Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

I say it's incorrect to say government secures (provides) you with those rights. The Constitution was designed to protect you FROM the government abusing those rights. You make it out as if the government granted (secured them for) them to you. That's not the case.

When the faggots were arguing for same sex marriage, they didn't argue for the government to give them their rights. They argued that government laws were denying them their rights. If that is their claim, they weren't asking for the government to secure something for them but to stop the prevention of something they believed they already had.

Rights are already secured. The government doesn't do that for you. The role of the Constitution is to prevent the government from abusing them and denying you the ability to use them. Due process in the Constitution doesn't grant, secure, or provide you anything. It protects what you already have from being taken away by the government.

Founding document, Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed....
It also says life....so what say you baby killers about that?

Anyway, the Decleration is not the constitution....we were securing rights from a oppressive regime, like the Obama reich.....

I said specifically 'founding documents' in hopes some idiot wouldn't play the 'that's not the Constitution' card.

Actually said "document", no plural then name one specifically.

While the Declaration is an important document and served an important purpose, it has no authority to enforce a thing.

Actually I said 'founding principles' and showed you where it was said.

Just for the record are you
The Constitution IS the government. The Constitution can't protect a black man from being denied equal rights if the federal government doesn't have power over the individual states who would by their own laws in fact deny blacks rights.
No, the constitution is what the .gov cannot do....

NYCarbineer thinks government grants you rights. He believes the purpose of the Constitution was to give them to you.

I quoted the founders saying that the government is formed to secure your rights, BUT, a government cannot secure your rights until some authority decides what are or are not your rights.
Can you link us to that in the constitution?

Sure. Conservatives like to claim that abortion rights should not be constitutionally protected. There is an example of individuals telling you what are or are not your rights.
Link to abortion in the constitution? I've been told it's next to muskets...but could never find it....
I was correcting your ignorance however....

You people are arguing that the federal government doesn't have the power to protect rights.

Prove it.

That's not what I'm arguing. My argument is that the government can't secure for you something you have and the Constitution protects you FROM the government. At least it used to until Liberals like you started believing it was the government's job to do for you whatever you weren't willing to do for yourselves.

The Constitution IS the government. The Constitution can't protect a black man from being denied equal rights if the federal government doesn't have power over the individual states who would by their own laws in fact deny blacks rights.
No, the constitution is what the .gov cannot do....

The federal GOVERNMENT enforces that. If you think your gun rights are violated, where do you go? You go to the federal government, specifically the Supreme Court,

because the Court has been given the POWER to secure your gun rights.

Do you know what you're doing when you go to court? You're asking the court to tell whatever level of government it is to stop violating your rights. You're not asking the court to get the government to grant them to you. The court has been given the power to tell the government to stop violating rights you already had. They've already been secured.
I say it's incorrect to say government secures (provides) you with those rights. The Constitution was designed to protect you FROM the government abusing those rights. You make it out as if the government granted (secured them for) them to you. That's not the case.

When the faggots were arguing for same sex marriage, they didn't argue for the government to give them their rights. They argued that government laws were denying them their rights. If that is their claim, they weren't asking for the government to secure something for them but to stop the prevention of something they believed they already had.

Rights are already secured. The government doesn't do that for you. The role of the Constitution is to prevent the government from abusing them and denying you the ability to use them. Due process in the Constitution doesn't grant, secure, or provide you anything. It protects what you already have from being taken away by the government.

Founding document, Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed....
It also says life....so what say you baby killers about that?

Anyway, the Decleration is not the constitution....we were securing rights from a oppressive regime, like the Obama reich.....

I said specifically 'founding documents' in hopes some idiot wouldn't play the 'that's not the Constitution' card.

Actually said "document", no plural then name one specifically.

While the Declaration is an important document and served an important purpose, it has no authority to enforce a thing.

Actually I said 'founding principles' and showed you where it was said.

Just for the record are you
The Constitution IS the government. The Constitution can't protect a black man from being denied equal rights if the federal government doesn't have power over the individual states who would by their own laws in fact deny blacks rights.
No, the constitution is what the .gov cannot do....

NYCarbineer thinks government grants you rights. He believes the purpose of the Constitution was to give them to you.

I quoted the founders saying that the government is formed to secure your rights, BUT, a government cannot secure your rights until some authority decides what are or are not your rights.
Can you link us to that in the constitution?

Sure. Conservatives like to claim that abortion rights should not be constitutionally protected. There is an example of individuals telling you what are or are not your rights.

No, dumbass, you said "Founding document, Declaration of Independence:"

You won't acknowledge your own words.

Liberals claim one peons's money belongs to someone else in the form of social welfare. That's an example of you telling me that I don't have a right to what I've earned.
You people are arguing that the federal government doesn't have the power to protect rights.

Prove it.

That's not what I'm arguing. My argument is that the government can't secure for you something you have and the Constitution protects you FROM the government. At least it used to until Liberals like you started believing it was the government's job to do for you whatever you weren't willing to do for yourselves.

The Constitution IS the government. The Constitution can't protect a black man from being denied equal rights if the federal government doesn't have power over the individual states who would by their own laws in fact deny blacks rights.
No, the constitution is what the .gov cannot do....

The federal GOVERNMENT enforces that. If you think your gun rights are violated, where do you go? You go to the federal government, specifically the Supreme Court,

because the Court has been given the POWER to secure your gun rights.

Do you know what you're doing when you go to court? You're asking the court to tell whatever level of government it is to stop violating your rights. You're not asking the court to get the government to grant them to you. The court has been given the power to tell the government to stop violating rights you already had. They've already been secured.

As when in the recent case abortion rights prevailed. Or when same sex marriage rights prevailed. Or when the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that Goldwater opposed, was upheld in court.
So you do believe Obama did it all by himself? What did he do specifically to make it drop?

Republicans don't expect blacks to stay on the plantation. Democrats do. Maybe blacks want to be "slaves" to the Democrat massas.
You have yet to offer a reason minorities should vote for Republucans

Calling blacks slaves is not one of those reasons

It will keep them from being slaves to the Democrats

Conservatives always wonder why blacks are too stupid to know why they should be voting Republican.

And so unaware that explains the reason why blacks don't vote Republican.

I wonder why the 95% that do continue to do so with all the good results Democrats have been able to do on their behalf.

Good point.....why can't Republicans offer a single reason minorities should vote Republican?

Simply explain that you are going to take away social programs, education and health programs, jobs training programs and that you are going to replace them with something better

I have. It's called stop being insane. Blacks have voted Democrat for 50 of the 200 years LBJ said he have them doing it. It's produced horrendous results.

Thanks for proving Democrats use the money of one group to buy the votes of blacks. You mentioned specific programs all of which require redistribution of wealth (vote buying).
About issues important to black voters? You mean like food stamps, welfare, affirmative action, public housing, having, bastard children at a rate of 75/100 and the constant go to, blame whitey mantra?

There are more whites using food stamps and on welfare than blacks .. Affirmative Action is just, and it benefits WHITE WOMEN more than anyone else in this country .. AND, grow some balls and stop claiming that you aren't a racist motherfucker .. of course you are .. and a not too bright one at that.

Stop whining dude, blacks are never going to vote for your racist party.

Not one woman that ever benefited from AA did so having anything to do with her race. White isn't a characteristic used in the program. To say white women is being disingenuous because it presents false information about what is used.

If you say giving special treatment due to race is OK and just, you must also agree that denying based on race is just or you are the racist because you support using the same characteristic in unequal and racist manners.

Women benefitted from affirmative action more than any other group

Sounds like bullshit.

Dude, you don't get it. Your arguments are STUPID. I know you probably think yourself to be a smart guy, and outside of the political arena that might be true. But you're PARROTING mindless RW talking points that every RW knucklehead on this board recites.

What in the fuck are you talking about in this post. You mean the white women that benefit from welfare and food stamps aren't really white .. but you can use 'black' to paint the program as something that it's not. You're the one who brought up food stamps and welfare, now you run like a sissy when it's pointed out to you that MILLIONS of whites benefit from the program. You run when its pointed out to you that the highest use of both programs are in red states. NOW race doesn't count .. but it did when you attempted to paint it as some black-only handout that democrats created to keep blacks loyal to them. Another STUPID argument.

Do you even know who created welfare and when? .. FDR, 1935 .. most blacks were REPUBLICANS and didn't trust FDR because he was a DEMOCRAT. He didn't create it for black people or to keep them loyal to the Democratic Party. Your argument is stupid.

You are a classic example of why republicans should post on websites exclusive to them only. Then they can say all kinds of mindlessly stupid shit without the encumbrance of truth, logic, and common sense.

How about this .. I agree with everything you say .. now, please go the fuck away.

Nothing in your post actually addressed anything I have said.

The various studies I've seen supposedly showing that white women benefit the most from AA, never explore the possibility that the benefit blacks, and browns get from AA are hidden or greatly outweighed by the dysfunction in their communities and culture.
Founding document, Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed....
It also says life....so what say you baby killers about that?

Anyway, the Decleration is not the constitution....we were securing rights from a oppressive regime, like the Obama reich.....

I said specifically 'founding documents' in hopes some idiot wouldn't play the 'that's not the Constitution' card.

Actually said "document", no plural then name one specifically.

While the Declaration is an important document and served an important purpose, it has no authority to enforce a thing.

Actually I said 'founding principles' and showed you where it was said.

Just for the record are you
No, the constitution is what the .gov cannot do....

NYCarbineer thinks government grants you rights. He believes the purpose of the Constitution was to give them to you.

I quoted the founders saying that the government is formed to secure your rights, BUT, a government cannot secure your rights until some authority decides what are or are not your rights.
Can you link us to that in the constitution?

Sure. Conservatives like to claim that abortion rights should not be constitutionally protected. There is an example of individuals telling you what are or are not your rights.

No, dumbass, you said "Founding document, Declaration of Independence:"

You won't acknowledge your own words.

Liberals claim one peons's money belongs to someone else in the form of social welfare. That's an example of you telling me that I don't have a right to what I've earned.

If you had the right to everything you earned then taxes would be unconstitutional and impossible to collect. Then we would have no government.

The D of I is a founding document.
That's not what I'm arguing. My argument is that the government can't secure for you something you have and the Constitution protects you FROM the government. At least it used to until Liberals like you started believing it was the government's job to do for you whatever you weren't willing to do for yourselves.

The Constitution IS the government. The Constitution can't protect a black man from being denied equal rights if the federal government doesn't have power over the individual states who would by their own laws in fact deny blacks rights.
No, the constitution is what the .gov cannot do....

The federal GOVERNMENT enforces that. If you think your gun rights are violated, where do you go? You go to the federal government, specifically the Supreme Court,

because the Court has been given the POWER to secure your gun rights.

Do you know what you're doing when you go to court? You're asking the court to tell whatever level of government it is to stop violating your rights. You're not asking the court to get the government to grant them to you. The court has been given the power to tell the government to stop violating rights you already had. They've already been secured.

As when in the recent case abortion rights prevailed. Or when same sex marriage rights prevailed. Or when the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that Goldwater opposed, was upheld in court.

The courts told the government to stop denying what the court, although incorrectly, said people already had.
You have yet to offer a reason minorities should vote for Republucans

Calling blacks slaves is not one of those reasons

It will keep them from being slaves to the Democrats

Conservatives always wonder why blacks are too stupid to know why they should be voting Republican.

And so unaware that explains the reason why blacks don't vote Republican.

I wonder why the 95% that do continue to do so with all the good results Democrats have been able to do on their behalf.

Good point.....why can't Republicans offer a single reason minorities should vote Republican?

Simply explain that you are going to take away social programs, education and health programs, jobs training programs and that you are going to replace them with something better

I have. It's called stop being insane. Blacks have voted Democrat for 50 of the 200 years LBJ said he have them doing it. It's produced horrendous results.

Thanks for proving Democrats use the money of one group to buy the votes of blacks. You mentioned specific programs all of which require redistribution of wealth (vote buying).

What was so horrendous about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
The Constitution IS the government. The Constitution can't protect a black man from being denied equal rights if the federal government doesn't have power over the individual states who would by their own laws in fact deny blacks rights.
No, the constitution is what the .gov cannot do....

The federal GOVERNMENT enforces that. If you think your gun rights are violated, where do you go? You go to the federal government, specifically the Supreme Court,

because the Court has been given the POWER to secure your gun rights.

Do you know what you're doing when you go to court? You're asking the court to tell whatever level of government it is to stop violating your rights. You're not asking the court to get the government to grant them to you. The court has been given the power to tell the government to stop violating rights you already had. They've already been secured.

As when in the recent case abortion rights prevailed. Or when same sex marriage rights prevailed. Or when the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that Goldwater opposed, was upheld in court.

The courts told the government to stop denying what the court, although incorrectly, said people already had.

So Roe v Wade affirmed a right that women already had, but was not being secured by the government.
It also says life....so what say you baby killers about that?

Anyway, the Decleration is not the constitution....we were securing rights from a oppressive regime, like the Obama reich.....

I said specifically 'founding documents' in hopes some idiot wouldn't play the 'that's not the Constitution' card.

Actually said "document", no plural then name one specifically.

While the Declaration is an important document and served an important purpose, it has no authority to enforce a thing.

Actually I said 'founding principles' and showed you where it was said.

Just for the record are you
NYCarbineer thinks government grants you rights. He believes the purpose of the Constitution was to give them to you.

I quoted the founders saying that the government is formed to secure your rights, BUT, a government cannot secure your rights until some authority decides what are or are not your rights.
Can you link us to that in the constitution?

Sure. Conservatives like to claim that abortion rights should not be constitutionally protected. There is an example of individuals telling you what are or are not your rights.

No, dumbass, you said "Founding document, Declaration of Independence:"

You won't acknowledge your own words.

Liberals claim one peons's money belongs to someone else in the form of social welfare. That's an example of you telling me that I don't have a right to what I've earned.

If you had the right to everything you earned then taxes would be unconstitutional and impossible to collect. Then we would have no government.

The D of I is a founding document.

I didn't say taxes themselves were unconstitutional. There are things for which the federal government has the authority to tax and fund like the military. There is no similar wording for food stamps, healthcare, etc. We'd have a government doing what the Constitution gave it authority to do not what you bleeding hearts want it to do.

No one is arguing that the Declaration isn't a founding document. It's not the law of the land like the Constitution. You seem to think it is.
Not one woman that ever benefited from AA did so having anything to do with her race. White isn't a characteristic used in the program. To say white women is being disingenuous because it presents false information about what is used.

If you say giving special treatment due to race is OK and just, you must also agree that denying based on race is just or you are the racist because you support using the same characteristic in unequal and racist manners.

Women benefitted from affirmative action more than any other group

Sounds like bullshit.

Dude, you don't get it. Your arguments are STUPID. I know you probably think yourself to be a smart guy, and outside of the political arena that might be true. But you're PARROTING mindless RW talking points that every RW knucklehead on this board recites.

What in the fuck are you talking about in this post. You mean the white women that benefit from welfare and food stamps aren't really white .. but you can use 'black' to paint the program as something that it's not. You're the one who brought up food stamps and welfare, now you run like a sissy when it's pointed out to you that MILLIONS of whites benefit from the program. You run when its pointed out to you that the highest use of both programs are in red states. NOW race doesn't count .. but it did when you attempted to paint it as some black-only handout that democrats created to keep blacks loyal to them. Another STUPID argument.

Do you even know who created welfare and when? .. FDR, 1935 .. most blacks were REPUBLICANS and didn't trust FDR because he was a DEMOCRAT. He didn't create it for black people or to keep them loyal to the Democratic Party. Your argument is stupid.

You are a classic example of why republicans should post on websites exclusive to them only. Then they can say all kinds of mindlessly stupid shit with the encumbrance of truth, logic, and common sense.

How about this .. I agree with everything you say .. now, please go the fuck away.

If you'd read what I wrote you would know what I said. I'm not saying that the white women that benefit from AA aren't white. I'm saying that the white part had nothing to do with the benefit.

I acknowledged that millions of white benefit from social welfare. In fact, I gave a specific number. I also pointed out that the highest level of use for social welfare in my red state is the only blue district.

When I said race didn't count when you misrepresented that WHITE women benefit more from AA than any other group, it's was because the white part played no role in the decision.

While FDR got the socialist ball rolling, it was LBJ's Great Society that produced much of the total spending and programs around today. LBJ should be one of the black folk's favorite people. He said what he'd have you doing and you apparently agreed because you do it at a 95% rate.

Blacks vote 95% for democrats because democrats support programs that black people support .. as I demonstrated to you earlier .. but you've learned nothing. Here you are agin making the same false/programmed argument.


SYRIUSLY posted links showing that was not true.

Blacks vote for liberals who do not agree with them on important issues such as abortion or immigration or economics.

And you many of those blacks that vote for dems ARE THE CONSERVATIVE BLACKS, that I am talking about.

That is my point.

THat's why you lefties flip out when confronted by a black republican in office.

Because if the black conservatives ever realize that you are lying about the gop being racist, they might leave you and you would be fucked.
It will keep them from being slaves to the Democrats

Conservatives always wonder why blacks are too stupid to know why they should be voting Republican.

And so unaware that explains the reason why blacks don't vote Republican.

I wonder why the 95% that do continue to do so with all the good results Democrats have been able to do on their behalf.

Good point.....why can't Republicans offer a single reason minorities should vote Republican?

Simply explain that you are going to take away social programs, education and health programs, jobs training programs and that you are going to replace them with something better

I have. It's called stop being insane. Blacks have voted Democrat for 50 of the 200 years LBJ said he have them doing it. It's produced horrendous results.

Thanks for proving Democrats use the money of one group to buy the votes of blacks. You mentioned specific programs all of which require redistribution of wealth (vote buying).

What was so horrendous about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

Didn't mention either one nor did black citizens vote for either one.

Do you read only what you want to read. I said blacks voting for Democrats has produced horrendous results for the black community unless you want to argue blacks being worse off than all other groups in just about every category is good.
No, the constitution is what the .gov cannot do....

The federal GOVERNMENT enforces that. If you think your gun rights are violated, where do you go? You go to the federal government, specifically the Supreme Court,

because the Court has been given the POWER to secure your gun rights.

Do you know what you're doing when you go to court? You're asking the court to tell whatever level of government it is to stop violating your rights. You're not asking the court to get the government to grant them to you. The court has been given the power to tell the government to stop violating rights you already had. They've already been secured.

As when in the recent case abortion rights prevailed. Or when same sex marriage rights prevailed. Or when the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that Goldwater opposed, was upheld in court.

The courts told the government to stop denying what the court, although incorrectly, said people already had.

So Roe v Wade affirmed a right that women already had, but was not being secured by the government.

Exactly. Now, you're learning. What the court told the various levels of government, although it was incorrect, was that women had a right to abortion and to stop violating it. They didn't grant abortion as a right.

I bet you think the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote and the 15th granted blacks the right to vote.
The federal GOVERNMENT enforces that. If you think your gun rights are violated, where do you go? You go to the federal government, specifically the Supreme Court,

because the Court has been given the POWER to secure your gun rights.

Do you know what you're doing when you go to court? You're asking the court to tell whatever level of government it is to stop violating your rights. You're not asking the court to get the government to grant them to you. The court has been given the power to tell the government to stop violating rights you already had. They've already been secured.

As when in the recent case abortion rights prevailed. Or when same sex marriage rights prevailed. Or when the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that Goldwater opposed, was upheld in court.

The courts told the government to stop denying what the court, although incorrectly, said people already had.

So Roe v Wade affirmed a right that women already had, but was not being secured by the government.

Roe v Wade was a Logical Fallacy of Begging the Question.

The Woman's Right to Privacy can only be the deciding issue, if you ASSUME as part of the question, that the unborn baby has no Right to Life.

If I murder someone in my house, I can't claim a Right to Privacy as a reason why I should not be prosecuted.

It was judicial activism at it's worst.

NYC thinks Roe gave women the right to abortion. All the courts did was say a right women already had included abortion and told states to stop violating that right. According to the courts, although they were wrong, that right already existed and the government, based on the Constitution, couldn't deny it.
Women benefitted from affirmative action more than any other group

Sounds like bullshit.

Dude, you don't get it. Your arguments are STUPID. I know you probably think yourself to be a smart guy, and outside of the political arena that might be true. But you're PARROTING mindless RW talking points that every RW knucklehead on this board recites.

What in the fuck are you talking about in this post. You mean the white women that benefit from welfare and food stamps aren't really white .. but you can use 'black' to paint the program as something that it's not. You're the one who brought up food stamps and welfare, now you run like a sissy when it's pointed out to you that MILLIONS of whites benefit from the program. You run when its pointed out to you that the highest use of both programs are in red states. NOW race doesn't count .. but it did when you attempted to paint it as some black-only handout that democrats created to keep blacks loyal to them. Another STUPID argument.

Do you even know who created welfare and when? .. FDR, 1935 .. most blacks were REPUBLICANS and didn't trust FDR because he was a DEMOCRAT. He didn't create it for black people or to keep them loyal to the Democratic Party. Your argument is stupid.

You are a classic example of why republicans should post on websites exclusive to them only. Then they can say all kinds of mindlessly stupid shit with the encumbrance of truth, logic, and common sense.

How about this .. I agree with everything you say .. now, please go the fuck away.

If you'd read what I wrote you would know what I said. I'm not saying that the white women that benefit from AA aren't white. I'm saying that the white part had nothing to do with the benefit.

I acknowledged that millions of white benefit from social welfare. In fact, I gave a specific number. I also pointed out that the highest level of use for social welfare in my red state is the only blue district.

When I said race didn't count when you misrepresented that WHITE women benefit more from AA than any other group, it's was because the white part played no role in the decision.

While FDR got the socialist ball rolling, it was LBJ's Great Society that produced much of the total spending and programs around today. LBJ should be one of the black folk's favorite people. He said what he'd have you doing and you apparently agreed because you do it at a 95% rate.

Blacks vote 95% for democrats because democrats support programs that black people support .. as I demonstrated to you earlier .. but you've learned nothing. Here you are agin making the same false/programmed argument.

On the subject of all these black conservatives .. try this on for size ..

Donald Trump Gets 0% Support From Black Voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania: NBC/WSJ Polls
Donald Trump Gets 0% Support From Black Voters in Ohio, Penn.: NBC/WSJ Polls

QUESTION: Where oh where are all these black conservatives you keep talking about?
ANSWER: They do not exist in any meaningful way .. except as props.

Please stop. :0) .. you ignorant ass white boy.

Programs like food stamps, welfare, public housing, etc. I agree that's why blacks vote Democrat.

Trump expects blacks to support themselves. Many blacks don't like that idea.

I disagree.

IMO, many blacks can see the destructive effects of social programs on their community.

BUT they have been propagandized to the point of believing that the GOP is the Racist Party who is out to get them, to the point of murder in the streets.

Hence the hysterical reaction noted in the OP, when that Lie is threatened.

Because if those blacks ever realize that they could have a home in the GOP, the dems would be destroyed.
Sounds like bullshit.

Dude, you don't get it. Your arguments are STUPID. I know you probably think yourself to be a smart guy, and outside of the political arena that might be true. But you're PARROTING mindless RW talking points that every RW knucklehead on this board recites.

What in the fuck are you talking about in this post. You mean the white women that benefit from welfare and food stamps aren't really white .. but you can use 'black' to paint the program as something that it's not. You're the one who brought up food stamps and welfare, now you run like a sissy when it's pointed out to you that MILLIONS of whites benefit from the program. You run when its pointed out to you that the highest use of both programs are in red states. NOW race doesn't count .. but it did when you attempted to paint it as some black-only handout that democrats created to keep blacks loyal to them. Another STUPID argument.

Do you even know who created welfare and when? .. FDR, 1935 .. most blacks were REPUBLICANS and didn't trust FDR because he was a DEMOCRAT. He didn't create it for black people or to keep them loyal to the Democratic Party. Your argument is stupid.

You are a classic example of why republicans should post on websites exclusive to them only. Then they can say all kinds of mindlessly stupid shit with the encumbrance of truth, logic, and common sense.

How about this .. I agree with everything you say .. now, please go the fuck away.

If you'd read what I wrote you would know what I said. I'm not saying that the white women that benefit from AA aren't white. I'm saying that the white part had nothing to do with the benefit.

I acknowledged that millions of white benefit from social welfare. In fact, I gave a specific number. I also pointed out that the highest level of use for social welfare in my red state is the only blue district.

When I said race didn't count when you misrepresented that WHITE women benefit more from AA than any other group, it's was because the white part played no role in the decision.

While FDR got the socialist ball rolling, it was LBJ's Great Society that produced much of the total spending and programs around today. LBJ should be one of the black folk's favorite people. He said what he'd have you doing and you apparently agreed because you do it at a 95% rate.

Blacks vote 95% for democrats because democrats support programs that black people support .. as I demonstrated to you earlier .. but you've learned nothing. Here you are agin making the same false/programmed argument.

On the subject of all these black conservatives .. try this on for size ..

Donald Trump Gets 0% Support From Black Voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania: NBC/WSJ Polls
Donald Trump Gets 0% Support From Black Voters in Ohio, Penn.: NBC/WSJ Polls

QUESTION: Where oh where are all these black conservatives you keep talking about?
ANSWER: They do not exist in any meaningful way .. except as props.

Please stop. :0) .. you ignorant ass white boy.

Programs like food stamps, welfare, public housing, etc. I agree that's why blacks vote Democrat.

Trump expects blacks to support themselves. Many blacks don't like that idea.

I disagree.

IMO, many blacks can see the destructive effects of social programs on their community.

BUT they have been propagandized to the point of believing that the GOP is the Racist Party who is out to get them, to the point of murder in the streets.

Hence the hysterical reaction noted in the OP, when that Lie is threatened.

Because if those blacks ever realize that they could have a home in the GOP, the dems would be destroyed.

That's why I said many, not all. Many also see the destructive efforts of social programs and entitlement.

If the blacks that Democrats appeal to ever saw the truth and realized the results of supporting Democrats hasn't helped them at all, Democrats would lose bad. Until those doing so stop buying the Democrat mantra that the GOP is made up of racist white people and it's their fault blacks are where they are, blacks will continue to support Democrats.
He points out that more and more blacks running for political action are conservatives
A good con man knows his audience. A Black man without scruples can make a lot of money by being the fish out of water. Look at Herman "999" Cain, the overly mascara'd Faulkner Harris, or that Kansas City reporter always featured on FOXNEWS. A Black is almost guaranteed to be prominently featured in conservative media. Some see that and sell their souls.

LOL, a black running as a conservative is a "con man." Yeah, you believe in freedom, don't you?

A black has the right to be a Democrat, or we have a right to destroy you. Black freedom the Democrat party way ...
90% of blacks are not pro-choice.

90% of blacks are not pro-gay marriage.

90% of blacks are not in favor of Free Trade.

90 of blacks are not in favor of Amnesty for illegals.

You are voting in a bloc because blacks have been the target of generations of propaganda and race baiting.

How can you tell when Correll is lying? Well he posts at USMB

Correll lie: 90% of blacks are not pro-choice.
Abortion Poll Results for Race (Black or African American) Voters
African Americans 53% pro-choice

Correll lie: 90% of blacks are not pro-gay marriage.
Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage
42% of blacks are pro-gay marriage as of 2016.

Correll lie: 90% of blacks are not in favor of Free Trade.
Poll: More Americans See Trade Pacts as Beneficial to U.S. Economy
31% of blacks favor free trade

Correll lie: 90 of blacks are not in favor of Amnesty for illegals.
Broad Public Support for Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants
72% of blacks are in favor of Amnesty.

So now that we have established- AGAIN- that Correll is a liar- why should anyone believe anything he posts?

Are you insane?

Every link you posted supports my statements and thus my overall point.

Are you a pathological liar?

Every link I posted shows that you just pulled your lies straight out of your ass- like usual.

How can you tell when Correll is lying? Well he posts at USMB

Correll lie: 90% of blacks are not pro-choice.
Abortion Poll Results for Race (Black or African American) Voters
African Americans 53% pro-choice

Correll lie: 90% of blacks are not pro-gay marriage.
Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage
42% of blacks are pro-gay marriage as of 2016.

Correll lie: 90% of blacks are not in favor of Free Trade.
Poll: More Americans See Trade Pacts as Beneficial to U.S. Economy
31% of blacks favor free trade

Correll lie: 90 of blacks are not in favor of Amnesty for illegals.
Broad Public Support for Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants
72% of blacks are in favor of Amnesty.

So now that we have established- AGAIN- that Correll is a liar- why should anyone believe anything he posts?

You have the reading comprehension of a monkey.

And not one of the smarter monkeys.

If only 53% of blacks are pro-choice, then issues do not explain why the dems get 90% plus of the black vote.

If only 42% of blacks are pro-gay marriage, then issues do not explain why dems get 90%plus of the black vote.

If only 31% of black favor Free Trade, then Hillary's strong support among blacks vs Trump is not based on the issues.

If only 72% of blacks favor amnesty for illegals, than HIllarys strong support among blacks is not based on the issues.

Your links completely support my point.

My links point out that you lie.

Like usual.

Your top link shows that 37% of blacks are pro-life.

THat means that at least 30% of blacks believe that black abortions are the murder of black babies,

and yet vote for the Party that supports that

and against the Party that wants to stop those millions of black babies from being murdered.

(please do not tell me that you don't consider them babies. i'm discussing the perspective of pro-life blacks voting for pro-choice dems)

Thus, the issues are NOT driving the bloc voting we see by blacks.

It is the fact that they have been terrorized for generations by leftist lies about the GOP being out to get them.

Thus, as the OP states, liberals are terrified of evidence that shows that is not true, such as blacks republicans being elected by white republican voters.

And I understand why you are so driven to hide from the truth I have presented.

If you actually allowed yourself to read what I have posted it would destroy your entire world view.

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