Leave it to Trump to not acknowledge the possible election fraud in NC

Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.
Trump only believes in imaginary election fraud

Three million illegals voted for Hillary
/----/ You mean imaginary fraud like this?
Two women busted for election fraud in Miami-Dade in 2016
Two women busted for election fraud in Miami-Dade in 2016

Former Democratic Party leader paid women in alleged Tarrant voter fraud ring, AG says
Former Democratic Party leader paid women in alleged Tarrant voter fraud ring, AG says

Earlier this month, four women were arrested — Sanchez, her daughter, Leticia Sanchez Tepichin, and Rosa Solis and Laura Parra — after being indicted on more than two dozen felony counts of voter fraud.

Officials allege the women were paid to target older voters on the city’s north side “in a scheme to generate a large number of mail ballots and then harvest those ballots for specific candidates in 2016.”

Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.
Trump only believes in imaginary election fraud

Three million illegals voted for Hillary
/----/ And here's more:
Democrat Christina Ayala Did Commit 19 Counts Of Voter Fraud ...
A story of voter fraud committed by Democratic State Rep. Christina "Tita" Ayala has gone viral this week, indicating that Ayala was arrested for committing 19 counts of voter fraud and alleging that voter fraud is a serious problem, which has been "ignored and downplayed" by the Democrats.
Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.
So many Democrats committing crimes....so little time.
Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.

And when Trump does not acknowledge something...his Trumpbot minions do whatever he says/does.

Yep, they like to fancy themselves free thinkers because they support someone like Trump but really they are morons for that reason. They can’t think for themselves. They need someone in the GOP to tell them what to believe. Trump just happens to be good at public speaking while talking like a 3rd grader so their level of worship happens to be especially strong for a GOP-er. If Trump had the charisma of Jeb Bush he wouldn’t have made it a month into the primary election.

Billy believes commie loving leftards are "free thinkers". I woudnt ever support a leftard/commiecrat even at gun point. They and those of their ilk are sickening and a curse on this nation.
I don’t give a shit about Hillary. I voted for her because it was a vote against Trump.
Obviously NOT, since your HATE is laser-focused on the businessman who delivered the strongest economy and lowest unemployment in decades and liberation from liberal 'economic slavery' instead of on the criminal bitch who - as evidence shows - abandoned Americans to needlessly die, compromised national security, sold America out for $145 million while engaging in Influence Peddling, and who had to lie / cheat / steal the DNC nomination just to be in the 2016 election and then went crawling to foreign spies, Russians, and Obama's crime syndicate for a chance to win.....

The f*ing pathetic thing is that if the DNC would have run Donald Trump as their DNC candidate instead of Hillary you would have eagerly obeyed and voted for HIM, would be singing HIS praises right now, and would be talking $h!t about whoever the GOP candidate would have been if not Dondald Trump.

The Democratic Party, Hillary, Obama - they bent you over, pulled your puppet strings, F*ed Bernie and his supporters, protected Hillary from going to prison, and force-fed you your candidate - their hand-picked criminal, and you don't give a damn...you just swallowed and pulled the handle for her in the election booth because of the manufactured hatred and emotional manipulation they successfully worked on you.

Weld done, 'Gruber PET', well done.

Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.

And when Trump does not acknowledge something...his Trumpbot minions do whatever he says/does.

Yep, they like to fancy themselves free thinkers because they support someone like Trump but really they are morons for that reason. They can’t think for themselves. They need someone in the GOP to tell them what to believe. Trump just happens to be good at public speaking while talking like a 3rd grader so their level of worship happens to be especially strong for a GOP-er. If Trump had the charisma of Jeb Bush he wouldn’t have made it a month into the primary election.
/----/ And you voted for one of the most corrupt career politicians, Hildabeast Clinton, who was only interested in lining her own pockets.
After all the news about Saudis buying 500 rooms at a local Trump Hotel...AFTER the election, and investigations of other purchases in the high dollar world, you cite Hillary as corrupt. It's to laugh! Trump campaigned on pay-to-play, which is a Trump MO, and you lay HIS habits on Hillary as "only interested in lining her own pockets"? I know you need to believe this to justify your support for your Grand Poobah, but please, don't drag that old lie before the rest of us. Why don't you check out Hillary's tax returns. They are all public.
Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.

And when Trump does not acknowledge something...his Trumpbot minions do whatever he says/does.

Yep, they like to fancy themselves free thinkers because they support someone like Trump but really they are morons for that reason. They can’t think for themselves. They need someone in the GOP to tell them what to believe. Trump just happens to be good at public speaking while talking like a 3rd grader so their level of worship happens to be especially strong for a GOP-er. If Trump had the charisma of Jeb Bush he wouldn’t have made it a month into the primary election.
/----/ And you voted for one of the most corrupt career politicians, Hildabeast Clinton, who was only interested in lining her own pockets.
Look!! Over there!!! >>>> It's H. Clinton!
After all the news about Saudis buying 500 rooms at a local Trump Hotel...AFTER the election, and investigations of other purchases in the high dollar world, you cite Hillary as corrupt.

There is actual evidence of crimes involving Hillary, not insinuations that an International businessman actually SELLING ROOMS to some foreigners. (Please cite the laws broken here.)
Look!! Over there!!! >>>> It's H. Clinton!
WHY are you snowflakes so frightened by involving THE MOST CORRUPT CRIMINAL POLITICIAN IN US HISTORY in your discussions of corrupt politicians and your hypocritical / unsubstantiated accusations against Trump?
Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.

And when Trump does not acknowledge something...his Trumpbot minions do whatever he says/does.

Yep, they like to fancy themselves free thinkers because they support someone like Trump but really they are morons for that reason. They can’t think for themselves. They need someone in the GOP to tell them what to believe. Trump just happens to be good at public speaking while talking like a 3rd grader so their level of worship happens to be especially strong for a GOP-er. If Trump had the charisma of Jeb Bush he wouldn’t have made it a month into the primary election.
/----/ And you voted for one of the most corrupt career politicians, Hildabeast Clinton, who was only interested in lining her own pockets.
Look!! Over there!!! >>>> It's H. Clinton!
/----/ "Look!! Over there!!! >>>> It's H. Clinton!"
No thanks, you look.
Yep, they like to fancy themselves free thinkers because they support someone like Trump but really they are morons for that reason. They can’t think for themselves. They need someone in the GOP to tell them what to believe. Trump just happens to be good at public speaking while talking like a 3rd grader so their level of worship happens to be especially strong for a GOP-er. If Trump had the charisma of Jeb Bush he wouldn’t have made it a month into the primary election.
/----/ And you voted for one of the most corrupt career politicians, Hildabeast Clinton, who was only interested in lining her own pockets.
Oh right her emails! Omg! Put her in prison! Obviously Trump is innocent of any illegal activity right? He did tell you that so that must be what you think.
/----/ I didn't mention emails - you did as a diversion.
Lol how is that a diversion? I acknowledged something about her. You of course chose not to acknowledge what I said about Trump’s illegal activities.
/----/ I said she is a corrupt career politician. It has nothing to do with emails. That was your attempt to divert the subject. It's so simple even you can understand.
If only someone had investigated her...if only...if only...if only...if only...
Look!! Over there!!! >>>> It's H. Clinton!
WHY are you snowflakes so frightened by involving THE MOST CORRUPT CRIMINAL POLITICIAN IN US HISTORY in your discussions of corrupt politicians and your hypocritical / unsubstantiated accusations against Trump?
And LOOK! She's STILL over there!!>>>>OMIGOD! It's H. Clinton!
Look!! Over there!!! >>>> It's H. Clinton!
WHY are you snowflakes so frightened by involving THE MOST CORRUPT CRIMINAL POLITICIAN IN US HISTORY in your discussions of corrupt politicians and your hypocritical / unsubstantiated accusations against Trump?
And LOOK! She's STILL over there!!>>>>OMIGOD! It's H. Clinton!
/----/ She'll be running in 2020 - you own her.
Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.

And when Trump does not acknowledge something...his Trumpbot minions do whatever he says/does.

Yep, they like to fancy themselves free thinkers because they support someone like Trump but really they are morons for that reason. They can’t think for themselves. They need someone in the GOP to tell them what to believe. Trump just happens to be good at public speaking while talking like a 3rd grader so their level of worship happens to be especially strong for a GOP-er. If Trump had the charisma of Jeb Bush he wouldn’t have made it a month into the primary election.

Billy trying to use the shame tatic again?

Billy we hate the left we would vote for an illegal Russian then a pussy ass Democrat..

Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.
Well of course not! Only Democrats commit election fraud right? It's just that they are so good at it they never get caught and never leave any evidence or clues or anything.
Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.

And when Trump does not acknowledge something...his Trumpbot minions do whatever he says/does.

Yep, they like to fancy themselves free thinkers because they support someone like Trump but really they are morons for that reason. They can’t think for themselves. They need someone in the GOP to tell them what to believe. Trump just happens to be good at public speaking while talking like a 3rd grader so their level of worship happens to be especially strong for a GOP-er. If Trump had the charisma of Jeb Bush he wouldn’t have made it a month into the primary election.
/----/ And you voted for one of the most corrupt career politicians, Hildabeast Clinton, who was only interested in lining her own pockets.
After all the news about Saudis buying 500 rooms at a local Trump Hotel...AFTER the election, and investigations of other purchases in the high dollar world, you cite Hillary as corrupt. It's to laugh! Trump campaigned on pay-to-play, which is a Trump MO, and you lay HIS habits on Hillary as "only interested in lining her own pockets"? I know you need to believe this to justify your support for your Grand Poobah, but please, don't drag that old lie before the rest of us. Why don't you check out Hillary's tax returns. They are all public.

Chump change .no wonder why you are poor

Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.
Well of course not! Only Democrats commit election fraud right? It's just that they are so good at it they never get caught and never leave any evidence or clues or anything.

Post the stats The states refuse too

Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.

And when Trump does not acknowledge something...his Trumpbot minions do whatever he says/does.

Yep, they like to fancy themselves free thinkers because they support someone like Trump but really they are morons for that reason. They can’t think for themselves. They need someone in the GOP to tell them what to believe. Trump just happens to be good at public speaking while talking like a 3rd grader so their level of worship happens to be especially strong for a GOP-er. If Trump had the charisma of Jeb Bush he wouldn’t have made it a month into the primary election.
/----/ And you voted for one of the most corrupt career politicians, Hildabeast Clinton, who was only interested in lining her own pockets.
Right, because there were emoluments cases against the Clinton family.

Oh, wait...
Why would he? Republicans still win if the fraud allegations aren’t investigated. This has nothing to go with his fantasy that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary.

Of course we can’t expect any republican to acknowledge it. Their side won. That’s all that matters.
Well of course not! Only Democrats commit election fraud right? It's just that they are so good at it they never get caught and never leave any evidence or clues or anything.
Deep state!

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