Leftists Broken Obsessions


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
Why is the left so focused on its version of the end times? Why all the morbid and macabre pop culture? Because, ultimately, man as God is pure, unadulterated vainglory; puffery for the deluded and deceitful. Humans, flawed, erring, and sinful, can never create a heaven on earth -- ever. Manmade utopias are fictions dreamed up the Rousseaus, Marxs, Nietzsches, and assorted crackpots, control freaks, and haters (including American progressives like Dewey).

The left witnesses daily that its creations -- governmental, societal, and cultural -- are fatally flawed; the world as created by the left is decaying and decadent. Europeans are spinning down the drain, literally not replacing themselves -- and the United States, thanks to Barack Obama and the left elite, wish to follow Europe in its splendid suicidal march. And as even a blind man sees, the American left's Follow Europe compulsion pertains to more than government; it's the whole gooey, disgusting nihilistic enchilada.

The left has vainly tried to remake mankind and society and all that its has come up with is a mash -- a horrible mash of gas chambers, ovens, killing fields, and gallows; statist bullying; bovine citizenry; rotting cities; dead babies; flash mobs; shiftless, illiterate youths; corrupt pols; gang-banging; boozing, drugging, and sex hedonism; perpetual adolescence; STDs; climbing suicide rates; serial and mass murders; marriages, broken and redefined into meaninglessness; kidlessness; kids foisted on government-run villages -- phew!

The left's utopian blueprint was put in place decades ago, throughout the West and here, chiefly, and is still a work in progress. Yet in recent times (say, back to the 60s, when the bad started to reach critical mass with the counterculture, drugs, riots, upsurges in crime), the first harvests began coming in, and bitter they've proven to be. Expect worse to come, if the present shadows don't change -- and change pronto.

The left is today bankrupt, morally foremost. Its vision sullied by failed works -- works dashed against hard realities. Failure atop bloody failure.

Once, in the early 20th Century, the left, however wrongheaded, was brimming with confident optimism. Mankind could be perfected, societies advanced. Equality, fraternity, and abundance awaited the left's retooled human. Innovation, invention, and technological wonders would lift the human race to bright, airy mountaintops never believed attainable.

But a century or more later, the left is mouthing platitudes, and has degenerated into a tawdry, snarky bunch grabbing for power, perks, and privileges while seeking to impose its will on the masses who it couldn't forge into New Men.

The left's ideology -- its religion -- lies shattered. Left-wingers won't acknowledge that truth publicly; many can't acknowledge it among or to themselves. Lefties are more inclined to rationalize their failures and project them onto the rest of us.........

American Thinker- Print Article
Why is the left so focused on its version of the end times?

But a century or more later, the left is mouthing platitudes, and has degenerated into a tawdry, snarky bunch grabbing for power, perks, and privileges while seeking to impose its will on the masses who it couldn't forge into New Men.

gullible liberal lemmings still don't get it that they're being conned....

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