Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers

It's not in the curriculum dumbass ...

CRT is taught in "practice" .....

That is the very reason lawmakers in half of the States in this Country to introduce bills limiting how teachers can discuss racism and sexism.

It's not something that can simply be removed from the ciriculum.
Oh wow, so now its NOT in the curriculum, ok thats a change. So the issue is when teachers go rogue and decide to lecture and indoctrinate kids about race outside of the curriculum. Do you think a lot of teachers are doing this? Like all kinds of teachers... Like in the middle of Chemistry lab the teacher is like... Everybody turn off your bunson burners we are going to talk about white privilege. Something like that?
What have you heard from your media commentators and from parents that you see in the news? CRT bad, leftist, communism, bad… anything else?! Haha
That's right.

That's exactly what millions of Americans across this Country are to understand about CRT.

Now is your chance to prove all of us wrong.

Put up or STFU !!
Show us the part of CRT that is racist. Still waiting for you to show us that you even know what CRT really is.....instead of you just being a good cultist that believes anything the orange GOP shoves down your throat.

Well it says "because you are XXXX race you are XXXX"

And yeah, I find that pretty racist. Individual humans are much more varied than that. So is society thank God
Where does it say that in the CRT curriculum. Please link it for us to read. TIA
If so can you show how?
I can after we put cameras in the classrooms
Oh gotcha. You can't show an issue happening now, you want cameras so you can make sure that it doesn't happen in the future and so you can get proof when it does. But as of now you have no evidence that there is a problem, you are just being safe and taking preventative measures... Is that correct?
These orange cultists have been totally groomed to gobble up any faux outrage they are being fed.
It's not in the curriculum dumbass ...

CRT is taught in "practice" .....

That is the very reason lawmakers in half of the States in this Country to introduce bills limiting how teachers can discuss racism and sexism.

It's not something that can simply be removed from the ciriculum.
Ok, so where is this "practice" in writing? Do you even know what a curriculum (not ciriculum, you moron) is?

And lawmakers are so afraid of racism and sexism being discussed? Why? To make it easier to perpetuate racism and sexism....that's why.
It's not in the curriculum dumbass ...

CRT is taught in "practice" .....

That is the very reason lawmakers in half of the States in this Country to introduce bills limiting how teachers can discuss racism and sexism.

It's not something that can simply be removed from the ciriculum.
Oh wow, so now its NOT in the curriculum, ok thats a change. So the issue is when teachers go rogue and decide to lecture and indoctrinate kids about race outside of the curriculum. Do you think a lot of teachers are doing this? Like all kinds of teachers... Like in the middle of Chemistry lab the teacher is like... Everybody turn off your bunson burners we are going to talk about white privilege. Something like that?
I can't say it's not in any of the curriculum, there would not be any way to verify that one way or the other.

What I can tell you is that it is a serious enough problem in this Country that over half the States are proposing Legislation to protect the children from CRT.
It's not in the curriculum dumbass ...

CRT is taught in "practice" .....

That is the very reason lawmakers in half of the States in this Country to introduce bills limiting how teachers can discuss racism and sexism.

It's not something that can simply be removed from the ciriculum.
Oh wow, so now its NOT in the curriculum, ok thats a change. So the issue is when teachers go rogue and decide to lecture and indoctrinate kids about race outside of the curriculum. Do you think a lot of teachers are doing this? Like all kinds of teachers... Like in the middle of Chemistry lab the teacher is like... Everybody turn off your bunson burners we are going to talk about white privilege. Something like that?
Apparently they've been groomed to believe that very thing "MIGHT" happen..............so, in their fear of there being any "discussion of racism or sexism", they want cameras in classrooms.
It's not in the curriculum dumbass ...

CRT is taught in "practice" .....

That is the very reason lawmakers in half of the States in this Country to introduce bills limiting how teachers can discuss racism and sexism.

It's not something that can simply be removed from the ciriculum.
Oh wow, so now its NOT in the curriculum, ok thats a change. So the issue is when teachers go rogue and decide to lecture and indoctrinate kids about race outside of the curriculum. Do you think a lot of teachers are doing this? Like all kinds of teachers... Like in the middle of Chemistry lab the teacher is like... Everybody turn off your bunson burners we are going to talk about white privilege. Something like that?
I can't say it's not in any of the curriculum, there would not be any way to verify that one way or the other.

What I can tell you is that it is a serious enough problem in this Country that over half the States are proposing Legislation to protect the children from CRT.
"I can't say it's not in any of the curriculum".............. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
"there would not be any way to verify that one way or the other"..............:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Ok, Don Quixote....so you are just tilting at windmills. What a sucker you are.......:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
CRT is an Academic Theory.

There is no way in hell I am about to waste my time trying to explain that to your uneducated ass.

But, what I can do is give you kudos on your second sentence.

CRT teaches that anyone who disagrees with it's LIES are a racist and/or sexist.

Congratulations your Racist ass is practicing CRT and you don't even know it.
That dude is the king of not having a clue about anything he tries and argue about. Sorry Johhnyboy, if you can’t back your shit up then you aren’t playing the game. No respect for anything you say when you play that way.
Do you deny that CRT has a Racist agenda.

That it teaches children that America is a Racist Nation and that ALL White Americans have White Privilege?

Do you deny that this is harmful for children?

That among other things is what is being alleged.

Let's try it this way.

How about you back up your on shit and prove those allegations are false and that thousands of parents across this Country are wrong about CRT.
I don't know much about CRT which is why I'm asking about it. I see people like you all up in a frenzy about it so I'm asking for specifics about what is actually being taught to kids in School and I'm getting no answers. It seems like you don't even know what you're actually mad about except for an excuse to attack "lefties"

Some people think it's simply teaching about the history of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, civil rights, but it's not. It's teaching children that, depending what "group" you belong in, you're either an oppressor or a victimized. It's moralizing to a degree that teachers have no right to do, IMO. Children's identities are too fragile, for one. For another, it's simply not our job.

We SHOULD and we DO teach US history--including the parts that are tragic and regrettable. IMO children should take the hard questions about "what's happening now" home and interpret that though a familial lens. Again, that's just not my job.

The problem is that Europeans brought slavery to the Americas before the vreation of the United States of America, but Democrats brought us Segregation and Jim Crow racism in America by their arrogant refusal to treat everyone equal. They have done this consistently since the birth of this nation.
Are you saying that today's Democrats have the same platform/agenda that 19th century Democrats had?
Leftist stooge teachers have already vowed to keep teaching racist CRT propaganda even after it's outlawed.
Monitor those teachers by any means necessary.
Unfortunately .... we live in a time where public schools can easily be one of the most dangerous places for a child to be.

Homeschooling is the only option.
More children are sexually and physically abused at home than anywhere else.
i am not going to do your research for your lazy racist ass.

If you disagree with what I posted then feel free at anytime to launch an intellectual rebuttal.
To whom it may concern:

Britannica Online are not partisan media kooks

Or at least not rightwingers

critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.
And how does that teach whites to hate themselves?

Thank you for finally attempting to give an answer... Just please be specific and cite something from the actual curriculum as I don't believe empty talking points.
First of all that's not empty talking points.

And, secondly .... CRT is not always put in the curriculum. It is considered a "practice" ...

Lawmakers in multiple states are considering bills on limiting how teachers can discuss racism and sexism because it's not just something that can be removed from a curriculum.
Tell us what you think the difference is between a "curriculum" and a "practice".
If so there must be a lot of union teachers posting on this forum
Not necessarily online. But in the schools, the unions push the agenda.
My brother and daughter were/are school teachers and I was in one of the big unions
in my job (NOT a school job). The unions are led by true believers and they drive the direction things go.

And the union zealots are in touch with policy makers. In my estimation the majority of members
are, if not apolitical, then by no means zealots.
But they will go the way the union pushes them without pushing back too much.
What a load of dingos' kidneys! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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