Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

You guys do know that it wasn't the guy in the KKK mask that was assaulted, right?
It was the Hispanic guy in the American flag that was beat up.
True fact. He wasn't even looking at the assaulter. It was a suckerpunch, just like Quick Draw.

Thats why they call it a 'sucker punch', moron.

This is why the point was made ------- the posts you edited out, dishonest hack:

Just from watching the video there is no way to tell if the idiot in the flag shirt started it or not
For all we know the protester provoked the other guy
Probably called him a racist slur for being at a Trump rally. And Dems call Trump's realism, racism.

Didn't appear that way at all.

True fact. He wasn't even looking at the assaulter. It was a suckerpunch, just like Quick Draw.

Fucking LIAR.
I agree you are.
You guys do know that it wasn't the guy in the KKK mask that was assaulted, right?
It was the Hispanic guy in the American flag that was beat up.
well if you had read earlier posts, it was stated the dude was earlier on the floor and it is why the black trump supporter clocked him. Wearing a hood like that is race baiting 101 for a libturd. He succeeded in his experiment.
Donning a hood in public "For Satire" ought to win you a nomination for the yearly Darwin Award.. It shows that these Leftists can not judge the impacts of their actions. Lucky their not in hospital..

So this is a 'yes' --- you actually are saying that inability to comprehend satire is a blank check for assault.
Thanks for confirmation. Incredibobble.

And the inconvenient elephant-in-the-room fact is that --- he's not wearing a hood anyway.

And YES they WERE together BEFORE the incident and DURING the incident. You will find MULTIPLE hoods on the floor of that venue....

I never knew you could create a link by simply saying "yes there were". I've been wasting time on links that start with "http". Silly me.

"Multiple hoods" eh? Could it be that ..... several people understand what satire is?

Hell, this very message board has a whole forum for the idiom.
well we could use your stupid logic and ask for evidence he wasn't wearing a hood. What say you bubba stupid?

So----- you're blind TOO?
so you have evidence of the dude earlier that can prove he wasn't wearing a hood while on the floor? Post it bubba.

Once again --- just like Wichita --- I don't NEED to prove a negative YOU need to prove the reverse. And the video, and the still photo... are not helping you. In fact they expose you, and the title of this thread --- as a complete fraud.

Own that.
Hillary Clinton camp won’t say if Confederate flag pin was official

Hillary Clinton camp won’t say if Confederate flag button was official part of '92 presidential campaign
  • Pin badges featuring distinctive Confederate symbol being sold on Ebay
  • Clinton team have so-far refused to comment on whether it was endorsed
  • Follows calls to scrap 'symbol of hate' from Capitol building
She wants to maintain plausible deniability, just in cases there are documents out there that might catch her in yet another lie.
Hey, it was even on all the news shows last night. ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC all showed the dude from various angles, and none of them had him wearing a white hood.

All of them DID show that he was wearing an American flag shirt.
Donning a hood in public "For Satire" ought to win you a nomination for the yearly Darwin Award.. It shows that these Leftists can not judge the impacts of their actions. Lucky their not in hospital..

So this is a 'yes' --- you actually are saying that inability to comprehend satire is a blank check for assault.
Thanks for confirmation. Incredibobble.

And the inconvenient elephant-in-the-room fact is that --- he's not wearing a hood anyway.

And YES they WERE together BEFORE the incident and DURING the incident. You will find MULTIPLE hoods on the floor of that venue....

I never knew you could create a link by simply saying "yes there were". I've been wasting time on links that start with "http". Silly me.

"Multiple hoods" eh? Could it be that ..... several people understand what satire is?

Hell, this very message board has a whole forum for the idiom.
well we could use your stupid logic and ask for evidence he wasn't wearing a hood. What say you bubba stupid?

So----- you're blind TOO?
so you have evidence of the dude earlier that can prove he wasn't wearing a hood while on the floor? Post it bubba.

Once again --- just like Wichita --- I don't NEED to prove a negative YOU need to prove the reverse. And the video, and the still photo... are not helping you. In fact they expose you, and the title of this thread --- as a complete fraud.

Own that.
now see, it is you that has to deliver on the negative, not me. See my claim is he was wearing a hood, yours is he wasn't. So you prove he wasn't. that is a negative. But hey, it's just you so it is expected for you to be wrong......
Once again --- just like Wichita --- I don't NEED to prove a negative YOU need to prove the reverse. And the video, and the still photo... are not helping you. In fact they expose you, and the title of this thread --- as a complete fraud.

Own that.
When we present evidence that shows you to be a racist and a liar, then you DO HAVE TO PROVE A NEGATIVE, dumbass. You have to prove the evidence is not valid, and you cannot.
Hey, it was even on all the news shows last night. ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC all showed the dude from various angles, and none of them had him wearing a white hood.

All of them DID show that he was wearing an American flag shirt.

He was with another protester who was wearing a KKK outfit, and of course yelling all the usual provocative liberal bullshit.

If it happens around me, I am going to jail, fuck those commie fucktards.
If you dress up like the KKK, Trump is going to have your ass kicked
Trump's Hitler Youth will be happy to do that without orders. Just one problem, the KKK really is voting for Trump...
Nation of Islam enemy within racists all voted for Hussein Obama, I didn't see any of you have a hissy fit?
******* voting for a ****** isn't shocking, neither is whitey KKK voting for Trump. Clear?
Why do you keep going out of your way to point out he's black?
Is this like the first time you ever supported a black person?
If that had been reversed and it had been a white supporter attacking a black protester are you suggesting the media and many of the liberal posters here wouldn't be pointing that out non stop?

I don't traffic in speculation fallacies and I haven't pointed out anyone's race.
Sucksoff90 seems to be suddenly obsessed with it. When it fits his troll point anyway.
Just like many on the left are when it fits there's as we both know if this had been white supporter attacking a black protester they would be using it to support the Trump is racist theme. He's simply doing the reverse both sides love to use race when it benefits them as well as pretend they don't when it doesn't.

STILL a speculation fallacy, and thus dismissed. Again.
The simple fact is you don't KNOW what anybody "would be saying" if whatever happened. No more than Sucksoff90 can read "liberal" through a pillowcase. Nobody knows any of that, so quit claiming you do.
I dam sure can and I can do so based on the history of how the left has reacted when the attack is white against black. While past events are not always predictor of future ones they can show you what the odds of an event turning out a specific way are. The fact the left does not like being held to the same standard they try and impose on others is not my problem.

AGAIN --- third time now --- what "the odds are" is irrelevant. You're arguing a fallacy. A hypothetical to deflect from the real. Address the topic.
Hey, it was even on all the news shows last night. ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC all showed the dude from various angles, and none of them had him wearing a white hood.

All of them DID show that he was wearing an American flag shirt.

He was with another protester who was wearing a KKK outfit, and of course yelling all the usual provocative liberal bullshit.

If it happens around me, I am going to jail, fuck those commie fucktards.
All the progressive douchebags are racist. Every single one of them.
If you dress up like the KKK, Trump is going to have your ass kicked
Trump's Hitler Youth will be happy to do that without orders. Just one problem, the KKK really is voting for Trump...
Nation of Islam enemy within racists all voted for Hussein Obama, I didn't see any of you have a hissy fit?
******* voting for a ****** isn't shocking, neither is whitey KKK voting for Trump. Clear?
you mean hillary right?
If you dress up like the KKK, Trump is going to have your ass kicked
Trump's Hitler Youth will be happy to do that without orders. Just one problem, the KKK really is voting for Trump...
Nation of Islam enemy within racists all voted for Hussein Obama, I didn't see any of you have a hissy fit?
******* voting for a ****** isn't shocking, neither is whitey KKK voting for Trump. Clear?
Hussein Obama was endorsed by Louis Farakhan and nation of Islam, and during the election, Black Panthers went to polling centers and threatened people. The left has no shame. Obama has been encouraging riots, division and destruction for the last 7 years. Yet the leftist media mafia continues to give him a pass.
Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.

Just from watching the video there is no way to tell if the idiot in the flag shirt started it or not
For all we know the protester provoked the other guy
Probably called him a racist slur for being at a Trump rally. And Dems call Trump's realism, racism.

Didn't appear that way at all.

True fact. He wasn't even looking at the assaulter. It was a suckerpunch, just like Quick Draw.

Yep, that's what it looked like to me. I can only imagine what the winguts would call this black guy if it happened anywhere but a Trump rally.
Hey, it was even on all the news shows last night. ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC all showed the dude from various angles, and none of them had him wearing a white hood.

All of them DID show that he was wearing an American flag shirt.

He was with another protester who was wearing a KKK outfit, and of course yelling all the usual provocative liberal bullshit.

If it happens around me, I am going to jail, fuck those commie fucktards.
All the progressive douchebags are racist. Every single one of them.
progressives are hypocritical, fascistic, intolerant scum.
Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.

Just from watching the video there is no way to tell if the idiot in the flag shirt started it or not
For all we know the protester provoked the other guy
Probably called him a racist slur for being at a Trump rally. And Dems call Trump's realism, racism.

Didn't appear that way at all.

True fact. He wasn't even looking at the assaulter. It was a suckerpunch, just like Quick Draw.

Yep, that's what it looked like to me. I can only imagine what the winguts would call this black guy if it happened anywhere but a Trump rally.
a hero anytime anywhere. Thanks for providing the additional evidence of your hate toward your fellow man.
Hey, it was even on all the news shows last night. ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC all showed the dude from various angles, and none of them had him wearing a white hood.

All of them DID show that he was wearing an American flag shirt.

He was with another protester who was wearing a KKK outfit, and of course yelling all the usual provocative liberal bullshit.

If it happens around me, I am going to jail, fuck those commie fucktards.

So why didn't the Trump supporter attack the person who was actually wearing the hood instead of someone wearing only an American flag shirt?

Probably because the person who attacked was a black man and the person wearing the white hood was a white female. The optics of that attack wouldn't look good for anyone.
Hey, it was even on all the news shows last night. ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC all showed the dude from various angles, and none of them had him wearing a white hood.

All of them DID show that he was wearing an American flag shirt.

He was with another protester who was wearing a KKK outfit, and of course yelling all the usual provocative liberal bullshit.

If it happens around me, I am going to jail, fuck those commie fucktards.

So why didn't the Trump supporter attack the person who was actually wearing the hood instead of someone wearing only an American flag shirt?

Probably because the person who attacked was a black man and the person wearing the white hood was a white female. The optics of that attack wouldn't look good for anyone.
That's a racist comment.

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