Lee Oswald's call from jail.

The so-called "Warren Commission" wasn't established to get to the truth about the Kennedy assassination. It was a typical CYA operation designed to protect congress and the CIA from the truth. While Americans were chasing their tails about the "grassy knoll", they forgot about Oswald's history. Why was he welcomed back into the U.S. after renouncing his citizenship and abandoning his post in the military in the coldest part of the Cold War? Nobody in the media ever asked. Ruby kills Oswald and Ruby dies in jail. Nicely done.
The Warren Commmission was nothing of the soort. It was in fact an objective and unbiased investigatory commission which conducted the most comprehensive and thourough criminal investigation in US history. You have never read the report and have no idea what it contains much less the massive evidence they present.

Oswald did NOT renounce his citizenship.

He did NOT abandon his post in the military.

Before monneting you should learn a few things and get your facts straight
The intent of the Warren commission was to portray Oswald as a nobody and a loner. Just because it's in print it doesn't mean it's the truth. How did Oswald get away with abandoning his post in the military, renouncing his citizenship and fleeing to Russia in the coldest part of the Cold War? Oswald's new wife was the daughter of a KGB officer. That makes him more than a nobody in Russia.
That was not their intent that was the truth which they discovered.

One more time he did NOT abandon his post. he did NOT renounce his citizenship.

His wife was the daughter of a local cop her father was not a KGB officer.
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Ruby was a mafia power-mid management. This wouldn't be a guy who would be impulsive and quick to kill in a public way. Mob even then if they wanted Kennedy's (Kennedys were tied into the mob, killer removed would have waited to off him in prison. Oswald being Kenndys killer would have been killed off then---so why would a mid-level mob boss throw away his life to kill him off is the real question.
Ruby was not a mafia power and in fact he had no known connection to the mafia

The rumors about his mafia " connections " were started Ruby himself to manufacture a more intimidating reputation.

He did so out of impulse your profile of him is simply false and based on stupid assumptions. even if he WERE mafia or a mid level boss in the mafia it does not at all imply that he would not have acted out of impulse.

Such people are just as impulsive and thougtless as any one else..
Both Kennedy brothers had an insane fascination with Fidel Castro. The CIA became an accomplice in the illegal attempt to raise and equip an invasion army to overthrow Castro. Since Oswald wasn't under arrest when he returned from Russia (with his KGB bride) it's reasonable to assume that he became an informant for the CIA and possibly a potential assassin to take out Castro except that he ended up working for Castro as an assassin.
No it is not reasonable,

It was perfectly legal for him to emigrate to the USSR. His bride was not KGB nor was her father.
That was not their intent that was the truth which they discovered.

One more time he did NOT abandon hsi post. he did NOT renounce his citizenship.

His wife was the daughter of a local cop her father was not a KGB officer.

This is what happens when you deal with people who don't read the material, they make silly claims that are easily shown to be bogus because they listen to the bilge from the Media for years.
This is what happens when you deal with people who don't read the material, they make silly claims that are easily shown to be bogus because they listen to the bilge from the Media for years.
His military discharge is a matter of public record and has been for decades. He was given a hardship discharge under less than honorable circumstances. Abandoning ones post means that one leaves ones post without permission. Being removed from your post is NOT abandoning it.

Anyone who wishes to renounce their citizenship has to go to court and appear before a judge to state their desire to renounce it and the judge then granst their request. Oswald told people he wanted to renounce it but never took the necessary steps of appearing in court.

Marina's dad was no secret and was never KGB he was a supervisor for the local PD in Minsk. Roughly equivelant to a police sgt or lieutenant in any average American city.
His military discharge is a matter of public record and has been for decades. He was given a hardship discharge under less than honorable circumstances. Abandoning ones post means that one leaves ones post without permission. Being removed from your post is NOT abandoning it.

Anyone who wishes to renounce their citizenship has to go to court and appear before a judge to state their desire to renounce it and the judge then granst their request. Oswald told people he wanted to renounce it but never took the necessary steps of appearing in court.

Marina's dad was no secret and was never KGB he was a supervisor for the local PD in Minsk. Roughly equivelant to a police sgt or lieutenant in any average American city.

Yeah those facts are easy to find Oswald was a nobody because he had no skill to use for spying and intelligence work which is obvious with a simple background research of his early years.

Gerald Posner wrote a book about Oswald and the assassination Case Closed which has near perfect rating after 748 reviews on Amazon.

I have that and the Commission book.
Yeah those facts are easy to find Oswald was a nobody because he had no skill to use for spying and intelligence work which is obvious with a simple background research of his early years.

Gerald Posner wrote a book about Oswald and the assassination Case Closed which has near perfect rating after 748 reviews on Amazon.

I have that and the Commission book.
I have both I would recommend Reclaiming History by Vincent Begulioso as well.
Oswald was the fall guy.

It might upset Americans to know that their government planned and carried out the public execution of a sitting President in 1963 and almost again in March 1981.
His military discharge is a matter of public record and has been for decades. He was given a hardship discharge under less than honorable circumstances. Abandoning ones post means that one leaves ones post without permission. Being removed from your post is NOT abandoning it.

Anyone who wishes to renounce their citizenship has to go to court and appear before a judge to state their desire to renounce it and the judge then granst their request. Oswald told people he wanted to renounce it but never took the necessary steps of appearing in court.

Marina's dad was no secret and was never KGB he was a supervisor for the local PD in Minsk. Roughly equivelant to a police sgt or lieutenant in any average American city.
Yet Oswald, the only marine to ever defect to the USSR, is welcomed back to the US with his Soviet bride with open arms. Surrounded by US government agents, he’s given jobs including the TSBD job that just so magically happened to be right on JFK’s very slow motorcade route through Dallas.

It’s all so magical. Your grandpa Dulles did a bang up job didn’t he Allen?
Yet Oswald, the only marine to ever defect to the USSR, is welcomed back to the US with his Soviet bride with open arms. Surrounded by US government agents, he’s given jobs including the TSBD job that just so magically happened to be right on JFK’s very slow motorcade route through Dallas.

It’s all so magical. Your grandpa Dulles did a bang up job didn’t he Allen?

He did not defect he emigrated.

he was not surrounded by agents.

Now post some evidence lee. Your silly magical claims are not evidence and your grandaddy acted alone

He did not defect he emigrated.

he was not surrounded by agents.

Now post some evidence lee. Your silly magical claims are not evidence and your grandaddy acted alone
Allen you know this shit. You grew up with it. Don’t be a troll.
Allen you know this shit. You grew up with it. Don’t be a troll.
I do know about the assassinatioon that is correct. You do not,

I have researched this you have not. evidence proves e correcty and you a fool and liar.

Run along now since you have nothing of intelligence to contribute.
I do know about the assassinatioon that is correct. You do not,

I have researched this you have not. evidence proves e correcty and you a fool and liar.

Run along now since you have nothing of intelligence to contribute.
Still believes the Warren Commission. LMFAO!

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