Left wingers destroy California energy...the state imports 25% of all of it's energy. The wealthiest state in the Union and it can't provide power.

You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
Do you have any ideas that won't fit on a bumper sticker?
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
Do you have any ideas that won't fit on a bumper sticker?
It has to be "that dumb" for the right wing or they just declare it word salad or gibberish.
California holds the strings. Sorry. Its cheaper to import energy from states that don't mind oil and coal companies ass raping them.

Coal/gas burned in a nearby state doesn't release CO2, eh comrade?
I'm sure it does. But really...can Texas get any more disgusting? Another 3 or 4 hundred metric tons of pollution won't make Texas any more disgusting. I doubt most would notice.

Metric Tons of pollution ???

What ALL of Texas produces is a grain of sand compared to what SMALL PARTS of China produces........

But China gets a free pass on pollution huh ?
The topic is about California importing energy.

Of course,.....DEFEND CHINA AT ALL COSTS right CandyCrap ???

YOU brought up pollution.

Obviously it only matters when controlling it can kill America....while your home country China gets a free pass to pollute all they want.

PS...Don't blame me if you can't put together 2 and 2

No actually I didn't bring up pollution; someone else did. California doesn't import energy from China.
Please stay on topic and if you can't, please leave the discussion.
Thats what the red states are for....cheap dirty labor. In this world, you're either the guy holding the strings or the guy whose a puppet. California holds the strings. Sorry. Its cheaper to import energy from states that don't mind oil and coal companies ass raping them.
Poor 3-layered Candy Corn missed the memo about President Trump closing out the minimum wage issue by conspiring with other Americans to give high-paying jobs to everyone including minorities who never had a chance at the American dream come true for themselves.

Mr CC, you also missed the memo on the Demmies ahutting down those jobs President Trump furnished, using Covid to close down schools, churches, indoor theaters, almost all places selling sit down dinners and entertainment, etc. Why it brought sadness to every happy heart in America on the road to Democrat perdition.

You don't expect me to say thank you for nothing, do ya? :puhleeze:
Meanwhile back in reality...20+ Million Americans are out of work thanks to the blob's mismanagement of Covid 19.

He didn't mismanage anything.....your lying about it won't change that fact.....it is cuomo the killer who should be in an orange jump suit after he caused the deaths of those senior citizens in nursing homes, and the democrat party's alliance with china needs to be examined.......China either let the virus loose on purpose or let it escape from their lab...and the democrat party is protecting them from the consequences of that action...
Last edited:
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
Do you have any ideas that won't fit on a bumper sticker?
It has to be "that dumb" for the right wing or they just declare it word salad or gibberish.
Don't blame your mental deficiencies on me.
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
Do you have any ideas that won't fit on a bumper sticker?
It has to be "that dumb" for the right wing or they just declare it word salad or gibberish.
Don't blame your mental deficiencies on me.
I merely told you why. I did not blame you in any way.

Ask any questions you want.
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
Do you have any ideas that won't fit on a bumper sticker?
It has to be "that dumb" for the right wing or they just declare it word salad or gibberish.
Don't blame your mental deficiencies on me.
I merely told you why. I did not blame you in any way.

Ask any questions you want.
I'm not interested in your protest-sign platitudes.
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
Do you have any ideas that won't fit on a bumper sticker?
It has to be "that dumb" for the right wing or they just declare it word salad or gibberish.
Don't blame your mental deficiencies on me.
I merely told you why. I did not blame you in any way.

Ask any questions you want.
I'm not interested in your protest-sign platitudes.
not that serious; i get it, right winger.
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
Do you have any ideas that won't fit on a bumper sticker?
It has to be "that dumb" for the right wing or they just declare it word salad or gibberish.
Don't blame your mental deficiencies on me.
I merely told you why. I did not blame you in any way.

Ask any questions you want.
I'm not interested in your protest-sign platitudes.
not that serious; i get it, right winger.
Okay, you're going to regret you asked.

Give me your plan to upgrade California's energy infrastructure. Detail how it will be paid for without increasing the burden on the poor and working class. Note that any plan that increases taxes will just drive even more people and businesses out of state.

Hop to it.
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
Do you have any ideas that won't fit on a bumper sticker?
It has to be "that dumb" for the right wing or they just declare it word salad or gibberish.
Don't blame your mental deficiencies on me.
I merely told you why. I did not blame you in any way.

Ask any questions you want.
I'm not interested in your protest-sign platitudes.
not that serious; i get it, right winger.
Okay, you're going to regret you asked.

Give me your plan to upgrade California's energy infrastructure. Detail how it will be paid for without increasing the burden on the poor and working class. Note that any plan that increases taxes will just drive even more people and businesses out of state.

Hop to it.
Let's ask the general Government for help stimulating our economy for the general welfare.
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
Do you have any ideas that won't fit on a bumper sticker?
It has to be "that dumb" for the right wing or they just declare it word salad or gibberish.
Don't blame your mental deficiencies on me.
I merely told you why. I did not blame you in any way.

Ask any questions you want.
I'm not interested in your protest-sign platitudes.
not that serious; i get it, right winger.
Okay, you're going to regret you asked.

Give me your plan to upgrade California's energy infrastructure. Detail how it will be paid for without increasing the burden on the poor and working class. Note that any plan that increases taxes will just drive even more people and businesses out of state.

Hop to it.
Let's ask the general Government for help stimulating our economy for the general welfare.
Oh, look. Something that will fit on a bumpersticker. Imagine my surprise.

That's not a plan. You can stop pretending you're brilliant now.

So, you want to raise taxes on the poor and working class to fix the things that Democrat corruption, greed, and incompetence broke.
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
Do you have any ideas that won't fit on a bumper sticker?
It has to be "that dumb" for the right wing or they just declare it word salad or gibberish.
Don't blame your mental deficiencies on me.
I merely told you why. I did not blame you in any way.

Ask any questions you want.
I'm not interested in your protest-sign platitudes.
not that serious; i get it, right winger.
Okay, you're going to regret you asked.

Give me your plan to upgrade California's energy infrastructure. Detail how it will be paid for without increasing the burden on the poor and working class. Note that any plan that increases taxes will just drive even more people and businesses out of state.

Hop to it.
Let's ask the general Government for help stimulating our economy for the general welfare.
Oh, look. Something that will fit on a bumpersticker. Imagine my surprise.

That's not a plan. You can stop pretending you're brilliant now.

So, you want to raise taxes on the poor and working class to fix the things that Democrat corruption, greed, and incompetence broke.
Not at all; the general Government can simply "print the money" unlike States. Stimulating our economy must generate a return on that investment. Got MicroEconomics?
How much do "catalytic converters" for Industry cost, for comparison purposes?
It is always the extra money that can add up to billions and billions of dollars for an extra one percent improvement that destroys economies and industries.
Only lousy fiscal and monetary policy does that. Automatic stabilization of our economy is what matters more for freer market based micro-activity.
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Not seeing how that obligates me to pay for CA fixing the shit they broke through incompetence and mismanagement.
Where were your fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions?
Prevented by California Democrats.
It's not like the State can't use the revenue. Any other Hoax you want to try?
Hoax? Not at all. Democrats are criminally short-sighted.

Why California’s Climate Policies Are Causing Electricity Blackouts
We should be upgrading energy infrastructure in our State; any questions?
Oh, well, then, you say you should be doing something.

That's it, folks. Energy crisis is solved. Daniel here has a plan:

1. Do something.
Insist our legislators do their job!
Do you have any ideas that won't fit on a bumper sticker?
It has to be "that dumb" for the right wing or they just declare it word salad or gibberish.
Don't blame your mental deficiencies on me.
I merely told you why. I did not blame you in any way.

Ask any questions you want.
I'm not interested in your protest-sign platitudes.
not that serious; i get it, right winger.
Okay, you're going to regret you asked.

Give me your plan to upgrade California's energy infrastructure. Detail how it will be paid for without increasing the burden on the poor and working class. Note that any plan that increases taxes will just drive even more people and businesses out of state.

Hop to it.
Let's ask the general Government for help stimulating our economy for the general welfare.
Oh, look. Something that will fit on a bumpersticker. Imagine my surprise.

That's not a plan. You can stop pretending you're brilliant now.

So, you want to raise taxes on the poor and working class to fix the things that Democrat corruption, greed, and incompetence broke.
Not at all; the general Government can simply "print the money" unlike States. Stimulating our economy must generate a return on that investment. Got MicroEconomics?
"Print the money".


That doesn't ever work.
california shot a.jpg

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