Leftists Take China's Side In Trade Dispute

I don't like the idea of it, but if it gets us a fair trade deal. Then I'm in.
If we had a competent negotiator we might have a chance at that. Instead we have the biggest idiot in American history.

Trump has been right for 3 consecutive years while dimocrap scum have been absolutely wrong about absolutely everything.


At some point you......

Not even
So far Trump has abandoned 3 major deals, and negotiated zero. Enjoy the tariffs, I’m pretty sure they’re just permanent and Trump has lost any interest in anything coming from them.
Lol, China can't afford them to be permanent. We actually can, Americans will once again make products better than we get better products. A win for America, I can see why you're against it.
We can afford to force you to buy healthcare, too. Does that mean we should?

And “higher quality?” Americans no longer have to compete since the big fed gubmint is subsidizing them with tariffs that force customers to buy from them. So they lose all incentive to make their products higher quality. Congratulations, you just learned another laughably basic principle of economics.
China is concerned with quality?
It’s obvious you don’t read reviews on Amazon.
Tell me, why are you against fair trade for us?
Great socialist argument you’re making.
Fair trade is socialist now? Lol, us getting screwed In our trade deals is okay with you?
If you want a $500 piece of aluminum, and China agrees to give you $200 if you buy it from them, who wins?
Until China makes a fair deal with us they won't be selling a $200 dollar piece of aluminum. Silly
If we had a competent negotiator we might have a chance at that. Instead we have the biggest idiot in American history.

Trump has been right for 3 consecutive years while dimocrap scum have been absolutely wrong about absolutely everything.


At some point you......

Not even
So far Trump has abandoned 3 major deals, and negotiated zero. Enjoy the tariffs, I’m pretty sure they’re just permanent and Trump has lost any interest in anything coming from them.
Lol, China can't afford them to be permanent. We actually can, Americans will once again make products better than we get better products. A win for America, I can see why you're against it.
We can afford to force you to buy healthcare, too. Does that mean we should?

And “higher quality?” Americans no longer have to compete since the big fed gubmint is subsidizing them with tariffs that force customers to buy from them. So they lose all incentive to make their products higher quality. Congratulations, you just learned another laughably basic principle of economics.
China is concerned with quality?
It’s obvious you don’t read reviews on Amazon.
China is concerned with quality as far as what people are willing to pay for. As is every producer on the planet.
We are already paying more you dumb shit. That's what Trumps trying to do is to get fair trade. If Obama did the exact same thing. You would be kissing his ass, for doing it.
Don’t be a child, you ignorant idiot.
Lol, I see the truth hurt.
If Hitler did it you’d be applauding and murdering Jews with glee.

Stupid, childish argument, right?
That makes as much sense as this.
View attachment 260694
Liberal logic.
Then you have no idea why these trade wars are happening. Figures.
I'm. Hitler because I want fair trade?
Tell me, why are you against fair trade for us?
Great socialist argument you’re making.
Fair trade is socialist now? Lol, us getting screwed In our trade deals is okay with you?
If you want a $500 piece of aluminum, and China agrees to give you $200 if you buy it from them, who wins?
Until China makes a fair deal with us they won't be selling a $200 dollar piece of aluminum. Silly
You don’t have enough knowledge on the topic to declare anything at all fair or unfair.
Don’t be a child, you ignorant idiot.
Lol, I see the truth hurt.
If Hitler did it you’d be applauding and murdering Jews with glee.

Stupid, childish argument, right?
That makes as much sense as this.
View attachment 260694
Liberal logic.
Then you have no idea why these trade wars are happening. Figures.
I'm. Hitler because I want fair trade?
Good grief. Like talking to a rock.
Tell me, why are you against fair trade for us?
Great socialist argument you’re making.
Fair trade is socialist now? Lol, us getting screwed In our trade deals is okay with you?
If you want a $500 piece of aluminum, and China agrees to give you $200 if you buy it from them, who wins?
Until China makes a fair deal with us they won't be selling a $200 dollar piece of aluminum. Silly
You don’t have enough knowledge on the topic to declare anything at all fair or unfair.
Why do you want us not to have a fair trade agreement. If Trump got it without tariffs would would still whin.
Lol, I see the truth hurt.
If Hitler did it you’d be applauding and murdering Jews with glee.

Stupid, childish argument, right?
That makes as much sense as this.
View attachment 260694
Liberal logic.
Then you have no idea why these trade wars are happening. Figures.
I'm. Hitler because I want fair trade?
Good grief. Like talking to a rock.
So did you call Obama Hitler when he forced Americans to pay for healthcare or pay a fine?
Anybody surprised?

I'm not. The left, in this Country and everywhere else, is totally Anti-American. It's just not even debatable.

For proof,not evidence -- PROOF, just read all the posts in here. They're not taking our side.

In this Trade Standoff, there is a binary choice..... You're either on our side or you're not. Period. End of sentence.

If, as the leftists will claim, they simply dislike Trump and his decisions then their choice is clear -- They like the USA when THEY have control of it. When somebody else (Republicans) have control -- Not so much.

Here's a bit of a primer on how China cheats the hell out of us.....

How does China cheat on trade? Let us count the ways

Here's another --

How China Cheats - AEI

And another --

Yes, China Does Cheat In Trade - The Rest Of The World Needs To Wake Up

Even the Anti-American Washington comPost agrees --


Maybe one more --

Wilbur Ross hates these sneaky trading tactics

Do a search. You'll find the same crap I'm talking about that happens in here.....

dimocraps don't just hate Trump, they hate the fact that dimocraps don't have control.

Like all Totalitarians, they hate what they can't control.

And if they can't control it, they'd rather destroy it.

That ESPECIALLY includes America. They hate their own Country.

Apparently, the Stock Market is taking China's side too.

Only companies that use Chinese slave labor.
Trump has been right for 3 consecutive years while dimocrap scum have been absolutely wrong about absolutely everything.


At some point you......

Not even
So far Trump has abandoned 3 major deals, and negotiated zero. Enjoy the tariffs, I’m pretty sure they’re just permanent and Trump has lost any interest in anything coming from them.
Lol, China can't afford them to be permanent. We actually can, Americans will once again make products better than we get better products. A win for America, I can see why you're against it.
We can afford to force you to buy healthcare, too. Does that mean we should?

And “higher quality?” Americans no longer have to compete since the big fed gubmint is subsidizing them with tariffs that force customers to buy from them. So they lose all incentive to make their products higher quality. Congratulations, you just learned another laughably basic principle of economics.
China is concerned with quality?
It’s obvious you don’t read reviews on Amazon.
China is concerned with quality as far as what people are willing to pay for. As is every producer on the planet.
I don’t endorse morons buying products that last 1 use.
Great socialist argument you’re making.
Fair trade is socialist now? Lol, us getting screwed In our trade deals is okay with you?
If you want a $500 piece of aluminum, and China agrees to give you $200 if you buy it from them, who wins?
Until China makes a fair deal with us they won't be selling a $200 dollar piece of aluminum. Silly
You don’t have enough knowledge on the topic to declare anything at all fair or unfair.
Why do you want us not to have a fair trade agreement. If Trump got it without tariffs would would still whin.
Trump will not. He uses tariffs because he’s a simpleton and so are the retards that support him. He will never reach a deal that comes clise to what he thinks he wants.

Btw, there was once an agreement in place between multiple countries that would weaken China’s trade leverage. It took years of negotiating and got multiple countries under the umbrella to take on China and manage their influence over Asia. Guess what Trump did to it.
If Hitler did it you’d be applauding and murdering Jews with glee.

Stupid, childish argument, right?
That makes as much sense as this.
View attachment 260694
Liberal logic.
Then you have no idea why these trade wars are happening. Figures.
I'm. Hitler because I want fair trade?
Good grief. Like talking to a rock.
So did you call Obama Hitler when he forced Americans to pay for healthcare or pay a fine?
By your logic, he didn’t force anybody to buy healthcare.
So far Trump has abandoned 3 major deals, and negotiated zero. Enjoy the tariffs, I’m pretty sure they’re just permanent and Trump has lost any interest in anything coming from them.
Lol, China can't afford them to be permanent. We actually can, Americans will once again make products better than we get better products. A win for America, I can see why you're against it.
We can afford to force you to buy healthcare, too. Does that mean we should?

And “higher quality?” Americans no longer have to compete since the big fed gubmint is subsidizing them with tariffs that force customers to buy from them. So they lose all incentive to make their products higher quality. Congratulations, you just learned another laughably basic principle of economics.
China is concerned with quality?
It’s obvious you don’t read reviews on Amazon.
China is concerned with quality as far as what people are willing to pay for. As is every producer on the planet.
I don’t endorse morons buying products that last 1 use.
Totally irrelevant
Lol, China can't afford them to be permanent. We actually can, Americans will once again make products better than we get better products. A win for America, I can see why you're against it.
We can afford to force you to buy healthcare, too. Does that mean we should?

And “higher quality?” Americans no longer have to compete since the big fed gubmint is subsidizing them with tariffs that force customers to buy from them. So they lose all incentive to make their products higher quality. Congratulations, you just learned another laughably basic principle of economics.
China is concerned with quality?
It’s obvious you don’t read reviews on Amazon.
China is concerned with quality as far as what people are willing to pay for. As is every producer on the planet.
I don’t endorse morons buying products that last 1 use.
Totally irrelevant
The market will determine the winners, not a Totalitarian government.
We can afford to force you to buy healthcare, too. Does that mean we should?

And “higher quality?” Americans no longer have to compete since the big fed gubmint is subsidizing them with tariffs that force customers to buy from them. So they lose all incentive to make their products higher quality. Congratulations, you just learned another laughably basic principle of economics.
China is concerned with quality?
It’s obvious you don’t read reviews on Amazon.
China is concerned with quality as far as what people are willing to pay for. As is every producer on the planet.
I don’t endorse morons buying products that last 1 use.
Totally irrelevant
The market will determine the winners, not a Totalitarian government.
The totalitarian government is currently trying to determine the winners.
China is concerned with quality?
It’s obvious you don’t read reviews on Amazon.
China is concerned with quality as far as what people are willing to pay for. As is every producer on the planet.
I don’t endorse morons buying products that last 1 use.
Totally irrelevant
The market will determine the winners, not a Totalitarian government.
The totalitarian government is currently trying to determine the winners.
Darn China!
It’s important to know what a slave labor lover you are...typical hypocrite Liberal.
That makes as much sense as this.
View attachment 260694
Liberal logic.
Then you have no idea why these trade wars are happening. Figures.
I'm. Hitler because I want fair trade?
Good grief. Like talking to a rock.
So did you call Obama Hitler when he forced Americans to pay for healthcare or pay a fine?
By your logic, he didn’t force anybody to buy healthcare.
If you didn't you got fined and after a few years the fine would be higher than the insurance. So yes he was going to force everyone to buy health insurance, but the great Trump stopped that Hitler like program.
China is concerned with quality as far as what people are willing to pay for. As is every producer on the planet.
I don’t endorse morons buying products that last 1 use.
Totally irrelevant
The market will determine the winners, not a Totalitarian government.
The totalitarian government is currently trying to determine the winners.
Darn China!
It’s important to know what a slave labor lover you are...typical hypocrite Liberal.
I have always been conservative on trade. Every developing nation has shitty work conditions. That’s how capitalism works. Eventually, they become developed.
Then you have no idea why these trade wars are happening. Figures.
I'm. Hitler because I want fair trade?
Good grief. Like talking to a rock.
So did you call Obama Hitler when he forced Americans to pay for healthcare or pay a fine?
By your logic, he didn’t force anybody to buy healthcare.
If you didn't you got fined and after a few years the fine would be higher than the insurance. So yes he was going to force everyone to buy health insurance, but the great Trump stopped that Hitler like program.
If you don’t buy American, you will be “fined” by tariff taxes. So yes, Trump is forcing you.

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