Lefties favor Islam


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
In thread after thread, I see that lefties hold a position that favors Islam. It's not just lefties favoring and defending Islam, but lefties also take a position against Christianity at the same time. What is it about Islam that has lefties defending it like this? Is it they way Islam treats women and children? Is it the promise of global dhimmitude? Is it genital mutilation? Is it the intolerance of other religions? Is there something appealing about sharia law?
They admire how controlling Islamic Extremism is and how they just behead anyone who disagrees with them...
From what I have seen in other threads, a lefty may step up here and deny that they favor or defend islam. It seems that when confronted about defending and favoring Islam, they always deny it.
In thread after thread, I see that lefties hold a position that favors Islam. It's not just lefties favoring and defending Islam, but lefties also take a position against Christianity at the same time. What is it about Islam that has lefties defending it like this? Is it they way Islam treats women and children? Is it the promise of global dhimmitude? Is it genital mutilation? Is it the intolerance of other religions? Is there something appealing about sharia law?

Yes they do, this is because Leftism is a mental illness.
The left has been trained to hate their country. Islam is more or less an adversary of Christianity. Christianity is the current make-up of the USA......................Thus, they embrace Islam. That's called critical thought libs...........You should try it.

On a side note, although I'm Jewish heritage, I can say with clear conscious that SOME Jews are the conductors for this anti-Christianity, as propaganda and form of diversion. The left's embracement of Islam is an unintended consequence.
In thread after thread, I see that lefties hold a position that favors Islam. It's not just lefties favoring and defending Islam, but lefties also take a position against Christianity at the same time. What is it about Islam that has lefties defending it like this? Is it they way Islam treats women and children? Is it the promise of global dhimmitude? Is it genital mutilation? Is it the intolerance of other religions? Is there something appealing about sharia law?

Dear EvMetro
I am thinking that since the left reject Constitutional laws as they are taught and enforced by the Christian right,
they may accept them as taught by the Muslim scholars who take a broader approach to natural laws than just making it a Western Christian thing.

Seriously, the eighth grade history teacher who taught me the spirit of the Constitutional laws
emphasized the history of laws coming from Moses Hammurabi and Mohammad.

So if the left won't get the concept through the Conservative and Christian Right they reject politically,
maybe the spirit of the laws can be established by equal witnesses coming from the secular left!

I have noticed that many of the Muslim, Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, and others who are seen
as following some other authority outside the Christian path are actually part of the "secular gentiles"
under NATURAL LAWS which is how Jefferson approached Jesus and the Bible, as a secular gentile.

Both paths, the church by scriptural authority and Biblical laws and the state by secular/civil laws,
are SUPPOSED to be in harmony. The spirit of the laws of EQUAL JUSTICE is what Jesus is supposed to fulfill
for both laws of God and laws of man. So the point is for BOTH branches, the faith based right and the secular left,
to agree in TRUTH.

Our Constitutional laws based on natural laws are supposed to be universal to all humanity.
It will take the right and the left serving as two witnesses to the same truth to bring about agreement.

so if Christians are seen as representing the right, perhaps it will take the Muslim Constitutionalists to bring the left around.

(This process may also explain why so many Black preachers and voters remain so adherent
to the Democratic leaders on the left. The Black preachers I know have bridged the gap between
the Christian and Muslim spiritual leaders seeking healing and rebuilding of the Black communities suffering from violence and poverty. The rise of true leadership on the left may well rely on unity between the Black Christian and Muslim leaders and community, which the left will not argue with as they do the conservative white christians attacked through liberal media as racist.)
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I hate islam and all fascist religions. Wtf do you mean I favor islam? lol
If you are a lefty who does not favor Islam, you may want to observe all of the replies on this thread from your fellow lefties.
In thread after thread, I see that lefties hold a position that favors Islam. It's not just lefties favoring and defending Islam, but lefties also take a position against Christianity at the same time. What is it about Islam that has lefties defending it like this? Is it they way Islam treats women and children? Is it the promise of global dhimmitude? Is it genital mutilation? Is it the intolerance of other religions? Is there something appealing about sharia law?

Dear EvMetro
I am thinking that since the left reject Constitutional laws as they are taught and enforced by the Christian right,
they may accept them as taught by the Muslim scholars who take a broader approach to natural laws than just making it a Western Christian thing.

Seriously, the eighth grade history teacher who taught me the spirit of the Constitutional laws
emphasized the history of laws coming from Moses Hammurabi and Mohammad.

So if the left won't get the concept through the Conservative and Christian Right they reject politically,
maybe the spirit of the laws can be established by equal witnesses coming from the secular left!

I have noticed that many of the Muslim, Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, and others who are seen
as following some other authority outside the Christian path are actually part of the "secular gentiles"
under NATURAL LAWS which is how Jefferson approached Jesus and the Bible, as a secular gentile.

Both paths, the church by scriptural authority and Biblical laws and the state by secular/civil laws,
are SUPPOSED to be in harmony. The spirit of the laws of EQUAL JUSTICE is what Jesus is supposed to fulfill
for both laws of God and laws of man. So the point is for BOTH branches, the faith based right and the secular left,
to agree in TRUTH.

Our Constitutional laws based on natural laws are supposed to be universal to all humanity.
It will take the right and the left serving as two witnesses to the same truth to bring about agreement.

so if Christians are seen as representing the right, perhaps it will take the Muslim Constitutionalists to bring the left around.
Your post is the kind of stuff that inspired me to start this thread.
Where we got off the tract here is in treating Islam as just a Religion.

It is a very harsh authoritarian political philosophy which is inseparable from the religious aspects. They will cut your head off in Persia and many other places for saying religion should not control the Government. Jefferson's Wall of Separation between Church and State is foreign to them. They would cut his head off if they could.

Muhammad used to conquer towns and give the conquered the chance to join or die. That wasn't Religion....is was a Draft into an Army of brigands. Nothing has changed.

This radical Political Philosophy has left Arabia, Persia, North Africa stuck in the 9th century...they are Barbarians...as Europe is learning...and they must be kept out of this country until they Reform themselves, and join Modernity.

Should take about 300 years. Its just a Temporary Ban.
Where we got off the tract here is in treating Islam as just a Religion.

It is a very harsh authoritarian political philosophy which is inseparable from the religious aspects. They will cut your head off in Persia and many other places for saying religion should not control the Government. Jefferson's Wall of Separation between Church and State is foreign to them. They would cut his head off if they could.

Muhammad used to conquer towns and give the conquered the chance to join or die. That wasn't Religion....is was a Draft into an Army of brigands. Nothing has changed.

This radical Political Philosophy has left Arabia, Persia, North Africa stuck in the 9th century...they are Barbarians...as Europe is learning...and they must be kept out of this country until they Reform themselves, and join Modernity.

Should take about 300 years. Its just a Temporary Ban.

Yes and no MACAULAY
Just like with Christianity, there is the individual practice and the charity
which is separate from groups that POLITICIZE their faith and integrate it with politics and govt.

With Islam it is even more pronounced when radical groups mix religious authority with military action and govt
to "call for justice taken into their own hands".

Most Christians and Muslims are taught to obey govt and civil authority and that citizens have NO such authority to do what govt is supposed to do.

But the Militant types and cults that will arm themselves and take up authority of govt are DIFFERENT.

Another difference is that the Christians will CHECK EACH OTHER against such abuses.
by directly following the Bible that calls them to rebuke each other from trespasses and transgressions. (See Matthew 18:15-20 where most Christians I know follow part or all of that process of rebuke/redressing grievances.)

Christian Constitutionalists will especially claim equal authority as govt to CHECK GOVT against abuses, which other groups are not as educated and empowered to do collectively, so we don't see or hear them as much as we do the Christian and Constitutionalists on the right exerting this authority by Christian and Constitutional principles they embody by conscience and invoke directly.

The Muslims have this indirectly because they are ALSO CALLED to follow the Bible.
So they are technically under the same scriptural authority to
1. respect civil authority and human institutions as part of the law
2. respect due process and the same Biblical instructions Christians are given to rebuke and redress grievances.

Not all Christians are taught to follow the process of rebuke using the Bible.
And with Muslims even fewer are being taught. The Muslims I know who follow
this do so as "righteous secular gentiles" who do so by instinct or conscience
as these are Natural laws. The concept of Due Process is part of natural laws,
and some people are aware and follow this, but others have to be taught to respect it.

The problem with Jihadists, terrorists, and cultists who wreak judgment and punishment,
acting as "judge jury and executioner"is that that DON'T FOLLOW DUE PROCESS of laws.

This process is proclaimed under Constitutional laws based on natural laws (which the Muslims
are taught from their own lineage if they are taught this at all).

And it is included in the Bible (again Matthew 18:15-20) to address people individually,
bringing the charge or accusation against them, and establishing the TRUTH among witnesses
in order to RECONCILE and restore neighborly relations in the spirit of truth justice and peace.

You will find obedient Jews Christians and Muslims who naturally respect and obey both
Scriptural and Civil Authority. The rest have to be taught. The Christians and Constitutionalists
are the most vocal and visible in trying to teach and preach these principles.

but the Muslims are also supposed to be under these same authorities, because both the
Bible and the natural laws made statutory in our Constitution are given by God and are thus
included in what both Christians and Muslims are supposed to follow.

If this isn't being taught or enforced consistently, that's where the problem is.
In thread after thread, I see that lefties hold a position that favors Islam. It's not just lefties favoring and defending Islam, but lefties also take a position against Christianity at the same time. What is it about Islam that has lefties defending it like this? Is it they way Islam treats women and children? Is it the promise of global dhimmitude? Is it genital mutilation? Is it the intolerance of other religions? Is there something appealing about sharia law?

Dear EvMetro
I am thinking that since the left reject Constitutional laws as they are taught and enforced by the Christian right,
they may accept them as taught by the Muslim scholars who take a broader approach to natural laws than just making it a Western Christian thing.

Seriously, the eighth grade history teacher who taught me the spirit of the Constitutional laws
emphasized the history of laws coming from Moses Hammurabi and Mohammad.

So if the left won't get the concept through the Conservative and Christian Right they reject politically,
maybe the spirit of the laws can be established by equal witnesses coming from the secular left!

I have noticed that many of the Muslim, Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, and others who are seen
as following some other authority outside the Christian path are actually part of the "secular gentiles"
under NATURAL LAWS which is how Jefferson approached Jesus and the Bible, as a secular gentile.

Both paths, the church by scriptural authority and Biblical laws and the state by secular/civil laws,
are SUPPOSED to be in harmony. The spirit of the laws of EQUAL JUSTICE is what Jesus is supposed to fulfill
for both laws of God and laws of man. So the point is for BOTH branches, the faith based right and the secular left,
to agree in TRUTH.

Our Constitutional laws based on natural laws are supposed to be universal to all humanity.
It will take the right and the left serving as two witnesses to the same truth to bring about agreement.

so if Christians are seen as representing the right, perhaps it will take the Muslim Constitutionalists to bring the left around.
Your post is the kind of stuff that inspired me to start this thread.

Thanks EvMetro I've been trying to address this issue of lack of Constitutional enforcement on the left
for the LONGEST time, and still haven't finished bridging the gap!

Because the left finally got recognized in the media as having a split between the corporate elitists
and the real progressives who are AGAINST the corruption and hijacking of the Democratic Party,
you would think we finally have a chance to break from the past paradigm and establish what is really needed
for sustainable reform and change.

With Trump outing the media at their propaganda games, I would hope the real
voices of the real people finally get heard.

What we've seen on the surface "representing the left"
is not the real work and voices of people struggling to rebuild communities
and neighborhoods who aren't being heard but censored by their own politicians.

You bring up the Muslim issue, but what about the hijacking of the Black
populations and interests. What about the Green interests that have been "whitewashed" for political control by the left?

By the time any of that comes out, maybe the whole floodgate will open up.

The left has just as much correction due as the right that is divided and going after its corrupt career politicians mucking up that side, too.
But the left will only LISTEN to correction coming from its OWN membership.

So that's why I am asking is this leadership going to come from
the Christian and Muslim BLACK leaders on the left uniting and correcting their own party
and stopping this hijacking and enabling of self-destructive propaganda for political gain?
WRONG! The left do not favor Islam don't be fooled. If Islam were the only religion they would be at war with Islam. The left are about control, via banning, regulations, restrictions, threats, fines, penalties, by whatever means. If the left could control the amount of air you breath they would.

Go back a couple centuries when ONLY Nobel's in the UK were allowed to hunt game. If a commoner were caught hunting a deer to feed themselves they were severely punished. This describes the left perfectly, do as we say not as we do, an elite liberal class that enjoys rights and freedoms while the common people are oppressed.
WRONG! The left do not favor Islam don't be fooled. If Islam were the only religion they would be at war with Islam. The left are about control, via banning, regulations, restrictions, threats, fines, penalties, by whatever means. If the left could control the amount of air you breath they would.

Go back a couple centuries when ONLY Nobel's in the UK were allowed to hunt game. If a commoner were caught hunting a deer to feed themselves they were severely punished. This describes the left perfectly, do as we say not as we do, an elite liberal class that enjoys rights and freedoms while the common people are oppressed.

I see merit in your post.

All of these lefty replies on this thread from our regular lefty posters are evidence that lefties protect islam. It is interesting seeing how all the usual islam apologists are handling this thread.
WRONG! The left do not favor Islam don't be fooled. If Islam were the only religion they would be at war with Islam. The left are about control, via banning, regulations, restrictions, threats, fines, penalties, by whatever means. If the left could control the amount of air you breath they would.

Go back a couple centuries when ONLY Nobel's in the UK were allowed to hunt game. If a commoner were caught hunting a deer to feed themselves they were severely punished. This describes the left perfectly, do as we say not as we do, an elite liberal class that enjoys rights and freedoms while the common people are oppressed.

I see merit in your post.

All of these lefty replies on this thread from our regular lefty posters are evidence that lefties protect islam. It is interesting seeing how all the usual islam apologists are handling this thread.
Well since nobody so far is defending Islam, "lefty" or not in this thread, I guess that's proof that you're full of shit.
Well since nobody so far is defending Islam, "lefty" or not in this thread, I guess that's proof that you're full of shit.

Silence is a picture worth a thousand words. There is a very good reason why lefties are steering clear of this thread, and it can be seen right here in this very thread. Lefties defend Islam.

Are you attempting to deny that lefties defend islam?
Well since nobody so far is defending Islam, "lefty" or not in this thread, I guess that's proof that you're full of shit.

Silence is a picture worth a thousand words. There is a very good reason why lefties are steering clear of this thread, and it can be seen right here in this very thread. Lefties defend Islam.

Are you attempting to deny that lefties defend islam?
I haven't seen it beyond a freedom of religion stance. How do you define "defend"?
1. Individual is entitled to believe in whatever gods, god, or no god they desire.
2. Individual doesn't think that Muslims should be persecuted because of their beliefs.
3. Individual is not Muslim, but thinks some aspects of Islam are OK.
4. Individual is a Muslim but remains silent in face of oppression.
5. Individual is a Muslim and will stand up for his beliefs.
6. Individual is a Muslim who will fight back.
7. Individual is a Muslim who will attack non-believers.
8. Individual is a fundamentalist nutjob who will commit terrorist acts.
9. Individual is not a Muslim but is not advocating rounding Muslims up and expelling them from the USA.
10. Individual is not a Muslim but is not advocating nuking all Muslims everywhere.
They admire how controlling Islamic Extremism is and how they just behead anyone who disagrees with them...


Nailed it...

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