Leftists Take China's Side In Trade Dispute

Then why don't all the democrats shut up and be happy?

If dimocrap scum didn't rely so much on the DISGUSTING FILTH for their information, they'd find that a LOT of the things they believe in, Trump stands for.

But, they're slaves to the media. It's just that fucking simple.

If they'd do some basic research on their own, listen and read......

But then, they wouldn't be dimocrap scum, would they??

You said the following:

'Tariffs will go up but so will American employment opportunities...... Like you care....'

And I will ask you again...

Prove it with a link to unbiased, factual proof.

You are making a matter-of-fact statement...so where is your factual proof?

I guarantee that you cannot provide such proof.

Which means your statement means NOTHING....just the blathering's of a Trumpbot.

McBobblehead: tariffs create a hindrance to trade. Hindrance creates a vacuum. Vacuum creates a need. A Need creates a market. American entrepreneurs invest to fill that market.

END RESULT: Either the trading partner equalizes imbalance to eliminate need for tariffs or eventually tariffs shift the supply chain. If that happens, we either get fairer trade or we get more self-reliance and internal manufacturing to replace that vacuum or find a new better source for some goods. Meantime, we are no longer building Red China's economy. All outcomes are equally desirable.

But it doesn't happen overnight. It will take a few years.

a) I was not talking to you.

b) you must be monumentally stupid and/or your reading comprehension is for shit because I asked for an unbiased link to proof...not the rambling's of faceless, nameless nobody on a chat forum.

McBOBBLE TRANSLATION: Go away. I have no answer that is the intellectual equal of you.

Funny to hear a guy whose average conversational IQ is on par with a 6th grader talk about the stupidity of others.
The Democrats you hate so much have been wanting socialist tariffs for years. You voted to give them what they want.
And you're still whining.
I have never wanted tariffs. When did you abandon your political philosophy and endorse socialist tariffs?
I don't like the idea of it, but if it gets us a fair trade deal. Then I'm in.
If we had a competent negotiator we might have a chance at that. Instead we have the biggest idiot in American history.

Trump has been right for 3 consecutive years while dimocrap scum have been absolutely wrong about absolutely everything.


At some point you......

Not even
So far Trump has abandoned 3 major deals, and negotiated zero. Enjoy the tariffs, I’m pretty sure they’re just permanent and Trump has lost any interest in anything coming from them.
Anybody surprised?

I'm not. The left, in this Country and everywhere else, is totally Anti-American. It's just not even debatable.

For proof,not evidence -- PROOF, just read all the posts in here. They're not taking our side.

In this Trade Standoff, there is a binary choice..... You're either on our side or you're not. Period. End of sentence.

If, as the leftists will claim, they simply dislike Trump and his decisions then their choice is clear -- They like the USA when THEY have control of it. When somebody else (Republicans) have control -- Not so much.

Here's a bit of a primer on how China cheats the hell out of us.....

How does China cheat on trade? Let us count the ways

Here's another --

How China Cheats - AEI

And another --

Yes, China Does Cheat In Trade - The Rest Of The World Needs To Wake Up

Even the Anti-American Washington comPost agrees --


Maybe one more --

Wilbur Ross hates these sneaky trading tactics

Do a search. You'll find the same crap I'm talking about that happens in here.....

dimocraps don't just hate Trump, they hate the fact that dimocraps don't have control.

Like all Totalitarians, they hate what they can't control.

And if they can't control it, they'd rather destroy it.

That ESPECIALLY includes America. They hate their own Country.


I'm not at all surprised because the left is either stupid tools or their goal is to destroy this nation for their communist masters.
Destroying wealth creates jobs. Economics 101, folks. :rolleyes:
Buy American, then you won't have anything to worry about.
Well the government is forcing us to so woo ha
Government isn't forcing you to do anything. I mean it's not Obama care.
By your own logic, you were never forced to have healthcare
I was forced to PAY one way or the other. You don't want to pay a tariff. Then don't buy products from China.
You are forced to pay more regardless who you buy from. Tariffs raise all prices. Congratulations, you just learned a laughably basic principle of economics.
And you're still whining.
I have never wanted tariffs. When did you abandon your political philosophy and endorse socialist tariffs?
I don't like the idea of it, but if it gets us a fair trade deal. Then I'm in.
If we had a competent negotiator we might have a chance at that. Instead we have the biggest idiot in American history.

Trump has been right for 3 consecutive years while dimocrap scum have been absolutely wrong about absolutely everything.


At some point you......

Not even
So far Trump has abandoned 3 major deals, and negotiated zero. Enjoy the tariffs, I’m pretty sure they’re just permanent and Trump has lost any interest in anything coming from them.
Lol, China can't afford them to be permanent. We actually can, Americans will once again make products better than we get better products. A win for America, I can see why you're against it.
Anybody surprised?

I'm not. The left, in this Country and everywhere else, is totally Anti-American. It's just not even debatable.

For proof,not evidence -- PROOF, just read all the posts in here. They're not taking our side.

In this Trade Standoff, there is a binary choice..... You're either on our side or you're not. Period. End of sentence.

If, as the leftists will claim, they simply dislike Trump and his decisions then their choice is clear -- They like the USA when THEY have control of it. When somebody else (Republicans) have control -- Not so much.

Here's a bit of a primer on how China cheats the hell out of us.....

How does China cheat on trade? Let us count the ways

Here's another --

How China Cheats - AEI

And another --

Yes, China Does Cheat In Trade - The Rest Of The World Needs To Wake Up

Even the Anti-American Washington comPost agrees --


Maybe one more --

Wilbur Ross hates these sneaky trading tactics

Do a search. You'll find the same crap I'm talking about that happens in here.....

dimocraps don't just hate Trump, they hate the fact that dimocraps don't have control.

Like all Totalitarians, they hate what they can't control.

And if they can't control it, they'd rather destroy it.

That ESPECIALLY includes America. They hate their own Country.


I'm not at all surprised because the left is either stupid tools or their goal is to destroy this nation for their communist masters.

Fixed it for you :)

I'm not at all surprised because the left are stupid tools and their goal is to destroy this nation for their communist masters.
These are the same elitist that shipped our jobs and factories to China and Mexico in favor of cheap labor and elevated profits at the expense of The American Citizen and Worker.
Buy American, then you won't have anything to worry about.
Well the government is forcing us to so woo ha
Government isn't forcing you to do anything. I mean it's not Obama care.
By your own logic, you were never forced to have healthcare
I was forced to PAY one way or the other. You don't want to pay a tariff. Then don't buy products from China.
You are forced to pay more regardless who you buy from. Tariffs raise all prices. Congratulations, you just learned a laughably basic principle of economics.
We are already paying more you dumb shit. That's what Trumps trying to do is to get fair trade. If Obama did the exact same thing. You would be kissing his ass, for doing it.
I have never wanted tariffs. When did you abandon your political philosophy and endorse socialist tariffs?
I don't like the idea of it, but if it gets us a fair trade deal. Then I'm in.
If we had a competent negotiator we might have a chance at that. Instead we have the biggest idiot in American history.

Trump has been right for 3 consecutive years while dimocrap scum have been absolutely wrong about absolutely everything.


At some point you......

Not even
So far Trump has abandoned 3 major deals, and negotiated zero. Enjoy the tariffs, I’m pretty sure they’re just permanent and Trump has lost any interest in anything coming from them.
Lol, China can't afford them to be permanent. We actually can, Americans will once again make products better than we get better products. A win for America, I can see why you're against it.
We can afford to force you to buy healthcare, too. Does that mean we should?

And “higher quality?” Americans no longer have to compete since the big fed gubmint is subsidizing them with tariffs that force customers to buy from them. So they lose all incentive to make their products higher quality. Congratulations, you just learned another laughably basic principle of economics.
Tax hikes? When did the Democrats in Congress increase them?
The Democrats you hate so much have been wanting socialist tariffs for years. You voted to give them what they want.
And you're still whining.
I have never wanted tariffs. When did you abandon your political philosophy and endorse socialist tariffs?
I don't like the idea of it, but if it gets us a fair trade deal. Then I'm in.
If we had a competent negotiator we might have a chance at that. Instead we have the biggest idiot in American history.

Sure make me hearken back to the old days we had a competent negotiator!

Well the government is forcing us to so woo ha
Government isn't forcing you to do anything. I mean it's not Obama care.
By your own logic, you were never forced to have healthcare
I was forced to PAY one way or the other. You don't want to pay a tariff. Then don't buy products from China.
You are forced to pay more regardless who you buy from. Tariffs raise all prices. Congratulations, you just learned a laughably basic principle of economics.
We are already paying more you dumb shit. That's what Trumps trying to do is to get fair trade. If Obama did the exact same thing. You would be kissing his ass, for doing it.
Don’t be a child, you ignorant idiot.
dimocraps' idea of negotiating is preemptive surrender

I don't like the idea of it, but if it gets us a fair trade deal. Then I'm in.
If we had a competent negotiator we might have a chance at that. Instead we have the biggest idiot in American history.

Trump has been right for 3 consecutive years while dimocrap scum have been absolutely wrong about absolutely everything.


At some point you......

Not even
So far Trump has abandoned 3 major deals, and negotiated zero. Enjoy the tariffs, I’m pretty sure they’re just permanent and Trump has lost any interest in anything coming from them.
Lol, China can't afford them to be permanent. We actually can, Americans will once again make products better than we get better products. A win for America, I can see why you're against it.
We can afford to force you to buy healthcare, too. Does that mean we should?

And “higher quality?” Americans no longer have to compete since the big fed gubmint is subsidizing them with tariffs that force customers to buy from them. So they lose all incentive to make their products higher quality. Congratulations, you just learned another laughably basic principle of economics.
We were forced to buy healthcare or be fined for not doing so. Tell me, why are you against fair trade for us?
Government isn't forcing you to do anything. I mean it's not Obama care.
By your own logic, you were never forced to have healthcare
I was forced to PAY one way or the other. You don't want to pay a tariff. Then don't buy products from China.
You are forced to pay more regardless who you buy from. Tariffs raise all prices. Congratulations, you just learned a laughably basic principle of economics.
We are already paying more you dumb shit. That's what Trumps trying to do is to get fair trade. If Obama did the exact same thing. You would be kissing his ass, for doing it.
Don’t be a child, you ignorant idiot.
Lol, I see the truth hurt.
By your own logic, you were never forced to have healthcare
I was forced to PAY one way or the other. You don't want to pay a tariff. Then don't buy products from China.
You are forced to pay more regardless who you buy from. Tariffs raise all prices. Congratulations, you just learned a laughably basic principle of economics.
We are already paying more you dumb shit. That's what Trumps trying to do is to get fair trade. If Obama did the exact same thing. You would be kissing his ass, for doing it.
Don’t be a child, you ignorant idiot.
Lol, I see the truth hurt.
If Hitler did it you’d be applauding and murdering Jews with glee.

Stupid, childish argument, right?
I was forced to PAY one way or the other. You don't want to pay a tariff. Then don't buy products from China.
You are forced to pay more regardless who you buy from. Tariffs raise all prices. Congratulations, you just learned a laughably basic principle of economics.
We are already paying more you dumb shit. That's what Trumps trying to do is to get fair trade. If Obama did the exact same thing. You would be kissing his ass, for doing it.
Don’t be a child, you ignorant idiot.
Lol, I see the truth hurt.
If Hitler did it you’d be applauding and murdering Jews with glee.

Stupid, childish argument, right?
That makes as much sense as this.

Liberal logic.
You are forced to pay more regardless who you buy from. Tariffs raise all prices. Congratulations, you just learned a laughably basic principle of economics.
We are already paying more you dumb shit. That's what Trumps trying to do is to get fair trade. If Obama did the exact same thing. You would be kissing his ass, for doing it.
Don’t be a child, you ignorant idiot.
Lol, I see the truth hurt.
If Hitler did it you’d be applauding and murdering Jews with glee.

Stupid, childish argument, right?
That makes as much sense as this.
View attachment 260694
Liberal logic.
Then you have no idea why these trade wars are happening. Figures.

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