Led Zeppelin Vs. The Beatles - Who Is The True Rock G.O.A.T.?

I've got a few. I've got the 1DX MKIII, a 5D MKIV, a 6D MKII, a 6D and a 5D. I've also got an old 40D which doesn't even power up anymore.

Of the other five bodies, I use the 6D for shooting concerts, as it's great in low light and the thing can take a real beating. Twice it's fallen from about waist height. The first time it was perfectly fine. The second time the battery grip got damaged.

I love Canons...
Wow! I'm just what they call an advanced amateur. You are obviously a pro. To tell the truth lately I'm more of a collector than a shooter. Got 53 Cameras 26 of them are Canon DSLRs. 1DX III? Man that's gotta be sweet.
Wow! I'm just what they call an advanced amateur. You are obviously a pro. To tell the truth lately I'm more of a collector than a shooter. Got 53 Cameras 26 of them are Canon DSLRs. 1DX III? Man that's gotta be sweet.

I collect vintage cameras. Some of them work, some don't.

26 Canon DSLR's? Yeah, maybe a little overkill there!
That would be quite the feat, considering that Uriah Heep didn't form until 1969.

But, please, tell us more about how you know all about rock history...
and hendrix was playing with Little Richard in 65 and then Curtis Knight and the Squires in 66.....yea dudley is a rock historian.....
up until 66 yes.....after that you just sound like someone who didnt care for the beatles...

It's more like a bunch of closet homos can't tolerate anything that contradicts their silly obsession with a banal marketing gimmicks already common in pop music promotions by the end of the 1950's.. As I've said in a couple other threads on them I like a couple of their songs,Eleanor Rigby is good, but it's not rock, and Paperback Writer is pretty good for old style 50's rock; neither are anything 'original' or unique.
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and hendrix was playing with Little Richard in 65 and then Curtis Knight and the Squires in 66.....yea dudley is a rock historian.....

Aw, you people can't even find anything with google, can you? lol Next we will hear about Bob Dylan not being around until after the Beatles. lol
and hendrix was playing with Little Richard in 65 and then Curtis Knight and the Squires in 66.....yea dudley is a rock historian.....

He was already known among musicians by 1965, yes; you think that refutes anything I said, do you?

Everyone’s crazy ‘bout a sharp-dressed man

Let’s be honest, there’s a reason Beatlemania is typified by hoardes of young women: The Beatles looked good.

When Brian Epstein officially signed on as the Beatles’ manager in early 1962, the first thing he did was smarten up their stage appearance; he fitted them into Edwardian collarless suits, matching boots, and choreographed a synchronised bow at the end of each song.

They're very popular with middle class adolescent girls and homosexuals. These weirdos weren't even listening to the music, the screaming was too loud to hear them live, so obviusly it wasn't about the music.
Led Zeppelin.
Based on talent, long term influence and record sales.
Led Zeppelin sold just under the same number of records as Beatles, But the Beatles produced 75 studio and compilation records. Led Zeppelin - 18.
So Led Zeppelin outsold Beatles by a long shot comparing apples to apples.
It's not even close.
All of their members were playing in bands before 1969.

Dude, just admit you were wrong.

You said: "Stones, Jimi Hendix, Uriah Heep, and scores of others were already out and touring in 1965."

That's an untrue statement They were not touring, nor were the members of Uriah Heep out touring in other bands. In 1965 Mick Box was only 17. His first band was started in 1967.

You're only going to make yourself look more foolish by doubling down on this. Just sack up and admit you were wrong...
Aw, you people can't even find anything with google, can you? lol Next we will hear about Bob Dylan not being around until after the Beatles. lol
you said Jimi Hendix, Uriah Heep were all were already out and touring in 1965 .....did you not?.....
you said Jimi Hendix, Uriah Heep were all were already out and touring in 1965 .....did you not?.....

And they were. Of course, you can't seem to admit musical markets were changing, and the Beatles merely changed theri image to keep up. They ended up stuck on Top Forty radio and an audience of adolescent girls and fem bois, while Dylan, the Stones, The Animals, the Kinks, etc. all turned out much better music; that's why you're trying to play lame 'gotcha games that don't address that.

Do you still wear your Beatle boots?

He was known as "Little Richard's guitar player"...

He was known by other musicians as a good guitarist, which why Little Richard hired him. Do you really think he never played any of his own gigs when not playing on tour? They all played gigs as indies. The guy who managed the Animals took him on to better gigs based on knowing his work.

The Peanut Gallery can also note Motown was really taking off and taking market share as well; Barry Gordy had his own AM brodcast station that reached around his studios' block. He would never sign off on a song as finished until he went out and sat in his car and had them play it so he could listen on his car radio; he didn't give a shit one what it sounded liked in the studio. It was radio that sold records then.

If you loved the Beatles you probably love Milli Vanilli; they sold a lot of records too.

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