Leftists Take China's Side In Trade Dispute

Don't look now but your Anti-Americanism is showing.

Tariffs will go up but so will American employment opportunities...... Like you care....
Destroying wealth creates jobs. Economics 101, folks. :rolleyes:

You're too stupid to be in this thread....

The things we're importing from China now will go up in price. They won't be destroyed, just go up in price.

That will make American manufacturers competitive. Competitive American manufacturing means they will hire more Americans in order to produce more stuff.

Will pricing go up? Yes, it will. But that is ONLY because Americans get paid more than Chinese.

But, even if you were intelligent enough to understand that (you're not) you wouldn't care.

In the end, Americans will be better off.

China cheats like a bitch in everything they do.

Americans will go back to work, Companies that thought about leaving for China won't, more taxes will be paid through employers and employees alike and the only people that will get hurt is the Chinese.

This could absolutely cripple their economy. I mean, send them into an economic depression.

Us? The USA? Not even a speed bump.

Let the Chinese eat their rubber dog shit. See how it tastes.

You are the stupid one.

Tariffs on washing machines have cost consumers around $1.5 billion dollars. American producers raised prices on washers and since dryers are often sold at the same price, dryers went up as well.

This will not be brought to the US as some goods are too inexpensive to be made profitably in this country.

Kudlow disagrees with you. He admits this will hurt both countries. GDP will go down and the GDP only grew 3.2% in the last quarter due only to one time factors.
prove it!!!

Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council, told Fox News on Sunday that “both sides will suffer” if the escalating trade war continues, admitting that U.S. businesses and consumers will be hurt by the raised tariffs the administration approved on Friday.

Even Trump’s Own Advisers Say the Trade War Will Hurt the U.S.

'Instead of increasing washer prices by 25%, domestic manufacturers apparently increased them by 12%, and hid another 12% increase on a good of roughly the same price that is usually bought along with a new washer.

Flaanen, Hortaçsu, and Tuntelnot estimate that the cost for the American consumer was $1.5 billion (in the first year). This cost minus the $82 million collected by the Treasury in tariffs means that each new job created in domestic production (estimated to number 1,600) will cost $800,000 (during the first year).

Effects of the 2018 Tariffs on Washing Machines - Econlib
Don't look now but your Anti-Americanism is showing.

Tariffs will go up but so will American employment opportunities...... Like you care....
Destroying wealth creates jobs. Economics 101, folks. :rolleyes:

You're too stupid to be in this thread....

The things we're importing from China now will go up in price. They won't be destroyed, just go up in price.

That will make American manufacturers competitive. Competitive American manufacturing means they will hire more Americans in order to produce more stuff.

Will pricing go up? Yes, it will. But that is ONLY because Americans get paid more than Chinese.

But, even if you were intelligent enough to understand that (you're not) you wouldn't care.

In the end, Americans will be better off.

China cheats like a bitch in everything they do.

Americans will go back to work, Companies that thought about leaving for China won't, more taxes will be paid through employers and employees alike and the only people that will get hurt is the Chinese.

This could absolutely cripple their economy. I mean, send them into an economic depression.

Us? The USA? Not even a speed bump.

Let the Chinese eat their rubber dog shit. See how it tastes.

You are the stupid one.

Tariffs on washing machines have cost consumers around $1.5 billion dollars. American producers raised prices on washers and since dryers are often sold at the same price, dryers went up as well.

This will not be brought to the US as some goods are too inexpensive to be made profitably in this country.

Kudlow disagrees with you. He admits this will hurt both countries. GDP will go down and the GDP only grew 3.2% in the last quarter due only to one time factors.
prove it!!!

Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council, told Fox News on Sunday that “both sides will suffer” if the escalating trade war continues, admitting that U.S. businesses and consumers will be hurt by the raised tariffs the administration approved on Friday.

Even Trump’s Own Advisers Say the Trade War Will Hurt the U.S.

'Instead of increasing washer prices by 25%, domestic manufacturers apparently increased them by 12%, and hid another 12% increase on a good of roughly the same price that is usually bought along with a new washer.

Flaanen, Hortaçsu, and Tuntelnot estimate that the cost for the American consumer was $1.5 billion (in the first year). This cost minus the $82 million collected by the Treasury in tariffs means that each new job created in domestic production (estimated to number 1,600) will cost $800,000 (during the first year).

Effects of the 2018 Tariffs on Washing Machines - Econlib
domestic manufacturers apparently increased them by 12%, and hid another 12% increase on a good of roughly the same price that is usually bought along with a new washer.

So what, creative, I love it.
Then why don't all the democrats shut up and be happy?

If dimocrap scum didn't rely so much on the DISGUSTING FILTH for their information, they'd find that a LOT of the things they believe in, Trump stands for.

But, they're slaves to the media. It's just that fucking simple.

If they'd do some basic research on their own, listen and read......

But then, they wouldn't be dimocrap scum, would they??

You said the following:

'Tariffs will go up but so will American employment opportunities...... Like you care....'

And I will ask you again...

Prove it with a link to unbiased, factual proof.

You are making a matter-of-fact statement...so where is your factual proof?

I guarantee that you cannot provide such proof.

Which means your statement means NOTHING....just the blathering's of a Trumpbot.

McBobblehead: tariffs create a hindrance to trade. Hindrance creates a vacuum. Vacuum creates a need. A Need creates a market. American entrepreneurs invest to fill that market.

END RESULT: Either the trading partner equalizes imbalance to eliminate need for tariffs or eventually tariffs shift the supply chain. If that happens, we either get fairer trade or we get more self-reliance and internal manufacturing to replace that vacuum or find a new better source for some goods. Meantime, we are no longer building Red China's economy. All outcomes are equally desirable.

But it doesn't happen overnight. It will take a few years.

A trade imbalance is not a bad thing depending on the circumstances. In this case, this is a good thing We have a trade imbalance because the US is a consumer driven society and we are a prosperous country. We want to buy goods at the best prices.

You want to subject American consumers to a war for years. No thanks.

No thanks? FU! Being consumer based makes you dependent. We are literally building, enriching and arming our enemy. China is not a nice place. It was a big deal when Nixon went there and even talked to them. We need to revamp our manufacturing as well, we are huge manufacturers and suppliers of some of the best stuff in the world. No thank you. I don't throw in the towel that easily, our suppliers, farmers and manufacturers deserve better. We have literally cut our own throats giving China the means to supply us with the goods we want, seduced by their low labor costs. No more.
Democrats want to Fcuk America up big time for being free society with a bill of rights.. they are pissed blacks are working on their own, they want hell!

So Democrats are angry because African Americans are working on their own?

That makes zero sense.

Is English even your first language? Seriously.
Yes you are.. I think we see the reaction to blacks leaving the slave plantations.. you attack them, kick them out of restaurants. Boston shut down a free speech rally with several colored speakers.this is just one reason you losers want to Fcuk America up..

What the hell are you blathering about?


And did you just call African Americans 'colored'?

Holy shit man...are you fucking RIDICULOUSLY racist or what?
Don't look now but your Anti-Americanism is showing.

Tariffs will go up but so will American employment opportunities...... Like you care....
Destroying wealth creates jobs. Economics 101, folks. :rolleyes:

You're too stupid to be in this thread....

The things we're importing from China now will go up in price. They won't be destroyed, just go up in price.

That will make American manufacturers competitive. Competitive American manufacturing means they will hire more Americans in order to produce more stuff.

Will pricing go up? Yes, it will. But that is ONLY because Americans get paid more than Chinese.

But, even if you were intelligent enough to understand that (you're not) you wouldn't care.

In the end, Americans will be better off.

China cheats like a bitch in everything they do.

Americans will go back to work, Companies that thought about leaving for China won't, more taxes will be paid through employers and employees alike and the only people that will get hurt is the Chinese.

This could absolutely cripple their economy. I mean, send them into an economic depression.

Us? The USA? Not even a speed bump.

Let the Chinese eat their rubber dog shit. See how it tastes.

Another ignorant Trumpbot who has no clue about macroeconomics.

Okay dufus - I'll try to make it so simple even you can understand it.

If you have two widgets sold in America and of equal quality. One is made in China and costs $10. One is made in America and costs $12. Now, thanks to Trump's tariffs...that Chinese made widget costs $15. So, naturally, people start buying the American widget...but not for $12.

You see, the American corporation knows they can jack the price up to $13.50 and still be undercutting the Chinese widget nicely. So that is what they will do. That is how business operates.


American consumers - many of whom are poor/on fixed incomes and depended on that cheap Chinese widget to make ends meet - now have to pay 35% more for the same product. So that means they have less money to spend on other things. That's called 'inflation'. And that could hurt the poor a TON.

And what about these jobs you think will result?

They will only be temporary. Since the extra sales are SOLELY based on the tariffs and since the tariffs could be removed at any time, there is NO WAY that a company is going to build a new factory for the added production. So they will just add another shift or something similar.

Finally, the tariffs will cost jobs as many American companies depend on cheap Chinese imports so that they can manufacture their products cheaper. With that source gone, they will have to use more expensive components. This will raise the price of their products (more inflation) and cause layoffs as they lose competitiveness.

Trump’s lumber tariffs to cause job losses, higher home prices
Trump's massive new tariffs could end up costing America 146,000 jobs
Here's How Many Jobs America Could Lose Because of the Trump Tariffs

So what is the result?

Some temporary, added US jobs. Much higher prices for consumers and US jobs losses.

I realize you Trumpbots either cannot or will not read anything negative against your messiah. But Trump's tariffs will not help the US economy ONE LITTLE BIT.

That is why the markets are tanking every time the trade deal rumors are bad.

School is out.

And since you obviously learned nothing (because Trumpbots NEVER seem to learn)...you get an 'F'.

We are done here (for now).

Have a nice day.
Democrats want to Fcuk America up big time for being free society with a bill of rights.. they are pissed blacks are working on their own, they want hell!

So Democrats are angry because African Americans are working on their own?

That makes zero sense.

Is English even your first language? Seriously.
Yes you are.. I think we see the reaction to blacks leaving the slave plantations.. you attack them, kick them out of restaurants. Boston shut down a free speech rally with several colored speakers.this is just one reason you losers want to Fcuk America up..

What the hell are you blathering about?


And did you just call African Americans 'colored'?

Holy shit man...are you fucking RIDICULOUSLY racist or what?
Yes urban slave plantations in every urban city in America run by democrats.. every race is racist.. but you owning slaves has gone to far.
Democrats want to Fcuk America up big time for being free society with a bill of rights.. they are pissed blacks are working on their own, they want hell!

So Democrats are angry because African Americans are working on their own?

That makes zero sense.

Is English even your first language? Seriously.
Yes you are.. I think we see the reaction to blacks leaving the slave plantations.. you attack them, kick them out of restaurants. Boston shut down a free speech rally with several colored speakers.this is just one reason you losers want to Fcuk America up..

What the hell are you blathering about?


And did you just call African Americans 'colored'?

Holy shit man...are you fucking RIDICULOUSLY racist or what?
Yes urban slave plantations in every urban city in America run by democrats.. every race is racist.. but you owning slaves has gone to far.

Trump and his tariffs are simply nuts.

NOTE: Jitss617 refers to African Americans as colored people.

So noted you racist, neo-Nazi maggot.

Have a nice day.
Democrats want to Fcuk America up big time for being free society with a bill of rights.. they are pissed blacks are working on their own, they want hell!

So Democrats are angry because African Americans are working on their own?

That makes zero sense.

Is English even your first language? Seriously.
Yes you are.. I think we see the reaction to blacks leaving the slave plantations.. you attack them, kick them out of restaurants. Boston shut down a free speech rally with several colored speakers.this is just one reason you losers want to Fcuk America up..

What the hell are you blathering about?


And did you just call African Americans 'colored'?

Holy shit man...are you fucking RIDICULOUSLY racist or what?
Yes urban slave plantations in every urban city in America run by democrats.. every race is racist.. but you owning slaves has gone to far.

Trump and his tariffs are simply nuts.

NOTE: Jitss617 refers to African Americans as colored people.

So noted you racist, neo-Nazi maggot.

Have a nice day.
Yes people of color were to speak at free speech rally in Boston and democrats shut them down.. using police.. that is the definition of racism
Anybody surprised?

I'm not. The left, in this Country and everywhere else, is totally Anti-American. It's just not even debatable.

For proof,not evidence -- PROOF, just read all the posts in here. They're not taking our side.

In this Trade Standoff, there is a binary choice..... You're either on our side or you're not. Period. End of sentence.

If, as the leftists will claim, they simply dislike Trump and his decisions then their choice is clear -- They like the USA when THEY have control of it. When somebody else (Republicans) have control -- Not so much.

Here's a bit of a primer on how China cheats the hell out of us.....

How does China cheat on trade? Let us count the ways

Here's another --

How China Cheats - AEI

And another --

Yes, China Does Cheat In Trade - The Rest Of The World Needs To Wake Up

Even the Anti-American Washington comPost agrees --


Maybe one more --

Wilbur Ross hates these sneaky trading tactics

Do a search. You'll find the same crap I'm talking about that happens in here.....

dimocraps don't just hate Trump, they hate the fact that dimocraps don't have control.

Like all Totalitarians, they hate what they can't control.

And if they can't control it, they'd rather destroy it.

That ESPECIALLY includes America. They hate their own Country.

I missed the part where the left is helping China.

But we do see the part where the Republicans are once again trying to destroy the economy just like they did under bush. It was Democrats who save the country.
Rs love cheap goods and labor as much as Ds.

We love employed Americans even more.

You people in here still don't get it, do you?

Trump is NOT a traditional Republican.

Most of them hate Trump. McCain, the entire Bush family, Mittens..... The ones that have been running on the platform: "At least I'm not a dimocrap"

Other than that -- They suck. I mean, suck ass. Bad. Not much different than dimocrap scum. Better, but not by much. Lucifer is a better choice than a dimocrap scumbag. In fact, Lucifer probably IS a dimocrap

I am amazed at how little dimocrap scum don't understand America and its people.

Maybe you should get out of the City more often. You just don't know what's going on. I don't mean that as a slight, you really don't
That’s exactly the point...
Trump is not an R, he is an American.

He is not a American. He is trying to con Americans.
The thing of it is that lefties could have gotten on the side of the President and China would have caved in immediately but that's not what the left wants. Democrats are like the "Bug" in the movie "Men in Black". They live for carnage and unrest and anger and anything that is good for America is bad under a republican administration..
So Democrats are angry because African Americans are working on their own?

That makes zero sense.

Is English even your first language? Seriously.
Yes you are.. I think we see the reaction to blacks leaving the slave plantations.. you attack them, kick them out of restaurants. Boston shut down a free speech rally with several colored speakers.this is just one reason you losers want to Fcuk America up..

What the hell are you blathering about?


And did you just call African Americans 'colored'?

Holy shit man...are you fucking RIDICULOUSLY racist or what?
Yes urban slave plantations in every urban city in America run by democrats.. every race is racist.. but you owning slaves has gone to far.

Trump and his tariffs are simply nuts.

NOTE: Jitss617 refers to African Americans as colored people.

So noted you racist, neo-Nazi maggot.

Have a nice day.
Yes people of color were to speak at free speech rally in Boston and democrats shut them down.. using police.. that is the definition of racism

America is DEFINITELY going to suffer more than China will, IMO. Trump is crazy.

By the way racist and anti-semite boy...did you ever call ICE?
Last edited:
Yes you are.. I think we see the reaction to blacks leaving the slave plantations.. you attack them, kick them out of restaurants. Boston shut down a free speech rally with several colored speakers.this is just one reason you losers want to Fcuk America up..

What the hell are you blathering about?


And did you just call African Americans 'colored'?

Holy shit man...are you fucking RIDICULOUSLY racist or what?
Yes urban slave plantations in every urban city in America run by democrats.. every race is racist.. but you owning slaves has gone to far.

Trump and his tariffs are simply nuts.

NOTE: Jitss617 refers to African Americans as colored people.

So noted you racist, neo-Nazi maggot.

Have a nice day.
Yes people of color were to speak at free speech rally in Boston and democrats shut them down.. using police.. that is the definition of racism

America is DEFINITELY going to suffer more than China will, IMO. Trump is crazy.

By the way racist and anti-semite Boston boy...did you ever call ICE?
Are you responding to my comment with blatther? lol
What the hell are you blathering about?


And did you just call African Americans 'colored'?

Holy shit man...are you fucking RIDICULOUSLY racist or what?
Yes urban slave plantations in every urban city in America run by democrats.. every race is racist.. but you owning slaves has gone to far.

Trump and his tariffs are simply nuts.

NOTE: Jitss617 refers to African Americans as colored people.

So noted you racist, neo-Nazi maggot.

Have a nice day.
Yes people of color were to speak at free speech rally in Boston and democrats shut them down.. using police.. that is the definition of racism

America is DEFINITELY going to suffer more than China will, IMO. Trump is crazy.

By the way racist and anti-semite Boston boy...did you ever call ICE?
Are you responding to my comment with blatther? lol

The funny thing is Trump does not even know what a tariff is:

Fox News Turns On Trump And Shatters His Lie That China Pays Tariffs
Last edited:
All politics out here is the obsession over some group control mechanism? Something is Broke on how Imposition ever occurs to anyone. Someone else's loud-mouthed discussion
-Western family inheritances
-Sexual deviance
-family relational issues
-police and facebook will Push Along all occurrences

Me: how to sort out getting back to work

(life failure)
Destroying wealth creates jobs. Economics 101, folks. :rolleyes:

You're too stupid to be in this thread....

The things we're importing from China now will go up in price. They won't be destroyed, just go up in price.

That will make American manufacturers competitive. Competitive American manufacturing means they will hire more Americans in order to produce more stuff.

Will pricing go up? Yes, it will. But that is ONLY because Americans get paid more than Chinese.

But, even if you were intelligent enough to understand that (you're not) you wouldn't care.

In the end, Americans will be better off.

China cheats like a bitch in everything they do.

Americans will go back to work, Companies that thought about leaving for China won't, more taxes will be paid through employers and employees alike and the only people that will get hurt is the Chinese.

This could absolutely cripple their economy. I mean, send them into an economic depression.

Us? The USA? Not even a speed bump.

Let the Chinese eat their rubber dog shit. See how it tastes.

You are the stupid one.

Tariffs on washing machines have cost consumers around $1.5 billion dollars. American producers raised prices on washers and since dryers are often sold at the same price, dryers went up as well.

This will not be brought to the US as some goods are too inexpensive to be made profitably in this country.

Kudlow disagrees with you. He admits this will hurt both countries. GDP will go down and the GDP only grew 3.2% in the last quarter due only to one time factors.
prove it!!!

Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council, told Fox News on Sunday that “both sides will suffer” if the escalating trade war continues, admitting that U.S. businesses and consumers will be hurt by the raised tariffs the administration approved on Friday.

Even Trump’s Own Advisers Say the Trade War Will Hurt the U.S.

'Instead of increasing washer prices by 25%, domestic manufacturers apparently increased them by 12%, and hid another 12% increase on a good of roughly the same price that is usually bought along with a new washer.

Flaanen, Hortaçsu, and Tuntelnot estimate that the cost for the American consumer was $1.5 billion (in the first year). This cost minus the $82 million collected by the Treasury in tariffs means that each new job created in domestic production (estimated to number 1,600) will cost $800,000 (during the first year).

Effects of the 2018 Tariffs on Washing Machines - Econlib
domestic manufacturers apparently increased them by 12%, and hid another 12% increase on a good of roughly the same price that is usually bought along with a new washer.

So what, creative, I love it.

Shit like you would.
You're too stupid to be in this thread....

The things we're importing from China now will go up in price. They won't be destroyed, just go up in price.

That will make American manufacturers competitive. Competitive American manufacturing means they will hire more Americans in order to produce more stuff.

Will pricing go up? Yes, it will. But that is ONLY because Americans get paid more than Chinese.

But, even if you were intelligent enough to understand that (you're not) you wouldn't care.

In the end, Americans will be better off.

China cheats like a bitch in everything they do.

Americans will go back to work, Companies that thought about leaving for China won't, more taxes will be paid through employers and employees alike and the only people that will get hurt is the Chinese.

This could absolutely cripple their economy. I mean, send them into an economic depression.

Us? The USA? Not even a speed bump.

Let the Chinese eat their rubber dog shit. See how it tastes.

You are the stupid one.

Tariffs on washing machines have cost consumers around $1.5 billion dollars. American producers raised prices on washers and since dryers are often sold at the same price, dryers went up as well.

This will not be brought to the US as some goods are too inexpensive to be made profitably in this country.

Kudlow disagrees with you. He admits this will hurt both countries. GDP will go down and the GDP only grew 3.2% in the last quarter due only to one time factors.
prove it!!!

Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council, told Fox News on Sunday that “both sides will suffer” if the escalating trade war continues, admitting that U.S. businesses and consumers will be hurt by the raised tariffs the administration approved on Friday.

Even Trump’s Own Advisers Say the Trade War Will Hurt the U.S.

'Instead of increasing washer prices by 25%, domestic manufacturers apparently increased them by 12%, and hid another 12% increase on a good of roughly the same price that is usually bought along with a new washer.

Flaanen, Hortaçsu, and Tuntelnot estimate that the cost for the American consumer was $1.5 billion (in the first year). This cost minus the $82 million collected by the Treasury in tariffs means that each new job created in domestic production (estimated to number 1,600) will cost $800,000 (during the first year).

Effects of the 2018 Tariffs on Washing Machines - Econlib
domestic manufacturers apparently increased them by 12%, and hid another 12% increase on a good of roughly the same price that is usually bought along with a new washer.

So what, creative, I love it.

Shit like you would.
Ignore that idiot
Then why don't all the democrats shut up and be happy?

If dimocrap scum didn't rely so much on the DISGUSTING FILTH for their information, they'd find that a LOT of the things they believe in, Trump stands for.

But, they're slaves to the media. It's just that fucking simple.

If they'd do some basic research on their own, listen and read......

But then, they wouldn't be dimocrap scum, would they??

You said the following:

'Tariffs will go up but so will American employment opportunities...... Like you care....'

And I will ask you again...

Prove it with a link to unbiased, factual proof.

You are making a matter-of-fact statement...so where is your factual proof?

I guarantee that you cannot provide such proof.

Which means your statement means NOTHING....just the blathering's of a Trumpbot.

McBobblehead: tariffs create a hindrance to trade. Hindrance creates a vacuum. Vacuum creates a need. A Need creates a market. American entrepreneurs invest to fill that market.

END RESULT: Either the trading partner equalizes imbalance to eliminate need for tariffs or eventually tariffs shift the supply chain. If that happens, we either get fairer trade or we get more self-reliance and internal manufacturing to replace that vacuum or find a new better source for some goods. Meantime, we are no longer building Red China's economy. All outcomes are equally desirable.

But it doesn't happen overnight. It will take a few years.

A trade imbalance is not a bad thing depending on the circumstances. In this case, this is a good thing We have a trade imbalance because the US is a consumer driven society and we are a prosperous country. We want to buy goods at the best prices.

You want to subject American consumers to a war for years. No thanks.

No thanks? FU! Being consumer based makes you dependent. We are literally building, enriching and arming our enemy. China is not a nice place. It was a big deal when Nixon went there and even talked to them. We need to revamp our manufacturing as well, we are huge manufacturers and suppliers of some of the best stuff in the world. No thank you. I don't throw in the towel that easily, our suppliers, farmers and manufacturers deserve better. We have literally cut our own throats giving China the means to supply us with the goods we want, seduced by their low labor costs. No more.

So you attack Americans. They are the ones who pay the freight with tariffs. Our farmers are being driven out of business. No more of your horseshit.

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