Lee Oswald's call from jail.

Anyone who thinks Oswald acted alone and who believes the Warren Commission report can’t be informed or is a government dupe.
Wrong he acted akone and that is what any ingtelligent person believes after examining the evidence.

Anyoje with ANY opinion on the Warren Commission report should read it or their opinion is based on ignorance.

You are an ignorant liar who has never bothered to read it and every claim you make about the report is a lie based on that ignorance.
At best, the Deep State didn’t like JFK and intentionally went lax on security for him. But colluding with a wackjob like Oswald? Don’t see it happening.
Oswald was just the fall guy, once you ignore the mainstream narrative, it all falls into place
Lol. The evidence is overwhelming. You just have to be smart enough to accept it. Don’t be pussy.
What evidence? Do you think the shot was “impossible” from the window? A trained Marine can easily hit a slow moving target only 80 meters away.
Yes he did and you have no evidence to the contrary. He was in fact the ONLY one to fire a gun that day

Your repeated claims are nothing more than a brainwshed delusion with nothing to back them up

People like him never make a credible argument which is why their delusions are long discredited and often free of an attempt to provide evidence.

They never read any of the official investigations, they get it from ignorant people and from those many conspiracy crazed JKF books that came out in droves for 20 years that offers almost every possible shooting scenario and who carried them out also has a long list of suspects.

The Mafia did it, no it was the FBI who did it, no! it was the CIA who did it, NO NO! it was The Mafia AND the FBI who it and on and on with the stupid wild speculations.

Most historians have now settled with the Oswald being the killer as the best historical position to support as the evidence we have clearly that as the ONLY possible conclusion.
What evidence? Do you think the shot was “impossible” from the window? A trained Marine can easily hit a slow moving target only 80 meters away.

Which Oswald had that training and was more than good enough to hit such a target the Scope on the Rifle makes JFK's head look big and easy target to hit.
Oswald was just the fall guy, once you ignore the mainstream narrative, it all falls into place
He was no fall guy. He was a lunatic Commie, he was upset JFK didn’t allow Russia to set up nukes in Cuba. He was unhinged, Marxist loving faggot. As we know today, unhinged Marxist loving commies are the most dangerous and deranged people on the planet.
Which Oswald had that training and was more than good enough to hit such a target the Scope on the Rifle makes JFK's head look big and easy target to hit.
Yup, not to mention they know he ordered it through the mail with the 4x scope.

“But, but, but..”. here come the excuses from the usual suspects. LA RAM FAN
Yup, not to mention they know he ordered it through the mail with the 4x scope.

“But, but, but..”. here come the excuses from the usual suspects. LA RAM FAN

Plus photos of his handling that gun long before in his yard before he used it on JFK and that he used same gun on a General who was saved by the window sash deflecting the bullet.

But conspiracy morons ignore all that.

Which Oswald had that training and was more than good enough to hit such a target the Scope on the Rifle makes JFK's head look big and easy target to hit.
Predictably they will point out that the scope was defective. Actually it worked as designed but was mounted incorrectly.

However this does not prove anything and even in fact reinforces what the other evidence shows. He missed the first shot and that is LIKELY because he aimed through the scope on the first shot. However he was trained to call the shot and would have done so. Which means he instantly knew he missed the first shot. His most likely reaction would be to ignore the scope and aim over the integrated iron sights on the riflle itself which is exactly how he was trained to aim and shoot.

After that he hit the target on the second and third shots. Kennedy was still very close and at an easy angle to hit. He didnt need the scope the rifle simply came with the scope as he purchased it,
Predictably they will point out that the scope was defective. Actually it worked as designed but was mounted incorrectly.

However this does not prove anything and even in fact reinforces what the other evidence shows. He missed the first shot and that is LIKELY because he aimed through the scope on the first shot. However he was trained to call the shot and would have done so. Which means he instantly knew he missed the first shot. His most likely reaction would be to ignore the scope and aim over the integrated iron sights on the riflle itself which is exactly how he was trained to aim and shoot.

After that he hit the target on the second and third shots. Kennedy was still very close and at an easy angle to hit. He didnt need the scope the rifle simply came with the scope as he purchased it,

Gerald Posner thinks that first shot was likely DEFLECTED by the large tree branch that was by his window too bad they didn't look at it closely at the time for that possibility.
Gerald Posner thinks that first shot was likely DEFLECTED by the large tree branch that was by his window too bad they didn't look at it closely at the time for that possibility.
Either way the fact that the scope was mis aligned is irrelevant although it is always cited by conspiracy theorists as evidence that he could not have hit Kennedy.

They simply ignore that the scope was an after manufacture ad on and could simply be ignored, instead using the open sights.
Oswald was batshit crazy, he was not a professional. He went on a rampage and shot at several people not just JFK. He was an unhinged leftwing lunatic, much like modern day Dems.
Who are the several people not just JFK. you speak of other than Officer Tibbet
Who are the several people not just JFK. you speak of other than Officer Tibbet
JD Tibbit was shot and killed by Oswald.
He also pointed his handgun at officer Nick McDonald in the theater and pulled the trigger. The officer got his thumb between the hammer saving his own life.
He also tried to assassinate Edwin Walker months before.
He was no fall guy. He was a lunatic Commie, he was upset JFK didn’t allow Russia to set up nukes in Cuba. He was unhinged, Marxist loving faggot. As we know today, unhinged Marxist loving commies are the most dangerous and deranged people on the planet.
JFK was shot from several different angles including from the front. Was Oswalt an alien that could teleport to several locations in a split second?
Plus photos of his handling that gun long before in his yard before he used it on JFK and that he used same gun on a General who was saved by the window sash deflecting the bullet.

But conspiracy morons ignore all that.

How did Oswald know the route the caravan was going to take and that the 6th floor was a sniper nest?

Take your time

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