Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

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Assault on a minor and theft of property.

That's a hard video to watch.

The assailant's face is clearly visible. His voice is clearly heard. His name will be out shortly . His actions are now recorded for all to see--his boss, his family. I feel sorry for his family when the crap hits the fan. It will be interesting to see where this story goes over the next few days.

If he has a good paying job, his company and his boss will have to stand behind his actions or can him. I wouldn't want to be his boss right now or the company where he works. Ugly.

If you can't exercise tolerance and self restraint in public, why would a company want to take the risk of having you on their payroll?

I wonder what he does for a living. Won't have to wonder long. This guy is infamous now.

Stay tuned. Sad.
He’ll be fone. He’ll get planty raised in a GoFundMe, and nobody will remember this a week or 2 from now.

You Nazi's stick together....

I can't wait for payday.
Yeah, go ahead and please hold your breath until that day :rofl:

He has none. Those are all of the same asshole so our dear im thinks that one asshole justifies the hundreds that were going the other way. In other words he's a hypocritical asshat.

Except there is more than just this one.

And more in the other side. Stop please stop. Your rantings are too easy to combat. Everyone here knows what a total hack you are.

There’s violence on both sides. That’s why anyone who starts up a thread like this is doing only as bait.

Trump encouraged violence and sill does. So stop whining when people show anger towards those who support that. Personally I would not go after a teenager though bit I think there was more to this than somebody throwing a drink on this kid because he had a Trump that on.

Actually it was a hillery operative named scott foval who was paying people to incite violence at trump rallies. But I guess you ignore that or are too ignorant to know about that little operation.

Oh? How did Foval incite this guy to get hit in the face?

One video ? Look at the totality off all politics and the hostility both sides create. Let’s all be honest and objective.

No, there are more videos of others. I needed only one.
And your point is?

Trump encouraged violence and sill does. So stop whining when people show anger towards those who support that. Personally I would not go after a teenager though bit I think there was more to this than somebody throwing a drink on this kid because he had a Trump that on.

Actually it was a hillery operative named scott foval who was paying people to incite violence at trump rallies. But I guess you ignore that or are too ignorant to know about that little operation.
Oh? How did Foval incite this guy to get hit in the face?

One video ? Look at the totality off all politics and the hostility both sides create. Let’s all be honest and objective.

No, there are more videos of others. I needed only one.

Wrong. You try and make a case using only one video makes you seem foolish .
Nobody is going to be handing me my ass. Your boy has a 40 percent approval rating.

And the shrilary has a 95% chance of being POTUS.



States who voted for Clinton: 20

States who voted for Trump: 30

That is a LANDSLIDE victory, Democrat bitching and meaningless fancy charts notwithstanding.
I see. So in your mind, a state like Alaska or either of the Dakotas, which each have only 3 electoral votes, is the same as say, California, which has 55?

If you have problem with that, change the Constitution.

Good luck with that.

And remember, the shoe could always be on the other foot.
Why would I want to change the Constitution? We’re a nation of 50 independent republics and that’s how we elect presidents. Which I’m perfectly fine with.

But you have to be a special kind of stupid to say a state with only 3 electoral votes is the same as one with 55; when idiotically trying to compare the number of red versus blue states, as though they each count as one. :cuckoo:
Self-Defense. Republicans better get prepared. Democrats have declared them 'Prey' now. Very ugly times.

States who voted for Clinton: 20

States who voted for Trump: 30

That is a LANDSLIDE victory, Democrat bitching and meaningless fancy charts notwithstanding.
I see. So in your mind, a state like Alaska or either of the Dakotas, which each have only 3 electoral votes, is the same as say, California, which has 55?

Yes, they do. You see the Founders figured out that having a single State, like CA, determine National Elections would not be in the best interest of the country as a whole. They were geniuses and well, you aren't.

Neither am I, so I am thankful that truly smart people, unlike your hero the shrilary, set this country up to defend the Rights of the individual against the tyranny of the Mob.
No, dumbfuck, when it comes to the electoral college, Alaska (3) is not the same as California (55). In my universe (can’t speak about yours) 55 is 52 greater than 3. That’s actually a huge spread.

And no, the founding fathers did not see it your way either as they determined the number of electoral votes is based on the number of congressmen/women which is based on the population of each respective state to determine the number of House Representatives plus 2 Senators.

Yeah, it is dumbfuck. Those electoral votes are every bit as necessary to win. Something your so called most "qualified to run evah" seemed to forget. i guess she wasn't as smart as you all thought she was. Or lets put it another way, a simpler way so even you can understand.... those three million extra votes she got in CA were WASTED. Yes, you heard that. Those people wasted their votes. Thank the Heavens!
Dumbfuck, it would take 19 3-electoral states (not that there are that many) to defeat a state like California.

You’re completely fucking retarded to say when it comes to the electoral college, a state like Alaska is the same as a state like California. :cuckoo:

States who voted for Clinton: 20

States who voted for Trump: 30

That is a LANDSLIDE victory, Democrat bitching and meaningless fancy charts notwithstanding.
I see. So in your mind, a state like Alaska or either of the Dakotas, which each have only 3 electoral votes, is the same as say, California, which has 55?

Yes, they do. You see the Founders figured out that having a single State, like CA, determine National Elections would not be in the best interest of the country as a whole. They were geniuses and well, you aren't.

Neither am I, so I am thankful that truly smart people, unlike your hero the shrilary, set this country up to defend the Rights of the individual against the tyranny of the Mob.
No, dumbfuck, when it comes to the electoral college, Alaska (3) is not the same as California (55). In my universe (can’t speak about yours) 55 is 52 greater than 3. That’s actually a huge spread.

And no, the founding fathers did not see it your way either as they determined the number of electoral votes is based on the number of congressmen/women which is based on the population of each respective state to determine the number of House Representatives plus 2 Senators.

Obviously, the total number of Representatives and Senators in the 30 states that Trump won was greater than the total number of Representatives and Senators in the 20 states that Clinton won.

You know, illustrated by the number of ELECTORAL VOTES.
So? That still doesn’t render Trump’s electoral win as a landslide.
States who voted for Clinton: 20

States who voted for Trump: 30

That is a LANDSLIDE victory, Democrat bitching and meaningless fancy charts notwithstanding.
I see. So in your mind, a state like Alaska or either of the Dakotas, which each have only 3 electoral votes, is the same as say, California, which has 55?

Yes, they do. You see the Founders figured out that having a single State, like CA, determine National Elections would not be in the best interest of the country as a whole. They were geniuses and well, you aren't.

Neither am I, so I am thankful that truly smart people, unlike your hero the shrilary, set this country up to defend the Rights of the individual against the tyranny of the Mob.
No, dumbfuck, when it comes to the electoral college, Alaska (3) is not the same as California (55). In my universe (can’t speak about yours) 55 is 52 greater than 3. That’s actually a huge spread.

And no, the founding fathers did not see it your way either as they determined the number of electoral votes is based on the number of congressmen/women which is based on the population of each respective state to determine the number of House Representatives plus 2 Senators.

Obviously, the total number of Representatives and Senators in the 30 states that Trump won was greater than the total number of Representatives and Senators in the 20 states that Clinton won.

You know, illustrated by the number of ELECTORAL VOTES.
So? That still doesn’t render Trump’s electoral win as a landslide.
but -

it is a win.
And the shrilary has a 95% chance of being POTUS.



States who voted for Clinton: 20

States who voted for Trump: 30

That is a LANDSLIDE victory, Democrat bitching and meaningless fancy charts notwithstanding.
I see. So in your mind, a state like Alaska or either of the Dakotas, which each have only 3 electoral votes, is the same as say, California, which has 55?

If you have problem with that, change the Constitution.

Good luck with that.

And remember, the shoe could always be on the other foot.
Why would I want to change the Constitution? We’re a nation of 50 independent republics and that’s how we elect presidents. Which I’m perfectly fine with.

But you have to be a special kind of stupid to say a state with only 3 electoral votes is the same as one with 55; when idiotically trying to compare the number of red versus blue states, as though they each count as one. :cuckoo:
And the shrilary has a 95% chance of being POTUS.



States who voted for Clinton: 20

States who voted for Trump: 30

That is a LANDSLIDE victory, Democrat bitching and meaningless fancy charts notwithstanding.
I see. So in your mind, a state like Alaska or either of the Dakotas, which each have only 3 electoral votes, is the same as say, California, which has 55?

If you have problem with that, change the Constitution.

Good luck with that.

And remember, the shoe could always be on the other foot.
Why would I want to change the Constitution? We’re a nation of 50 independent republics and that’s how we elect presidents. Which I’m perfectly fine with.

But you have to be a special kind of stupid to say a state with only 3 electoral votes is the same as one with 55; when idiotically trying to compare the number of red versus blue states, as though they each count as one. :cuckoo:

In presidential election a state is a state is a state.

Like you say, each equal and independent republics, regardless of whether red or blue. That is how it is set in the Constitution and no belly aching changes that until the Constitution is changed to dictate it otherwise.

I feel greatly honored to be called a special kind of stupid by someone like you. It means that you lose and I win.

I would put you on ignore but I would miss the chuckles.
I see. So in your mind, a state like Alaska or either of the Dakotas, which each have only 3 electoral votes, is the same as say, California, which has 55?

Yes, they do. You see the Founders figured out that having a single State, like CA, determine National Elections would not be in the best interest of the country as a whole. They were geniuses and well, you aren't.

Neither am I, so I am thankful that truly smart people, unlike your hero the shrilary, set this country up to defend the Rights of the individual against the tyranny of the Mob.
No, dumbfuck, when it comes to the electoral college, Alaska (3) is not the same as California (55). In my universe (can’t speak about yours) 55 is 52 greater than 3. That’s actually a huge spread.

And no, the founding fathers did not see it your way either as they determined the number of electoral votes is based on the number of congressmen/women which is based on the population of each respective state to determine the number of House Representatives plus 2 Senators.

Obviously, the total number of Representatives and Senators in the 30 states that Trump won was greater than the total number of Representatives and Senators in the 20 states that Clinton won.

You know, illustrated by the number of ELECTORAL VOTES.
So? That still doesn’t render Trump’s electoral win as a landslide.
but -

it is a win.
So? Who said otherwise?

States who voted for Clinton: 20

States who voted for Trump: 30

That is a LANDSLIDE victory, Democrat bitching and meaningless fancy charts notwithstanding.
I see. So in your mind, a state like Alaska or either of the Dakotas, which each have only 3 electoral votes, is the same as say, California, which has 55?

If you have problem with that, change the Constitution.

Good luck with that.

And remember, the shoe could always be on the other foot.
Why would I want to change the Constitution? We’re a nation of 50 independent republics and that’s how we elect presidents. Which I’m perfectly fine with.

But you have to be a special kind of stupid to say a state with only 3 electoral votes is the same as one with 55; when idiotically trying to compare the number of red versus blue states, as though they each count as one. :cuckoo:

States who voted for Clinton: 20

States who voted for Trump: 30

That is a LANDSLIDE victory, Democrat bitching and meaningless fancy charts notwithstanding.
I see. So in your mind, a state like Alaska or either of the Dakotas, which each have only 3 electoral votes, is the same as say, California, which has 55?

If you have problem with that, change the Constitution.

Good luck with that.

And remember, the shoe could always be on the other foot.
Why would I want to change the Constitution? We’re a nation of 50 independent republics and that’s how we elect presidents. Which I’m perfectly fine with.

But you have to be a special kind of stupid to say a state with only 3 electoral votes is the same as one with 55; when idiotically trying to compare the number of red versus blue states, as though they each count as one. :cuckoo:

In presidential election a state is a state is a state.

Like you say, each equal and independent republics, regardless of whether red or blue. That is how it is set in the Constitution and no belly aching changes that until the Constitution is changed to dictate it otherwise.

I feel greatly honored to be called a special kind of stupid by someone like you. It means that you lose and I win.

I would put you on ignore but I would miss the chuckles.
States are not equal when it comes to electoral votes. Some really do weigh more than others; based on population.

Now ya know.
Nobody is going to be handing me my ass. Your boy has a 40 percent approval rating.

And the shrilary has a 95% chance of being POTUS.



States who voted for Clinton: 20

States who voted for Trump: 30

That is a LANDSLIDE victory, Democrat bitching and meaningless fancy charts notwithstanding.
I see. So in your mind, a state like Alaska or either of the Dakotas, which each have only 3 electoral votes, is the same as say, California, which has 55?

If you have problem with that, change the Constitution.

Good luck with that.

And remember, the shoe could always be on the other foot.
I guess he thinks the Dakota's are part of America.
And the shrilary has a 95% chance of being POTUS.



States who voted for Clinton: 20

States who voted for Trump: 30

That is a LANDSLIDE victory, Democrat bitching and meaningless fancy charts notwithstanding.
I see. So in your mind, a state like Alaska or either of the Dakotas, which each have only 3 electoral votes, is the same as say, California, which has 55?

If you have problem with that, change the Constitution.

Good luck with that.

And remember, the shoe could always be on the other foot.
I guess he thinks the Dakota's are part of America.
Yes, I do think the Dakota’s are part of America. Don’t you?
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