Leftwing - Rightwing and the Political Axis

So I say take your ass to where the grass is greener, asshole.

I did not say the grass was greener, do try and keep up.

Oh, motherfucker? Who is it the US lags behind, then? I suggest you take your ass there! :fu:


ahhh...the old love it or leave it routine...the very thing I was accused of and attacked for by your fellow sheep just a few days ago.

poor little child, so clueless about life.

I'm a grown man, and you'd be shooting bad to try me. I'm probably older than you, and I ain't no chump.

your body might be older than mine, but you have the intellect of a child

With 20 IQ points over your dumbass. You're a joke, fucker.

Newsflash, cupcake: We all see through your charade. ;)
I am not the only person in the world who can see the truth.

Not only are you not American, you are a colossal ass liar. No surprise the left wing attracts you so much. Chant, lie, chant, lie... not American.

I have provided support for the claims that I have made. All you people have provide are childish name calling and attacks.

Prove I am wrong about this topic or shut the hell up
I did not say the grass was greener, do try and keep up.

Oh, motherfucker? Who is it the US lags behind, then? I suggest you take your ass there! :fu:


ahhh...the old love it or leave it routine...the very thing I was accused of and attacked for by your fellow sheep just a few days ago.

poor little child, so clueless about life.

I'm a grown man, and you'd be shooting bad to try me. I'm probably older than you, and I ain't no chump.

your body might be older than mine, but you have the intellect of a child

With 20 IQ points over your dumbass. You're a joke, fucker.

Newsflash, cupcake: We all see through your charade. ;)

Dude, you do not have an IQ 20 points higher than a head of cabbage. You are just like the rest of the sheep, you talk a lot of trash, you call a lot of names but never once back up a single claim that you make.
I am not the only person in the world who can see the truth.

Not only are you not American, you are a colossal ass liar. No surprise the left wing attracts you so much. Chant, lie, chant, lie... not American.

I have provided support for the claims that I have made. All you people have provide are childish name calling and attacks.

Prove I am wrong about this topic or shut the hell up

That's a lie.
Oh, motherfucker? Who is it the US lags behind, then? I suggest you take your ass there! :fu:


ahhh...the old love it or leave it routine...the very thing I was accused of and attacked for by your fellow sheep just a few days ago.

poor little child, so clueless about life.

I'm a grown man, and you'd be shooting bad to try me. I'm probably older than you, and I ain't no chump.

your body might be older than mine, but you have the intellect of a child

With 20 IQ points over your dumbass. You're a joke, fucker.

Newsflash, cupcake: We all see through your charade. ;)

Dude, you do not have an IQ 20 points higher than a head of cabbage. You are just like the rest of the sheep, you talk a lot of trash, you call a lot of names but never once back up a single claim that you make.

^He don't know me vewy well, do he?


I always back my shit up, faggot. Homey ain't playin' that. Next!

I'm all about proof, and you have none, therefore you are dismissed!
See, but here is where that is misleading.

From the Forbes article:

"Now, we can compare not only how the U.S. fares on mobility, but how developing countries in Asia and Africa are doing relative to the U.S.. The results are striking."

Of course they are. Have they factored in the increase in available technology and resources?

If my parents lived in a hut with no electricity or plumbing, and improvements in international trade have improved home building in my shit hole country, I could move into a shack with those plumbing and electricity, and PRESTO... I have greatly surpassed my parents in standard of living.

There is not much room to improve in the U.S. apart from standards generally improving for the entire population as technology and methods improve.

Here is more:

"Rather than using the more traditional metric of income, this study uses educational attainment as the basis for defining upward mobility. Absolute upward mobility refers to the ability of children to “out-learn” (my term) their parents. For example, if the parents only completed secondary school, but the children completed tertiary schooling, that would reflect absolute upward mobility. Relative mobility refers to the ability of children to do better than their peers compared to how the parents did relative to their own peers. In other words, if the parents were in the bottom quartile of educational attainment within their cohort, but the children were in the middle or upper quartile, that would reflect relative upward mobility."


If neither of my parents had any formal education (because we are bush people) and I learn to read....PRESTO...

This is a ridiculous metric that is way more about shit holes becoming non-shit holes than it is the U.S. getting worse.


You have a point developing countries in Asia and Africa. but we also fare poorly compared to other just as developed countries as this one.
That is not true at all. The EU is highly regimented. Class is everything in Europe.

Particularly in the UK. They'll never get rid of it.

It's the same in Germany and italy as well. France lost most of their upper class, so they are the least class oriented, and yet it still exists.

In France, I was reading about it, there's an elite school for boys, have forgotten the name, where most of the French politicians have attended. If you haven't been there, you don't stand a chance. Leads on to the old boys network; a case of "who you know".

As for Germany, it's more egalitarian than Britain. And the Germans are not fans of social mobility.

I'm a member of some hunting clubs in Germany. The only Germans who are members are the elite. All Junkers, all of the time.

I think the school you are talking about is this one. There are other grand Ecoles, but this is the one based in paris that all of the ruling class attends.

École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay
I am not the only person in the world who can see the truth.

Not only are you not American, you are a colossal ass liar. No surprise the left wing attracts you so much. Chant, lie, chant, lie... not American.

I have provided support for the claims that I have made. All you people have provide are childish name calling and attacks.

Prove I am wrong about this topic or shut the hell up

That's a lie.

Nope, it is verifiable . Go back a few pages and you will find the links
Does anyone find it odd that so many people claim to be fiscally conservative yet we have not elected a fiscally Conservative president since Calvin Coolidge and we have 22 trillion dollars in national debt?

You neglect to mention that the respective political party's never give we the people that option.

That is one thing the 2016 election exposed for all to see.

We don't get to choose the candidates. The political elite trot out their two chosen ones and we get to choose the lesser of the two evils.

We are still choosing evil.

You know, there are more than two choices, if only people would take them

But there really aren't. The 2016 elections showed us just how much the political class controls our choices.

That is because we the people allow it to happen. There is nothing stopping half the nation from voting 3rd party except we have been brainwashed into believing it is a wasted for or a vote for the other side.

Yes, we allowed it to happen. Now it is entrenched, and the reason you are seeing the dems and the never trump repubs going batshit crazy is because trump is weakening their hold the reigns of government.
^He don't know me vewy well, do he?

I always back my shit up, faggot. Homey ain't playin' that. Next!

I'm all about proof, and you have none, therefore you are dismissed!

I have never seen you back up a damn thing.

But, here is your chance...prove I am wrong on this topic?
Does anyone find it odd that so many people claim to be fiscally conservative yet we have not elected a fiscally Conservative president since Calvin Coolidge and we have 22 trillion dollars in national debt?

You neglect to mention that the respective political party's never give we the people that option.

That is one thing the 2016 election exposed for all to see.

We don't get to choose the candidates. The political elite trot out their two chosen ones and we get to choose the lesser of the two evils.

We are still choosing evil.

You know, there are more than two choices, if only people would take them

But there really aren't. The 2016 elections showed us just how much the political class controls our choices.

That is because we the people allow it to happen. There is nothing stopping half the nation from voting 3rd party except we have been brainwashed into believing it is a wasted for or a vote for the other side.

Yes, we allowed it to happen. Now it is entrenched, and the reason you are seeing the dems and the never trump repubs going batshit crazy is because trump is weakening their hold the reigns of government.

I do not think Trump is what you think he is

look above, I have given multiple
See, but here is where that is misleading.

From the Forbes article:

"Now, we can compare not only how the U.S. fares on mobility, but how developing countries in Asia and Africa are doing relative to the U.S.. The results are striking."

Of course they are. Have they factored in the increase in available technology and resources?

If my parents lived in a hut with no electricity or plumbing, and improvements in international trade have improved home building in my shit hole country, I could move into a shack with those plumbing and electricity, and PRESTO... I have greatly surpassed my parents in standard of living.

There is not much room to improve in the U.S. apart from standards generally improving for the entire population as technology and methods improve.

Here is more:

"Rather than using the more traditional metric of income, this study uses educational attainment as the basis for defining upward mobility. Absolute upward mobility refers to the ability of children to “out-learn” (my term) their parents. For example, if the parents only completed secondary school, but the children completed tertiary schooling, that would reflect absolute upward mobility. Relative mobility refers to the ability of children to do better than their peers compared to how the parents did relative to their own peers. In other words, if the parents were in the bottom quartile of educational attainment within their cohort, but the children were in the middle or upper quartile, that would reflect relative upward mobility."


If neither of my parents had any formal education (because we are bush people) and I learn to read....PRESTO...

This is a ridiculous metric that is way more about shit holes becoming non-shit holes than it is the U.S. getting worse.


You have a point developing countries in Asia and Africa. but we also fare poorly compared to other just as developed countries as this one.

That is not true at all. The EU is highly regimented. Class is everything in Europe.

I have provided links to facts and data. Do you have anything other than "because I said so"?

Yes, your "data" is based on faulty assumptions. As was already made plain, the African countries are starting from zero so ANYTHING upwardly mobile is going to be superior in speed to ours. The fact is the poorest people in this country, are within the wealthiest 1% of the WORLDS population. That is a fact. The only limitations on upward mobility are those that the individual imposes on themselves.

If you are willing to work, there are no laws, or rules that limit you. There ARE in other countries. And, if the progressive left get their way, those laws will be enacted here. The media giants already control a large amount of what can be published and broadcast, they are a part of the ruling elite and they don't want anybody else taking away their market share.

That's why they are trying like bloody hell to control the content allowed on the internet. Facebook, and twitter were able to use the free market philosophy's of this country to get where they are, and now obtain the monopolies that they enjoy, and now they are trying to get legislation passed that freezes out any new comers.
You neglect to mention that the respective political party's never give we the people that option.

That is one thing the 2016 election exposed for all to see.

We don't get to choose the candidates. The political elite trot out their two chosen ones and we get to choose the lesser of the two evils.

We are still choosing evil.

You know, there are more than two choices, if only people would take them

But there really aren't. The 2016 elections showed us just how much the political class controls our choices.

That is because we the people allow it to happen. There is nothing stopping half the nation from voting 3rd party except we have been brainwashed into believing it is a wasted for or a vote for the other side.

Yes, we allowed it to happen. Now it is entrenched, and the reason you are seeing the dems and the never trump repubs going batshit crazy is because trump is weakening their hold the reigns of government.

I do not think Trump is what you think he is

I know exactly what he is. A narcissistic, juvenile asshole. However, the actions he has been taking are going further towards preserving the country that I grew up in for my daughter so that she will be free to pursue her dreams as she wishes. If the progressives are allowed to proceed as they have been, she wouldn't.
Yes, your "data" is based on faulty assumptions. As was already made plain, the African countries are starting from zero so ANYTHING upwardly mobile is going to be superior in speed to ours. The fact is the poorest people in this country, are within the wealthiest 1% of the WORLDS population. That is a fact. The only limitations on upward mobility are those that the individual imposes on themselves.

If you are willing to work, there are no laws, or rules that limit you. There ARE in other countries. And, if the progressive left get their way, those laws will be enacted here. The media giants already control a large amount of what can be published and broadcast, they are a part of the ruling elite and they don't want anybody else taking away their market share.

That's why they are trying like bloody hell to control the content allowed on the internet. Facebook, and twitter were able to use the free market philosophy's of this country to get where they are, and now obtain the monopolies that they enjoy, and now they are trying to get legislation passed that freezes out any new comers.

The African counties were never part of my statements, they were just a small part of one link. It does not account for the difference between the US and other just as affluent countries.

Again, all you people have is empty words and slogans. Provide some facts, some figures, some stats. Anything besides "because I said so".
Yes, your "data" is based on faulty assumptions. As was already made plain, the African countries are starting from zero so ANYTHING upwardly mobile is going to be superior in speed to ours. The fact is the poorest people in this country, are within the wealthiest 1% of the WORLDS population. That is a fact. The only limitations on upward mobility are those that the individual imposes on themselves.

If you are willing to work, there are no laws, or rules that limit you. There ARE in other countries. And, if the progressive left get their way, those laws will be enacted here. The media giants already control a large amount of what can be published and broadcast, they are a part of the ruling elite and they don't want anybody else taking away their market share.

That's why they are trying like bloody hell to control the content allowed on the internet. Facebook, and twitter were able to use the free market philosophy's of this country to get where they are, and now obtain the monopolies that they enjoy, and now they are trying to get legislation passed that freezes out any new comers.

The African counties were never part of my statement, they were just a small part of one link. It does not account for the difference between the US and other just as affluent countries.

Again, all you people have is empty words and slogans. Provide some facts, some figures, some stats. Anything besides "because I said so".

Your links use faulty assumptions and ignore the real world evidence that exists. i can take pretty much any asinine theory and find evidence to support that view. Doesn't make it accurate.
Your links use faulty assumptions and ignore the real world evidence that exists. i can take pretty much any asinine theory and find evidence to support that view. Doesn't make it accurate.

Well, provide some real world evidence then. Let's see it. I am open to admitting I am wrong if someone can provide something to show that I am.
Yes, your "data" is based on faulty assumptions. As was already made plain, the African countries are starting from zero so ANYTHING upwardly mobile is going to be superior in speed to ours. The fact is the poorest people in this country, are within the wealthiest 1% of the WORLDS population. That is a fact. The only limitations on upward mobility are those that the individual imposes on themselves.

If you are willing to work, there are no laws, or rules that limit you. There ARE in other countries. And, if the progressive left get their way, those laws will be enacted here. The media giants already control a large amount of what can be published and broadcast, they are a part of the ruling elite and they don't want anybody else taking away their market share.

That's why they are trying like bloody hell to control the content allowed on the internet. Facebook, and twitter were able to use the free market philosophy's of this country to get where they are, and now obtain the monopolies that they enjoy, and now they are trying to get legislation passed that freezes out any new comers.

So, what you're saying is......

If I get a pay raise from $25k a year to $40k a year (60% raise) and you get a pay raise from $150k a year to $160k a year (6.6% raise) that you're still actually better off than I am??

Say it isn't so


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