Left wingers destroy California energy...the state imports 25% of all of it's energy. The wealthiest state in the Union and it can't provide power.

How much do "catalytic converters" for Industry cost, for comparison purposes?
It is always the extra money that can add up to billions and billions of dollars for an extra one percent improvement that destroys economies and industries.
Only lousy fiscal and monetary policy does that. Automatic stabilization of our economy is what matters more for freer market based micro-activity.
Foreign auto companies have eaten our lunch. With computers and catalytic converters hooked up to engines that could only be improved but not completely new for many years while the foreign competitors put out a few new generation engines combine with transmissions sealed our demise. Only the truck side of the auto companies with less stringent standards saved them. And that is with the hated deplorables buying them at a much higher percentage.
California produces tons of oil from offshore and onshore wells. Green energy requirements and rich power gluttons who lecture us about carbon footprints are the root of California's power shortages.

Thats what the red states are for....cheap dirty labor. In this world, you're either the guy holding the strings or the guy whose a puppet. California holds the strings. Sorry. Its cheaper to import energy from states that don't mind oil and coal companies ass raping them.
That is total bull and you know it. People have low wages when you Dimmies are in power, and you do absolutely nothing for them except to lower their wages by penalizing employers to the point of cutting staff and lowering wages of those who survived the cuts YOU caused. Double doh dummies, that is the Pelosi answer to putting money in Demmie pockets at the expense of the workers. And then yall blame everybody else at election time.
How much do "catalytic converters" for Industry cost, for comparison purposes?
It is always the extra money that can add up to billions and billions of dollars for an extra one percent improvement that destroys economies and industries.
Only lousy fiscal and monetary policy does that. Automatic stabilization of our economy is what matters more for freer market based micro-activity.
Foreign auto companies have eaten our lunch. With computers and catalytic converters hooked up to engines that could only be improved but not completely new for many years while the foreign competitors put out a few new generation engines combine with transmissions sealed our demise. Only the truck side of the auto companies with less stringent standards saved them. And that is with the hated deplorables buying them at a much higher percentage.
Tesla seems to be doing ok. California is moving away from fossil fuels for automobiles.
How much do "catalytic converters" for Industry cost, for comparison purposes?
It is always the extra money that can add up to billions and billions of dollars for an extra one percent improvement that destroys economies and industries.
Only lousy fiscal and monetary policy does that. Automatic stabilization of our economy is what matters more for freer market based micro-activity.
Foreign auto companies have eaten our lunch. With computers and catalytic converters hooked up to engines that could only be improved but not completely new for many years while the foreign competitors put out a few new generation engines combine with transmissions sealed our demise. Only the truck side of the auto companies with less stringent standards saved them. And that is with the hated deplorables buying them at a much higher percentage.
Tesla seems to be doing ok. California is moving away from fossil fuels for automobiles.
Tesla moved out of California. Why do you think they did that?
How much do "catalytic converters" for Industry cost, for comparison purposes?
It is always the extra money that can add up to billions and billions of dollars for an extra one percent improvement that destroys economies and industries.
Only lousy fiscal and monetary policy does that. Automatic stabilization of our economy is what matters more for freer market based micro-activity.
Foreign auto companies have eaten our lunch. With computers and catalytic converters hooked up to engines that could only be improved but not completely new for many years while the foreign competitors put out a few new generation engines combine with transmissions sealed our demise. Only the truck side of the auto companies with less stringent standards saved them. And that is with the hated deplorables buying them at a much higher percentage.
Tesla seems to be doing ok. California is moving away from fossil fuels for automobiles.
Tesla moved out of California. Why do you think they did that?
They are welcome to consider their bottom line. California still needs better energy infrastructure.
"Print the money".


That doesn't ever work.

Tax cut economics is standard right wing modus operandi.
How did "just print more money" work in Zimbabwe?
This is all the right wing knows and it is not free market Capitalism:

But you somehow believe "just print more money" won't add to the debt?

Run along.
You have no solutions, you run along.
How much do "catalytic converters" for Industry cost, for comparison purposes?
It is always the extra money that can add up to billions and billions of dollars for an extra one percent improvement that destroys economies and industries.
Only lousy fiscal and monetary policy does that. Automatic stabilization of our economy is what matters more for freer market based micro-activity.
Foreign auto companies have eaten our lunch. With computers and catalytic converters hooked up to engines that could only be improved but not completely new for many years while the foreign competitors put out a few new generation engines combine with transmissions sealed our demise. Only the truck side of the auto companies with less stringent standards saved them. And that is with the hated deplorables buying them at a much higher percentage.
Tesla seems to be doing ok. California is moving away from fossil fuels for automobiles.
Tesla moved out of California. Why do you think they did that?
They are welcome to consider their bottom line. California still needs better energy infrastructure.
Why did Elon Musk move out of California?
"Print the money".


That doesn't ever work.

Tax cut economics is standard right wing modus operandi.
How did "just print more money" work in Zimbabwe?
This is all the right wing knows and it is not free market Capitalism:

But you somehow believe "just print more money" won't add to the debt?

Run along.
You have no solutions, you run along.
You don't have any solutions, either. But you're unjustifiably smug about it.
What's the negative focus on California about? almost all negative posts are from people who have never lived there or even visited. So it must be political, hate a whole state because more than half the people are Democrats. Can you get any more petty.
What's the negative focus on California about? almost all negative posts are from people who have never lived there or even visited. So it must be political, hate a whole state because more than half the people are Democrats. Can you get any more petty.

I don't hate California or their governmental idiocy.
You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.

What bullshit. Americans got greedy. They didn't want to pay taxes. They wanted to live in a first world nation but refused to contribute their fair share of the infrastructure, education, and personal property/national security costs of living in a first world nation. The desire to leave infrastructure and essential utilities to the private sector has left "less profitable" areas of the country serious lacking in clean water, electricity, and broadband/WIFI.

California lacks electricity because the drive for "profits above all else", means the electrical companies are more interested in the size of their dividends, than the state of their infrastructure. Many of the wildfires in California are being started by failures along the aging power grid.

Everywhere throughout the USA, voters have voted to cut taxes and infrastructure is one of the first areas to be cut. The Army Corps of Engineers publishes a very alarming annual report, which charts the steady decline of the nations bridges, dams and levys, many of which are in imminent danger of collapse.

It's not liberal policies that has caused the USA to decline. It's Republican tax and fiscal policies. Certainly liberal Canada has no power shortages, nor does liberal Europe. Only the USA is facing these energy issues.
California lacks electricity because the drive for "profits above all else", means the electrical companies are more interested in the size of their dividends, than the state of their infrastructure. Many of the wildfires in California are being started by failures along the aging power grid.



What profits?

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