Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

The parties didn't switch.
Sorry, but your deranged hallucinations provide no indication of reality. Yes, the parties switch. The north which was primarily Republican is now primarily Democrat. The south which was primarily Democrat is now primarily Republican. Blacks who were mostly Republican are now mostly Democrat. Then, all blacks in Congress were Republican; now, nearly every one of them is Democrat.

And for those who need to visualize the switch...

Probably because the Racist Right think so little of their reasoning ability based solely on their skin color!!!

Says one from the side that used skin color to pick the current President.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
So? The right is about to vote for Trump just because he's an asshole.
No, Bush's fuck ups brought about Obama, a socialist, race baiting, radical, divisive, America hating ideologue posing as a black man, and Obama assholery brought about Trump.
And yet, despite your empty rhetoric, Obama's successes are going to lead to Hillary's presidency.

Meanwhile, Trump remains an asshole. :thup:

Obama's successes? Ha ha ha.
The parties didn't switch.
Sorry, but your deranged hallucinations provide no indication of reality. Yes, the parties switch. The north which was primarily Republican is now primarily Democrat. The south which was primarily Democrat is now primarily Republican. Blacks who were mostly Republican are now mostly Democrat. Then, all blacks in Congress were Republican; now, nearly every one of them is Democrat.

And for those who need to visualize the switch...

Parties actively strive to turn states republican or democrat, and during certain elections, many states do actually switch.

That doesn't erase the racist history of the Democrat party.

Put some more lipstick on that pig.
The parties didn't switch.
Sorry, but your deranged hallucinations provide no indication of reality. Yes, the parties switch. The north which was primarily Republican is now primarily Democrat. The south which was primarily Democrat is now primarily Republican. Blacks who were mostly Republican are now mostly Democrat. Then, all blacks in Congress were Republican; now, nearly every one of them is Democrat.

And for those who need to visualize the switch...

Parties actively strive to turn states republican or democrat, and during certain elections, many states do actually switch.

That doesn't erase the racist history of the Democrat party.

Put some more lipstick on that pig.

Did you look at his maps? No of course you didn't since as always you're too busy yapping to hear anything.

See that lone blue state in the middle? That's what we call "Missouri". That's the lone win for the Democratic candidate in 1860.

See all those states in green in the South, and the orange ones above them?

Those are the wins by the Southerners who couldn't work with the DP and split off to run their own candidates. That -- the green and orange -- is where the racism comes from.

Right after that election, civil war broke out.

Something similar happened in 1948 only without the war resulting -- Southern racists, who couldn't hack what they were hearing from the Democratic Party, split off to run their own people.

As far as they were concerned they had no other choice but to go third party, as being a Republican was unthinkable for 99 years. They were never comfortable with the DP but it was the only avenue they (thought they) had.

Your fallacy is Composition. Associating two coincident aspects and concluding that one causes the other. It doesn't.
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Seems the left like to still defend KKK scum bags.............Pissed because a black man gave them what for..............then say we are the KKK...........

Very stupid people in this country.

Stupid enough to (a) claim not to understand mocking satire, and (b) flip out on the wrong person.
The only stupid dumb ass got beaten.............He wanted it............he got it...................end of story............The Moral of the story is don't go there like that if you value your health................

You don't see the other side doing that shit to your candidates...........So spare me your outrage.

What we "don't see" is any sign of Klan regalia on the recipient of the coward's sucker punch.
What we also "don't see" is any hint from the assailant that his act had anything to do with Klan regalia anyway.

Prove me wrong.

KVOA interview with people near the action (video at the link)
The proof is that the protester wanted to stir up shit.........It worked............

Yuh huh.

So you condone aggravated assault and battery, do you?
To a dumb ass who went in to stir shit up...........Damn skippy.
Says one from the side that used skin color to pick the current President.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
So? The right is about to vote for Trump just because he's an asshole.
No, Bush's fuck ups brought about Obama, a socialist, race baiting, radical, divisive, America hating ideologue posing as a black man, and Obama assholery brought about Trump.
And yet, despite your empty rhetoric, Obama's successes are going to lead to Hillary's presidency.

Meanwhile, Trump remains an asshole. :thup:

Obama's successes? Ha ha ha.
Umm... his job approval rating is higher now than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
So? The right is about to vote for Trump just because he's an asshole.
No, Bush's fuck ups brought about Obama, a socialist, race baiting, radical, divisive, America hating ideologue posing as a black man, and Obama assholery brought about Trump.
And yet, despite your empty rhetoric, Obama's successes are going to lead to Hillary's presidency.

Meanwhile, Trump remains an asshole. :thup:

Obama's successes? Ha ha ha.
Umm... his job approval rating is higher now than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup.

Oh, another moron that assumes popular means good.
Probably because the Racist Right think so little of their reasoning ability based solely on their skin color!!!

Says one from the side that used skin color to pick the current President.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
So? The right is about to vote for Trump just because he's an asshole.
No, Bush's fuck ups brought about Obama, a socialist, race baiting, radical, divisive, America hating ideologue posing as a black man, and Obama assholery brought about Trump.
And yet, despite your empty rhetoric, Obama's successes are going to lead to Hillary's presidency.

Meanwhile, Trump remains an asshole. :thup:

That you support both Obama and Hillary means you remain a dumbass.
I'm just wondering how it is that blacks have been brainwashed ...
Probably because the Racist Right think so little of their reasoning ability based solely on their skin color!!!

Says one from the side that used skin color to pick the current President.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
So? The right is about to vote for Trump just because he's an asshole.

No, you're going to vote for Hillary because YOU'RE one.
Doesn't change the modern AA being nothing more than racism

You lefties keep telling us that the Republican party then isn't the same Republican party as today when it comes to ideology.

It isn't.

But for those of limited cranial capacity who think it is, I just made their heads explode.

So race being used to deny isn't racism either?

Nope. It is discrimination but it's not racism.

You do know the difference, right?

When it uses race as a factor, it's racism. If race was used to deny, are you saying it wouldn't be racism?

Correct, that's what I'm saying.

Racism is the belief that one race is superior/inferior to another. That's not present in an AA law, even if it does discriminate.

Now if the AA law said "whites should get X job because blacks are inferior" --- that would be racism.

Moreover .... I've been passed over for at least two jobs in favor of other applicants who were the same race as I due to AA, so it still doesn't work.

Perhaps you should tell those responsible for the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It's been around since 1828 and they say YOU are wrong. In other words, M-W considers racial discrimination as racism. Since you say it AA does discriminate, and it does, it's racism. I'll take their word over yours any day.

Definition of RACISM

That last statement is impossible.
So? The right is about to vote for Trump just because he's an asshole.
No, Bush's fuck ups brought about Obama, a socialist, race baiting, radical, divisive, America hating ideologue posing as a black man, and Obama assholery brought about Trump.
And yet, despite your empty rhetoric, Obama's successes are going to lead to Hillary's presidency.

Meanwhile, Trump remains an asshole. :thup:

Obama's successes? Ha ha ha.
Umm... his job approval rating is higher now than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup.

Oh, another moron that assumes popular means good.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It's a job approval poll, not a favorability poll.

Don't you know the difference??

And Obama's is higher now than Reagan's was in the 3rd week of March, 1988.

Says one from the side that used skin color to pick the current President.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
So? The right is about to vote for Trump just because he's an asshole.
No, Bush's fuck ups brought about Obama, a socialist, race baiting, radical, divisive, America hating ideologue posing as a black man, and Obama assholery brought about Trump.
And yet, despite your empty rhetoric, Obama's successes are going to lead to Hillary's presidency.

Meanwhile, Trump remains an asshole. :thup:

That you support both Obama and Hillary means you remain a dumbass.
Spits an unrepentant Bush voter. :eusa_doh:

The irony.
I'm just wondering how it is that blacks have been brainwashed ...
Probably because the Racist Right think so little of their reasoning ability based solely on their skin color!!!

Says one from the side that used skin color to pick the current President.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
So? The right is about to vote for Trump just because he's an asshole.

No, you're going to vote for Hillary because YOU'RE one.
That I get under the skin of conservatives like you reminds me I'm heading in the right direction.
No, Bush's fuck ups brought about Obama, a socialist, race baiting, radical, divisive, America hating ideologue posing as a black man, and Obama assholery brought about Trump.
And yet, despite your empty rhetoric, Obama's successes are going to lead to Hillary's presidency.

Meanwhile, Trump remains an asshole. :thup:

Obama's successes? Ha ha ha.
Umm... his job approval rating is higher now than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup.

Oh, another moron that assumes popular means good.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It's a job approval poll, not a favorability poll.

Don't you know the difference??

And Obama's is higher now than Reagan's was in the 3rd week of March, 1988.

Reagan unfavorable rating was far lower. He was a uniter, not a divider. The difference is between a purebred racehorse and Tony the Pony.
And yet, despite your empty rhetoric, Obama's successes are going to lead to Hillary's presidency.

Meanwhile, Trump remains an asshole. :thup:

Obama's successes? Ha ha ha.
Umm... his job approval rating is higher now than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup.

Oh, another moron that assumes popular means good.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It's a job approval poll, not a favorability poll.

Don't you know the difference??

And Obama's is higher now than Reagan's was in the 3rd week of March, 1988.

Reagan unfavorable rating was far lower. He was a uniter, not a divider. The difference is between a purebred racehorse and Tony the Pony.
Oh, really? What was it in March, 1988...? Today, Obama's is 46% according to Gallup.
Obama's successes? Ha ha ha.
Umm... his job approval rating is higher now than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup.

Oh, another moron that assumes popular means good.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It's a job approval poll, not a favorability poll.

Don't you know the difference??

And Obama's is higher now than Reagan's was in the 3rd week of March, 1988.

Reagan unfavorable rating was far lower. He was a uniter, not a divider. The difference is between a purebred racehorse and Tony the Pony.
Oh, really? What was it in March, 1988...? Today, Obama's is 46% according to Gallup.
If you can't be bothered to link, why should I. You can't be that lazy even if you are a Democrat.
Umm... his job approval rating is higher now than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency according to Gallup.

Oh, another moron that assumes popular means good.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It's a job approval poll, not a favorability poll.

Don't you know the difference??

And Obama's is higher now than Reagan's was in the 3rd week of March, 1988.

Reagan unfavorable rating was far lower. He was a uniter, not a divider. The difference is between a purebred racehorse and Tony the Pony.
Oh, really? What was it in March, 1988...? Today, Obama's is 46% according to Gallup.
If you can't be bothered to link, why should I. You can't be that lazy even if you are a Democrat.
Link what? You made a claim that you're now running away from because it's evident you don't know the answer....

You said Reagan's unfavorable rating was far lower than Obama's.

Prove it.

Obama is currently at 46%.

What was Reagan's in March, 1988? It's put up or shut up time.
Oh, another moron that assumes popular means good.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It's a job approval poll, not a favorability poll.

Don't you know the difference??

And Obama's is higher now than Reagan's was in the 3rd week of March, 1988.

Reagan unfavorable rating was far lower. He was a uniter, not a divider. The difference is between a purebred racehorse and Tony the Pony.
Oh, really? What was it in March, 1988...? Today, Obama's is 46% according to Gallup.
If you can't be bothered to link, why should I. You can't be that lazy even if you are a Democrat.
Link what? You made a claim that you're now running away from because it's evident you don't know the answer....

You said Reagan's unfavorable rating was far lower than Obama's.

Prove it.

Obama is currently at 46%.

What was Reagan's in March, 1988? It's put up or shut up time.
Don't be a clueless prick. Link you claim. I'm certainly not going to take the word of a certified hack. Prove it!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It's a job approval poll, not a favorability poll.

Don't you know the difference??

And Obama's is higher now than Reagan's was in the 3rd week of March, 1988.

Reagan unfavorable rating was far lower. He was a uniter, not a divider. The difference is between a purebred racehorse and Tony the Pony.
Oh, really? What was it in March, 1988...? Today, Obama's is 46% according to Gallup.
If you can't be bothered to link, why should I. You can't be that lazy even if you are a Democrat.
Link what? You made a claim that you're now running away from because it's evident you don't know the answer....

You said Reagan's unfavorable rating was far lower than Obama's.

Prove it.

Obama is currently at 46%.

What was Reagan's in March, 1988? It's put up or shut up time.
Don't be a clueless prick. Link you claim. I'm certainly not going to take the word of a certified hack. Prove it!
Obama's Job Approval at Highest Level Since May 2013

Now that you've stalled as long as you can... what was Reagan's unfavorable rating at this point in his presidency?

You claimed it is "far lower."

I know what it was which is why I know you're full of shit.

I just wanted everyone else here to see that as well.
Probably because the Racist Right think so little of their reasoning ability based solely on their skin color!!!

Says one from the side that used skin color to pick the current President.
And they're about to vote for another person just because she's a woman. Totally ignoring her record and past. What a bunch of fools.
So? The right is about to vote for Trump just because he's an asshole.

No, you're going to vote for Hillary because YOU'RE one.
That I get under the skin of conservatives like you reminds me I'm heading in the right direction.

That you ASSume you are proves you're an idiot. The only thing you get under is Obama's ass cheeks when you pucker up to his hole.

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