.

This is where your Patriotism comes into question. The desire to Support and Defend the Constitution, not just parts of it, but all of it. It is my almost certainly arrogant opinion that supposed Christians who attack someone claiming that God hates this, or that, from the Bible, are not truly Christian. They have to deal with the entire Bible, not just the portion they are quoting. They have to understand the message behind the Bible, and the lessons of God’s love, and His desires. They miss that message when they pick one small phrase out of a billion and run with it.

There was an episode of Major Dad that comes to mind. The High School of his oldest Step Daughter had established a Dress Code. The Daughter wrote an article for the School Newspaper critical of the policy. Major Dad went in to meet with the Teacher and discuss the article. The teacher asked several questions, and the Marine Major agreed that rules mattered, and it was incumbent upon people to obey the rules, and dress codes mattered. Then the Teacher said. “So I can see you agree that this article should not be published.” To this the Major said No Ma’am. He explained that somewhere in the school was a Civics Textbook, and in the book was the First Amendment, including Freedom of the press. He had sworn an oath to support and defend the constitution. All of it. Including the right of the press to write articles that were controversial.

That is my feelings towards the Constitution. I believe it all matters. Not just a bit here, or there. But every single line, and every single right. Even if the person using the right, or claiming it, is someone I disagree with. It does not matter. The individual, or the event, is not, and never can be, greater than the right for the future. No matter how horrific the act might be, the larger question, the Constitution, must endure.

So those who say they Love America, but hate the Second Amendment, and try to find ways to chip away at it, do not love this nation. Limiting rights is not the American way. It is not the purpose of the Constitution. It is not the reason the document has soul. It is our dedication to those rights that determines the future. Because Democracy is not what we have. Democracy is where a group votes to take from the individual. We have a Republic. That is where the rights of the Individual, matter more than the desires of the group. The right of the individual to denounce the Government they disapprove of, is sacrosanct. It is sacred. It must be defended by the majority, even if, especially if, they disagree with what the individual is saying.

The same is true of the Second Amendment. If you enjoy your rights, you must be willing to defend the rights of the people you disagree with. When I hear someone saying something that I disagree with, or is insulting. The first thing I think is Thank God for the First Amendment. When I hear that someone has bought a gun, I think Thank God for the Second Amendment. When a Judge throws out Evidence that is gotten illegally, and a criminal walks free. I think Thank God. Because those rights are being eroded far too fast now. And we need to push back, or none of us will have any rights at all. And that will be the death of America.

The FF's were more afraid of a Govt. take over than they were someone invading the US.

Very smart long thinking men.
We have the second because at the time we had no standing army. That's it. They sure weren't worried about tyrants, it's a government of the people. They set us up so we wouldn't have tyrants. The second was to defend the country, which is no longer needed now we have the most powerful army in the world.

You should do a little research before you run off at the mouth.

The FF were very worried about a tyrannical government.

The Founders’ Fear | What Would The Founders Think?

The Shalafi's Journal: A few quotes by the Founding Fathers on the threat of tyranny.


Our Founding Fathers wanted a republic, not a democracy

And there are many more to chose from.
So, it seems nothing should be done about AR/AK derivatives as rifles are not a problem. Similarly, nothing should be done about handguns as they are a problem.
So, it seems nothing should be done about AR/AK derivatives as rifles are not a problem. Similarly, nothing should be done about handguns as they are a problem.

No it's the criminals who use them to kill that are the problem.

So target criminals not people who aren't criminals
So do you believe all people should have military weapons, like the AR 15. You talk about the Constitution, so people in schools and churches can be fearful of their life is Constitutional , and do you believe in freedom of the press as well.

There needs to be some changes to the constitution, you are talking 2.5 centuries here.

Keep the bible out of it, we have Separation of Church and State AKA the Age of Enlightenment.
The AR-15 is not a military weapon you loon its functionally no different than a semi-automatic .227 hunting rifle. Its like arguing with a brick with you people. You will not educate yourself on firearms and continuously make the same stupid ass comments.
And it's proven to be capable of killing 50+ people really quickly. It is a mass killing weapon, should not be legal.
YEs we should ban everything capable of killing 50 or more people at a time

2016 Nice truck attack - Wikipedia
Trucks can easily be defended against with barriers. Heck I'm sitting on the second floor of this building here and have no worries about trucks. AR15s however are impossible to defend against.

You wont get shot sitting on the second floor unless you let the shooter in your home
People get shot in their homes all the time.
Woman shot in both feet while laying in bed in Connecticut
The AR-15 is not a military weapon you loon its functionally no different than a semi-automatic .227 hunting rifle. Its like arguing with a brick with you people. You will not educate yourself on firearms and continuously make the same stupid ass comments.
And it's proven to be capable of killing 50+ people really quickly. It is a mass killing weapon, should not be legal.
YEs we should ban everything capable of killing 50 or more people at a time

2016 Nice truck attack - Wikipedia
Trucks can easily be defended against with barriers. Heck I'm sitting on the second floor of this building here and have no worries about trucks. AR15s however are impossible to defend against.

You wont get shot sitting on the second floor unless you let the shooter in your home
People get shot in their homes all the time.
Woman shot in both feet while laying in bed in Connecticut

By stray bullets it doesn't matter what type of gun it comes from
I could misapply the famous Ben Franklin quote here, but why? Let’s get to dealing with truth.

There were several reasons why the Second Amendment was passed. People tend to fixate on one, or another, of the reasons. But as I said above, we are dealing with truth. The Truth is that the Founders wanted to insure that this nation could never be invaded by a foreign power. They had just won a war where the Militia, that is to say the citizens who took up personal arms to fight the enemy, had played a major part. So yes, the idea that an armed population would be difficult to defeat was a part of the calculation.

But there is more. The Founders also knew that man was capable of a lot of things, good and bad. They knew that the Kings of Europe got power by subjugation of the population. An armed population would insure that the American Government would never be able to subjugate the citizens.

Yes, there is even more. The Founders also realized that there would be dangers in the frontiers, where threats to survival existed, in two legged, and four legged form.

I could type for a hour giving you all the various reasons that the Second Amendment was proposed, approved, and ratified. But here is another truth. None of those reasons matter to the anti gun people.

This is where your Patriotism comes into question. The desire to Support and Defend the Constitution, not just parts of it, but all of it. It is my almost certainly arrogant opinion that supposed Christians who attack someone claiming that God hates this, or that, from the Bible, are not truly Christian. They have to deal with the entire Bible, not just the portion they are quoting. They have to understand the message behind the Bible, and the lessons of God’s love, and His desires. They miss that message when they pick one small phrase out of a billion and run with it.

There was an episode of Major Dad that comes to mind. The High School of his oldest Step Daughter had established a Dress Code. The Daughter wrote an article for the School Newspaper critical of the policy. Major Dad went in to meet with the Teacher and discuss the article. The teacher asked several questions, and the Marine Major agreed that rules mattered, and it was incumbent upon people to obey the rules, and dress codes mattered. Then the Teacher said. “So I can see you agree that this article should not be published.” To this the Major said No Ma’am. He explained that somewhere in the school was a Civics Textbook, and in the book was the First Amendment, including Freedom of the press. He had sworn an oath to support and defend the constitution. All of it. Including the right of the press to write articles that were controversial.

That is my feelings towards the Constitution. I believe it all matters. Not just a bit here, or there. But every single line, and every single right. Even if the person using the right, or claiming it, is someone I disagree with. It does not matter. The individual, or the event, is not, and never can be, greater than the right for the future. No matter how horrific the act might be, the larger question, the Constitution, must endure.

So those who say they Love America, but hate the Second Amendment, and try to find ways to chip away at it, do not love this nation. Limiting rights is not the American way. It is not the purpose of the Constitution. It is not the reason the document has soul. It is our dedication to those rights that determines the future. Because Democracy is not what we have. Democracy is where a group votes to take from the individual. We have a Republic. That is where the rights of the Individual, matter more than the desires of the group. The right of the individual to denounce the Government they disapprove of, is sacrosanct. It is sacred. It must be defended by the majority, even if, especially if, they disagree with what the individual is saying.

The same is true of the Second Amendment. If you enjoy your rights, you must be willing to defend the rights of the people you disagree with. When I hear someone saying something that I disagree with, or is insulting. The first thing I think is Thank God for the First Amendment. When I hear that someone has bought a gun, I think Thank God for the Second Amendment. When a Judge throws out Evidence that is gotten illegally, and a criminal walks free. I think Thank God. Because those rights are being eroded far too fast now. And we need to push back, or none of us will have any rights at all. And that will be the death of America.

The FF's were more afraid of a Govt. take over than they were someone invading the US.

Very smart long thinking men.
We have the second because at the time we had no standing army. That's it. They sure weren't worried about tyrants, it's a government of the people. They set us up so we wouldn't have tyrants. The second was to defend the country, which is no longer needed now we have the most powerful army in the world.

You should do a little research before you run off at the mouth.

The FF were very worried about a tyrannical government.

The Founders’ Fear | What Would The Founders Think?

The Shalafi's Journal: A few quotes by the Founding Fathers on the threat of tyranny.


Our Founding Fathers wanted a republic, not a democracy

And there are many more to chose from.
Why the anti-tyranny case for the 2nd Amendment shouldn't be dismissed so quickly
When the proposed Constitution was before the people for ratification, many anti-Federalists worried that the new government would be too powerful, and could become tyrannical. In Federalist No. 46, James Madison reassured the public that the many checks and balances in the Constitution — the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, for example — made it very unlikely that a tyrant could seize power. If a tyrant did, he would speedily be deposed by the state governments, who would lead the armed people in the militias.
And it's proven to be capable of killing 50+ people really quickly. It is a mass killing weapon, should not be legal.
YEs we should ban everything capable of killing 50 or more people at a time

2016 Nice truck attack - Wikipedia
Trucks can easily be defended against with barriers. Heck I'm sitting on the second floor of this building here and have no worries about trucks. AR15s however are impossible to defend against.

You wont get shot sitting on the second floor unless you let the shooter in your home
People get shot in their homes all the time.
Woman shot in both feet while laying in bed in Connecticut

By stray bullets it doesn't matter what type of gun it comes from
So you aren't safe in your home. And it's easy to sneak guns into public places as we have seen. So your truck example is dismissed.
I could misapply the famous Ben Franklin quote here, but why? Let’s get to dealing with truth.

There were several reasons why the Second Amendment was passed. People tend to fixate on one, or another, of the reasons. But as I said above, we are dealing with truth. The Truth is that the Founders wanted to insure that this nation could never be invaded by a foreign power. They had just won a war where the Militia, that is to say the citizens who took up personal arms to fight the enemy, had played a major part. So yes, the idea that an armed population would be difficult to defeat was a part of the calculation.

But there is more. The Founders also knew that man was capable of a lot of things, good and bad. They knew that the Kings of Europe got power by subjugation of the population. An armed population would insure that the American Government would never be able to subjugate the citizens.

Yes, there is even more. The Founders also realized that there would be dangers in the frontiers, where threats to survival existed, in two legged, and four legged form.

I could type for a hour giving you all the various reasons that the Second Amendment was proposed, approved, and ratified. But here is another truth. None of those reasons matter to the anti gun people.

This is where your Patriotism comes into question. The desire to Support and Defend the Constitution, not just parts of it, but all of it. It is my almost certainly arrogant opinion that supposed Christians who attack someone claiming that God hates this, or that, from the Bible, are not truly Christian. They have to deal with the entire Bible, not just the portion they are quoting. They have to understand the message behind the Bible, and the lessons of God’s love, and His desires. They miss that message when they pick one small phrase out of a billion and run with it.

There was an episode of Major Dad that comes to mind. The High School of his oldest Step Daughter had established a Dress Code. The Daughter wrote an article for the School Newspaper critical of the policy. Major Dad went in to meet with the Teacher and discuss the article. The teacher asked several questions, and the Marine Major agreed that rules mattered, and it was incumbent upon people to obey the rules, and dress codes mattered. Then the Teacher said. “So I can see you agree that this article should not be published.” To this the Major said No Ma’am. He explained that somewhere in the school was a Civics Textbook, and in the book was the First Amendment, including Freedom of the press. He had sworn an oath to support and defend the constitution. All of it. Including the right of the press to write articles that were controversial.

That is my feelings towards the Constitution. I believe it all matters. Not just a bit here, or there. But every single line, and every single right. Even if the person using the right, or claiming it, is someone I disagree with. It does not matter. The individual, or the event, is not, and never can be, greater than the right for the future. No matter how horrific the act might be, the larger question, the Constitution, must endure.

So those who say they Love America, but hate the Second Amendment, and try to find ways to chip away at it, do not love this nation. Limiting rights is not the American way. It is not the purpose of the Constitution. It is not the reason the document has soul. It is our dedication to those rights that determines the future. Because Democracy is not what we have. Democracy is where a group votes to take from the individual. We have a Republic. That is where the rights of the Individual, matter more than the desires of the group. The right of the individual to denounce the Government they disapprove of, is sacrosanct. It is sacred. It must be defended by the majority, even if, especially if, they disagree with what the individual is saying.

The same is true of the Second Amendment. If you enjoy your rights, you must be willing to defend the rights of the people you disagree with. When I hear someone saying something that I disagree with, or is insulting. The first thing I think is Thank God for the First Amendment. When I hear that someone has bought a gun, I think Thank God for the Second Amendment. When a Judge throws out Evidence that is gotten illegally, and a criminal walks free. I think Thank God. Because those rights are being eroded far too fast now. And we need to push back, or none of us will have any rights at all. And that will be the death of America.

The FF's were more afraid of a Govt. take over than they were someone invading the US.

Very smart long thinking men.
We have the second because at the time we had no standing army. That's it. They sure weren't worried about tyrants, it's a government of the people. They set us up so we wouldn't have tyrants. The second was to defend the country, which is no longer needed now we have the most powerful army in the world.

You should do a little research before you run off at the mouth.

The FF were very worried about a tyrannical government.

The Founders’ Fear | What Would The Founders Think?

The Shalafi's Journal: A few quotes by the Founding Fathers on the threat of tyranny.


Our Founding Fathers wanted a republic, not a democracy

And there are many more to chose from.
Why the anti-tyranny case for the 2nd Amendment shouldn't be dismissed so quickly
When the proposed Constitution was before the people for ratification, many anti-Federalists worried that the new government would be too powerful, and could become tyrannical. In Federalist No. 46, James Madison reassured the public that the many checks and balances in the Constitution — the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, for example — made it very unlikely that a tyrant could seize power. If a tyrant did, he would speedily be deposed by the state governments, who would lead the armed people in the militias.

Maybe you won't dodge the question

Tell me what gun ban of any type has ever reduced the gun murder rate by 41% in one year

And then explain how in Richmond VA gun murder was reduced by 41% in one year without gun bans or any restrictions on law abiding gun owners whatsoever

Project Exile, U.S. Attorney's Office -- Eastern District of Virginia
YEs we should ban everything capable of killing 50 or more people at a time

2016 Nice truck attack - Wikipedia
Trucks can easily be defended against with barriers. Heck I'm sitting on the second floor of this building here and have no worries about trucks. AR15s however are impossible to defend against.

You wont get shot sitting on the second floor unless you let the shooter in your home
People get shot in their homes all the time.
Woman shot in both feet while laying in bed in Connecticut

By stray bullets it doesn't matter what type of gun it comes from
So you aren't safe in your home. And it's easy to sneak guns into public places as we have seen. So your truck example is dismissed.
I'm perfectly safe in my own home because I don't live in a shitty area with a lot of crime but I do live in an area where legal gun ownership is very high
I could misapply the famous Ben Franklin quote here, but why? Let’s get to dealing with truth.

There were several reasons why the Second Amendment was passed. People tend to fixate on one, or another, of the reasons. But as I said above, we are dealing with truth. The Truth is that the Founders wanted to insure that this nation could never be invaded by a foreign power. They had just won a war where the Militia, that is to say the citizens who took up personal arms to fight the enemy, had played a major part. So yes, the idea that an armed population would be difficult to defeat was a part of the calculation.

But there is more. The Founders also knew that man was capable of a lot of things, good and bad. They knew that the Kings of Europe got power by subjugation of the population. An armed population would insure that the American Government would never be able to subjugate the citizens.

Yes, there is even more. The Founders also realized that there would be dangers in the frontiers, where threats to survival existed, in two legged, and four legged form.

I could type for a hour giving you all the various reasons that the Second Amendment was proposed, approved, and ratified. But here is another truth. None of those reasons matter to the anti gun people.

This is where your Patriotism comes into question. The desire to Support and Defend the Constitution, not just parts of it, but all of it. It is my almost certainly arrogant opinion that supposed Christians who attack someone claiming that God hates this, or that, from the Bible, are not truly Christian. They have to deal with the entire Bible, not just the portion they are quoting. They have to understand the message behind the Bible, and the lessons of God’s love, and His desires. They miss that message when they pick one small phrase out of a billion and run with it.

There was an episode of Major Dad that comes to mind. The High School of his oldest Step Daughter had established a Dress Code. The Daughter wrote an article for the School Newspaper critical of the policy. Major Dad went in to meet with the Teacher and discuss the article. The teacher asked several questions, and the Marine Major agreed that rules mattered, and it was incumbent upon people to obey the rules, and dress codes mattered. Then the Teacher said. “So I can see you agree that this article should not be published.” To this the Major said No Ma’am. He explained that somewhere in the school was a Civics Textbook, and in the book was the First Amendment, including Freedom of the press. He had sworn an oath to support and defend the constitution. All of it. Including the right of the press to write articles that were controversial.

That is my feelings towards the Constitution. I believe it all matters. Not just a bit here, or there. But every single line, and every single right. Even if the person using the right, or claiming it, is someone I disagree with. It does not matter. The individual, or the event, is not, and never can be, greater than the right for the future. No matter how horrific the act might be, the larger question, the Constitution, must endure.

So those who say they Love America, but hate the Second Amendment, and try to find ways to chip away at it, do not love this nation. Limiting rights is not the American way. It is not the purpose of the Constitution. It is not the reason the document has soul. It is our dedication to those rights that determines the future. Because Democracy is not what we have. Democracy is where a group votes to take from the individual. We have a Republic. That is where the rights of the Individual, matter more than the desires of the group. The right of the individual to denounce the Government they disapprove of, is sacrosanct. It is sacred. It must be defended by the majority, even if, especially if, they disagree with what the individual is saying.

The same is true of the Second Amendment. If you enjoy your rights, you must be willing to defend the rights of the people you disagree with. When I hear someone saying something that I disagree with, or is insulting. The first thing I think is Thank God for the First Amendment. When I hear that someone has bought a gun, I think Thank God for the Second Amendment. When a Judge throws out Evidence that is gotten illegally, and a criminal walks free. I think Thank God. Because those rights are being eroded far too fast now. And we need to push back, or none of us will have any rights at all. And that will be the death of America.

The FF's were more afraid of a Govt. take over than they were someone invading the US.

Very smart long thinking men.
We have the second because at the time we had no standing army. That's it. They sure weren't worried about tyrants, it's a government of the people. They set us up so we wouldn't have tyrants. The second was to defend the country, which is no longer needed now we have the most powerful army in the world.

You should do a little research before you run off at the mouth.

The FF were very worried about a tyrannical government.

The Founders’ Fear | What Would The Founders Think?

The Shalafi's Journal: A few quotes by the Founding Fathers on the threat of tyranny.


Our Founding Fathers wanted a republic, not a democracy

And there are many more to chose from.
Why the anti-tyranny case for the 2nd Amendment shouldn't be dismissed so quickly
When the proposed Constitution was before the people for ratification, many anti-Federalists worried that the new government would be too powerful, and could become tyrannical. In Federalist No. 46, James Madison reassured the public that the many checks and balances in the Constitution — the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, for example — made it very unlikely that a tyrant could seize power. If a tyrant did, he would speedily be deposed by the state governments, who would lead the armed people in the militias.

Maybe you won't dodge the question

Tell me what gun ban of any type has ever reduced the gun murder rate by 41% in one year

And then explain how in Richmond VA gun murder was reduced by 41% in one year without gun bans or any restrictions on law abiding gun owners whatsoever

Project Exile, U.S. Attorney's Office -- Eastern District of Virginia
It went down for the whole country during that period. It declined after the Brady Bill. You know, gun control.
So now answer the question
What is the question, specifically?
How did Project Exile in Richmond, VA succeed in lowering the gun murder rate by 41% in one year without any type of gun ban, or magazine ban or any restrictions on law abiding people?

And what gun law that bans this or that has ever had that kind of success in one year?
Trucks can easily be defended against with barriers. Heck I'm sitting on the second floor of this building here and have no worries about trucks. AR15s however are impossible to defend against.

You wont get shot sitting on the second floor unless you let the shooter in your home
People get shot in their homes all the time.
Woman shot in both feet while laying in bed in Connecticut

By stray bullets it doesn't matter what type of gun it comes from
So you aren't safe in your home. And it's easy to sneak guns into public places as we have seen. So your truck example is dismissed.
I'm perfectly safe in my own home because I don't live in a shitty area with a lot of crime but I do live in an area where legal gun ownership is very high
Well sorry, we aren't talking about just you princess. Like I said, many are shot in their home. That's a fact.
The FF's were more afraid of a Govt. take over than they were someone invading the US.

Very smart long thinking men.
We have the second because at the time we had no standing army. That's it. They sure weren't worried about tyrants, it's a government of the people. They set us up so we wouldn't have tyrants. The second was to defend the country, which is no longer needed now we have the most powerful army in the world.

You should do a little research before you run off at the mouth.

The FF were very worried about a tyrannical government.

The Founders’ Fear | What Would The Founders Think?

The Shalafi's Journal: A few quotes by the Founding Fathers on the threat of tyranny.


Our Founding Fathers wanted a republic, not a democracy

And there are many more to chose from.
Why the anti-tyranny case for the 2nd Amendment shouldn't be dismissed so quickly
When the proposed Constitution was before the people for ratification, many anti-Federalists worried that the new government would be too powerful, and could become tyrannical. In Federalist No. 46, James Madison reassured the public that the many checks and balances in the Constitution — the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, for example — made it very unlikely that a tyrant could seize power. If a tyrant did, he would speedily be deposed by the state governments, who would lead the armed people in the militias.

Maybe you won't dodge the question

Tell me what gun ban of any type has ever reduced the gun murder rate by 41% in one year

And then explain how in Richmond VA gun murder was reduced by 41% in one year without gun bans or any restrictions on law abiding gun owners whatsoever

Project Exile, U.S. Attorney's Office -- Eastern District of Virginia
It went down for the whole country during that period. It declined after the Brady Bill. You know, gun control.

not by 41% in one year it didin't
You wont get shot sitting on the second floor unless you let the shooter in your home
People get shot in their homes all the time.
Woman shot in both feet while laying in bed in Connecticut

By stray bullets it doesn't matter what type of gun it comes from
So you aren't safe in your home. And it's easy to sneak guns into public places as we have seen. So your truck example is dismissed.
I'm perfectly safe in my own home because I don't live in a shitty area with a lot of crime but I do live in an area where legal gun ownership is very high
Well sorry, we aren't talking about just you princess. Like I said, many are shot in their home. That's a fact.

So what?

Many people are killed falling down the stairs in their own home too

Ban stairs

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