Lee Oswald's call from jail.



Yea, I’ve asked the multi shooter conspiracy theorists to show exactly where another shot could had come from. Show the forensics, angle distance, everything.

All I ever hear is crickets.
Doesn't count, part of the magic bullet and he was collateral damage and not a target
There was no magic bullet. The magic bullet theory has been massively debunked along with the other lame evidence created by conspiracy theorists.

Actually we do not KNOW who was the target and who was collateral. He actually had a personal motive to shoot Connally. It is plausible ( not provable ) that every one got it backwards and he meant to shoot Connally. and Kennedy just got in the way.

His actual motive is the only thing we do not know for sure.
Yea, I’ve asked the multi shooter conspiracy theorists to show exactly where another shot could had come from. Show the forensics, angle distance, everything.

All I ever hear is crickets.

How did Oswald know the route the caravan was going to take and that the 6th floor was a sniper nest?

Take your time
He knew it because it was published in all the local newspapers days before. He built the nest and there is no evidence what soever that anyone shot at Kennedy from the front.
There was no magic bullet. The magic bullet theory has been massively debunked along with the other lame evidence created by conspiracy theorists.

Actually we do not KNOW who was the target and who was collateral. He actually had a personal motive to shoot Connally. It is plausible ( not provable ) that every one got it backwards and he meant to shoot Connally. and Kennedy just got in the way.

His actual motive is the only thing we do not know for sure.
Now that is what I call a conspiracy theory
Which Oswald had that training and was more than good enough to hit such a target the Scope on the Rifle makes JFK's head look big and easy target to hit.
you sure love proving what a stupid fuck shill from langley you are.

You are a pathetic liar!

I see you are looking in the mirror right now,good job,i could not have said that any better about yourself than you just did about you. :yes_text12:
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People like him never make a credible argument which is why their delusions are long discredited and often free of an attempt to provide evidence.

They never read any of the official investigations, they get it from ignorant people and from those many conspiracy crazed JKF books that came out in droves for 20 years that offers almost every possible shooting scenario and who carried them out also has a long list of suspects.

The Mafia did it, no it was the FBI who did it, no! it was the CIA who did it, NO NO! it was The Mafia AND the FBI who it and on and on with the stupid wild speculations.

Most historians have now settled with the Oswald being the killer as the best historical position to support as the evidence we have clearly that as the ONLY possible conclusion.
you just discredited yourself the fact you listen to anything nazi trollbpy says who has been OWNED by HUNDREDS of us HUNDREDS of times over the years. you lie your ass of,i read the warren commission and the best independent investigaters in the world read it as well and the warren commission OMITS many key facts trollboy.:auiqs.jpg:
Plus photos of his handling that gun long before in his yard before he used it on JFK and that he used same gun on a General who was saved by the window sash deflecting the bullet.

But conspiracy morons ignore all that.

thats you a conspiracy moron who ignores all this evidence that proves oswald did not do it. :auiqs.jpg:

Gerald Posner thinks that first shot was likely DEFLECTED by the large tree branch that was by his window too bad they didn't look at it closely at the time for that possibility.
shill posners book has been debunked by Weisbergs book CASE OPEN retard. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I’ve read your grandpa’s report decades ago. It’s a nice fiction read.

Allen as you well know, Oswald never fired a gun that day.
an excellent fiction indeed the warren report is,you just proved sunsetty troll to be the fucking liar he is that we never read the official reports.whats comedy about him in his babble gipper that we never read the official reports is the fucking lying troll cant get around several independent invsetigaters like jim marrs,craig roberts,the list goes on and on,all scholars,very much read all the official reports in his lies where he claims people that say there was a conspiracy never read the official report. :auiqs.jpg: these trolls get desperate in their babble. :auiqs.jpg:
It is clear you are full of opinions but have no evidence to support them.

Oswald is by far the best suspect to the murder that has long been established by several official investigations.

You probably read a lot of stupid conspiracy books by people who were never part of any investigations and never saw the evidence firsthand.

thats all you have to offer,give it a fucking rest fag.
Anyone who post like you do with zero evidence and make stupidly dismissive comments have nothing to say.

you mean like your lies that oswald killed kennedy with a magic bullet despite all these facts in this link that prove your a fucking paid shill liar for langley? :auiqs.jpg:

You stupid fag retard magic bullet theorists prove you are indeed just that in all your babble, proving you have never done any investigation looking at an opposing view different than the governmnets version of events,if you had,you would KNOW,one of the pictures taken of the sixth floor window shows oswald not in it and the witness that took it said he took it a mere 20 seconds before the assassination which makes it IMPOSSIBKE for oswald to have done it sense he would have had to be there waiting there way before the motorcade came on instead of making a QUCIK HURRIED rush to the window to set up the shot in a quick ruched way you stupid fuck ,dont you fages EVER get tired of proving what stupid ass lying fags you are getting your ass handed to you on a platter?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

dont these lying paid fags amuse you with their desperate lies they make up to try and save face after being checkmated by us gipper ? :auiqs.jpg:

well this is one more paid shill from langley to add to ignore Gipper to join his fellow paid shills the evil nazi trollboy,allen dulles grandson and of course THE IDIOT. I took him to school and handed his ass on a platter to him oswald was innocent and the trollboy will of course ignore that E Howard Hunt a CIA operative even confessed on his deathbed after years of denying he was in dealy plaza that day that he indeed WAS there that day as part of a CIA operation to kill JFK that Johnson and Nixon had a role in.ignoring what a whistlblower confesses to. all the more reason to put him this latest shill on ignore as well.
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thats you a conspiracy moron who ignores all this evidence that proves oswald did not do it. :auiqs.jpg:

You have never posted a video njor any other evidence that Oswald did not do iut.

I on the other hand have proven you a liar and a nazi shill

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