Leftism, the new religion


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Explaining The Left: Leftism As Secular Religion -- Dennis Prager

One of the most important books of the 20th century — it remains a best-seller 59 years after it was first published — is "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl.

Marx saw man's primary drive as economic, and Freud saw it as sex. But Frankl believed — correctly, in my opinion — that the greatest drive of man is meaning.

One can be poor and chaste and still be happy. But one cannot be bereft of meaning and be happy — no matter how rich or how sexually fulfilled one may be.

The greatest provider of meaning for the vast majority of human beings has been religion. In the West, Christianity (and on a smaller scale, Judaism) provided nearly all people with the Bible, a divine or divinely inspired text to guide their lives; a religious community; answers to life's fundamental questions; and, above all, meaning: A good God governs the universe; death does not end everything; and human beings were purposefully created. In addition, Christianity gave Christians a project: spread the Good News, and bring the world to Christ. And Judaism gave Jews a project: Live by God's laws of ethics and holiness and be "a light unto the nations."

All this has disappeared for most Westerners. The Bible is regarded as myth, silly at best, malicious at worst — there is no God, certainly not the morality-giving and judging God of the Bible; there is no afterlife; human beings are a purposeless coincidence with no more intrinsic purpose than anything else in the universe. In short: This Is All There Is.

So, if the need for meaning is the greatest of all human needs and that which supplied meaning no longer does, what are millions of Westerners supposed to do?

The answer is obvious: Find meaning elsewhere. But where? Church won't provide it. Nor will marriage and family — increasingly, secular individuals in the West eschew marriage, and even more do not have children. It turns out, to the surprise of many, that marriage and children are religious values, not human instincts. In the West today, love and marriage (and children) go together like a horse and a carriage for faithful Catholics, Orthodox Jews, religious Mormons and evangelical Protestants — not for the secular. I know many religious families with more than four children; I do not know one secular family with more than four children (and the odds are you don't either).

The answer to the great dearth of meaning left by the death of biblical religion in the West is secular religion. The first two great secular substitutes were communism and Nazism. The first provided hundreds of millions of people with meaning; the latter provided most Germans and Austrians with meaning.

In particular, both ideologies provided the intellectual class with meaning. No groups believed in communism and Nazism more than intellectuals. Like everyone else, secular intellectuals need meaning, and when this need was combined with intellectuals' love of ideas (especially new ideas — "new" is almost erotic in the power of its appeal to secular intellectuals), communism and Nazism became potent ideologies.

With the fall of communism and the awareness of the extent of the communist mass murder (about 100 million noncombatants) and mass enslavement (virtually all individuals in communist countries — except for Communist Party leaders — are essentially enslaved), communism, or at least the word "communism," fell into disrepute.

So, what were secular intellectuals to do once communism became "the god that failed"?

The answer was to create other another left-wing secular religion. And that is what leftism is: a secular meaning-giver to supplant Christianity. Left-wing religious expressions include Marxism, communism, socialism, feminism and environmentalism.

Dogma Of Secular Religion
Leftism's guiding principles — notwithstanding the principles of those Christians and Jews who claim to be religious yet hold leftist views — are the antitheses of Judaism and Christianity's guiding principles.

Judaism and Christianity hold that people are not basically good. Leftism holds that people are basically good. Therefore, Judaism and Christianity believe evil comes from human nature, and leftism believes evil comes from capitalism, religion, the nation-state (i.e. nationalism), corporations, the patriarchy and virtually every other traditional value.

Judaism and Christianity hold that utopia on Earth is impossible — it will only come in God's good time as a Messianic age or in the afterlife. Leftism holds that utopia is to be created here on Earth — and as soon as possible. That is why leftists find America so contemptible. They do not compare it to other nations but to a utopian ideal — a society with no inequality, no racism, no differences between the sexes (indeed, no sexes) and no greed in which everything important is obtained free.

Judaism and Christianity believe God and the Bible are to instruct us on how to live a good life and how the heart is the last place to look for moral guidance. Leftists have contempt for anyone who is guided by the Bible and its God, and substitute the heart and feelings for divine instruction.

There may be a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, but the biggest clash of civilizations is between the West and the left.


The biggest irony is how the OP didn't even recognize that Prager's spiel was ... a religious rant, the religion in question being frothing hatred of liberals.
Prager succeeds in only exhibiting his ignorance of ‘the left,’ along with his propensity for lying and sophistry; he clearly lacks the authority to ‘explain’ anything.

The thread premise is moronic tripe – as ridiculous as it is wrong.
Prager succeeds in only exhibiting his ignorance of ‘the left,’ along with his propensity for lying and sophistry; he clearly lacks the authority to ‘explain’ anything.

The thread premise is moronic tripe – as ridiculous as it is wrong.
Quit projecting and....



The biggest irony is how the OP didn't even recognize that Prager's spiel was ... a religious rant, the religion in question being frothing hatred of liberals.

I see, so the only retort is, Prager is a dumb, dumb.

About what I figured.
When challenged to refute the unibomber, one doesn't start dissecting the unibomber manifesto point by point. One just points out that it's babbling idiocy.

Same with Prager.

However, I'll give you a chance to prove otherwise. You think Prager is wonderful, then summarize what you think is his best point, present it in your own words, and we'll discuss it.
When challenged to refute the unibomber, one doesn't start dissecting the unibomber manifesto point by point. One just points out that it's babbling idiocy.

Same with Prager.

However, I'll give you a chance to prove otherwise. You think Prager is wonderful, then summarize what you think is his best point, present it in your own words, and we'll discuss it.

I'm not here to discuss Prager, I'm here to discuss the subject Prager wrote about in the article. I have no interest in either vilifying him or praising him. In fact, just because you may be able to vilify someone does not give you the right to automatically judge everything they say and do as wrong, but alas, that is a general tactic of the Left from what I have observed. Instead of engaging in the subject at hand you just use character assassination to silence people.
- the op fears secular jurisprudence.

Fear? I just observe. I observe that most of the unreligious people I know tend to lean Left and vice versa. Polls would even suggest as much as you break down religious affiliation and party.
Explaining The Left: Leftism As Secular Religion -- Dennis Prager

One of the most important books of the 20th century — it remains a best-seller 59 years after it was first published — is "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl.

Marx saw man's primary drive as economic, and Freud saw it as sex. But Frankl believed — correctly, in my opinion — that the greatest drive of man is meaning.

One can be poor and chaste and still be happy. But one cannot be bereft of meaning and be happy — no matter how rich or how sexually fulfilled one may be.

The greatest provider of meaning for the vast majority of human beings has been religion. In the West, Christianity (and on a smaller scale, Judaism) provided nearly all people with the Bible, a divine or divinely inspired text to guide their lives; a religious community; answers to life's fundamental questions; and, above all, meaning: A good God governs the universe; death does not end everything; and human beings were purposefully created. In addition, Christianity gave Christians a project: spread the Good News, and bring the world to Christ. And Judaism gave Jews a project: Live by God's laws of ethics and holiness and be "a light unto the nations."

All this has disappeared for most Westerners. The Bible is regarded as myth, silly at best, malicious at worst — there is no God, certainly not the morality-giving and judging God of the Bible; there is no afterlife; human beings are a purposeless coincidence with no more intrinsic purpose than anything else in the universe. In short: This Is All There Is.

So, if the need for meaning is the greatest of all human needs and that which supplied meaning no longer does, what are millions of Westerners supposed to do?

The answer is obvious: Find meaning elsewhere. But where? Church won't provide it. Nor will marriage and family — increasingly, secular individuals in the West eschew marriage, and even more do not have children. It turns out, to the surprise of many, that marriage and children are religious values, not human instincts. In the West today, love and marriage (and children) go together like a horse and a carriage for faithful Catholics, Orthodox Jews, religious Mormons and evangelical Protestants — not for the secular. I know many religious families with more than four children; I do not know one secular family with more than four children (and the odds are you don't either).

The answer to the great dearth of meaning left by the death of biblical religion in the West is secular religion. The first two great secular substitutes were communism and Nazism. The first provided hundreds of millions of people with meaning; the latter provided most Germans and Austrians with meaning.

In particular, both ideologies provided the intellectual class with meaning. No groups believed in communism and Nazism more than intellectuals. Like everyone else, secular intellectuals need meaning, and when this need was combined with intellectuals' love of ideas (especially new ideas — "new" is almost erotic in the power of its appeal to secular intellectuals), communism and Nazism became potent ideologies.

With the fall of communism and the awareness of the extent of the communist mass murder (about 100 million noncombatants) and mass enslavement (virtually all individuals in communist countries — except for Communist Party leaders — are essentially enslaved), communism, or at least the word "communism," fell into disrepute.

So, what were secular intellectuals to do once communism became "the god that failed"?

The answer was to create other another left-wing secular religion. And that is what leftism is: a secular meaning-giver to supplant Christianity. Left-wing religious expressions include Marxism, communism, socialism, feminism and environmentalism.

Dogma Of Secular Religion
Leftism's guiding principles — notwithstanding the principles of those Christians and Jews who claim to be religious yet hold leftist views — are the antitheses of Judaism and Christianity's guiding principles.

Judaism and Christianity hold that people are not basically good. Leftism holds that people are basically good. Therefore, Judaism and Christianity believe evil comes from human nature, and leftism believes evil comes from capitalism, religion, the nation-state (i.e. nationalism), corporations, the patriarchy and virtually every other traditional value.

Judaism and Christianity hold that utopia on Earth is impossible — it will only come in God's good time as a Messianic age or in the afterlife. Leftism holds that utopia is to be created here on Earth — and as soon as possible. That is why leftists find America so contemptible. They do not compare it to other nations but to a utopian ideal — a society with no inequality, no racism, no differences between the sexes (indeed, no sexes) and no greed in which everything important is obtained free.

Judaism and Christianity believe God and the Bible are to instruct us on how to live a good life and how the heart is the last place to look for moral guidance. Leftists have contempt for anyone who is guided by the Bible and its God, and substitute the heart and feelings for divine instruction.

There may be a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, but the biggest clash of civilizations is between the West and the left.

Been saying this for a couple decades.

They keep (mis)quoting the Bible as though it's The State's responsibility to do God's job.

But this isn't limited to the left...Righties mirror the crucifixion story with their "patriotic" crap about men who never knew me, dying in some God forsaken foreign land for my "freedom".

And both sides act as though this meaningless ritual known as "voting" will have the possibility to one day deliver me to heaven on Earth.
Explaining The Left: Leftism As Secular Religion -- Dennis Prager

One of the most important books of the 20th century — it remains a best-seller 59 years after it was first published — is "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl.

Marx saw man's primary drive as economic, and Freud saw it as sex. But Frankl believed — correctly, in my opinion — that the greatest drive of man is meaning.

One can be poor and chaste and still be happy. But one cannot be bereft of meaning and be happy — no matter how rich or how sexually fulfilled one may be.

The greatest provider of meaning for the vast majority of human beings has been religion. In the West, Christianity (and on a smaller scale, Judaism) provided nearly all people with the Bible, a divine or divinely inspired text to guide their lives; a religious community; answers to life's fundamental questions; and, above all, meaning: A good God governs the universe; death does not end everything; and human beings were purposefully created. In addition, Christianity gave Christians a project: spread the Good News, and bring the world to Christ. And Judaism gave Jews a project: Live by God's laws of ethics and holiness and be "a light unto the nations."

All this has disappeared for most Westerners. The Bible is regarded as myth, silly at best, malicious at worst — there is no God, certainly not the morality-giving and judging God of the Bible; there is no afterlife; human beings are a purposeless coincidence with no more intrinsic purpose than anything else in the universe. In short: This Is All There Is.

So, if the need for meaning is the greatest of all human needs and that which supplied meaning no longer does, what are millions of Westerners supposed to do?

The answer is obvious: Find meaning elsewhere. But where? Church won't provide it. Nor will marriage and family — increasingly, secular individuals in the West eschew marriage, and even more do not have children. It turns out, to the surprise of many, that marriage and children are religious values, not human instincts. In the West today, love and marriage (and children) go together like a horse and a carriage for faithful Catholics, Orthodox Jews, religious Mormons and evangelical Protestants — not for the secular. I know many religious families with more than four children; I do not know one secular family with more than four children (and the odds are you don't either).

The answer to the great dearth of meaning left by the death of biblical religion in the West is secular religion. The first two great secular substitutes were communism and Nazism. The first provided hundreds of millions of people with meaning; the latter provided most Germans and Austrians with meaning.

In particular, both ideologies provided the intellectual class with meaning. No groups believed in communism and Nazism more than intellectuals. Like everyone else, secular intellectuals need meaning, and when this need was combined with intellectuals' love of ideas (especially new ideas — "new" is almost erotic in the power of its appeal to secular intellectuals), communism and Nazism became potent ideologies.

With the fall of communism and the awareness of the extent of the communist mass murder (about 100 million noncombatants) and mass enslavement (virtually all individuals in communist countries — except for Communist Party leaders — are essentially enslaved), communism, or at least the word "communism," fell into disrepute.

So, what were secular intellectuals to do once communism became "the god that failed"?

The answer was to create other another left-wing secular religion. And that is what leftism is: a secular meaning-giver to supplant Christianity. Left-wing religious expressions include Marxism, communism, socialism, feminism and environmentalism.

Dogma Of Secular Religion
Leftism's guiding principles — notwithstanding the principles of those Christians and Jews who claim to be religious yet hold leftist views — are the antitheses of Judaism and Christianity's guiding principles.

Judaism and Christianity hold that people are not basically good. Leftism holds that people are basically good. Therefore, Judaism and Christianity believe evil comes from human nature, and leftism believes evil comes from capitalism, religion, the nation-state (i.e. nationalism), corporations, the patriarchy and virtually every other traditional value.

Judaism and Christianity hold that utopia on Earth is impossible — it will only come in God's good time as a Messianic age or in the afterlife. Leftism holds that utopia is to be created here on Earth — and as soon as possible. That is why leftists find America so contemptible. They do not compare it to other nations but to a utopian ideal — a society with no inequality, no racism, no differences between the sexes (indeed, no sexes) and no greed in which everything important is obtained free.

Judaism and Christianity believe God and the Bible are to instruct us on how to live a good life and how the heart is the last place to look for moral guidance. Leftists have contempt for anyone who is guided by the Bible and its God, and substitute the heart and feelings for divine instruction.

There may be a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, but the biggest clash of civilizations is between the West and the left.

This is absolutely the truth and I have been calling Leftists the new Puritans for a long time. Theirs is a religion full of all the judgment and condemnation of fundamentalism, but bereft of any mercy, grace of absolution. In short, it's everything they hate about fundamentalism.

Which is so like Leftists, when you think about it.
Explaining The Left: Leftism As Secular Religion -- Dennis Prager

One of the most important books of the 20th century — it remains a best-seller 59 years after it was first published — is "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl.

Marx saw man's primary drive as economic, and Freud saw it as sex. But Frankl believed — correctly, in my opinion — that the greatest drive of man is meaning.

One can be poor and chaste and still be happy. But one cannot be bereft of meaning and be happy — no matter how rich or how sexually fulfilled one may be.

The greatest provider of meaning for the vast majority of human beings has been religion. In the West, Christianity (and on a smaller scale, Judaism) provided nearly all people with the Bible, a divine or divinely inspired text to guide their lives; a religious community; answers to life's fundamental questions; and, above all, meaning: A good God governs the universe; death does not end everything; and human beings were purposefully created. In addition, Christianity gave Christians a project: spread the Good News, and bring the world to Christ. And Judaism gave Jews a project: Live by God's laws of ethics and holiness and be "a light unto the nations."

All this has disappeared for most Westerners. The Bible is regarded as myth, silly at best, malicious at worst — there is no God, certainly not the morality-giving and judging God of the Bible; there is no afterlife; human beings are a purposeless coincidence with no more intrinsic purpose than anything else in the universe. In short: This Is All There Is.

So, if the need for meaning is the greatest of all human needs and that which supplied meaning no longer does, what are millions of Westerners supposed to do?

The answer is obvious: Find meaning elsewhere. But where? Church won't provide it. Nor will marriage and family — increasingly, secular individuals in the West eschew marriage, and even more do not have children. It turns out, to the surprise of many, that marriage and children are religious values, not human instincts. In the West today, love and marriage (and children) go together like a horse and a carriage for faithful Catholics, Orthodox Jews, religious Mormons and evangelical Protestants — not for the secular. I know many religious families with more than four children; I do not know one secular family with more than four children (and the odds are you don't either).

The answer to the great dearth of meaning left by the death of biblical religion in the West is secular religion. The first two great secular substitutes were communism and Nazism. The first provided hundreds of millions of people with meaning; the latter provided most Germans and Austrians with meaning.

In particular, both ideologies provided the intellectual class with meaning. No groups believed in communism and Nazism more than intellectuals. Like everyone else, secular intellectuals need meaning, and when this need was combined with intellectuals' love of ideas (especially new ideas — "new" is almost erotic in the power of its appeal to secular intellectuals), communism and Nazism became potent ideologies.

With the fall of communism and the awareness of the extent of the communist mass murder (about 100 million noncombatants) and mass enslavement (virtually all individuals in communist countries — except for Communist Party leaders — are essentially enslaved), communism, or at least the word "communism," fell into disrepute.

So, what were secular intellectuals to do once communism became "the god that failed"?

The answer was to create other another left-wing secular religion. And that is what leftism is: a secular meaning-giver to supplant Christianity. Left-wing religious expressions include Marxism, communism, socialism, feminism and environmentalism.

Dogma Of Secular Religion
Leftism's guiding principles — notwithstanding the principles of those Christians and Jews who claim to be religious yet hold leftist views — are the antitheses of Judaism and Christianity's guiding principles.

Judaism and Christianity hold that people are not basically good. Leftism holds that people are basically good. Therefore, Judaism and Christianity believe evil comes from human nature, and leftism believes evil comes from capitalism, religion, the nation-state (i.e. nationalism), corporations, the patriarchy and virtually every other traditional value.

Judaism and Christianity hold that utopia on Earth is impossible — it will only come in God's good time as a Messianic age or in the afterlife. Leftism holds that utopia is to be created here on Earth — and as soon as possible. That is why leftists find America so contemptible. They do not compare it to other nations but to a utopian ideal — a society with no inequality, no racism, no differences between the sexes (indeed, no sexes) and no greed in which everything important is obtained free.

Judaism and Christianity believe God and the Bible are to instruct us on how to live a good life and how the heart is the last place to look for moral guidance. Leftists have contempt for anyone who is guided by the Bible and its God, and substitute the heart and feelings for divine instruction.

There may be a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, but the biggest clash of civilizations is between the West and the left.

Been saying this for a couple decades.

They keep (mis)quoting the Bible as though it's The State's responsibility to do God's job.

But this isn't limited to the left...Righties mirror the crucifixion story with their "patriotic" crap about men who never knew me, dying in some God forsaken foreign land for my "freedom".

And both sides act as though this meaningless ritual known as "voting" will have the possibility to one day deliver me to heaven on Earth.


Dennis Prager makes the contention that Leftism is the most successful religion in human history, more so than any other religion. He makes the point that the Left has infiltrated most, if not all, religions. Evidence for this can be seen with such institutions as the Catholic church. Here you have a Pope who gives sermons of the evils of building walls, but ignores books in the Bible like Nehemiah where he is sent to build a wall around Jerusalem in order to save it. This is the same institution whose official policy on abortion is murder, but instead gives sermons on the evils of global warming.

Polls now show that an overwhelming number of Americans are now Left leaning, thanks to generations of indoctrination from academia, the media, and the government.

The most chilling thing of all is, in Venezuela they are eating out of garbage cans, specifically because of Left winged policies, but socialism is still more popular than ever there.

It's almost like a cult where you drink the cool aide and die a little, pretty much every day and you never seem to wake up.
Explaining The Left: Leftism As Secular Religion -- Dennis Prager

One of the most important books of the 20th century — it remains a best-seller 59 years after it was first published — is "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl.

Marx saw man's primary drive as economic, and Freud saw it as sex. But Frankl believed — correctly, in my opinion — that the greatest drive of man is meaning.

One can be poor and chaste and still be happy. But one cannot be bereft of meaning and be happy — no matter how rich or how sexually fulfilled one may be.

The greatest provider of meaning for the vast majority of human beings has been religion. In the West, Christianity (and on a smaller scale, Judaism) provided nearly all people with the Bible, a divine or divinely inspired text to guide their lives; a religious community; answers to life's fundamental questions; and, above all, meaning: A good God governs the universe; death does not end everything; and human beings were purposefully created. In addition, Christianity gave Christians a project: spread the Good News, and bring the world to Christ. And Judaism gave Jews a project: Live by God's laws of ethics and holiness and be "a light unto the nations."

All this has disappeared for most Westerners. The Bible is regarded as myth, silly at best, malicious at worst — there is no God, certainly not the morality-giving and judging God of the Bible; there is no afterlife; human beings are a purposeless coincidence with no more intrinsic purpose than anything else in the universe. In short: This Is All There Is.

So, if the need for meaning is the greatest of all human needs and that which supplied meaning no longer does, what are millions of Westerners supposed to do?

The answer is obvious: Find meaning elsewhere. But where? Church won't provide it. Nor will marriage and family — increasingly, secular individuals in the West eschew marriage, and even more do not have children. It turns out, to the surprise of many, that marriage and children are religious values, not human instincts. In the West today, love and marriage (and children) go together like a horse and a carriage for faithful Catholics, Orthodox Jews, religious Mormons and evangelical Protestants — not for the secular. I know many religious families with more than four children; I do not know one secular family with more than four children (and the odds are you don't either).

The answer to the great dearth of meaning left by the death of biblical religion in the West is secular religion. The first two great secular substitutes were communism and Nazism. The first provided hundreds of millions of people with meaning; the latter provided most Germans and Austrians with meaning.

In particular, both ideologies provided the intellectual class with meaning. No groups believed in communism and Nazism more than intellectuals. Like everyone else, secular intellectuals need meaning, and when this need was combined with intellectuals' love of ideas (especially new ideas — "new" is almost erotic in the power of its appeal to secular intellectuals), communism and Nazism became potent ideologies.

With the fall of communism and the awareness of the extent of the communist mass murder (about 100 million noncombatants) and mass enslavement (virtually all individuals in communist countries — except for Communist Party leaders — are essentially enslaved), communism, or at least the word "communism," fell into disrepute.

So, what were secular intellectuals to do once communism became "the god that failed"?

The answer was to create other another left-wing secular religion. And that is what leftism is: a secular meaning-giver to supplant Christianity. Left-wing religious expressions include Marxism, communism, socialism, feminism and environmentalism.

Dogma Of Secular Religion
Leftism's guiding principles — notwithstanding the principles of those Christians and Jews who claim to be religious yet hold leftist views — are the antitheses of Judaism and Christianity's guiding principles.

Judaism and Christianity hold that people are not basically good. Leftism holds that people are basically good. Therefore, Judaism and Christianity believe evil comes from human nature, and leftism believes evil comes from capitalism, religion, the nation-state (i.e. nationalism), corporations, the patriarchy and virtually every other traditional value.

Judaism and Christianity hold that utopia on Earth is impossible — it will only come in God's good time as a Messianic age or in the afterlife. Leftism holds that utopia is to be created here on Earth — and as soon as possible. That is why leftists find America so contemptible. They do not compare it to other nations but to a utopian ideal — a society with no inequality, no racism, no differences between the sexes (indeed, no sexes) and no greed in which everything important is obtained free.

Judaism and Christianity believe God and the Bible are to instruct us on how to live a good life and how the heart is the last place to look for moral guidance. Leftists have contempt for anyone who is guided by the Bible and its God, and substitute the heart and feelings for divine instruction.

There may be a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, but the biggest clash of civilizations is between the West and the left.

This is absolutely the truth and I have been calling Leftists the new Puritans for a long time. Theirs is a religion full of all the judgment and condemnation of fundamentalism, but bereft of any mercy, grace of absolution. In short, it's everything they hate about fundamentalism.

Which is so like Leftists, when you think about it.

Make no mistake, the Left is very religious. Just listen to them talk about our "collective salvation". What this really means is, government expanding, taking over, and saving us from ourselves.

Unforgivable sins include, painting your face black, (unless a Dim governor in Virginia), not recycling, being bigoted towards any group that has allied itself with Leftism, not being bigoted towards groups that oppose Leftism, and being a white male Christian.

Their hell is being an outcast from society, not being able to find work, or worse, being targeted by organizations like the IRS.

Their righteousness comes from voting, that is, direct democracy. Yes, democracy will purify our souls and make us clean again. That is the rhetoric we heard when Bush was taking out Iraq. What they need is democracy to make things right over there again. Naturally, we can see it was all a big lie.


Unfortunately, the Founding Fathers were appalled at the notion of democracy, which is why they favored a Representative Republic instead. For you see, they realized that the common vote was ripe with ignorance and that people were too easily swayed by the powers that be on how to vote. We can easily see this in places like New York as they elected AOC. Here is a girl who is dumber than a rock, but she was elected because voters had become convinced that she had all the virtues needed to purify the political system. She is female, a minority, and a socialist. People no longer analyze what is being said, which is obvious based upon what she has said to date.
- the op fears secular jurisprudence.

Fear? I just observe. I observe that most of the unreligious people I know tend to lean Left and vice versa. Polls would even suggest as much as you break down religious affiliation and party.
what has that to do with jurisprudence, zealot ...

Jurisprudence? It is interesting that you bring up the law, for the court system is the Leftists base. They understand that Progressives have transformed the Constitution into giving the court system the final say on what is Constitutional and what is not, something Thomas Jefferson fought with Marbury vs. Madison, but lost the fight making SCOTUS the ultimate authority.

And se see this with Trump. Anytime the Left wants to stop him, they bring out the Left wing robes. We saw this as they stopped his travel ban, a ban that Obama did as well that mirrored Trump, but somehow with Trump it was all different.

And they stand poised to now stop the wall.
- the op fears secular jurisprudence.

Fear? I just observe. I observe that most of the unreligious people I know tend to lean Left and vice versa. Polls would even suggest as much as you break down religious affiliation and party.
what has that to do with jurisprudence, zealot ...

Jurisprudence? It is interesting that you bring up the law, for the court system is the Leftists base. They understand that Progressives have transformed the Constitution into giving the court system the final say on what is Constitutional and what is not, something Thomas Jefferson fought with Marbury vs. Madison, but lost the fight making SCOTUS the ultimate authority.

And se see this with Trump. Anytime the Left wants to stop him, they bring out the Left wing robes. We saw this as they stopped his travel ban, a ban that Obama did as well that mirrored Trump, but somehow with Trump it was all different.

And they stand poised to now stop the wall.
your post has nothing again to do with jurisprudence as a way of life, zealot ... scotus is a problem for everyone, presently they are nazi.

And they stand poised to now stop the wall.

scotus made a ruling on the wall, wet dreamer - only when they put phony in jail for treason - national emergency - for liars.
[I'm not here to discuss Prager, I'm here to discuss the subject Prager wrote about in the article.

And yet when I just asked you to do that specifically, you responded with evasions and insults.

Clearly, you consider yourself incapable of discussing your own topic. Why else would you work so hard to run from your topic? You're just pushing a propaganda point that you can't support and don't understand.
Humanism provides people with the most satisfying kind of meaning. Seeing the positive results of your good works. What higher purpose can there be than to make a little heaven here on earth?

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