Leftists Stage Book Burning In Schools

What type of Library doesn't have a bible for reference?

Why yes, I used it to reference,,,nothing in school... Where I went to school(OKC) they didn't have religious studies, that was for Sunday school to perform..this was the years of 1966-79
Ooh, another FOX News persecuted Christians story! We know how those always turn out.

I can see why a proud Stalinist like Uncensored calls everyone else Nazis, being he sees everyone as being one of his historical enemies.
Considering no books were burned...
Figurative language goes over your head and you home school?
The story used the word purge, not burned...I do see the difference in even colloquial verbalization..

Now say it backwards,,,what a homonym!! Not...
I read anything I can get my hands on, except Koontz. I suggest the same to all...

Have you read "the Hiding Place?"

Do agree that it should be banned?

What about the "Left Behind" series? Have you read them? Do you agree with banning them?
No, I have not read them since I already know the motivation of the material.
Banned, no...They have every right to collect dust on the shelf..
No, I have not read them since I already know the motivation of the material.
Banned, no...They have every right to collect dust on the shelf..

So, you don't "read everything you can get your hands on," but rather only that which conforms to your narrow political bent. You'll entertain only ideas which are approved of by the party.
Ooh, another FOX News persecuted Christians story! We know how those always turn out.

I can see why a proud Stalinist like Uncensored calls everyone else Nazis, being he sees everyone as being one of his historical enemies.
Typical hypocritical response from a lefty who wants to ban Fox News.

I'm more concerned at this point that books are being banned. The idea that it can openly be stated {that the library has been instructed to remove all books with a Christian message, authored by Christians, or published by a Christian publishing company,” }

The left has become bold and is engaged in the intellectual repression that totalitarian regimes depend on.

Of course Mamooth and Butt Boi applaud this, but it should chill ANYONE who still holds to the ideals of a free nation.
I am going to have to do a little research on this because Todd Starnes has history of alarmism, hyperbole, and a fact manipulating.
Ooh, another FOX News persecuted Christians story! We know how those always turn out.

I can see why a proud Stalinist like Uncensored calls everyone else Nazis, being he sees everyone as being one of his historical enemies.
Typical hypocritical response from a lefty who wants to ban Fox News.
here's the thing - this is an opinion piece, not a news piece. it's also written by a man with well known bias - in fact he makes a living on that bias as a pundit.

so, do we take an article that uses the phrase "I figured" several times seriously, or do we find a legitimate news source that covered the story?
Ooh, another FOX News persecuted Christians story! We know how those always turn out.

I can see why a proud Stalinist like Uncensored calls everyone else Nazis, being he sees everyone as being one of his historical enemies.
Typical hypocritical response from a lefty who wants to ban Fox News.
here's the thing - this is an opinion piece, not a news piece. it's also written by a man with well known bias - in fact he makes a living on that bias as a pundit.

so, do we take an article that uses the phrase "I figured" several times seriously, or do we find a legitimate news source that covered the story?
Both. But at least give yourself the opportunity to decide its merits. You don't suggest banishing something in the name of protecting something from being banned.
No, I have not read them since I already know the motivation of the material.
Banned, no...They have every right to collect dust on the shelf..

So, you don't "read everything you can get your hands on," but rather only that which conforms to your narrow political bent. You'll entertain only ideas which are approved of by the party.
No party affiliation or political ideology goes into what I can afford to buy and read..I tend not to read on subjects I already know about..rapture literature ...My favorite studies are on ancient sociology..
Ooh, another FOX News persecuted Christians story! We know how those always turn out.

I can see why a proud Stalinist like Uncensored calls everyone else Nazis, being he sees everyone as being one of his historical enemies.
Typical hypocritical response from a lefty who wants to ban Fox News.
here's the thing - this is an opinion piece, not a news piece. it's also written by a man with well known bias - in fact he makes a living on that bias as a pundit.

so, do we take an article that uses the phrase "I figured" several times seriously, or do we find a legitimate news source that covered the story?
Both. But at least give yourself the opportunity to decide its merits. You don't suggest banishing something in the name of protecting something from being banned.
i don't suggest a public school spend it's money on overtly sectarian books when there are so many others out that that deserve the shelf space.

but that's just me.
Ooh, another FOX News persecuted Christians story! We know how those always turn out.

I can see why a proud Stalinist like Uncensored calls everyone else Nazis, being he sees everyone as being one of his historical enemies.
Typical hypocritical response from a lefty who wants to ban Fox News.
here's the thing - this is an opinion piece, not a news piece. it's also written by a man with well known bias - in fact he makes a living on that bias as a pundit.

so, do we take an article that uses the phrase "I figured" several times seriously, or do we find a legitimate news source that covered the story?
Both. But at least give yourself the opportunity to decide its merits. You don't suggest banishing something in the name of protecting something from being banned.
i don't suggest a public school spend it's money on overtly sectarian books when there are so many others out that that deserve the shelf space.

but that's just me.

(My bold)

It's hard to cover early European & even New World history without reference to Christianity, @ least. But I'll wait on more clarification as to what was going on in that charter school's library.

Meanwhile, Hermsmeyer & charter schools in general in CA seem to generate a lot of litigation. This isn't her first time @ the dance. See CHARTER SCHOOL SCANDALS Eagles Peak Charter School 4000 students

"Eagles Peak Charter School (4000 students)

"FORMER SCHOOL DIRECTOR GETS $1M. North County Times (San Diego County, CA) 20 Aug 2010

"A few months earlier, disagreements between the board and former Executive Director Kathleen Hermsmeyer caused the school to split in two. Hermsmeyer and most of the other administrators moving to the newly formed River Springs Charter School based in Riverside County.

"Before the division, the school was the largest in the region, with nearly 4,000 students. It catered to parents who primarily taught their children at home and had learning centers throughout San Diego, Riverside and Orange counties.

"The school closed last year after the school board at the Julian district decided not to renew its charter. At the time, the district’s superintendent said the move was spurred in large part by Alderson’s firing.

"In September, Mountain Peak Charter School opened with many of the same programs, employees, students and the same board president as Eagles Peak."

& there's more besides, although it is older material.

An actual policy statement in terms of the collection at the school library would be helpful.

& the headline on the OP is wrong, if it's referring to Nazis, they were hardly leftists.
here's the thing - this is an opinion piece, not a news piece. it's also written by a man with well known bias - in fact he makes a living on that bias as a pundit.

so, do we take an article that uses the phrase "I figured" several times seriously, or do we find a legitimate news source that covered the story?

The charter school’s Superintendent Kathleen Hermsmeyer confirmed the book ban in a letter to the Pacific Justice Institute (“PJI”), a religious freedom litigation organization who took the case on the behalf of the concerned parent.

PJI contacted the school’s administration to alert them that they were violating the First Amendment with this book ban. The legal organization's press release states that attorney Michael Peffer sent the school a cease-and-desist letter Aug. 22, “citing long-established Supreme Court precedent that strongly disapproves of school libraries removing books based on opposition to their content or message.”

So how did the school respond to this warning?

According to their press release, PJI says that Superintendent Hermsmeyer ignored the appeal to the First Amendment and stated simply, “We . . . do not allow sectarian materials on our state-authorized lending shelves.”

Brad Dacus, President of Pacific Justice Institute commented:

“It is alarming that a school library would attempt to purge books from religious authors. Indeed, some of the greatest literature of Western Civilization comes from people of faith. Are they going to ban the sermons or speeches of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? What about the Declaration of Independence that invokes the laws of nature and nature’s God?”

- See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/kristi...christian-books-library#sthash.ysGUrPfB.dpuf}
No books were burned. As usual, @Uncensored2008 lied.

That said, books have been banned from schools many times - everything from Mark Twain to Judy Blume. I don't agree with most book banning but I do agree that books should be age-appropriate.

For example, I would hate to see many of the RWs here with a copy The Joy of Sex.
No books were burned. As usual, @Uncensored2008 lied.

That said, books have been banned from schools many times - everything from Mark Twain to Judy Blume. I don't agree with most book banning but I do agree that books should be age-appropriate.

For example, I would hate to see many of the RWs here with a copy The Joy of Sex.

Comrade Puddly Pillowbite - have you ever heard of the 1st Amendment? You should at least know what you wage war against.
No books were burned. As usual, @Uncensored2008 lied.

That said, books have been banned from schools many times - everything from Mark Twain to Judy Blume. I don't agree with most book banning but I do agree that books should be age-appropriate.

For example, I would hate to see many of the RWs here with a copy The Joy of Sex.

Comrade Puddly Pillowbite - have you ever heard of the 1st Amendment? You should at least know what you wage war against.

I'm against your habitual lying.

No books were burned.

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